chapter xvi, example 2, taut spline interpolation to the c titanium heat data of example xiii.3. c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls titand,tautsp,ppvalu(interv) integer i,iflag,ipick(12),ipicki,k,l,lx,n,npoint real break(122),coef(4,22),gamma,gtau(49),gtitan(49),plotf(201) * ,plott(201),plotts(201),scrtch(119),step,tau(12),x(49) data n,ipick /12,1,5,11,21,27,29,31,33,35,40,45,49/ data k,npoint /4,201/ call titand ( x, gtitan, lx ) do 10 i=1,n ipicki = ipick(i) tau(i) = x(ipicki) 10 gtau(i) = gtitan(ipicki) call tautsp(tau,gtau,n,0.,scrtch,break,coef,l,k,iflag) if (iflag .gt. 1) stop step = (tau(n) - tau(1))/float(npoint-1) do 20 i=1,npoint plott(i) = tau(1) + step*float(i-1) 20 plotf(i) = ppvalu(break,coef,l,k,plott(i),0) 1 print 601 601 format(18h gamma = ? (f10.3)) read 500,gamma 500 format(f10.3) if (gamma .lt. 0.) stop call tautsp(tau,gtau,n,gamma,scrtch,break,coef,l,k,iflag) if (iflag .gt. 1) stop do 30 i=1,npoint 30 plotts(i) = ppvalu(break,coef,l,k,plott(i),0) print 602,gamma,(plott(i),plotf(i),plotts(i),i=1,npoint) 602 format(/42h cubic spline vs. taut spline with gamma =,f6.3// * (f15.7,2e20.8)) go to 1 end