From: Alex Shkolnik <ads2@stanford.edu>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 03:25:32 -0500
Subject: Workshop on Modern Massive Data Sets (MMDS), Stanford, Jun 2010
MMDS 2010: Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets will take
place on June 15-18, 2010 at Stanford University, Stanford, CA USA. The
goals of these meetings are to explore novel techniques for modeling and
analyzing massive, high-dimensional, and nonlinearly structured scientific
and internet data sets; and to bring together computer scientists,
statisticians, mathematicians, and data analysis practitioners to promote
cross-fertilization of ideas. Talks will address fundamental questions
underlying recent work on algorithmic, statistical and computational
of large-scale data set analysis and provide a wide range modern
MMDS 2010 follows two tremendously successful meetings in 2006 and 2008
and is
organized by Michael Mahoney (Stanford), Petros Drineas (RPI), Alexander
Shkolnik (Stanford), Lek-Heng Lim (Berkeley) and Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford).
Website: http://mmds.stanford.edu
Contact: mmds-organizers@math.stanford.edu
From: stephen keeling <keeling@uni-graz.at>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:54:36 -0500
Subject: Workshop: Imaging with Modulated/Incomplete Data, Austria, Jul 2010
We wish to announce to the readers that the Workshop,
"Imaging with Modulated/Incomplete Data"
will take place in Graz, Austria, 8. - 10. July 2010
as part of the Special Research Center,
"Mathematical Optimization and Applications in Biomedical Sciences".
Those interested to participate in the workshop are
invited to visit the webpage,
to obtain further information.
From: "Prof. Yiannis G. Saridakis" <yiannis@science.tuc.gr>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 05:09:15 -0500
Subject: Numerical Analysis (NumAn2010), Chania-Crete, Greece, Sep 2010
Invited Speakers:
We are organizing a conference in Numerical Analysis entitled "Conference in
Numerical Analysis (NumAn 2010) - Recent Approaches to Numerical Analysis:
Theory, Methods and Applications". The conference will take place in Chania,
Greece, Wednesday 15, to Saturday 18, September 2010. The themes of the
conference are in the broad area of numerical analysis and applications,
1. numerical methods and algorithms
2. numerical computing and software
3. applications of numerical methods to science, engineering, biology,
finance, etc.
4. parallel and high-performance numerical computation
5. scientific computing
All areas of numerical analysis are considered, including:
1. numerical linear algebra
2. numerical solution of ordinary, partial and stochastic differential
3. nonlinear and optimization problems
We invite interested researchers to submit one-page abstracts, for
lecture or
poster presentations, on topics pertaining to the themes of the
conference by
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010. Abstracts must be in LaTeX following the sample file
sample.tex and must be e-mailed to numan2010submit@science.tuc.gr.
From: Daniel Potts <potts@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 10:55:01 +0100
Subject: Summer School on Applied Analysis, Chemnitz (Germany), Oct 2010
Summer School on Applied Analysis
October 04-08, 2010, Chemnitz, Germany
The summer school is devoted to applied analysis. The courses, focusing on
different aspects of applied analysis, will take place Monday-Friday during
the entire week. It is meant for training of undergraduate students, Ph.D.
students and young post-doc researchers. The registration is free, but
we may
limit the number of participants if necessary.
There will be five general lectures given by the following speakers.
The topics and speakers of the lectures will be
Frank Filbir Kernel based meshless approximation method
Anders C. Hansen Computational Complexity and Compressed Sensing
Erich Novak Tractability of Multivariate Problems
Lothar Reichel Numerical Methods for Ill-Posed Problems
Hans Schneider Spectral Theory of Nonnegative Matrices
Further information and online registration is
available on the website:
From: "Cornelis W. Oosterlee" <c.w.oosterlee@cwi.nl>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 05:57:58 -0500
Subject: European Multi-Grid Conference, EMG2010, Italy, Sep 2010
European Multi-Grid Conference EMG 2010
19 - 23 September, 2010
Isola d'Ischia (Napoli), Italy (island near Naples)
The deadline for (one paged) abstracts is April 1st 2010.
Notification of acceptance will be May 1st 2010.
Invited Speakers:
R. Basri (Weizmann): Multiscale Methods for Edge Detection and Image
M. Giles (Oxford, UK): Multilevel Monte Carlo Method
W. Hackbusch (Leipzig, Germany): Hierarchical Tensor Representation
V. Schulz (Trier): Computational Optimization of Systems Governed by PDEs
S. Serra-Capizzano (Como, Italy), tba
S. Vandewalle (Leuven, Belgium), tba
J. van der Vegt (Twente, Netherlands), tba
W. Wall (Munich, Germany), tba
Main topics at EMG2010 will be
- Multigrid methods (efficiency, robustness, adaptivity, parallelism)
- Multiscale methods
- Domain decomposition
- Related iterative schemes and discretization methods
- Software, tools, and high performance computing
- Applications in classical and emerging areas like Analysis of images,
financial problems, inverse problems, models related
to medicine and biosciences, multiscale and coupled
systems, optimization and design.
For details, please visit the EMG2010 webpage,
At the EMG2010 homepage you can also find the abstract latex sample file
(Link Contributions) and the link to upload the abstract of your talk.
April 1st, 2010 -- abstract submission
May 1st, 2010 -- notification of acceptance
June 1st, 2010 -- early registration fee
The organizers
Alfio Borzi and Kees Oosterlee
From: Kenneth Morgan <k.morgan@swansea.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 05:12:51 -0500
Subject: INI/WIMCS Computational Challenges in PDEs, Swansea (UK), Apr 2011
INI/WIMCS Joint Follow-Up Meeting On
Computational Challenges in PDEs
Swansea (UK), 4th-8th April 2011
The research programme on Computational Challenges for Partial Differential
Equations was held at the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) in Cambridge between
January and July in 2003. The programme resulted in important contributions
in the fields of adaptivity and error control, the construction and
mathematical analysis of multiscale numerical algorithms, the approximation
of high-dimensional PDEs and the mathematical analysis of numerical
algorithms for general PDEs.
Building on the success of this programme, the INI and the Wales Institute
of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WIMCS) are jointly organising a
one week follow-up meeting in 2011. The meeting will consist of 32 invited
contributions in the areas of multiscale modelling, interface modelling,
PDEs on surfaces and geometric evolution problems, biomedical applications,
computational rheology, atomistic to continuum passage, low order modelling
and uncertainty modelling.
Further information may be found at
From: Mitch Chernoff <chernoff@siam.org>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 15:02:33 -0500
Subject: Call for Papers, SISC Copper Mountain Special Issue
The 11th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods is scheduled from
April 4 - 9, 2010. (See http://grandmaster.colorado.edu/~copper/2010/ for
details.) As in previous even-numbered years, the SIAM Journal on
Computing (SISC) is planning a Special Issue, dedicated to recent
progress in iterative methods. Submissions are encouraged in all
aspects of
iterative methods including the following highlighted areas: stochastic PDEs
and uncertainty, page rank and Markov chains, inverse problems and
regularization, optimization, PDE systems, hardware effects/multicore
architectures, and nonlinear solvers and applications.
The deadline for submission to the Special Issue is June 15, 2010.
Attendees and participants of the conference as well as the general
are invited to submit papers.
All interested should submit a manuscript and cover letter in PDF
format via
SISC's online submission site at http://sisc.siam.org. Note the block
Special Section (just under the keywords block on your submission
screen) and
select "Copper Mountain Special Issue 2010" from the dropdown box. Also be
sure to note in the Manuscript Comment text box at the bottom of this
page and
in your cover letter that your work is intended for the Special Issue.
will be subject to review by a guest Editorial Board.
If any questions, contact Mitch Chernoff, SIAM Publications Manager, at
Chernoff@siam.org or Ray Tuminaro, Guest Editor-in-Charge for the Special
Issue, at rstumin@sandia.gov.
From: "Roger G. Ghanem" <ghanem@usc.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 14:06:51 -0800
Subject: CFP: Special issue of SIAM-MMS on Stochastic Multiscale Methods
Submissions are solicited for a Special Issue of the SIAM Journal on
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS) on "Stochastic Multiscale
Modeling and Analysis."
All submissions will be peer-reviewed in accordance with the criteria
and standards of MMS. Contributions are encouraged that address
fundamental issues of stochastic multiscale methods related to the
mathematical and physical foundations as well as to algorithmic and
applied aspects of the problem. The SI is guest-edited by Roger Ghanem
(ghanem@usc.edu), George Papanicolaou (papanicolaou@stanford.edu) and
Boris Rozovski� (boris_rozovsky@brown.edu).
Additional information can be found at
From: Roderick Melnik <rmelnik@wlu.ca>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 14:40:35 -0400
Subject: Postdoctoral position, M2NeT Lab, WLU, Waterloo, Canada
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical
Modeling/Computational Science
at the M2NeT Lab, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada. Further
information about the position and how to apply can be found at the
Full consideration will be given to all applications received by
April 25, 2010. The position is available from the Fall semester 2010.
From: Oleg Burdakov <olbur@mai.liu.se>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 03:31:45 -0500
Subject: Contents, Optimization Methods and Software
Table of Contents
Optimization Methods and Software (OMS), Volume 25, Number 2 (April, 2010)
Special issue: the 22nd European Conference on Operational Research,
July 8-11, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
Guest Editors: Ekaterina Kostina and Tamas Terlaky
Indra Adrianto and Theodore B. Trafalis
The p-center machine for regression analysis
R. De Leone and C. Lazzari
Error bounds for support vector machines with application to the
identification of active constraints
J. Freixas and X. Molinero
Weighted games without a unique minimal representation in integers
Constantin Gaul, Sascha Kurz and Joerg Rambau
On the lot-type design problem
Alireza Ghaffari-Hadigheh, Oleksandr Romanko and Tamas Terlaky
Bi-Parametric Convex Quadratic Optimization
M. Halicka and M. Trnovska
Limiting behavior and analyticity of weighted central paths
in semidefinite programming
Kun He and Wenqi Huang
Solving the single container loading problem by a fast
heuristic method
O.I. Kostyukova and T.V. Tchemisova
Sufficient optimality conditions for convex semi-infinite programming
C.M.O. Pimentel, F.P. e Alvelos and J.M.V. de Carvalho
Comparing Dantzig-Wolfe decompositions and branch-and-price
algorithms for the multi-item capacitated lot sizing problem
M.I. Velazco, A.R.L. Oliveira and F.F. Campos
A note on hybrid preconditioners for large-scale normal
equations arising from interior-point methods
Volume 25, Number 3 (June, 2010)
Special issue: the 2nd Veszprem Optimization Conference: Advanced
Algorithms (VOCAL), December 13-15, 2006, Veszprem, Hungary
Guest Editors: Botond Bertok and Tamas Terlaky
Geir Gundersen and Trond Steihaug
On large scale unconstrained optimization problems and
higher order methods
S. Gratton, M. Mouffe, A. Sartenaer, Ph.L. Toint and D. Tomanos
Numerical experience with a recursive trust-region method
for multilevel nonlinear optimization
Mohamed El Ghami, Cornelis Roos and Trond Steihaug
A generic primal-dual interior-point method for semidefinite
optimization based on a new class of kernel functions
I.D. Ivanov and Etienne de Klerk
Parallel implementation of a semidefinite programming solver
based on CSDP on a distributed memory cluster
Enrico Angelelli, Maria Grazia Speranza, J�zsef Szoldatics and Zsolt Tuza
Geometric representation for semi on-line scheduling on uniform processors
Ebrahim Nasrabadi and S. Mehdi Hashemi
Minimum cost time-varying network flow problems
Csaba Meszaros
On the implementation of interior point methods for dual-core platforms
M. Salahi and S. Ketabchi
Correcting an inconsistent set of linear inequalities by
generalized Newton method
Mohammad H. Koulaei and Tamas Terlaky
On the complexity analysis of a Mehrotra-type primal-dual feasible
algorithm for semidefinite optimization
Forthcoming papers and complete table of contents for the journal OMS:
Instructions for Authors and Online sample copy:
Discounted individual subscription:
From: Claude Brezinski <claude.brezinski@univ-lille1.fr>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 09:05:38 +0100
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms 53(4)
Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms,
Volume 53, Number 4.
Semi-definite programming techniques for structured quadratic inverse
eigenvalue problems.
Matthew M. Lin, Bo Dong, Moody T. Chu
Pages 419 - 437
The moments for q-Bernstein operators in the case 0 < q < 1.
Nazim Mahmudov
Pages 439 - 450
A stable algorithm for numerical evaluation of Hankel transforms
using Haar wavelets.
Rajesh K. Pandey, Om Prakash Singh, Vineet K. Singh
Page 451 - 466
Convergence and spectral analysis of the Frontini-Sormani family
of multipoint third order methods from quadrature rule.
Diyashvir Kreetee Rajiv Babajee, M. Z. Dauhoo
Pages 467 - 484
Efficient three-step iterative methods with sixth order convergence
for nonlinear equations.
Alicia Cordero, Jose L. Hueso, Eulalia Martinez,Juan R. Torregrosa
Pages 485 - 495
A robust finite difference scheme for pricing American put options
with Singularity-Separating method.
Zhongdi Cen, Anbo Le
Pages 497 - 510
Quadratic spline collocation for one-dimensional linear parabolic
partial differential equations.
Christina C. Christara, Tong Chen,Duy Minh Dang
Pages 511 - 553
Two-parameter homotopy method for nonlinear equations.
Yongyan Wu,Kwok Fai Cheung
Pages 555 - 572
End of NA Digest