From: Pamela Bye <pam.bye@ima.org.uk>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 05:03:39 -0400
Subject: IMA Early Career Mathematicians, UK, Nov 2012
IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Autumn Conference 2012
Saturday 24 November 2012, University of Greenwich
The IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Autumn Conference 2012 will take
place at the University of Greenwich on a World Heritage Site on the
banks of the River Thames and in the shadow of the Royal Observatory,
home of Greenwich Mean Time and the Prime Meridian of the World.
This conference will bring together mathematicians from all walks of
life, some of whom have little opportunity to meet other
mathematicians, for a day of entertaining and interesting
mathematics. This will be the tenth in this series of conferences that
I have attended so I know they are a great opportunity for early
career mathematicians and students to meet others in similar career
stages. Friendships are formed and everyone has a good time. Previous
conferences have been described in Mathematics Today reports as
"lively and informative", "a friendly and relaxed atmosphere" and
"educational, informative and entertaining".
The schedule of talks is given below. You will see we start with a
hands-on session of puzzles, games and recreational maths, to wake us
up and get everyone talking. After lunch, we will hear from four
interesting early career mathematicians talking about their work in
some diverse areas of mathematics and its applications. Talks will not
be maths-heavy (it is the weekend, after all!) and the conference is
suitable for anyone with an interest in mathematics.
For further information on this conference, please contact the
Conference Office at conferences@ima.org.uk or +44 (0) 1702 354020 or
visit the conference webpage:
From: Kai Diethelm <diethelm@gns-mbh.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 03:04:21 -0400
Subject: Reproducibility of Results, Supercomputing, USA, Nov 2012
The quest for numerical algorithms that behave in an exactly
reproducible manner on today's parallelized high performance computing
architectures has recently become a topic of growing interest. To
discuss different views of this issue and to provide information about
recent advances, Noah Clemons (Intel) and myself are organizing a
special session at this year's Supercomputing conference in Salt Lake
City, UT. The session will take place from 12:15pm until 1:15pm on
Tuesday, November 13. More details may be found at
(our special session) and http://sc12.supercomputing.org (general
information about the Supercomputing conference which takes place from
November 10 until November 16).
We look forward to a lively discussion.
Kai Diethelm
From: "Andy R. Terrel" <aterrel@tacc.utexas.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:26:44 -0400
Subject: Scientific Software Days, USA, Dec 2012
6th ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC SOFTWARE DAYS, Austin TX, December 17 2012
Hosted by the Texas Advanced Computing Center and the Jackson School
of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin.
Conference Details and Talk Submission at
http://scisoftdays.org/meetings/2012/ Please email questions to:
Scientists use software for their research. Some of them also develop
computational software as part of their research. Scientific Software
Day is an ongoing meeting of users and producers of scientific
software, with presentations by scientific software tool makers and
the users of their tools. The objective is to build cross-disciplinary
community and skills in the diverse set of users and developers of
scientific software, both academic and industrial.
Ideal presentations for Scientific Software Days are of two types:
1) presentations of generic tools that can be used in scientific
software development and deployment
2) presentations of specific work, focusing on experience in
developing scientific software, workflows, and tool chains.
We are especially seeking presentations of the second type. We would
appreciate a brief introduction to your work intended for a general
scientific audience, and then a focus on your workflow or any
particular aspect of it that presented particular challenges or
required original solutions. The target audience will be a broad
selection of the scientific and engineering communities with a
particular interest in supercomputing. Let�s get to know each other
and learn from one another.
From: Pamela Bye <pam.bye@ima.org.uk>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 05:07:39 -0400
Subject: IMA Mathematics in Signal Processing, UK, Dec 2012
Ninth International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing
17 � 20 December 2012, Austin Court, Birmingham, UK
Signal processing constitutes an important area for the application of
mathematical concepts and techniques fuelled, for example, by
developments in mobile communications, multimedia systems and digital
TV. The subject is still advancing rapidly in areas such as
non-linear/non-Gaussian/non- stationary signal processing, compressive
sampling, digital communication systems, iterative estimation
(e.g. turbo codes), blind deconvolution/signal separation, broadband
systems, compressive sensing and novel sampling schemes. The last IMA
conference on this subject was held in December 2008 and in response
to popular demand, the next one will be held in December 2012. The aim
of the conference is to bring together mathematicians, statisticians
and engineers with a view to exploring recent developments and
identifying fruitful avenues for further research. It is hoped that
the meeting will help to attract more mathematicians into this
important and challenging field.
The conference will include tutorials, keynote addresses and six
non-overlapping sessions.
Plenary Speakers: John McWhirter, Jim Reilly, Sergios Theodoridis,
Paul White; Tutorials: Pier Luigi Dragotti, Mark Plumbley
To register for the conference, please visit the following page to
download, complete and return an application form:
For further information, please visit the conference webpage:
E-mail: conferences@ima.org.uk
From: "INOC 2013" <inoc2013@ull.es>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 10:27:11 +0100
Subject: INOC2013, Spain, May 2013
Call for Papers: International Network Optimization Conference
May 20-22, 2013, Tenerife, Spain
We invite you to join the next "International Network Optimization
Conference" (INOC 2013) to be held in Costa Adeje (Tenerife, Spain),
May 20-22, 2013. It is the conference of the "European Network
Optimization Group" (ENOG), a working group of the "Association of
Operational Research Societies" (EURO). INOC is an international
scientific conference that provides a high quality forum for the
presentation of mathematical models, methodologies and computational
results, and for the exchange of ideas and scientific discussions on
advanced applications and technologies in Network Optimization and
related problems. Previous editions of INOC have taken place in:
* INOC 2011: Hamburg, Germany, June 13-16, 2011
* INOC 2009: Pisa, Italy, April 26-29, 2009
* INOC 2007: Spa, Belgium, April 22-25, 2007
* INOC 2005: Lisbon, Portugal, March 20-23, 2005
* INOC 2003: Paris, France, October 27-29, 2003
INOC 2013 is intended to be again a forum for researchers and
practitioners working in the area of Network Optimization and related
We invite you to present your recent developments, both theoretical
results and applications, in the pleasant scenario of Tenerife Island.
Webpage: http://eventos.ull.es/inoc2013
Submission deadline: 1st December 2012
From: Philip Knight <p.a.knight@strath.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 15:29:56 +0100
Subject: Numerical Analysis, Scotland, Jun 2013
Registration is now open for the
25th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis
June 25-28, 2013, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
The conference is open to all researchers in the field, and you are
invited to contribute a talk on your current work. Young researchers
and PhD students will find the environment particularly welcoming. We
are soliciting proposals for mini-symposia: these can be submitted
The following distinguished researchers have accepted invitations for
plenary lectures at the conference: Assyr Abdulle, Rick Beatson, Pavel
Bochev, Hermann Brunner, Monique Dauge, Juan Meza, Peter Monk, Dianne
O'Leary, Mike Powell, Ian Sloan, Jared Tanner, Tang Tao
The A.R. Mitchell lecture will be presented by Ian Sloan and the after
dinner speaker will be Des Higham (University of Strathclyde).
Further information and on-line registration may be found at
Note that the conference falls in between the 8th International
Conference on Preconditioning Techniques (June 19-21, Oxford) and the
meeting on Bifurcation Theory, Numerical Linear Algebra and
Applications celebrating the 65th birthday of Professor Alastair
Spence (July 1-2, Bath).
From: "Nicole C. Erle" <erle@siam.org>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 13:58:00 -0400
Subject: SIAM Applied Algebraic Geometry, USA, Aug 2013
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry
Call for Papers Now Available!
Location: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Dates: August 1-4, 2013
The Call for Papers for this conference is now available. Please
visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/ag13/ for more information.
December 17, 2012: Minisymposium proposals
February 25, 2013: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium
February 11, 2013: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career
Travel Award Applications
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMAG13
Contact SIAM Conference Department at meetings@siam.org with any
questions about the conference.
From: Yves Renard <Yves.Renard@insa-lyon.fr>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 10:43:54 +0200
Subject: XFEM 2013, France, Sep 2013
XFEM 2013: Third International Conference on XFEM, GFEM and fictitious
domain methods.
September 11-13, 2013 Lyon, France
Confirmed Speakers: Bertrand Maury, Peter Hansbo, Ren� de Borst, John
Dolbow, Nicolas Mo�s, Giulio Ventura, Andreas Zilian.
Topics to be covered include: Solid and Fracture
Mechanics,Fluid-structure interaction, multi-fluid, free-surface flow,
Fictitious Domain Methods, preconditioners, convergence, numerical
integration, application of boundary conditions on moving interfaces,
blending, a priori/posteriori error estimation, X-FEM Multiscale
strategies / multiscale problems, GEM, PUFEM, strong discontinuities
and beyond.
Abstract Submission: Registration and abstract submission will be done
through the conference web site. To be able to submit an abstract, you
have to first register
(http://xfem2013.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/19 ).
Instructions are available at
The deadline for presenting a one page abstract is January 11, 2013.
From: "Homer F. Walker" <walker@WPI.EDU>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 17:54:22 -0400
Subject: Dept Head Position, Math Sciences, WPI, Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) invites applications for the
position of Head of the Mathematical Sciences Department.The
department currently comprises 28 full-time faculty and offers
outstanding academic programs, including the B.S., M.S., and Ph. D. in
Mathematical Sciences; maintains vibrant research programs in applied
and computational mathematics and statistics; and is the home of the
Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics, with strong
industry-university alliances. The department boasts over 170
undergraduate majors and 80 graduate students and serves a vital
support role for other degree programs.
WPI seeks a dynamic individual with demonstrated leadership ability
who will build upon the department's strengths, recruit outstanding
faculty, promote scholarly initiatives, foster corporate relations,
and steer the department to its next level of excellence and
visibility. Applicants must have an earned doctorate and a strong
international reputation, a distinguished record of scholarly
achievement in application-oriented mathematical sciences supporting
the department strengths, administrative experience or clear
potential, and a record of excellence in teaching. The department head
will be expected to represent the department within both the
constituent and academic communities and to coordinate extramural
funding activities. More information about the department and its
mission, goals and objectives, undergraduate and graduate programs,
and faculty research areas is available at
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a letter of intent
that describes professional interests (research, teaching and
administrative), and contact information for a minimum of three
references. Applicants are encouraged to apply through MathJobs
(www.mathjobs.org), but application materials may also be submitted
(as a single PDF file) to masearch@wpi.edu.
Nominations are welcome and should be sent to masearch@wpi.edu.
Applications from women and minority candidates are especially
encouraged. For full consideration, applications should be received by
November 1, 2012.
Questions can be addressed to kwobbe@wpi.edu.
From: Dmitriy Leykekhman <dmitriy.leykekhman@uconn.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 16:46:49 -0400
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Connecticut
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Connecticut invites
applications for a nine-month tenure-track Assistant Professor
position, starting in Fall 2013, at the Avery Point campus. The fields
of the search are numerical solutions of PDE's and optimization with
interest in mathematical modeling (in meteorology, oceanography, fluid
dynamics, or marine ecology). The successful candidate will be
expected to teach mathematics courses at all levels and to develop a
vigorous externally-funded research program.
Minimum Qualifications include: A Ph.D. or an equivalent foreign
degree in mathematics or a closely related area by August 22, 2013,
demonstrated evidence of excellent teaching, outstanding research
experience and potential in the corresponding areas of the search.
Preferred Qualifications include: Research excellence in an area of
top priority and the ability to contribute through research, teaching
and/or public engagement to the diversity and excellence of the
learning experience at UConn.
The review of applications will begin on December 1, 2012 and will
continue until the position is filled. Apply online at
http://www.mathjobs.org/jobs, including at least four letters of
reference, one of which addresses the applicant's teaching. Questions
or requests for further information should be sent to the Hiring
Committee at averypointhiring@math.uconn.edu.
The University of Connecticut is an EEO/AA employer and actively
solicits applications from minorities, women, and people with
From: "Matthias K. Gobbert" <gobbert@umbc.edu>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 09:24:58 -0400
Subject: Two Faculty Positions, Univ of Maryland Baltimore County
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for two
tenure-track faculty positions in Applied Mathematics at the rank of
Assistant Professor, or at a higher level for exceptionally well
qualified candidates, starting in the fall of 2013.
The successful candidate should have a PhD in mathematics or a related
field, have an active, independent research program, strong potential
for obtaining external funding, and a commitment to excellence in
teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who are able to
interact with existing groups in the Department, conduct
interdisciplinary research, as well as those who could continue to
strengthen connections with research groups within the College of
Natural and Mathematical Sciences, and the College of Engineering and
Information Technology, or with one or more research centers outside
these Colleges. Applicants with postdoctoral experience are
The Department offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in applied mathematics
and in statistics. For more information, see our website at
http://www.math.umbc.edu. Current research areas in the Department
include numerical analysis and scientific computing, differential
equations, optimization and optimal control, mathematical modeling,
mathematical biology and stochastic processes.
A complete application should include a cover letter, C.V., summary of
current research program, teaching statement, and three letters of
reference. All application materials should be submitted to
MathJobs.org. Screening of applicants will commence December 1, 2012,
and will continue until the position is filled.
Applications from minorities, women and people with disabilities are
especially encouraged. UMBC is an NSF-ADVANCE institution and UMBC an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
From: Karen Adkins <karen.adkins@stanford.edu>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:39:44 -0400
Subject: Tenured/Tenure Track Position, Math+X, Stanford Univ
Stanford University invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured
position made possible in part by a gift from the Simons Foundation
under the Math+X program, whose goal is to increase the interaction
between mathematics and other disciplines in science and engineering.
We are seeking exceptional applicants who will develop a program of
research and innovative new courses at the frontier of areas such as
computational mathematics/statistics, imaging science, optimization or
any other applicable field. This is a broad-area search. We will place
higher priority on the impact, originality, and promise of the
candidate's work than on the particular sub-area of
specialization. Evidence of the ability to pursue a program of
innovative research and a strong commitment to graduate and
undergraduate teaching are required. The successful candidate will be
expected to teach courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels and
to build and lead a team of graduate students in Ph.D. research.
Please see http://www.mathjobs.org to see complete text and to submit
From: Qing Nie <qnie@math.uci.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:06:48 -0700
Subject: Tenured/Tenure Track Position, Systems Biology, UC Irvine
The University of California, Irvine is continuing its recruiting
initiative in Systems Biology.
One position is available this year, for which candidates will be
considered from all areas of Systems Biology, including modeling,
mathematical and computational biology, biological networks,
regulatory dynamics and control, spatial dynamics and morphogenesis,
and synthetic biology. Applications are being solicited at the
Assistant Professor level, and appointment can be made in any of
several departments, including Developmental and Cell Biology,
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Biomedical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Computer
Science, and Statistics. We highly value candidates with strong
backgrounds in modeling and/or computation. Applications at the
Associate and Full Professor level will also be considered, with
appointment being subject to the availability of funds.
The successful applicant is expected to conduct a strong research
program and to contribute to the teaching of undergraduate and
graduate students. Systems Biology research and training at UCI is
fostered by several interdisciplinary research units, an NIGMS
National Center for Systems Biology, and Ph.D. training programs in
Bioinformatics, and Mathematical and Computational Biology (for more
information, see http://ccbs.uci.edu). Applicants should submit a
letter of application, curriculum vitae, bibliography, three letters
of reference, and statements of research and teaching interests using
the on-line recruitment system (see instructions at
http://ccbs.uci.edu or https://recruit.ap.uci.edu, under "Institutes
and Centers"). To receive full consideration, material should be
received by December 3, 2012.
The University of California, Irvine is an equal opportunity employer
committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly encourages
applications from all qualified applicants, including women and
minorities. UCI is responsive to the needs of dual career couples, is
dedicated to work-life balance through an array of family-friendly
policies, and is the recipient of an NSF ADVANCE Award for gender
From: Don Roth <RothDon@uwyo.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 21:31:29 +0000
Subject: Tenured/Tenure Track Position, Univ of Wyoming
The University of Wyoming (UW) School of Energy Resources (SER) is
seeking to fill three (3) tenure-track/tenured positions from
assistant to Full Professor, depending on qualifications, in
http://www.uwyo.edu/ser/ for further details.
From: Pietro Belotti <pbelott@clemson.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 17:13:51 -0400
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Math Sciences, Clemson Univ
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University invites
applications for tenure-track faculty positions starting with the Fall
2013 semester. Targeted recruiting is for the assistant professor
rank, but applicants at all ranks will be considered. Desirable
attributes for candidates include an interdisciplinary research
orientation in the mathematical sciences; post-doctoral, industrial,
or practical experience; collaborative possibilities with faculty
members in the Department and related disciplines; and an interest in
innovative applications. Candidates should have strong potential or
demonstrated capability for effective research and teaching in the
mathematical sciences.
The Department includes the areas of algebra and discrete mathematics;
analysis; bioinformatics, computational mathematics; operations
research; mathematical statistics and probability; and applied
statistics. For further information regarding the department and its
programs, please visit the web site http://www.math.clemson.edu.
An earned doctorate or equivalent is required for the tenure track
positions. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2012 and
will continue until the positions are filled. Applications received
by December 31, 2012 will receive full consideration.
Applicants should indicate their research specialties and interests in
their cover letter. Vita, statements on teaching and research, and
three reference letters should be electronically filed at
http://www.mathjobs.org. Faculty from the Math. Sciences Department
will be available for interviewing at the INFORMS conference in
Phoenix (AZ) from October 14 to October 16.
Clemson University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer
and does not discriminate against any individual or group of
individuals on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national
origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic
From: "Cai, Wei" <wcai@uncc.edu>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 14:22:46 +0000
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Computational Math, UNC Charlotte
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Computational Mathematics
Applications are invited for a tenure-track assistant professorship in
computational mathematics at the University of North Carolina at
Charlotte starting August, 2013. Required qualifications are a
Ph.D. degree or equivalent in mathematics or a related field, a
commitment to establishing a productive research program, and a
commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate
levels to a diverse student body. Particularly desirable is a
candidate with expertise in multiscale/stochastic modelling,
computational biology, computational material sciences, image
processing, or high dimensional data analysis who will complement
existing strengths in the department. Preference will be given to
applicants with strong interdisciplinary research experience and
potential for external funding.
Applications must be made electronically at https://jobs.uncc.edu
(position number 2834) and must include a letter of interest that
addresses the requirements for the position, a curriculum vitae, a
statement of research plans, a statement of teaching experience,
philosophy, and interests, and copies (either official or unofficial)
of graduate transcripts. Applicants must also arrange to have three
letters of reference on appropriate letterhead stationery forwarded
(in PDF format, if submitted electronically) on their behalf to
Computational Mathematics Search Committee, Department of Mathematics
and Statistics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201
University City Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28223, or via email to
Prof. Wei Cai (wcai@uncc.edu). Evaluations of applications will
commence on November 15, 2012 and will continue until the position is
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is a doctoral, research
intensive university located in one of the nation's fastest growing
metropolitan areas on an expanding, modern campus. One of sixteen
campuses in one of the oldest public university systems in the United
States, UNC Charlotte offers over 26,000 students a wide range of
undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences, of which the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics is a part, houses twenty departments in the humanities,
social and behavioral sciences, physical science, and military
science, as well as eight research centers and institutes and thirteen
interdisciplinary programs. With nearly sixty full-time faculty and
staff members the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is the
largest department in the university. Faculty research interests
include such fields as algebra, analysis, computational mathematics,
differential equations, mathematical finance, inverse problems,
mathematical physics, topology, statistics, and biostatistics.
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is an AA/EOE and an
ADVANCE institution that strives to create an academic climate in
which the dignity of all individuals is respected and maintained. It
values diversity that includes age, culture, ethnicity, gender,
language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic
status. All qualified individuals are welcome to apply.
From: Michele Farley <mfarley@as.ua.edu>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 13:28:02 -0400
Subject: Assistant Professor, University of Alabama
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Alabama invites
applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the
area of Probability/Statistics with a focus on non-parametric
statistics and computing. The appointment will begin on August 16,
2013. Candidates must possess a doctorate in mathematics, statistics,
or a closely related field. Applicants must apply online at
https://facultyjobs.ua.edu/postings/31469 and arrange for at least
three letters of recommendation, one of which must address teaching,
to be sent to mathematics@as.ua.edu. The review process starts on
December 1, 2012 and continues until the position is filled. The
University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees. Women and
minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Hiring for this
position is contingent upon funding. More information about the
department and the university is available at http://math.ua.edu.
From: Tamas Terlaky <terlaky@lehigh.edu>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 06:19:16 -0400
Subject: Two Faculty Positions, ISE, Lehigh Univ
Two faculty positions: Assistant/Associate and Chaired Full Professor
positions at ISE, Lehigh University
We are pleased to announce two faculty positions: Assistant/Associate
and Chaired Full Professor positions at ISE, Lehigh University I would
be grateful if you could share this announcement with potential
The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Lehigh
University invites nominations and applications for
1) the Wilmott Endowed Faculty Chair position at the level of Full
or Associate Professor.
2) a tenure track position at the level of Assistant Professor.
Candidates are expected to have strong methodological backgrounds in
ISE-relevant disciplines, including operations research, systems
engineering and computational sciences. Candidates with strength in
university strategic areas, such as healthcare and energy systems, are
especially encouraged to apply.
Please go to our departmental website at
http://www.lehigh.edu/ise/careers.html or directly to the application
WEB sites:
For the Wilmott Endowed Faculty Chair:
For the Assistant Professor:
From: Axel Klawonn <klawonn@math.uni-koeln.de>
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:40:56 +0200
Subject: W2-Professorship Position, Applied Math, Univ of Cologne, Germany
The Mathematical Institute at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences of the University of Cologne invites applications for a
W2-Professorship in Applied Mathematics
The Mathematical Institute aims at enhancing its competence in the
field of numerical mathematics and scientific computing. We are
looking for candidates with an excellent reputation in research and
teaching in these fields and with a successful record of third-party
funded projects. Applicants should be willing to carry out
interdisciplinary research and are expected to participate in existing
and yet to be established research cooperations within the research
area of Cologne.
The successful candidate is expected to participate in the teaching
and administrative duties of the Mathematical Institute.
The requirements of recruition for professors are subject to � 36 HG
Applications from disabled persons are welcome. Disabled persons with
equal qualification will be given priority. Applications from women
are explicitly welcome. Women with comparable qualifications will
receive particular consideration, unless another applicant displays
compelling reasons to prefer this person.
Please send your application (CV, strategic research agenda, list of
publications, teaching experience, academic documents) � please do not
hand in originals as we will not send them back � to the Dean
Prof. K. Schneider, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Cologne,
The deadline for application is Nov 16, 2012
From: Julio Castrillon <julio.castrillon@kaust.edu.sa>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 08:56:13 -0400
Subject: Senior Research Scientist Position, UQ, KAUST
Job Title: Senior Research Scientist
Job Type: Research Staff(Uncertainty Quantification, Verification &
Salary: 120,000-140,000 USD, depending on experience, plus benefits
The Center for Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Science and
Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
(KAUST) is seeking candidates for the position of Senior Research
The main responsibility of the SRS is to initiate and participate in
research activities for the advancement of Uncertainty Quantification
and Verification & Validation methods, algorithms and software, as
well as the implementation of UQ and VV capabilities to enable high
impact applications in Computational Science and Engineering (in green
wireless communications, complex multiscale electromagnetic systems,
or reactive computational fluid dynamics) In addition, the SRS will
coordinate multidisciplinary research activities between diverse
groups involving applied mathematicians, engineers, scientists,
statisticians, and computer scientists.
Qualifications and Experience: (i) Ph.D. Degree in Applied
Mathematics, Physical Science, Computer Science, or Engineering, with
at least three year experience in UQ and/or VV related research. (ii)
Demonstrated ability to interact with diverse, multidisciplinary
teams, and to initiate and supervise research efforts. (ii) Strong
record of publications in leading journals. (iv) Demonstrated ability
to take initiative and seek solutions with minimal supervision.
Please go to the link:
for further information. Contact Prof. Ra�l Tempone
(raul.tempone@kaust.edu.sa) or Dr. Julio Castrillon
(julio.castrillon@kaust.edu.sa) on any questions you have.
From: Simon Klemperer <sklemp@stanford.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 15:24:31 -0700
Subject: Postdoc Position, Thompson Fellowship, Geophysics, Stanford Univ
Stanford University Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship in Geophysics
The Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, has established the
Thompson Postdoctoral Fellowship to be awarded to a candidate
preferably within two years of receipt of the Ph.D. The fellowship is
open to applicants in any area of geophysics including new areas of
research that cross existing disciplinary boundaries, so that students
and recent graduates in Earth science, physics, chemistry, biology, or
computational sciences with interests in the geophysical sciences are
also encouraged to apply. Our department is currently active in
crustal geophysics, exploration and production geophysics, seismic
imaging, rock physics, earthquake seismology, volcanic processes,
crustal deformation, stress and geomechanics, environmental
geophysics, and planetary sciences (see
). The successful candidate will have her/his own independent research
agenda, but have common interests with one or more existing faculty
(who will serve as a formal mentor) and participate in their research
group activities. We encourage prospective applicants to communicate
in advance with prospective faculty mentors.
This honorific postdoctoral fellowship will be awarded for a one-year
period with an anticipated extension for a second year. The
fellowship can start any time in the academic year 2013/2014. The
salary is $56k to $62k per year depending on experience, plus a $15k
research allowance. Applications received by January 2, 2013, will
receive fullest consideration. Applicants should submit a statement
of research interests and proposed research, a curriculum vita, a list
of publications and names of three potential referees, by email (as
.pdf files, with the applicant name as part of the file name) to:
thompsonfellowship �at� sesmail.stanford.edu
Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed
to increasing the diversity among its students, staff, and faculty. We
welcome nominations of and applications from women and members of
minority groups, as well as from others who would bring additional
dimensions to the university's research, teaching and service
From: Hilary Weller <h.weller@reading.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 16:21:53 +0100
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for Weather and Climate
Post doc position on numerical methods for weather and climate at the
University of Reading in collaboration with the UK Met Office
Three year position starting 1 Feb 2013 in the department of
Meteorology. The post will be part of the GungHo project
[http://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/programmes/ngwcp/events/ao1.asp] to
design and build a new dynamical core for the Met Office's Unified
targeting the exaflop generation of supercomputers. This post will
work in close collaboration with the Met Office, the Science and
Technology Facilities Council and academics from 5 other
universities. Rapid prototyping of discretisations will be done using
OpenFOAM, under the PI's supervision. Subsequently, the job holder
will be working on the development of the new Met Office model in
collaboration with the rest of the GungHo team.
The applicant should have a strong programming and numerical methods
background including a PhD in this area.
Funding for this post has been applied for and a decision is expected
soon. This advertisement is for expressions of interest rather than
applications. Please send a CV and any queries to
Salary in the range �25-35K depending on previous experience. For
higher salaries the post will be shortened
From: Laurent Demanet <demanet@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2012 18:53:46 -0400
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, MIT
he Imaging and Computing group at MIT invites applications for one
postdoctoral position. The areas of interest to the group include
computational wave propagation, optimization, inverse problems,
applied harmonic analysis, sparsity (compressive sensing), linear
algebra, fast algorithms, radar imaging, seismic imaging.
All the details are at http://math.mit.edu/icg/openings/
From: Mike Kirby <kirby@cs.utah.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:00:06 -0400
Subject: Postdoc Position, SCI Institute, Univ of Utah
Post Doctoral Fellow To Apply Uncertainty Quantification
Molecular-Dynamics Coarse-Graining
The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University
of Utah invites applications for one post-doctoral researcher for
interdisciplinary work spanning applied mathematics, computer science
and material sciences. The successful candidate will perform research
in the application of uncertainty quantification (UQ) techniques to
coarse-graining algorithms developed to accelerate molecular dynamics
simulations and other particle-based methods, and will work closely
with SCI Institute researchers and external collaborators to integrate
research into SCI Institute software applications and apply this
software to compelling problems in science and engineering
The SCI Institute is seeking a highly talented and committed
individual with a demonstrated ability to work well with minimal
supervision in a multi-disciplinary research environment. Backgrounds
in the engineering sciences, applied mathematics, physics and
computational sciences will be considered. Individuals comfortable
with probability theory, multiscale theory, and statistical mechanics
preferred. The candidate selected will contribute to the Institute's
world-class research and software development efforts and have the
opportunity to develop their research, publication, and presentation
skills under mentorship from established faculty investigators.
Please contact Mike Kirby (kirby@cs.utah.edu) for further information.
From: Yves Lucet <yves.lucet@ubc.ca>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 11:31:34 -0700
Subject: 4 Graduate Positions, Univ of British Columbia
Applications are invited for 4 graduate positions (3 MSc and 1 PhD) to
work on optimization and modelling.
One PhD position and two MSc positions are available to work on the
road optimization problem. The research will involve the
understanding, development and numerical testing of new models for the
road design problem. The PhD ideal applicant has a background in
optimization (LP, MIP, NLP, etc.), some programming experience in C++,
and the ability to communicate effectively (in English) with our
industrial partner. Applicants to the MSc positions should have
either a solid background in programming or optimization with a BSc
degree in computer science or mathematics. Funding is already in place
for all 3 positions with a starting date of Sept 2013.
1 MSc position (subject to funding) is available in the field of
computational convex analysis. The applicant should have a background
in computer science (BSc) with interest in optimization or a
background in mathematics with programming skills.
You will join a dynamic group of researchers in optimization at the
University of British Columbia (Canada) on the fast growing campus of
Kelowna. The research team is interdisciplinary with faculty member
from Mathematics, Computer Science, and Civil Engineering and is part
of COCANA (Centre for Optimization, Convex Analysis, and Nonsmooth
Analysis, see http://ocana.ok.ubc.ca/).
Application deadline is January 31, 2013 at 4:00 pm but fully funded
positions are open until filled. For further detail see
http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/gradstudies/ Applicants must submit an
application to the grad program directly and contact Dr. Yves Lucet,
Associate Professor Computer Science at yves.lucet@ubc.ca for further
From: Maya Neytcheva <Maya.Neytcheva@it.uu.se>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 08:00:48 +0200
Subject: Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 19(5)
Contents of Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Vol 19, Issue 5, 2012
Efficient parallel solution to large-size sparse eigenproblems with
block FSAI preconditioning, Massimiliano Ferronato, Carlo Janna and
Giorgio Pini (pages 797-815)
A new approximation of the Schur complement in preconditioners for
PDE-constrained optimization, John W. Pearson and Andrew J. Wathen
(pages 816-829)
Linear convergence of an algorithm for computing the largest
eigenvalue of a nonnegative tensor, Liping Zhang and Liqun Qi (pages
Long-time behavior of the proper orthogonal decomposition method,
Jens Kemper (pages 842-868)
A note on generating finer-grain parallelism in a representation tree,
Christof Vomel (pages 869-879)
Short Communication: A note on R-linear GMRES for solving a class of
R-linear systems, Kui Du and Olavi Nevanlinna (pages 880-884)
Letter to the editor: Modified Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting
methods for non-Hermitian positive-definite linear systems
[Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 14 (2007) 217-235], (pages 885-890) Davod
Khojasteh Salkuyeh and Shiva Behnejad
This article corrects:
On successive-overrelaxation acceleration of the Hermitian and
skew-Hermitian splitting iterations
Zhong-Zhi Bai and Michael K. Ng, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 319-335
From: Neha Mistry <Neha.Mistry@oup.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 06:01:13 -0400
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 32(4)
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
Analysis of variable-degree HDG methods for convection�diffusion
equations. Part I: general nonconforming meshes, Yanlai Chen and
Bernardo Cockburn
Superconvergence of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for linear
fourth-order time-dependent problems in one space dimension, Xiong
Meng, Chi-Wang Shu, and Boying Wu
Convergence analysis of V-Cycle multigrid methods for anisotropic
elliptic equations, Yongke Wu, Long Chen, Xiaoping Xie, and Jinchao Xu
Convergence analysis with parameter estimates for a reduced basis
acoustic scattering T-matrix method, M. Ganesh, S. C. Hawkins, and
R. Hiptmair
Design and convergence analysis for an adaptive discretization of the
heat equation, Christian Kreuzer, Christian A. M�ller, Alfred Schmidt,
and Kunibert G. Siebert
Analysis of the upwind finite volume method for general initial- and
boundary-value transport problems, Franck Boyer
Convergence of time�space adaptive algorithms for nonlinear
conservation laws, Fr�d�ric Coquel, Marie Postel, and Quang-Huy Tran
A family of nonconforming elements for the Brinkman problem, Guzm�n
Johnny and Neilan Michael
Difference schemes stabilized by discrete mollification for degenerate
parabolic equations in two space dimensions, Carlos D. Acosta and
Raimund B�rger
Discrete maximum principles for nonlinear parabolic PDE systems,
Istv�n Farag�, J�nos Kar�tson, and Sergey Korotov
On 3D DDFV discretization of gradient and divergence
operators. I. Meshing, operators and discrete duality, Boris
Andreianov, Mostafa Bendahmane, Florence Hubert, and Stella Krell
Finite element approximation of flow of fluids with shear-rate- and
pressure- dependent viscosity, Adrian Hirn, Martin Lanzend�rfer, and
Jan Stebel
Finite element approximation of an H1 gradient flow of a double-well
potential with bending energy, Richard A. Norton and Endre S�li
An adaptive cubic regularization algorithm for nonconvex optimization
with convex constraints and its function-evaluation complexity,
C. Cartis, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint
Local convergence of Newton's method under a majorant condition in
Riemannian manifolds, Orizon P. Ferreira and Roberto C. M. Silva
Iterative parameter choice by discrepancy principle, Bangti Jin,Yubo
Zhao, and Jun Zou
Error bounds for Gaussian quadrature formulae with Bernstein�Szeg�
weights that are rational modifications of Chebyshev weight functions
of the second kind, Aleksandar V. Pej�ev and Miodrag M. Spalevi�
Analysis of collocation solutions for nonstandard Volterra integral
equations, Qingguang Guan, Ran Zhang, and Yongkui Zou
End of NA Digest