From: NA Digest <na.digest@na-net.ornl.gov>
Date: Sun Oct 2 11:12:16 EDT 1994
Subject: NA Digest Calendar
NA Digest Calendar
Date Topic Place NA Digest #
Oct. 2- 6 Applications of Operator Theory Winnipeg, Manitoba 17
Oct. 3- 4 ICASE/LaRC Industrial Roundtable Williamsburg, VA 33
Oct. 6- 7 Combustion, Environment, and Heating Columbus, Ohio 21
Oct. 6- 7 Large Systems of Equations Wuppertal, Germany 23
Oct. 9-11 European PVM Users Rome, Italy 37
Oct. 12-14 Scalable Parallel Libraries Mississippi State, MS 24
Oct. 13-14 60th birthday of Jean Descloux Lausanne, Switzerland 19
Oct. 17-20 Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Stuttgart, Germany 30
Oct. 18-21 High Performance Fortran Manno, Switzerland 34
Oct. 20-22 Systems, Control, Information Wuhan, China 8
Oct. 21-22 Wavelets and Image Processing Argonne, IL 34
Oct. 21-22 Differential Equations Knowville, TN 33
Oct. 22 Pacific Northwest N.A. Seminar Pullman, WA 40
Oct. 24-25 Finite Element Mesh Generation Albuquerque, NM 35
Oct. 24-26 Computational Aeroacoustics Hampton, VA 36
Oct. 24-26 Computational Molecular Dynamics Minneapolis, MN 19
Oct. 26-28 Singularities in PDEs Bristol, UK 26
Nov. 7- 9 Adaptive Grid Methods Hampton, VA 26
Nov. 12 Matrix Theory Salt Lake City, UT 21
Nov. 18 Parallell Computing Applications Utrecht, Nethelands 24
Nov. 14-18 SuperComputing '94 Washington, DC 6
Nov. 30... Computational Methods in Engineering Belo Horizonte, Brazil 11
Dec. 10-20 Knots&Nodes@Huia Huia, New Zealand 33
Dec. 15-16 Benchmarking of Parallel Systems Coventry, England 38
Dec. 16-19 Methods and Applications of Analysis Hong Kong 25
Jan 3- 6 Computational Computer Design Maui, Hawaii 17
Jan. 9-10 Conference Honoring Ake Bjorck Linkoping, Sweden 37
Jan. 15-18 Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation Las Vegas, NV 4
Jan. 16-18 Markov Chains Raleigh, NC 7
Jan. 20-22 Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems Kiel, Germany 34
Jan. 23-27 Optimal Design and Control Newport News, VA 31
Feb. 6- 9 Massively Parallel Computation McLean, VA 26
Feb. 8-10 Computational Issues in the Geosciences San Antonio, TX 27
Feb. 15-17 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing San Francisco, CA
Feb. 19-25 Applications of Interval Computations El Paso, TX 16
Mar. 2- 8 Scattered Data Fitting Cancun, Mexico 39
Mar. 17-18 Krylov Subspace Methods Raleigh, NC 29
Mar. 20-21 Nonconvex Energy Functions Rutgers, NJ 20
Mar. 20-22 Steltjes Conference Toulouse, France 39
Mar. 28... Sci. Computation & Diff. Eqns. Stanford, CA 27
Apr. 2- 7 Multigrid Methods Copper Mountain, CO 30
Apr. 3- 6 Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics Oxford, UK 25
Apr. 24-28 3rd INRIA-SIAM Wave Propagation Conf. Juan-les-Pins, France 19
Apr. 26-30 Numerical Analysis & Applied Math. Constanza,Romania 26
Apr. 27-29 Control and Its Applications St. Louis, MO 36
May 15-19 Graphics Interface '95 Quebec City, Canada 36
May 21-24 Object-Oriented Numerics Conference Jackson Lake, WY 32
May 22-26 Spectral And High Order Methods Houston, TX 36
June 5- 9 Control and Information Shatin NT, Hong Kong 33
June 6-10 Inertial Manifolds Xi'an, China 21
June 18-21 Iterative Methods in Linear Albebra Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 30
June 20-24 Honoring G. I. Marchuk Novosibirsk, Russia 28
June 27-30 Numerical Analysis Dundee, Scotland 37
July 3- 7 ICIAM, Int'l Cong. Indust. Appl. Math. Hamburg, Germany 23
July 10-12 Linear Algebra and Its Applications Manchester, England 39
July 16... Mathematics of Numerical Analysis Park City, UT 5
June 17-20 Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 39
July 17-21 Distributed Parameter Systems Warsaw, Poland 25
July 17-21 Modelling and Optimization Warsaw, Poland 32
July 31... Rocky Mountain Numerical Analysis Salt Lake City, UT 32
Aug. 27-31 Circuit Theory and Design Istanbul, Turkey 25
Sep. 17-21 Acoustics of Submerged Structures Boston, MA 22
Sep. 26-29 Validated Numerics Wuppertal, Germany 37
Nov. 19-22 Pure and Applied Mathematics Isa Town, Bahrain 38
June 10-12 High Performance Computing and Networks Delft, Netherlands 40
From: Winfried Auzinger <winfried@uranus.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 94 8:55:20 MET
Subject: Inverses of Distribution Functions
A colleague raised the following question:
For a statistics toolbox I am currently implementing, I would need
"direct" algorithms for computing the inverses of the normal, gamma
and beta distributions functions (or equivalently, for the INVERSES of
the error function
erf(x) = \int_0^x exp(-t^2) dt,
the incomplete gamma function
gammai(a, x) = \int_0^x (exp(-t) * t^(a-1) / gamma(a)) dt,
and the incomplete beta function
betai(a, b, x) = \int_0^x (t^(a-1) (1-t)^(b-1) / beta(a,b)) dt.
By "direct" I mean anything which avoids solving an equation f(x) = y
(series expansions, continued fractions, ...)
Could anyone point out helpful references?
Winfried Auzinger
Institut fuer Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik
Technische Universitaet Wien
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/1152 phone: 0043 1 58801 5413
A-1040 Vienna e-mail: winfried@uranus.tuwien.ac.at
Austria na.auzinger@na-net.ornl.gov
From: Charles Crawford <72163.3476@compuserve.com>
Date: 25 Sep 94 20:54:20 EDT
Subject: Request for Peters/Wilkinson Eigenvalue Code
I would like a copy of the Fortran source for the program described in
"Eigenvalues of Ax=Lbx with band symmetric A and B" by Peters and
Wilkinson, Comp. Jour. 14(1969) pp.398-404. I once had a copy on cards
but it did not survived several moves. I have had requests for routines
to solve this problem, and I think it belongs in the TOMS collection
using the LAPACK array storage format(s). Although it was designed for
positive definite B, I believe it will work for more general cases with
simple modifications.
C. R. Crawford
From: Alan Karp <karp@hplahk2.hpl.hp.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:15:28 -0700
Subject: Parallel Tools Consortium
Are You Demonstrating a Parallel Tool at Supercomputing 94?
The Parallel Tools Consortium (Ptools) will provide an on-line
referral service of parallel tools being shown at Supercomputing 94 in
Washington, DC, November 14-18, 1994. Visitors to the Ptools booth
(#R6) will be able to search a database to find demonstrations of
If you are interested in having your parallel tool included in the
data base, please send your information to Ptools. Submissions on the
Ptools form received before November 1 will be included in the
repository. Instructions can be found at URL
or by sending mail to
The Parallel Tools Consortium is a collaboration of researchers,
developers, and users working to make parallel tools responsive to
user needs. General information on Ptools can be found on the Ptools
home page at URL http://www.llnl.gov/ptools. You may join the Ptools
mailing list by sending a note to ptools-request@llnl.gov.
From: Karel in 't Hout <hout@cwi.nl>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 11:01:30 +0100
Subject: New Address for Karel in 't Hout
Dear Collegues,
From October 1 I will be with the University of
Leiden. My new address is:
K. in 't Hout
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Leiden
P.O. Box 9512
2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands
e-mail: hout@wi.leidenuniv.nl
From: Anne Grenbaum <greenbau@cs.cornell.edu>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 94 12:28:39 -0400
Subject: Temporary Change of Address for Anne Greenbaum
Change of Address for Anne Greenbaum
My address from now through the end of May, 1995 is:
Anne Greenbaum
Computer Science Dept., Upson Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-7501
From: Gene Golub <golub@sccm.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 13:19:34 PDT
Subject: New Books from Dover
The classical book, "Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes" by J. H.
Wilkinson is now available from Dover for $6.95.
And the wonderful book, "Analysis of Numerical Methods" by E. Issacson
and H. Keller can be obtained for $13.95
The books can be obtained from the Stanford bookstore or
Dover Publications, 31 East 2nd Street, Mineola, NY 11501-3582.
Thank you Dover; you are doing a great job for our community.
Gene Golub
From: Gene Golub <golub@sccm.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 15:59:50 PDT
Subject: Info from SCCM at Stanford
Dear NA-netters,
You can now obtain information about the Scientific
Computing/Computational Mathematics Program (SCCM) at Stanford
University via WWW. Try
for information about the program.
Many of our recent reports are also available.
The publications are also available via anonymous ftp to
simplicity.Stanford.EDU. The publications are located in
Happy Reading and Viewing!
From: Uri Ascher <ascher@cs.ubc.ca>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 16:55:26 UTC-0700
Subject: Web and FTP at the University of British Columbia
The Institute of Applied Mathematics (IAM) at UBC, Vancouver,
Canada, now has a home page on the World Wide Web. The URL is
While still under development, the home page does already contain
lots of exciting details such as data on IAM faculty and
students and their interests (including some pictures),
the IAM Graduate Student Handbook, some demos (including an
animation of stable and unstable numerical methods) and
technical reports.
The technical reports are also available by anonymous ftp.
To get there type
ftp ftp.iam.ubc.ca
Then login as
give your e-mail address as a password, then
cd techreports
You can get the file README and read it. Or/and
cd 1994
and get the desired technical report (in a compressed or
uncompressed postscript format).
Uri Ascher
IAM director
From: Mike Bartholomew-Biggs <M.Bartholomew-Biggs@herts.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 11:58:58 +0100 (BST)
Subject: FTP site at the University of Hertfordshire
FTP site at the Numerical Optimisation Centre
An anonymous ftp site has now been set up at the University of
Hertfordshire Numerical Optimisation Centre. Initially it will be used
as a point of access for recent and future NOC Technical Reports.
The site address is ftp.noc.herts.ac.uk and restricted access is available
with either 'ftp' or 'anonymous' login and e-mail address as password.
A welcome message README.FIRST resides in directory pub/papers.
Reports are listed in an ASCII file Trlist (Trlist.ps in Postscript form)
The reports themselves are held in Postscript form.
Users who experience difficulties or have any comments should contact
Mike Bartholomew-Biggs (matqmb@herts.ac.uk) or Steve Brown (matrsb@herts.ac.uk)
Mike Bartholomew-Biggs
Numerical Optimisation Centre
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield AL10 9AB
From: Edwin Vollebregt <edwin@pa.twi.tudelft.nl>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 09:53:55 +0100 (MET)
Subject: EUROSIM Conference on Tele-comp and Telecom.
International EUROSIM Conference
HPCN challenges in telecomp and telecom:
parallel simulation of complex systems and large-scale applications
10-12 June 1996, Delft, The Netherlands
The Dutch Benelux Simulation Society has decided to organize on behalf of
the Federation of European Simulation Societies the above mentioned
This International Conference will be a state-of-the-art on high
performance computing and networks with emphasis on practical applications
and implementation of local or networked multi CPU systems.
Topics of the conference will be focussed on:
1. Applications
* complex systems
* large-scale applications in industry, business, ecology and energy systems
* reliability of HPCN in complex systems
* fluid dynamics
* high-speed semiconductor and interconnection devices
2. Tools
* computer architecture
* programming tools
* data base processing
* performance evaluation
3. Modelling
* parallel algorithms
* parallel software
* load balancing
Those who are interested to receive the Call for Papers/1st announcement -
to be mailed in November of this year - are kindly requested to contact:
Congress Office ASD
P.O. 40
2600 AA Delft, The Netherlands
Tel. 31.15.120234
Fax 31.15.120250
You can also send an e-mail to:
Quoting EUROSIM 96
From: Alan Genz <acg@eecs.wsu.edu>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 15:23:20 -0700
Subject: Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
October 22, 1994
Department of Mathematics
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington 99164-3113
Alan Genz, acg@eecs.wsu.edu
Kevin Cooper, kcooper@beta.math.wsu.edu
V.S. Manoranjan, mano@beta.math.wsu.edu
The annual PNWNAS will be held this year on Saturday, October 22, at
Washington State University. The purpose of this conference is to bring
together research workers in Numerical Analysis from companies and
universities in the Pacific Northwest, to meet and discuss recent work.
The format this year will consist of some invited talks, several
contributed talks and a poster session. There will not be a registration
fee, but a conference buffet dinner will be organized, and there will be
a charge of $15 per person.
Thomas Manteuffel (CU) - FOSLS: A New Methodology for Systems of PDES
Larry Nazareth (WSU) - A View of Interior Methods for Linear Programming
Peter Schmid (UW) - Non-Normal Evolution Processes
Clayton Crowe (WSU) - Discrete Vortex Methods for Particle Dispersion in
Large Scale Turbulent Structures
Roger Grimes (Boeing) - How Bunch-Kaufman Pivoting for Solving Symmetric
Indefinite Problems is Flawed and How It Should Be Corrected
Wei-Wei Sun (SFU) - Efficient Algorithms for Spline Collocation Systems
Graduate Student Talk
If you plan to attend the meeting, please contact Alan Genz by October 14
for an electronic registration form.
From: Queen's University <lambertm@qucdn.queensu.ca>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 15:55 EDT
Subject: Position at Queen's University, Canada
Queen's University at Kingston
The Department will be making a renewable (tenure-track)
appointment in Applied Mathematics at the Assistant or possibly
Associate Professor level to begin July 1995. Membership or
eligibility for membership in a Canadian professional engineering
association is required. The Department is particularly interested
in applicants in communications theory, information theory or fluid
mechanics, but other areas will be considered. The successful
applicant will have a strong research record, be expected to
develop an independent research programme, be willing and competent
to teach a broad range of applied mathematics courses, and
supervise graduate students.
Interested candidates should arrange that a curriculum vitae, a
description of teaching and research interests, at least three
letters of recommendation, and copies of their three most
significant publications arrive at the address below before January
15, 1995. At least one letter should comment on the candidate's
Professor Leslie Roberts, Associate Head
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
Queen's University has an employment equity programme and
encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including
women, aboriginal peoples, people with disabilities and visible
From: Stavros Zenios <zenioss@zeus.cc.ucy.ac.cy>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 10:19:36 +0300
Subject: Research Positions in Cyprus
The Department announces four positions for research associates
for the following research projects:
(1) Large scale portfolio optimization.
(2) Large scale programming for planning under uncertainty.
(3) Optimization techniques for training artificial neural networks.
(4) Measuring the efficiency and productivity of Bank branches.
Candidates should be holders of a Bachelors degree from a
reputable University. Preference will be given to candidates
with MSc or PhD in any one of the following areas: Operations
Research/Management Science, Numerical applied mathematics,
Computer science, Electrical Engineering. Substantial programming
experience (C or Fortran) is required. Prior research experience
will be considered as additional qualification. Candidates are expected
to be fluent in English.
The appointments of Research Associates are for a period of 1-year, with
the possibility of renewal for up to 3 years. Salary scale is K1 (University
of Cyprus) which is equivalent to A8 (Cyprus Government Civil Service).
The monthly salary is approximately 1200USD.
Interested applicants should submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae
with the names of three researchers that can provide letters of
recommendation. Applications can be submitted in Greek or English to:
Administration, University of Cyprus, Kallipoleos 75, P.O.Box 537,
Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Applications should arrive by November 15, 1994, 2.30pm, and indicate
clearly the name of the Department and the position for which
they are applying.
For more information you contact the Secretary of the Department of
Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus. Tel. 02-49134,
Fax. 02-491685.
From: Ian Sloan <sloan@solution.maths.unsw.edu.au>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 16:08:27 --1000
Subject: New Book, Lattice Methods for Multiple Integration
Ian H. Sloan and Stephen Joe
Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford 1994.
ISBN 0-19-853472-8
250 pages, 60 line figures
Price: $US55
Orders from OUP Customer Services, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513,
phone 800-451-7556 fax 919-677-1303.
This book is the first devoted to lattice methods, a recently developed
method for the evaluation of multiple integrals in many variables, which
arise in quantum physics and chemistry, statistical mechanics, Bayesian
statistics, and many other fields.
The book begins with a review of existing methods, before presenting lattice
rules in a thorough self-contained manner, with numerous illustrations and
examples. Group theory and number theory enter the story, but the treatment
is such that no prior knowledge of these subjects is required.
Both the theory and practical implementation are covered. An algorithm is
presented along with tables not available elsewhere, allowing the practical
evaluation of multiple integrals in up to at least 12 variables. Most
importantly, the algorithm produces a very efficient estimate of the error.
The book provides a fast track for readers wanting to move rapidly to using
lattice mathods in practical calculations. It concludes with the results
of extensive numerical comparisons with other methods, such as the
Monte Carlo method.
Ian Sloan
From: Iain Duff <I.Duff@letterbox.rl.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 14:26:55 BST
Subject: Contents, IMA Numerical Analysis
IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. Volume 14 Number 4. October 1994.
Atkinson K E
The numerical solution of a nonlinear boundary integral equation on
smooth surfaces.
Delbourgo D and Elliott D
On the approximate evaluation of Hadamard finite-part integrals.
Doucette R L
A Nystr\"om method for the numerical solution of Laplace's equation
with nonlinear boundary conditions on a polygon.
Kirsch A and Monk P
An analysis of the coupling of finite-element and Nystr\"om methods in
acoustic scattering.
Abu-Zaid I T and El-Gebeily M A
A finite-difference method for the spectral approximation of a class of
singular two-point boundary value problems.
Bai Z, Hu D, and Reichel L
A Newton basis GMRES implementation.
Latouche G
Newton's iteration for nonlinear equations in Markov chains.
Pan K
On Mason's conjecture concerning interpolation by polynomials in $z$ and
$z^{-1}$ on an annulus.
From: Marilyn Radcliff <radcliff@math.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:57:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Approximation Theory
Journal of Approximation Theory, Volume 79, Number 1, October 1994
Table of Contents
Jonathan M. Borwein, Adrian J. Lewis, and Mark A. Limber. Entropy
Minimization with Lattice Bounds, 1-16.
Gisela Kurth, Stephan Ruscheweyh, and Luis C. Salinas. On Cyclic
Variation-Diminishing Transforms, 17-39.
L. Szili. On A.E. Convergence of Durrmeyer-Stieltjes Polynomials, 40-53.
X. Li and K. Pan. Asymptotic Behavior of Orthogonal Polynomials
Correspondingto Measure with Discrete Part off the Unit Circle, 54-71.
James D. Chandler, Jr. Rational Moment Problems for Compact Sets, 72-88.
Martin Hanke and Heinz W. Engl. An Optimal Stopping Rule for the $\nu$-Method
for Solving Ill-Posed Problems, Using Christoffel Functions, 89-108.
J. G. Clunie and A. B. J. Kuijlaars. Approximation by Polynomials
with Restricted Zeros, 109-124.
Allal Guessab. Some Weighted Polynomial Inequalities in $L^2$-Norm, 125-133.
Yu. I. Lyubich. Averaging Sets on the Unit Circle, 134-143.
J. Korevaar and J. L. H. Meyers. Chebyshev-Type Quadrature on
Multidimensional Domains, 144-164.
Z. Ditzian. Direct Estimate for Bernstein Polynomials, 165-166.
Volume 67, Number 2 (1991): S. D. Fisher and M. I. Stessin, "The $n$-Width
of the Unit Ball of $H^q$," pp. 347-346, 167-168.
End of NA Digest