# To unbundle, sh this file echo siam.tex 1>&2 sed 's/.//' >siam.tex <<'//GO.SYSIN DD siam.tex' -\documentstyle{siam} -\title{Using the SIAM \LaTeX\ Style% - \thanks{This document was written September 24, 1986.}} -\author{Howard Trickey% - \thanks{AT\&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., - Murray Hill, NJ 07974. - {\tt research!trickey} or {\tt trickey@research.att.com}}} -\begin{document} -\maketitle -\begin{abstract} -This note explains how to use a \LaTeX\ style that produces a good -approximation to the style used in SIAM journals. -The note is itself an example of the {\tt siam} style in action. -\end{abstract} -\begin{keywords} -Document preparation, \LaTeX, SIAM -\end{keywords} - -\section{Introduction} -The {\em Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)\/} -publishes a number of journals, as shown in Table~\ref{pub-table}. -Authors who have prepared their articles using \LaTeX\ \cite{latexbook} -can get them formatted in a style identical to a typical paper -in one of those journals. -Input that is suitable for the \LaTeX\ {\tt article} style needs -only a couple of modifications besides changing the document style -to {\tt siam}. - -\begin{table}\label{pub-table} -\caption{SIAM Publications} -\begin{center} -\begin{tabular}{l} -\hline -SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods\\ -SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics\\ -SIAM Journal on Computing\\ -SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization\\ -SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis\\ -SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis\\ -SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing\\ -\hline -\end{tabular} -\end{center} -\end{table} - -This paper itself gives an example of the {\tt siam} style. -Figure~\ref{outline-fig} is an outline of the input used. - -\begin{figure} -\begin{center} -\begin{verbatim} -\documentstyle{siam} -\title{Using the SIAM \LaTeX\ Style% - \thanks{This document was written September 24, 1986.}} -\author{Howard Trickey% - \thanks{AT\&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., - Murray Hill, NJ 07974. - {\tt research!trickey} or {\tt trickey@btl.csnet}}} -\begin{document} -\maketitle -\begin{abstract} -This note explains ... -\end{abstract} -\begin{keywords} -Document preparation, \LaTeX, SIAM -\end{keywords} - -\section{Introduction} -... -\section*{Acknowledgment} -\bibliography{siam} -\bibliographystyle{siam} -\end{document} -\end{verbatim} -\end{center} -\caption{Input used to produce this paper}\label{outline-fig} -\end{figure} - -\section{Title Material} -Use the \LaTeX\ \verb|\title| and \verb|\author| declarations and the -\verb|\maketitle| command as usual. -SIAM journals don't put author affiliations below or beside -the author(s); instead, use \verb|\thanks| to list addresses. -In fact, it is an error to use \verb|\\| in the \verb|\author| -command, because it interferes with some fairly fancy -footwork that the style uses to change the author and title -to all uppercase. -If there are several authors with the same affiliation, -the best I can suggest is to \verb|\thanks| only one, see -what footnote mark comes out, and manually place it after -the others (sorry). - -The \verb|\maketitle| can be followed by an abstract and/or a keywords -section, as shown in the introduction. - -\section{Figures and Tables} -SIAM tables have their captions above the table contents, -while figures have captions below the contents. -Place the \verb|\caption| command accordingly. -Figure~\ref{outline-fig} and Table~\ref{pub-table} -were examples. - -\section{Mathematics} -Equations are entered as usual. -SIAM journals put equation numbers on the left. -It appears to be up to the author whether equations are numbered -within a section (e.g., (4.2)) or within the paper (e.g., (2)). -The {\tt siam} style uses the latter, as this example from -the {\em SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis\/} -\cite{bube} shows: -\begin{equation} -r_k=\int_{-\Delta}^{\Delta} r(2k\Delta+\tau)\,d\tau\qquad (0\le k \le n) -\end{equation} - -There are four ``theorem-like'' environments predefined: -theorem, lemma, corollary, and proposition. -Again, SIAM does not appear to prescribe the exact numbering scheme -to be used. -The {\tt siam} style numbers them all in the same index space, and -not within each section. -There is also a \verb|\proof| environment. -For example, here is Theorem~1 of the example paper \cite{bube}: -\begin{theorem} -Suppose the ramp reflectance is sampled. Then -\begin{equation}\label{theq} -\|R_j\|_2 \le c_0 \equiv \|R_X\| < 1 -\end{equation} -whenever $(j+1)\Delta\le X$; -thus the discrete inverse problem can be solved, -yielding a positive discrete impedance profile. -\end{theorem} -\begin{proof} -Fix $\Delta$, and fix $j$ and $x$ with $0&2 sed 's/.//' >siam.bib <<'//GO.SYSIN DD siam.bib' -@BOOK{latexbook, - AUTHOR = "Leslie Lamport", - TITLE = "LaTeX: A Document Preparation System", - PUBLISHER = "Addison-Wesley", - YEAR = 1986 -} - -@ARTICLE{bube, - AUTHOR = "Kenneth P. Bube", - TITLE = "Numerical Methods for Reflection Inverse Problems: Convergence and - Nonimpulsive Sources", - JOURNAL = "SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis", - VOLUME = 23, - NUMBER = 2, - YEAR = 1986, - PAGES = "227--258" -} //GO.SYSIN DD siam.bib