NA Digest Sunday, February 14, 2010 Volume 10 : Issue 07

Today's Editor:
Tamara G. Kolda
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to

Information via email about NA-NET:

Mail to


From: "Field G. Van Zee" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 18:23:26 -0600
Subject: libflame 4.0 now available

We are happy to announce the fourth milestone release (r3815) of
libflame, a modern replacement for the most-used functionality of the
LAPACK linear algebra library.

Some improvements since version 3.0:

- Algorithms-by-blocks for two new operations: (1) LU with partial
pivoting, and (2) Up-and-downdating an upper triangular Cholesky or QR
factor. These new implementations join existing algorithms-by-blocks
for Cholesky factorization, QR factorization via the UT transform, LU
factorization via incremental pivoting, Triangular matrix inversion,
and SPD/HPD matrix inversion.

- New advanced scheduling options for SuperMatrix, libflame's runtime
task scheduling and SMP/multicore parallel execution system.

- A preliminary implementation of a new BLAS-like interface layer,
BLIS, which attempts to remedy deficiencies in the original BLAS
interface, particularly with regard to conjugating (without
transposing) certain matrix and/or vector operands.

- Column-major and row-major storage support for nearly all routines.

- Optimized unblocked C routines for nearly all LAPACK-level operations.

- Independence from LAPACK.

- Independence from Fortran; all libflame code is now written in C and
thus a Fortran compiler is no longer needed to build the library.

- User-friendly solve routines that compliment their corresponding

- Improved support for building under Microsoft Windows (including
Windows 7).

- More robust error checking.

- Continued support for an LAPACK compatibility layer.

For a first introduction to libflame we recommend reading:

Field G. Van Zee, Ernie Chan, Robert A. van de Geijn, Enrique
S. Quintana-Ort�, and Gregorio Quintana-Ort�. "Introducing: The
libflame Library for Dense Matrix Computations." IEEE Computing in
Science & Engineering, 11(6):56--62, 2009.

This article, as well as a comprehensive user's guide, may be found at
[1] . For general information, including links to source code
distributions, please visit the FLAME project home page at [2].

Field G. Van Zee
for the FLAME team



From: Hans Munthe-Kaas <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 14:04:24 +0100
Subject: Stephen Smale Prize - call for nominations

The first Stephen Smale Prize will be awarded in the meeting
Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) in Budapest in July

We hereby call for nominations of candidates. Nominations should be sent
by email to the secretary of FoCM
Hans Munthe-Kaas,
Deadline: October 3, 2010.

Full announcement of prize here: .

BACKGROUND: The Society for the Foundations of Computational
Mathematics ( was created in the summer of 1995,
following the month-long meeting in Park City, Utah, which was
principally organized by Steve Smale. The Park City meeting aimed, in
Smale's words from the preliminary announcement, ``... to strengthen
the unity of mathematics and numerical analysis, and to narrow the gap
between pure and applied mathematics." Smale's vision has been the
Society's inspiration these past 15 years. During this period the
journal 'Foundations of Computational Mathematics' was created,
several colloquia and research semesters were organized and six
international conferences were held in what has become a triennial
series. The Budapest meeting in 2011 will be the seventh.

After fifteen years of existence, with an established and recognized
position in the scientific community, the Society has created the
``Stephen Smale Prize" whose objective is to recognize the work of a
young mathematician in the areas at the heart of the society's
interests and to help to promote his or her integration among the
leaders of the scientific community. The first Stephen Smale Prize
will be awarded at the Budapest meeting.

RULES (summary, see for full details):

* The goal of the Smale Prize is to recognize major achievements in
furthering the understanding of the connections between mathematics
and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied
mathematics, numerical analysis and computer science.

* To be eligible for the prize a candidate must be in his or her early
to mid career, meaning, typically, removed by at most 10 years of
his/her (first) doctoral degree by the last day of the FoCM meeting
(July 14, 2011). Allowances might be made for atypical life

* Eligible candidates should be nominated (self-nominations excluded)
by sending an email to the secretary of FoCM, Hans Munthe-Kaas, no later than October 3, 2010. Each nomination
should be accompanied by a brief case for support. There is no
compulsory format for the nomination but it should include at least
three letters of recommendation.

* The recipient of the prize will be expected to give a lecture at the
meeting. A written version of this lecture (tagged as the Smale Prize
Lecture) will be included in the volume of plenary talks.


From: "J. M. Littleton" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 18:17:08 -0500
Subject: Call for Submissions - SIAM Student Paper Prize


The SIAM STUDENT PAPER PRIZE is awarded every year to the student author(s)
of the most outstanding paper(s) submitted to the SIAM Student Paper
Competition. This award is based solely on the merit and content of the
student's contribution to the submitted paper. The prize recognizes
outstanding scholarship by students in applied mathematics or scientific
computing. Up to three awards are given.

The 2010 SIAM Student Paper Prize will be awarded at the SIAM Annual
Meeting, to be held July 12-16, 2010, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Each
prize recipient will receive a framed certificate plus a cash award of
$1,000 and will be requested to present his or her paper at the 2010 SIAM
Annual Meeting. Recipients also receive $500 toward travel expenses and
gratis registration for the meeting.

Eligibility is restricted to students in good standing who do not yet hold
the degree of PhD on the application deadline. Papers entered in the
competition must have already been submitted for publication. Submissions
may be based on co-authored papers. Instructions on how to submit a paper
and other required documents can be found at

All papers and accompanying documentation must be received at the SIAM
office on or before MARCH 15, 2010. Please address your submission to
Professor Peter Turner, Chair, SIAM Student Paper Prize Committee, and send
it to J. M. Littleton at Inquiries should be addressed


From: Raimondas Ciegis <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:22:18 -0500
Subject: Math Modelling & Analysis, Lithuania, May 2010

Second Announcement
15th International Conference
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2010)
May 26--29 2010, Druskininkai, Lithuania

Aims: The Conference focuses on various aspects of mathematical
modelling and usage of finite difference and finite element methods
for numerical solution of modern problems of science and
engineering. It aims, in particular, at fostering a cooperation among
practitioners and theoreticians in this field. Another very important
goal of the MMA meetings is to assist in the creation and maintenance
of contacts between scientists from the West and the East. Working
language of the Conference is English.

The basic topics: Analysis of numerical methods for solving problems
of mathematical physics; Application of numerical methods to
industrial and engineering problems; Parallel algorithms and parallel
computing; Analysis and applications of ODE and PDE problems;
Scientific computation; Financial mathematics and mathematics in economics.

Abstracts and Proceedings: Authors are requested to send an abstract
(1 page) before March 30, 2010 by e-mail:
Instructions and a style file for the preparation of the abstracts are
available at

Conference materials: The selected papers of the Conference will be
published in Vol.16 of "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" (The
Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and
Differential Equations), . All papers will be


From: Victor Didenko <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 01:27:00 -0500
Subject: The 6th EASIAM Conference and AMIC2010, Malaysia, Jun 2010

The 6th East Asia SIAM Conference in conjunction with the Applied
International Conference AMIC2010

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
22-24 June, 2010

The EASIAM Conference is an annual meeting in the series of conferences.
EASIAM provides a platform for exploration and application of mathematics to
science, industry, engineering and technology in the East and South East
Previous EASIAM meetings were held in Hong Kong, Sapporo, Xiamen,
Daejeon, and
Brunei. The goal of the conference is to promote research that will lead to
effective new mathematical and computational methods and techniques for
science, engineering, industry and society.

Th Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

For more information please visit the conference website at:


From: Matthias Koeppe <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 23:07:47 -0500
Subject: Mixed Integer Programming, Atlanta, July 2010


Date: July 26-29, 2010
Location: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Poster submission deadline: March 31, 2010

The 2010 Mixed Integer Programming workshop will be the seventh in a
series of
annual workshops held in North America designed to bring the integer
programming community together to discuss very recent developments in the
field. The workshop series consists of a single track of invited talks.

Confirmed speakers:

Karen Aardal, Tobias Achterberg, Egon Balas,
Pierre Bonami, Michele Conforti, Sanjeeb Dash,
Daniel Espinoza, Matteo Fischetti, Antonio Frangioni,
Zonghao Gu, Ellis Johnson, Simge Kucukyavuz,
Jon Lee, Quentin Louveaux, Jim Luedtke,
Andrew Miller, Michele Monaci, James Ostrowski,
Marc Pfetsch, Jean-Philippe Richard, Martin Savelsbergh,
Stefano Smriglio, Andrea Tramontani, Santosh Vempala,
Juan-Pablo Vielma, Giacomo Zambelli

We encourage anyone with interests in mixed integer programming to
participate. Space is limited, and thus early registration is recommended.

In addition to the invited talks, there will be a contributed poster
for which we invite all participants to submit an abstract. To submit an
abstract for the poster session, please register for the conference at the
above web page, then email a 1-or-2-page pdf file containing your
abstract to by March 31. Space for posters is limited, and
we may
not be able to accommodate all posters; we expect to send out
notifications by
April 30.

There will be ample time for discussion and interaction between the
participants during the workshop, as one of its aims is to facilitate

Thanks to the generous support by our sponsors, registration is free, and
travel support is available. Students and postdocs who wish to apply for
travel support are strongly encouraged to submit a poster abstract no later
than March 31, as funding priority will be given to students and
postdocs who
have submitted poster abstracts. We expect to make funding decisions by


From: Michael Bader <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 04:02:41 -0500
Subject: ParSim 2010 at EuroMPI 2010, Germany, Sep 2010

ParSim 2010

Special Session at 17th EuroMPI Users' Group Meeting 2010
September 16th - 18th, Stuttgart, Germany

In today's world, the use of parallel programming and architectures
is essential for simulating practical problems in engineering and
related disciplines. Remarkable progress in CPU architecture (multi-
and manycore, SMT, transactional memory, virtualization support,
etc.), system scalability, and interconnect technology continues to
provide new opportunities, as well as new challenges for both system
architects and software developers. These trends go along with progress
in parallel algorithms, simulation techniques, and software integration
from multiple disciplines.

The 9th ParSim session is intended to provide a discussion forum for
scientists from both application disciplines and computer science in order
to foster closer cooperations. In contrast to traditional conferences,
emphasis is put on the presentation of up-to-date results with a short
turn-around time, which can also include the presentation of
with only partial results available at the time of submission.

Author instructions:
Authors are invited to submit full papers (at most 8 pages, PDF format,
Springer LNCS style) that illustrate new and innovative directions in the
area of parallel simulation techniques in engineering environments.

To submit a paper, send your PDF file directly to the organizers -
via email to

Accepted papers will be published in the EuroMPI proceedings and are
expected to be presented by one of the authors at ParSim2010.
Participants must register for EuroMPI at

Paper Submission: April 19th, 2010
Author Notification: May 17st, 2010
Camera Ready Papers: June 10th, 2010


From: Giuliano Casale <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 17:57:32 -0500
Subject: Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, Virginia, Sep 2010

Call for Papers
6th International Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains
NSMC 2010

College of William & Mary, Computer Science Department
16th-17th September, 2010, Williamsburg, VA, USA

*** co-located with the 7th International Conference on the ***
*** Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST'10) *

For the workshop, (extended) abstracts are to be submitted. They must
be in English and should not exceed 4 pages in IEEE double column
format. They must be unpublished and must not be submitted for
publication elsewhere. Those that are accepted will appear in the
workshop proceedings, and must be presented by one of the authors.
Submissions will be handled by the EasyChair system. Full papers will
be submitted to a special issue of the journal Numerical Linear Algebra
with Applications (NLAA) after the workshop.

William J. Stewart (US)

(Extended) abstracts : April 2, 2010
Notification : May 14, 2010
Workshop : September 16-17, 2010
Full papers : October 1, 2010


From: Marcin Paprzycki <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 07:17:28 -0500
Subject: Special Issue on Grid Computing and its Applications

Call for Papers

Grid Computing and its Applications

Special Issue of
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experiences (SCPE)

Special Issue of the Scalable Computing: Practice and Experiences (SCPE)
journal is currently being prepared and will be based primarily on
extended and modified versions of papers accepted for two Workshops
organized within the framework of the PPAM�2009 Conference

* Grid Applications and Middleware (
* Large Scale Computations in Grids (

In an effort to broaden the scope of the Special Issue, we would like to
invite submissions of additional papers matching one or more topic of
either Workshop:

GAMW Topics:

* Cloud and grid computing
* Virtualization Technologies
* Customization of Virtualization Environments
* Workflows, application representations
* Collaborative Environments on the Grid
* Distributed Application Toolkits and Frameworks
* Experience in both, converting existing applications and designing new
applications to run on the distributed ecosystem
* Distributed Data management
* Experience on the characteristics of applications or particular
application software that make them well suited for the grid, such as
checkpoint/restart functionality, new challenges in data/information
* Application requirements for grid and cloud middleware as well as
fabric infrastructures, including networks

LaSCoG Topics:

* Large-scale algorithms
* Symbolic and numeric computations
* High performance computations for large scale simulations
* Large-scale distributed computations
* Agent-based computing
* Data models for large-scale applications
* Cloud computing
* Security issues for large-scale computations
* Science portals
* Data visualization
* Performance analysis, evaluation and prediction
* Programming models
* Peer-to-peer models and services for scalable grids
* Collaborative science applications
* Business applications
* Data-intensive applications

Papers have to be formatted according to the instructions found at:

All submissions will be refereed by at least two referees.

- submission of the paper: March 30, 2010
- acceptance decision April 30, 2010
- final versions of papers due: May 30, 2010

Please submit your papers to: The
initial submission should consist of a PDF file ONLY. A complete set of
files (sources) will be required for final versions of accepted papers.

Sincerely Yours,
Ewa Deelman
Norbert Meyer
Marcin Paprzycki
Dana Petcu
Special Issue Editors


From: Stefan Wild <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 12:49:11 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at Argonne

Postdoctoral Researcher – Optimization Algorithms and Software for
Communication Avoidance and Communication Hiding at the Extreme Scale

The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne National
Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for a postdoctoral
focusing on the development of new optimization methods for automatic
of high performance computing codes on future extreme scale architectures.

The successful candidate will work as part of a multidisciplinary research
team involving mathematicians, computer scientists, and computational
scientists through the newly formed CACHE Institute.
Candidates should have a background in one or more of the
following: numerical analysis, optimization, scientific
computing, and Fortran/C/C++. Experience with the development of nonlinear
and integer optimization techniques is a plus.

The appointment will be in the MCS Division, which has strong programs in
scientific computing, software tools, and computational mathematics.
Argonne is located in the southwestern
Chicago suburbs, offering the advantages of affordable housing, good
and easy access to the cultural attractions of the city.

Candidates should submit an application via the Argonne website under
postdoctoral job openings for job requisition 315780. The application must
include a curriculum vitae; list of publications, abstracts, and significant
presentations; and the names of three references, other than Argonne staff,
who can attest to the candidate's ability and potential.

For further information about division postdoctoral appointments at Argonne,
see the website. Questions can be addressed to Stefan Wild or Paul Hovland,
MCS Division, by e-mail to or

A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC.,
Argonne is an equal opportunity employer, and we value diversity in our


From: Luca Formaggia <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 06:43:41 -0500
Subject: Postdoc at the Math Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Two postdoc positions are now available at MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica,
Politecnico di Milano. The grants are supported by the Mathcard
project "Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Cardiovascular System"
( headed by professor Alfio Quarteroni.

Theme 1: Multiscale fluid dynamics and fluid--structure interaction.
Suitable candidates should hold a PhD in applied mathematics, physics, or
engineering, with a strong background in computational mechanics (finite
elasticity and/or fluid mechanics) and numerical methods, in particular
finite elements. He/she should also have strong skills and passion for
scientific programming and is supposed to take a leading role in the
development of the scientific software LifeV (

Theme 2: Mathematical modelling of coupled problems in the cardiovascular
Suitable candidates should hold a PhD in applied mathematics, physics, or
engineering, with a strong background in continuum mechanics as applied to
biomechanical problems (haemodynamics, soft tissues mechanics). A good
practical knowledge of numerical methods is required, in particular finite
elements. He/she should also have strong skills and passion for mathematical
modelling, numerical approximation, comparison with experimental data and is
expected to take a key role in collaboration with medical doctors.

The postions are open until suitable candidates are found. Please
indicate the
specific theme you are interested in. If you have not yet officially
your PhD title, indicate the expected date.
Duration: 1+1 years
To apply send a CV to


From: Joern Behrens <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 07:33:50 -0500
Subject: Research associate (PhD position) numerical methods in geosciences

The University of Hamburg jointly with the Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS
Research Centre is establishing a trans- disciplinary research focus
on �Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction, CliSAP�. The
goal is to analyze ongoing and past changes of the state of the
climate system, in response to natural and human-driven perturbations,
to determine predictable elements of the climate system over a broad
range of space and time scales, and to determine uncertainties
intrinsic to predictions of important climate system and environmental
indices (see

The Cluster of Excellence (CliSAP) invites applicants for the
following sub-project:

Numerical Methods in Geosciences

The envisioned project is concerned with developing a new adaptive
storm surge model, based on discontinuous Galerkin or finite volume
numerical schemes for triangular meshes and optimizing this model by
highly efficient techniques for single and multiple processor

For this project, the university has a 65% FTE (25 hours/week)
position open for a research associate (wissenschaftliche/r
Mitarbeiter/in) - salary group 13 TV-L (equivalent to Verg.Gr. IIa
BAT) � to start as soon as possible. The short-term contract is
limited to 3 years. (See also � 2 of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract
Law (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz)). The university intends to
increase the number of women amongst its academic personnel and
expressly encourages qualified women to apply. In compliance with the
Hamburg Equal Opportunity Law, preference will be given to qualified
female applicants.

Please find further information and the official job opening at


From: Renato Alvarez-Nodarse <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 18:21:44 -0500
Subject: Grants for research positions in Approximation theory (Spain)

Dear Colleagues

In the near future there will be available three positions (postgraduate
positions for preparing a PhD thesis) in Orthogonal Polynomials and
Approximation Theory. One of this fellowship is to work in in the group
leaded by Paco Marcellan and Guillermo Lopez Lagomasino in Madrid,
and the other two, for preparing the PhD thesis in Seville in the group
leaded by Antonio Duran. The duration of this positions is 4 years.
Also in Seville there will be available a postdoc position for two years.

The people interested in this grants please, as soon as possible,
contact Guillermo Lopez Lagomasino (in Madrid at and Antonio Duran (in Sevilla at


From: Carlos Manuel Tiago Tavares Fernandes <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 11:45:16 -0500
Subject: Two PhD scholarships in Civil Engineering, IST, Lisbon, Portugal

In a short period of time, a contest will be opened for 2 research
scholarships (36 months, 980�/month), both included in the project �GFRP /
Fire Protection Systems for GFRP Pultruded Profiles� financed by the
Portuguese Government through the Foundation for the Science and Technology
The work will be done at the Department of Civil Engineering of Instituto
Superior T�cnico ( in
collaboration with other institutions (Porto University and a company). The
objective of this project is to access (i) the behaviour of glass fibre
reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite structures exposed to fire and (ii) the
performance of innovative fire protecting systems. These tasks will be
performed using experimental tests (scholarship 1, under the supervision of
Prof. Fernando Branco and Prof. Jo�o R. Correia) and numerical procedures
(scholarship 2, under the supervision of Prof. Teixeira de Freitas and Prof.
Carlos Tiago).
Graduation in Civil or Mechanical Engineering is required.
Interested candidates for one of the positions should send their detailed CV
to (scholarship 1) or to (scholarship 2).


From: Jean-Claude Berges <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:43:58 +0100
Subject: PhD position in space relative dynamics, Toulouse, France

A PhD position will be available from (earliest) September 2010 at the
French space agency (CNES) in Toulouse, France. The home Laboratory will
be the LAAS-CNRS ( Laboratoire d�Analyse et d�Architecture des Syst�mes
Toulouse MAC (Methods and Algorithms in Control) Group: ). The duration of this contract is
one year, renewable twice. The candidates will be funded by the CNES
(French space agency) with a co-financing agreement with EADS/Astrium.
You can read more about the position at these links:
and about the subject description at these links:
Subject short description :
The candidate will contribute to the development of autonomous orbital
rendezvous guidance algorithms in the general framework of the model
predictive control techniques. To provide rendezvous guidance algorithms
with robustness property, an intuitive idea frequently used in the space
industry consists in the following iterative procedure:
1. Generating a constrained maneuvers plan that leads the deputy vehicle
to reach a final relative state in fixed time from its current state at
the time t0.
2. Performing the first maneuver of the plan at the time t1 > t0.
3. Estimating the new current relative state at the time t2 > t1 (e.g.
just after performing the first maneuver).
4. From this new state, generating a new plan of maneuvers to reach the
target, and return to Step 2.

Although this heuristic method looks like a closed loop strategy, it is
not based upon a formal and rigorous analysis that solely ensures
stability and robustness with respect to uncertainties and allows
performances quantification.
To cope with these issues, we intend to tackle the guidance problem in
the general framework of the model predictive control (MPC) techniques.
Albeit these methods take up the reasoning described above e.g.
optimizing control actuation under constraints on a receding horizon
they are mainly designed to take advantage from the feedback pieces of
information about the gap between nominal and actual positions and also
from the control sequence itself so that it becomes possible to online
adapt the control law, soften the constraints or even evolve the model
used in the algorithm. It is noteworthy that the feedback concept used
in this framework is set upon a specific control structure, adaptive or
not, for which the cost function which quantifies the rendezvous
accuracy will be an influent factor on the stability of the whole
system. The prospective nature of this way of investigation consists in
replacing the previous heuristics by a formal approach that sets the
stability, ensures robustness against uncertainty and provides good
online performances.
For thesis contracts, university candidates or graduates of a Grande
Ecole or engineering school must hold a Master 2 degree awarded by a
university, or a suitable degree enabling them to enrol for their thesis
at the relevant doctoral school. To this subject, knowledge on space
relative dynamics and control techniques will also be appreciated.
The application deadline is 31th of March 2010 . The successful
candidates might be selected for an interview process in spring and have
to be available for a start between September and December 2010.
Further enquiries should also be directed to these email address:,, .
BERGES Jean-Claude
18 avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9, France


From: George Anastassiou <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 05:37:38 -0500
Subject: Contents J.of Computational Anal. and Appl.,Vol.12,No1-A,2010

NO.1-A, 2010

On representability of quasi quadratic, functionals by sesquilinear
functionals, Mehmet A�ikg�z and Aliakbar Goshabulaghi,
Some inequalities equivalent to triangular inequality in normed and
spaces, Aliakbar Goshabulaghi, Mehmet A�ikg�z,������������������������13
On Distributions of Order Statistics of Random Vectors, M. G�ng�r, A. Turan,
A-Equistatistical Convergence of Positive Linear Operators, H�seyin
Mehmet Ali Ozarslan, Halil Gezer,����������������������������..24
Approximating the solution of second order differential equation with
argument, A. M. Bica, M. Curila,S. Curila,���������������������������.37
Rate of Convergence of the Integrated MKZ-Bezier Operators, Bo-Yong Lian,
Stability of moving on (2+&#945;) chain, A. P. Buslaev, J. M. Guo, N. J.
V. Yashina,�...55
On convergence of Ishikawa's type iteration to a common fixed point in
metric spaces, Yeol Je Cho, Reza Saadati, Bosko Damjanovic,
Identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type via ��1�, Wenchang Chu, Chenying Wang,
Volterra composition operators from mixed norm spaces to Bloch-type spaces,
Dinggui Gu,�92
New KKM type theorems in G-convex spaces with applications, Weiping Guo,
Im Kang, Yeol Je Cho,��������������������������������.100
Some approximation properties of q-parametric BBH operators, Nazim
Pembe Sabancigil,���������������������������������111
A general composite iterative method for equilibrium problems and fixed
problems, Jong Soo Jung,���������������������������������.124
On the roots of the twisted (h,q)-Euler polynomials, Cheon Seoung
A numerical computation of the roots of q-Euler polynomials, C. S. Ryoo,
Generalized distance and some common fixed point theorems, R. Saadati,
S. M.
Vaezpour, Lj. B. Ciric,�����������������������������������.157

Lagrange Interpolations by Bivariate C1 Cubic Splines on Powell-Sabin's
Triangulations, Sunkang Chen, Huanwen Liu, �������������������������163


From: ijnam <>
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2010 15:52:10 +0800
Subject: Contents, IJNAM: Vol 7, No 1, 2010

Contents of international Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling

Volume 7, Number 1 (2010) --- Contents

G. Gie and R. Temam, Cell centered finite volume methods using
Taylor series expansion scheme without fictitious domains

G. Wang and X. Yu, Error estimates for an optimal control problem
governed by the heat equation with state and control constraints

X. Liu and Y. Zhang, Numerical dynamic modeling and data driven
control via least square techniques and Hebbian learning algorithm

T. Sun, Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method with interior
penalties for convection diffusion optimal control problem

G. Wang and X. Yang, Finite difference approximation of a parabolic
hemivariational inequalities arising from temperature control problem

S. Micheletti and S. Perotto, Space-time adaptation for purely
diffusive problems in an anisotropic framework

B. Jovanovic and L. Vulkov, Numerical solution of a two-dimensional
parabolic transmission problem

M. Maghrebi and A. Zarghami, DNS of forced mixing layer


From: Maya Neytcheva <>
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 2010 08:41:06 +0100
Subject: Contents, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol 17
Issue 1

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Vol 17, Issue 1

Letter from the Editor
The past 16 years of NLA
Owe Axelsson

Research Articles
Block s-step Krylov iterative methods
Anthony T. Chronopoulos, Andrey B. Kucherov (p 3-15)

Algebraic multigrid, mixed-order interpolation, and incompressible fluid
R. Webster (p 17-42)

A note on fast approximate minimum degree orderings for symmetric matrices
with some dense rows
H. S. Dollar, J. A. Scott (p 43-55)

Properties and least-squares problems for row extended matrices
Lijun Zhao, Xiyan Hu, Lei Zhang (p 57-71)

Algebraic analysis of two-grid methods: The nonsymmetric case
Yvan Notay (p 73-96)

A note on harmonic Ritz values and their reciprocals
Christof V�mel (p 97-108)

Uniform stability analysis of Austin, Manteuffel and McCormick finite
elements and fast and robust
iterative methods for the Stokes-like equations
Young-Ju Lee (p 109-138)

On the convergence of general stationary iterative methods for range-
Hermitian singular linear systems
Naimin Zhang, Yi-Min Wei (p 139-154)

Globally and superlinearly convergent inexact Newton-Krylov algorithms for
solving nonsmooth equations
Jinhai Chen, Liqun Qi (p 155-174)

End of NA Digest
