Home | Data Structures | Coefficients | IP Array | RP Array | SP Array | IFLAG | TRIGEN | PLTMG | Graphics |
IFUN | displayed function |
0 | the solution uh |
1 | the scalar function | ∇uh | |
2 | the vector function ∇uh |
3 | the alternate function QXY |
4 | the alternate vector function QXY |
5 | the error estimate || ϵt ||H1(t) |
6 | the tangent function · u |
7 | the right singular vector ψr |
8 | the left singular vector ψl |
9 | the Lagrange multiplier um |
10 | the control variable λh |
11 | the dual function ω |
12 | the scaling factor αt |
INPLSW | triangulation | skeleton |
0 | user label | user label |
1 | load balance | subregion |
2 | element quality | |
3 | largest angle | |
4 | smallest angle | |
5 | mesh grading | |
6 | polynomial degree | |
7 | element diameter |
IGRSW | displayed graph |
0 | Newton iteration convergence history |
1 | CSCG/CSBCG iteration convergence history |
-1 | matrix statistics |
2 | individual subroutine timing statistics |
-2 | time pie chart |
3 | the continuation path |
-3 | load balance |
4 | error estimates for H1 norm |
-4 | error estimates for L2 norm |
5 | the IP array |
-5 | the SP array |
6 | the RP array |
ISCALE | scale |
0 | linear |
1 | logarithmic |
2 | sinh−1 |
LINES | line drawing option |
0 | all triangle edges |
1 | boundary/interface edges |
2 | load balance boundary edges |
3 | contours |
-1 | underlying graphics triangulation |
NUMBRS | labeling option |
0 | no labels |
1 | triangles/subregions |
2 | vertices |
3 | edges |
4 | curved edges |
5 | edge type |
6 | edge labels |
7 | processor |
8 | vertex type |
9 | degrees of freedom |
10 | element degree |
ICONT | smoothing option |
0 | no smoothing |
1 | smooth piecewise constant function |
MPIRGN | image option |
0 | all processors contribute |
I > 0 | draw image from processor I |
ICRSN | coarsening option |
0 | no coarsening |
1 | coarsen global subspace |