NA Digest Monday, May 7, 2012 Volume 12 : Issue 19

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:

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Information via email about NA-NET:

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From: James Demmel <>
Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 11:17:03 -0700
Subject: pOSKI-Autotuner for parallel sparse-matrix-vector mult

We are pleased to announce the first public release of pOSKI, the
Parallel Optimized Sparse Kernel Interface. pOSKI automatically
produces high performance implementations of Sparse-Matrix-Vector
multiplication (SpMV) and related operations. pOSKI targets current
multicore CPU platforms, and is an extension of prior work on OSKI,
which targeted single core processors. Both pOSKI and OSKI use
autotuning, which means searching a design space of sparse matrix data
structures and algorithms that depend on the matrix properties (eg
sparsity pattern and symmetry), the operation to be performed (A*x,
transpose(A)*x, etc.), and the target platform.

For example, on an Intel Jaketown, with 6 cores and 12 threads, pOSKI
gets a speedup of 4.8x over 1 core, and is 1.6x faster than Intel
MKL's dcsrmv, both on the matrix wikipedia-2007 from the University of
Florida collection.

pOSKI is freely available under a BSD license at
which also includes all the documentation, and a mailing list for
asking questions.

pOSKI is based on contributions from many people, and was produced by
BEBOP, the Berkeley Benchmarking and OPtimization Group

Jim Demmel and Jong-Ho Byun
UC Berkeley


From: Leslie Greengard <>
Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 17:04:32 -0400
Subject: New editors-in-chief: Advances in Computational Mathematics

Dear colleagues,

We are writing to announce that we have taken over as Editors-in-Chief
of Advances in Computational Mathematics. The journal was founded in
1993 under the leadership of Editors-in-Chief John C. Mason and
Charles A. Micchielli. Over the last many years, Charlie and Managing
Editor Yuesheng Xu have given applied and computational mathematics a
compelling forum in which to present results that range from the
development of new mathematical principles to the development of
effective software to the use of computation in scientific

The stated mission of the journal is as critical today as ever: to
publish high quality articles driven by the continuing revolution in
computation, and emphasizing innovative applied mathematics that has
the potential for practical application. The submission and
publication process makes use of Springer�s online submission system,
which can be found via

Leslie Greengard and Michael Shelley
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences


From: "Hartman-Baker, Rebecca J." <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 16:28:30 -0400
Subject: George Michael HPC Fellowship

The Supercomputing Conference George Michael HPC Fellowship committee
invites applications for the George Michael HPC Fellowship. Winners
receive an honorarium, travel and registration for SC12 and SC13, and
the opportunity to present their research at SC13. Awardees must have
completed at least one year of doctoral study. The online submission
system is open now, and closes 1 July, 2012.

For more details please see
Please direct questions to

Rebecca Hartman-Baker
George Michael HPC Fellowship Deputy Chair


From: William Layton <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 13:48:45 -0400
Subject: Workshop on Coupled Problems, USA, May 2012

Numerical methods for coupled problems
May 10, 2012
Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh

Centered on the visit of Owe Axelsson. He will be visiting May 9-11
[Wed thru Friday]. He will give a talk May 10 at 10 am to 11 am in
Benedum Hall, 1020�the Holtzman Executive Classroom.

In the afternoon starting at 2:00 there will be contributed talks,
with first priority given to talks by graduate students, on the topic
of predictive methods for coupled problems. These will be run
informally; we will divide the time by the numbers of speakers and
proceed on the spot. Still it would be helpful to have an estimate of
the numbers involved so if you are considering attending and speaking,
please let me know.

A stabilization of time dependent Navier-Stokes equation for variable
density. variable viscosity problems and its numerical solution,
Owe Axelsson

Variable density problems arise, for instance in interfaces between
fluids of different densities in multiphase flows such as appear in
porous media problems. The fluids are assumed to be incompressible. It
is shown that by solving the Navier-Stokes equation for the momentum
variable instead of the velocity, the corresponding saddle point
problem, which arises at each time step, becomes automatically
regularized, enabling elimination of the pressure variable and leading
to a, for the iterative solution, efficient preconditioning of the
arising block matrix. We present also bounds for the splitting and
linearizing method used.


From: Bill Henshaw <>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2012 15:46:40 -0700
Subject: Overset Composite Grids and Solution Technology, USA, Jun 2012

The 11th Overset grid conference will be in Dayton OH, October 15-18,
2012. The deadline for submitting a title and abstract is June 29,
2012. You will find more information here:

Overset grids, also known as Chimera grids or overlapping grids are
becoming more widely used to solve a wide variety of problems
(e.g. fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics). They are
particularly attractive for efficiently computing solutions to
problems with moving geometry.

This international symposium provides an open forum for communication
among mathematicians, scientists, and engineers from academia,
industry, and government. The technical organization is informal, and
only oral presentations are required. The goals of the symposium are
- Communicate recent work, new research ideas, and work in progress
- Exchange ideas involving overset grid technologies, including
unsteady and moving body problems, and emerging hybrid strategies
- Provide an opportunity for interaction between researchers,
developers, and practitioners
- Improve individual performance and understanding of overset
technologies via many tutorial sessions and technical presentations.


From: Jan-Philipp Weiss <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 06:15:53 -0400
Subject: Workshop, UnConventional HPC, Greece, Aug 2012

5th International Workshop on UnConventional High Performance
Computing (UCHPHC'12) to be held in conjunction with Euro-Par 2012
conference August 27/28, 2012, Rhodes Island, Greece

As the title "UnConventional" suggests, the workshop focuses on
hardware or platforms used for HPC, which were not intended for HPC in
the first place. Suggested topics for papers include:
* Innovative use of hardware and software unconventional for HPC
* HPC applications or visualizations in connection with HPC on
GPUs(GPGPU), using GPUs embedded on processor dies (as found in AMD
Fusion/APUs, NVidia Denver, Intel Ivy Bridge), Intel's MIC and SCC,
low power/embedded processors (including DSPs, Adapteva Epiphany),
FPGAs (e.g. Convey), Tilera's tile-based many-core processors, IBM
Cell BE, accelerators, visualization cards, etc.
* Cluster/grid solutions using unconventional hardware, e.g. clusters
of game consoles, nodes using GPUs, Low Power/Embedded Processors,
MPSoCs, new many-cores from Intel and/or ARM designs, Mac
Minis/AppleTVs, FPGAs etc.
* Heterogeneous computing on hybrid platforms
* Work on and use of new programming models and paradigms needed to
support unconventional hardware, and hybrid/hierarchical
combinations with more conventional systems. Examples are OpenACC,
OpenCL, Cilk+, and task-based approaches for heterogeneous systems
* Performance and scalability studies in HPC using unconventional
* Reconfigurable computing for HPC
* Performance modeling, analysis and tools for HPC with unconventional
* New or adapted/extended (parallel) programming models for HPC with
unconventional hardware

Submission deadline: June 4, 2012
For further information see


From: Przemyslaw Stpiczynski <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 02:16:03 -0400
Subject: CANA 2012, Poland, Sep 2012

Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms (CANA'12)
Wroclaw, Poland, 9-12 September, 2012

CANA'12 is organized within the framework of the Federated Conference
on Computer Science and Information Systems.

Numerical algorithms are widely used by scientists engaged in various
areas. There is a special need of highly efficient and easy-to-use
scalable tools for solving large scale problems. The workshop is
devoted to numerical algorithms with the particular attention to the
latest scientific trends in this area and to problems related to
implementation of libraries of efficient numerical algorithms. The
goal of the workshop is meeting of researchers from various institutes
and exchanging of their experience, and integrations of scientific

Topics: Parallel numerical algorithms; Novel data formats for dense
and sparse matrices; Libraries for numerical computations; Numerical
algorithms testing and benchmarking; Analysis of rounding errors of
numerical algorithms; Languages, tools and environments for
programming numerical algorithms; Numerical algorithms on GPUs;
Paradigms of programming numerical algorithms; Contemporary computer
architectures; Heterogeneous numerical algorithms; Applications of
numerical algorithms in science and technology

Paper submission: May 14, 2012
Author notification: June 17, 2012
Final submission and registration: July 8, 2012
Conference date: September 9-12, 2012


From: Sandra Sendra<>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 23:18:49 +0200
Subject: Deadline Ext, GreenNets 2012, Spain, Oct 2012

2nd International Conference on Green Communications and Networking -
GreeNets 2012, 24th and 26th October 2012, Gandia, Spain

Global warming and climate change have been a growing worldwide
concern. Six sources, i.e., transportation, power, buildings,
industry, agriculture and forestry, and land use, have been identified
as major contributors to the rise of global carbon dioxide (CO2). The
mobile industry is seen as a potential enabler to reduce greenhouse
gases contributed by these six sources provided that appropriate
measures are implemented. On the other hand, the mobile industry
itself will also contribute to CO2 emission through network
operations, mobile equipments, etc. To meet the requirement of
low-carbon economy development, it is necessary to reduce the
operation expenditure or energy consumption of mobile networks, while
maintaining acceptable quality of service. This conference will
explore and explain the scope and challenges of designing, building,
and deploying GreeNets. In this regard, the conference aims to
establish a forum to bring together research professionals from
diverse fields including green mobile networks, system architectures,
networking & communication protocols, applications, test-bed and
prototype, traffic balance and energy-efficient cooperation
transmission, system and application issues related to GreeNets.

Topics include, but are not limited to: Communications and Networking;
Energy-efficient network architecture & protocols; Systems and
Technology; Energy-efficient management

Abstract Submission Deadline: May 15, 2012
Full Paper Deadline: May 15, 2012
Camera-ready: July 16, 2012


From: Knut-Andreas Lie <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 07:37:56 -0400
Subject: Research Director, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway

SINTEF ( is the largest, multidisciplinary,
contract research organization in Scandinavia. Each year we perform
more than 7000 research projects for some 2000 clients in about 60
different countries.

We are looking for a new RESEARCH DIRECTOR to head the Department of
Applied Mathematics (, one of nine
departments within the research division for Information and
Communication Technology (ICT). The department consists of 44
researchers who focuses on innovative use of mathematical and
numerical methods across a variety of application areas. Core research
areas include computational geometry, optimization, numerical
simulation, visualization, and parallel computing.

The Research Director is responsible for further strategic development
of the Department's research and competence areas, international
network, market segments, and staff. The Director heads a team of
research managers and chief research scientists. Among the Director's
main tasks are to inspire and motivate the staff, to contribute to
marketing and sales processes, to oversee the general direction of
research projects, and to communicate with major customers and funding
agencies, as well as day-to-day management of the Department.

The Research Director will be part of the management team at SINTEF
ICT and as such will share the responsibility for developing and
reaching SINTEF ICT�s goals, as well as the overall goals of SINTEF.

The Department has offices in Oslo and Trondheim, but the Research
Director will be based in Oslo.

We seek a candidate who combines in-depth knowledge and strategic
foresight in the Department's research and market areas with proven,
excellent leadership abilities for researchers. The candidate must be
market and business oriented. Preferably, the Research Director
should be well reputed in the international applied mathematics
community. High ethical standards are important at SINTEF.

For further information on the position, please contact Executive Vice
President Aage Thunem on mobile no. +47 930 58 951, or e-mail:

Application including cover letter, CV and proof of education should
be submitted using our on-line application system:

Application deadline: 2012-05-21


From: "Plato, Robert" <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 07:48:00 -0400
Subject: Faculty Position, Num Math, Univ of Siegen, Germany

The Department of Mathematics within the Faculty of Science and
Technology at the University of Siegen, Germany, seeks to appoint at
the earliest possible date a

University Professor for Numerics (Salary Scale W 3)

Applications should be sent by June 6th 2012 to the Dean of the
Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Siegen, 57068
Siegen, Germany. All applicants are also asked to submit their
applications additionally as a pdf- file to:

All relevant application information can be found under


From: Jennifer Scott <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 08:27:19 +0100
Subject: Num Software Developer, Rutherford Appleton Lab

Numerical Software Developer and Researcher for Emerging Architectures
18 month fixed term, Oxfordshire UK.

The Numerical Analysis Group of the STFC Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory ( is one of the UK's
leading numerical analysis groups. The main interests of the Group lie
in the development of theory, algorithms and software for the
numerical solution of large-scale linear and nonlinear equations and
optimization problems. The Group is responsible for the
internationally renowned software libraries HSL and GALAHAD. We are
looking for a talented and highly motivated individual to join the
Group to work with us on an EPSRC-funded Flagship project that is part
of a new Collaborative Computational Project (CCP) on Software and
Algorithms for Emerging Architectures.

The project will involve developing algorithms and software for the
direct solution of sparse linear systems on many-core systems, and the
application of these methods within new codes for linear and quadratic

This is an excellent opportunity for an enthusiastic and ambitious
person with a strong background in computational
mathematics. Applicants need to have considerable experience of
programming in Fortran or C as well as experience of parallel
programming and modern computer architectures. In addition,
candidates should possess excellent communication skills in both
spoken and written English and must be able to work effectively both
on their own and as part of a small team.

Salary is in the range 26,610 to 29,566 GBP per annum, dependent on
skills and experience. An excellent index-linked pension scheme and
generous leave allowance are also offered.

Applications are handled by the RCUK Shared Services Centre; to apply
please visit our job board at and complete
an online application form. If you are unable to apply online, please
contact us on 01793 867003 quoting reference IRC53904.

Closing date for applications: 28 May 2012.
Provisional interview date: 15 June 2012.


From: "Sheng, Tim" <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 11:22:18 -0500
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Computational Physics, Baylor Univ

The Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics and Engineering Research
(CASPER) at Baylor University invites applications for a Research
Assistant Professor position in Brane/String/M-Theory with Modeling
and Computations. Researchers in all levels and recent
Ph.D. students/graduates are strongly encouraged to apply. This
position will support joint research projects within CASPER's research
groups and will work primarily with four CASPER Professors,
Drs. Gerald Cleaver, Klaus Kirsten, Qin Sheng and Anzhong Wang. This
is a research position and carries no teaching responsibilities. The
successful candidate should hold the Ph.D. degree in aforementioned
research fields.

The position, which can be starting as early as August 22, 2012, will
be funded by the University for two years and is extendable, depending
on the availability of external funding.

To apply, submit applications via email to
If this is difficult, paper applications to CASPER RAP Search
Committee, CASPER, One Bear Place #97310, Baylor University, Waco,
Texas 76798-7310, USA will also be accepted. Applicants should
provide a curriculum vitae, a list of refereed papers published and
submitted, a brief statement describing his or her research interests
and a proposal for a research program to be carried out at the Baylor
University. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of
reference to be delivered to Baylor and provide the names and contact
information for three additional references.

To ensure a full consideration, applications must be submitted by July
1, 2012. Applications will be accepted thereafter until the position
is filled.

Baylor University is an institution affiliated with the Baptist
General Convention of Texas, United States. As an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity employer, Baylor encourages minorities,
women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply this position.


From: JanNordstrm <>
Date: Sat, 5 May 2012 10:50:57 +0200
Subject: Multiple PhD Positions, Linkoping Univ

One or more PhD positions in Computational Mathematics/Numerical

The student(s) will be member(s) in a new group that develops
computational methods for partial differential equations with
applications in physics and mechanics. Expertise and interest in
theory for initial boundary value problems, high order methods and
multi-physics problems is qualifying.

See for the complete announcement and
details on how to apply.

For more information, contact Professor Jan Nordstrom, Email:, Tel: +46-13-28 14 59

Application deadline is 2012-05-24


From: Trond Steihaug <>
Date: Fri, 04 May 2012 16:55:34 +0200
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Bergen, Norway

PhD positions in Optimization/Renewable Energy

At the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University
of Bergen, Norway, there are two open 4-year positions as PhD students
in renewable energy. Possible research topics include industrial
optimization, and applications from candidates with a recent master
degree in optimization are therefore very welcome. The application
deadline is 3 June 2012.

For more details about the positions and how to apply, please visit
and look for English text under the flag button.

Inquiries can be addressed by email to Professor Dag Haugland,
Department of Informatics, Email:


From: Chi-Wang Shu <>
Date: Sat, 05 May 2012 15:21:44 -0400
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 51(3)

Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 51, Number 3, June 2012

A New TV-Stokes Model with Augmented Lagrangian Method for Image
Denoising and Deconvolution, Dai-Qiang Chen, Li-Zhi Cheng and Fang Su,

Hybrid Well-balanced WENO Schemes with Different Indicators for
Shallow Water Equations, Gang Li, Changna Lu and Jianxian Qiu,

The Chaotic Nature of Faster Gradient Descent Methods, Kees van den
Doel and Uri Ascher, pp.560-581.

A Posteriori Error Estimates for HDG Methods, Bernardo Cockburn and
Wujun Zhang, pp.582-607.

Hypothesis Testing for Fourier Based Edge Detection Methods,
A. Petersen, A. Gelb and R. Eubank, pp.608-630.

Iterative Design of Concentration Factors for Jump Detection,
Adityavikram Viswanathan, Anne Gelb and Douglas Cochran, pp.631-649.

Summation by Parts Operators for Finite Difference Approximations of
Second-Derivatives with Variable Coefficients, Ken Mattsson,

Matrix Stability of Multiquadric Radial Basis Function Methods for
Hyperbolic Equations with Uniform Centers, Xinjuan Chen and Jae-Hun
Jung, pp.683-702.

High Order Finite Difference and Finite Volume Methods for Advection
on the Sphere, Bjorn Sjogreen, pp.703-732.

A Recursive Sparse Blind Source Separation Method and Its Application
to Correlated Data in NMR Spectroscopy of Biofluids, Yuanchang Sun and
Jack Xin, pp.733-753.


From: Susan Cummins <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 01:40:27 -0400
Subject: Contents, AIMS J Industrial and Management Optim, 8(2)

Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO)
Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 271-520, May 2012

Approximation schemes for scheduling a maintenance and linear
deteriorating jobs, Wenchang Luo and Lin Chen, 271-283

A decision making process application for the slurry production in
ceramics via fuzzy cluster and data mining, Feyza G�rb�z and Panos
M. Pardalos, 285-297

Minimizing equilibrium expected sojourn time via performance-based
mixed threshold demand allocation in a multiple-server queueing
environment, Sin-Man Choi, Ximin Huang and Wai-Ki Ching, 299-323

Fabric defect detection using multi-level tuned-matched Gabor filters,
Kai-Ling Mak, Pai Peng and Ka-Fai Cedric Yiu, 325-341

Robust portfolio selection with a combined WCVaR and factor model, Ke
Ruan and Masao Fukushima, 343-362

Analysis of airline seat control with region factor, Yanming Ge,

A real option approach to optimal inventory management of retail
products, Ximin Huang, Na Song, Wai-Ki Ching, Tak-Kuen Siu and Ka-Fai
Cedric Yiu, 379-389

The dependence of assets and default threshold with
thinning-dependence structure, Yinghui Dong and Guojing Wang, 391-410

Calculus rules of generalized &#1013;&#8722;subdifferential for vector
valued mappings and applications, Shengjie Li and Xiaole Guo, 411-427

An efficient convexification method for solving generalized geometric
problems, Hao-Chun Lu, 429-455

A new heuristic algorithm for laser antimissile strategy optimization,
Xiangyu Gao and Yong Sun, 457-468

A metaheuristic method for vehicle routing problem based on improved
ant colony optimization and Tabu search, Mingyong Lai and Xiaojiao
Tong, 469-484

On a refinement of the convergence analysis for the new exact penalty
function method for continuous inequality constrained optimization
problem, Changjun Yu, Kok Lay Teo, Liansheng Zhang and Yanqin Bai,

Polymorphic uncertain nonlinear programming model and algorithm for
maximizing the fatigue life of V-belt drive, Shaojun Zhang and Zhong
Wan, 493-505

A Stackelberg game management model of the urban public transport,
Lianju Sun, Ziyou Gao and Yiju Wang, 507-520

Follow AIMS on Twitter:!/AIM_Sciences


From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 15:08:24 +0300
Subject: Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 12(2)

This issue has been prepared by our Guest Editors Hans-Gorg Roos and
Lutz Tobiska

Martin Stynes - 60
Hans-Gorg Roos and Lutz Tobiska, page 121

Divergence Preserving Interpolation on Anisotropic Quadrilateral
Meshes, Malte Braack, Gert Lube, and Lars Rohe, page 123 - 138

Numerical Experiments for a Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Problem
with Degenerating Convective Term and Discontinuous Source, Carmelo
Clavero, Jose L. Gracia, Grigorii Shishkin, and Lidia Shishkina, page
139 - 152

A Note on the Convergence Analysis of a Diffuse-domain Approach,
Sebastian Franz, Hans-Gorg Roos, Roland Gartner, and Axel Voigt, page
153 - 167

A Finite Element Method for a Noncoercive Elliptic Problem with
Neumann Boundary Conditions, Klim Kavaliou, Klim and Lutz Tobiska,
page 168 - 188

A Localized Maximum Principle, R. Bruce Kellogg, page 184 - 188

Maximum Norm a Posteriori Error Estimation For a Time-dependent
Reaction-diffusion Problem, Natalia Kopteva and Torsten Lins, page 189
- 205

A Singularly Perturbed Convection Diffusion Turning Point Problem with
an Interior Layer, Eugene O'Riordan and Jason Quinn, page 206 - 220

A Local Projection Stabilization Method with Shock Capturing and
Diagonal Mass Matrix for Solving Non-stationary Transport Dominated
Problems, Friedhelm Schieweck and Piotr Skrzypacz, page 221 - 240

For more information, please, visit .

All CMAM ahead of print papers can be viewed at .

End of NA Digest
