From: "J. M. Littleton" <Littleton@siam.org>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 12:45:20 -0400
Subject: Call for Nominations - MPS/SIAM George B. Dantzig and Lagrange Prizes
MPS and SIAM will award the George B. Dantzig Prize and the Lagrange
Prize in Continuous Optimization at the 20th International Symposium on
Mathematical Programming (ISMP), to be held August 23-28, 2009 in
Chicago, Illinois.
George B. Dantzig Prize - DEADLINE APPROACHING - November 15, 2008
The prize is awarded to one or more individuals for original research
which, by its originality, breadth and depth, is having a major impact
on the field of mathematical programming. Nominations, consisting of a
letter of nomination and a CV with list of publications, should be
e-mailed to Jong-Shi Pang at jspang@uiuc.edu. The announcement,
http://www.mathprog.org/prz/dantzig_call.htm, contains full details.
Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization - deadline January 10, 2009
The prize honors an original paper or book appearing in the period
2003-2008, judged primarily for mathematical quality, significance, and
originality. Nominations, consisting of a letter of nomination and a
copy of the publication, should be e-mailed to Adrian Lewis at
aslewis@orie.cornell.edu. The announcement,
http://www.mathprog.org/prz/lagrange_call.htm, contains full details.
From: "J. M. Littleton" <Littleton@siam.org>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 13:25:17 -0400
Subject: Call for Nominations - SIAG/Control and Systems Theory Prize
SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory Prize - deadline
November 15
The SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory Prize (SIAG/CST
Prize) will be awarded at the SIAM Conference on Control and Its
Applications (CT09) to be held jointly with the SIAM Annual Meeting,
July 6-8, 2009, in Denver, Colorado.
The SIAG/CST Prize, established in 1997, is awarded every two years to a
junior researcher for outstanding research contributions to mathematical
control or systems theory.
At least one of the papers containing this work must be published in
English in a peer-reviewed journal bearing a publication date within the
eligibility period and such that at least one of the following two
requirements is met at the publication date: either (1) the author is
not more than 35 years old, or (2) not more than six years have elapsed
since the author received a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. The eligibility
period for the 2009 award is January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2008.
The award will consist of a plaque and a certificate containing the
citation. An invitation will be extended to the prize recipient to
attend the award ceremony to receive the award and to present the paper.
The recipient will be reimbursed for travel expenses to attend the
Nominations, including citation of paper(s), should be addressed to Dr.
Fariba Fahroo, Chair, SIAG/CST Prize Selection Committee, and sent,
preferably via e-mail, BY NOVEMBER 15, 2008 to J. M. Littleton at
littleton@siam.org. Send inquiries to littleton@siam.org. Complete
calls for SIAM prizes can be found at
From: Antonio Ferreira <ferreira@fe.up.pt>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 03:40:17 -0500
Subject: New book, MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis
Dear Colleagues
at Springer:
Best wishes
Antonio Ferreira
From: Lorena Galante <lorena.galante@unitn.it>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 17:16:44 +0100
Subject: Course on Numerical Methods, Italy, Feb 2009
Two week course:
from 2h February to Friday 6th February and
from 9th February to Friday 13th February, 2009
Professor Eleuterio Toro and Dr.-Ing. Michael Dumbser
University of Trento, ITALY
Venue: University of Trento, Italy
This is a two-week intensive course on advanced numerical methods for
hyperbolic partial differential equations with applications in
engineering and science. Special emphasis is put on numerical methods
that are able to handle very complex geometries. In particular,
unstructured Finite Volume and discontinuous Galerkin schemes as well as
mesh-free particle methods are presented. Aspects of modern high
performance computing are illustrated by an introduction to parallel
programming via the MPI standard.
The course is primarily designed for PhD students and post-doctoral
researchers in applied mathematics, engineering, physics, computer
science and other scientific disciplines. The course may also be of
interest to senior researchers in industry and research laboratories, as
well as to senior academics. The lectures on the theory will be
supplemented with laboratory-based exercises to provide hands-on
experience to all participants on the practical aspects of numerical
methods for hyperbolic problems and applications using the library
NUMERICA and MATLAB programs specially designed for the course.
Further information please contact: Ms. Lorena Galante e-mail:
lorena.galante@ing.unitn.it, Tel. +39 0461 882660
From: "Stavroulakis Georgios" <gestavr@dpem.tuc.gr>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 02:09:47 +0200
Subject: CMIS09 Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Greece, Apr 2009
5th Contact Mechanics International Symposium
April 28-30, 2009, Chania, Greece
Conference email address: cmis2009@dpem.tuc.gr
Conference www page: www.cmis2009.tuc.gr
Important Dates and Conference Fees
Early bird Registration (250 Euro): January 15, 2009
Two-page abstract submission: January 15, 2009
Acceptance notification: February 15, 2009
Registration (350 Euro): March 15, 2009
From: Andre Weideman <weideman@dip.sun.ac.za>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 10:34:36 -0500
Subject: South African Symp on Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Apr 2009
The 33rd South African Symposium on Numerical and Applied Mathematics
(SANUM 2009) will be held at the University of Stellenbosch on
6 to 8 April, 2009.
Stellenbosch is an historic town set amid mountains in the winelands
near Cape Town.
Invitations to present plenary talks accepted at the time of writing:
* HT Banks (North Carolina State University, USA)
* Natasha Flyer (NCAR, USA)
* Bengt Fornberg (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
* Patrick Joly (INRIA, France)
* Franz Kappel (University of Graz, Austria)
* Philip Maini (Oxford University, England)
* Anthony Peirce (University of British Columbia, Canada)
* Alison Ramage (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
We also plan a special session on mathematics in
biology, chaired by HT Banks and F Kappel.
More details are available on the conference web page:
From: Priscilla Tse <scicade09@lsec.cc.ac.cn>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 01:49:09 -0500
Subject: Scientific Computation & Differential Eqns (SciCADE09), Beijing, May 2009
2009 International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential
Equations (SciCADE09)
Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China
May 25-29, 2009.
* Zhiming Chen (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
* Eldad Haber (Emory University, USA)
* Arieh Iserles (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Pingbing Ming (AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
* Alexander Ostermann (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
* Eric vanden Eijnden (Courant Institute, NYU)
* Haomin Zhou (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
We are pleased to announce the confirmed minisymposium sessions and their
organizers. More information can be found on our website
We invite abstract submissions for the SciCADE09 contributed talk sessions.
Each contributed talk is around 30 minutes (including 5 minutes questions).
The local organizing committee will screen the submissions and notify the
authors whether their abstracts have been accepted.
We invite applications for the following awards. More information can be
found on our website.
Deadline for New Talent Award is January 26, 2009. The winner will be invited
to present a plenary talk at SciCADE09. All enquiries should be directed to
Jialin Hong (hjl@lsec.cc.ac.cn).
Deadline for the Butcher Award is March 15, 2009. The award is given to the
best student talk at SciCADE09. Questions concerning this award should be
addressed to Priscilla Tse (ptse@lsec.cc.ac.cn).
We invite applications from those wishing to organize the SciCADE conference
in 2013. The deadline for submission is April 20, 2009. Please address all
enquiries concerning the open bid to Jialin Hong (hjl@lsec.cc.ac.cn).
* Dec 8, 2008: Open registration, accommodation booking and abstract
* Jan 26, 2009: Deadline for New Talent Award
* March 1, 2009: Deadline for early-bird registration and accommodation
* March 15, 2009: Deadline for abstract submission
* March 15, 2009: Deadline for John Butcher Award
* April 20, 2009: Deadline for SciCADE13 open bid
* May 25��29, 2009: SciCADE09 conference
From: xiaojun chen <maxjchen@polyu.edu.hk>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 02:22:33 -0500
Subject: Intl Conf Engineering &Computational Mathematics, Hong Kong, May 2009
International Conference on Engineering and Computational Mathematics (ECM2009)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
May 27 - 29, 2009
Xiaojun Chen (Co-chair, Organizing Committee, Local Organizing Committee)
Liqun Qi (Co-chair, Organizing Committee)
Cheong-ki Chan (Co-chair, Local Organizing Committee)
Homepage: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ama/events/conference/ECM2009/
From: "Martin J. Gander" <martin.gander@unige.ch>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 03:00:46 -0500
Subject: Conference celebrating Ernst Hairer's 60th birthday, Geneva, Jun 2009
Conference on Scientific Computing and Differential Equations
Geneva, June 17-20, 2009
celebrating Ernst Hairer's 60th birthday
Keynote speakers:
Assyr Abdulle, Uri Ascher, Michel Crouzeix, Nicola Guglielmi, Martin
Hairer, Des Higham, Marlis Hochbruck, Arieh Iserles, Laurent Jay,
Chus Sanz-Serna, Gustaf S�derlind, Antonella Zanna
There will be contributed talks (25 minutes + 5 minutes for
questions), minisymposia (3-4 speakers, 25+5 minutes each) and a
poster session. Please submit proposals as soon as possible to
This is a conference without registration fees, organized at the
University of Geneva by Martin Gander, Christian Lubich and Gerhard
More information, and upcoming deadlines, will be posted on the web at
Martin Gander, Section de Mathematiques
2-4 rue du Lievre, CH-1211 Geneve 4
From: "International Conference on Supercomputing" <ics09.announce@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 15:35:37 -0400
Subject: 23rd International Conference on Supercomputing, New York, Jun 2009
23rd International Conference on Supercomputing
June 9-11, 2009
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Metro New York City Area, USA
Sponsored by ACM/SIGARCH
ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of
research results in high-performance computing systems. Next year the
conference will be held at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in
Yorktown Heights, NY.
Papers are solicited on all aspects of research, development, and
application of high-performance experimental and commercial systems.
Papers should not exceed 6,000 words, and should be submitted
electronically, in PDF format using the ICS'09 submission web
site. Submissions should be blind. The review process will include a
rebuttal period. Please refer to the ICS09 web site for detailed
Workshop and tutorial proposals are also be solicited and due by
January 15, 2009. For further information and future updates, refer
to the ICS'09 web site at http://www.ics-conference.org or contact the
General or Program Chairs.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: January 12, 2009
Paper submission: January 19, 2009
Author notification: March 23, 2009
Final papers: April 24, 2009
For more information, please visit the conference web site at
From: Lothar Reichel <reichel@math.kent.edu>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 22:47:46 -0400
Subject: Special ETNA volume dedicated to Richard Varga
Special Volume of Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
Dedicated to Richard Varga.
Richard Varga is one of the founders of ETNA, now in its 16th year. We
therefore plan a special volume dedicated to Richard Varga on the occasion
of his 80th birthday. The deadline for submissions of papers for the volume
is 3/15/09. Papers will undergo the same refereeing process as regular ETNA
papers. In order to facilitate the planning process for the volume, please
send an e-mail to reichel@math.kent.edu at your earliest convenience if you
plan to submit a paper.
Papers may be submitted before 3/15. Submissions are usually posted in the
order they are accepted. We expect the first paper(s) to be posted before 3/15.
Instructions on the preparation of papers for ETNA can be found by clicking
on "submissions" on the ETNA home page
Submissions should be sent to reichel@math.kent.edu
Volodymyr Andriyevskyy
Michael Eiermann
Roland Freund
Jing Li
Volker Mehrmann
Reinhard Nabben
Lothar Reichel
Daniel Szyld
Special Volume Editors
From: David Keyes <david.keyes@columbia.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 18:46:11 -0500
Subject: Faculty and research positions in CS&E at KAUST and KAUST-IBM
Faculty and research positions in CS&E at KAUST and KAUST-IBM
KAUST and the KAUST-IBM Center for Deep Computing are recruiting
mathematical scientists, computer scientists, and computational scientists
and engineers at all levels.
The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is being
established on the shores of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia as an international
graduate-level research university. As an independent and merit-based
institution with the highest endowment-per-student worldwide, KAUST will
enable researchers from around the globe to collaborate on challenges in
energy conversion and resources, environment, and agriculture, as well as on
basic science and engineering research required to pursue this applied
agenda. KAUST's strongly computational research portfolio and curriculum is
supported by world-class on-campus petascale computing and visualization
resources, and through collaborations with IBM Research and many top
research universities.
KAUST invites applications for instructional and research faculty positions
at all ranks. A Ph.D. in the Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science,
Computational Science & Engineering, or a related field, evidence of the
ability to pursue a program of research, and (for instructional faculty) a
strong commitment to graduate teaching are required. KAUST's multi-billion-
dollar campus and residential village of 12,000 on the Red Sea is scheduled
to open in September 2009; meanwhile successful hires will spend six months
or more at IBM Research, Stanford University or another KAUST partner.
Instructional faculty may apply through Stanford
(cs.stanford.edu/info/jobs#job2) or through the KAUST-IBM Center (Go to
www.kaust.edu.sa/, click on "Employment" and set the keyword "USA" for job
location). Research faculty and staff may apply through the KAUST-IBM Center
or through the directors of one of KAUST's 11 other research centers, as
described at the KAUST site.
From: Terrell Vanderah <terrell.vanderah@nist.gov>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 15:31:42 -0500
Subject: Position opening, Applied Mathematician, NIST
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a research position
involving modern data analysis and development of statistical-modeling
algorithms within the Structure Determination Methods Group, Ceramics
Division, at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The Structure Determination
Methods Group, one of four groups in the Ceramics Division, provides
measurement science, standards, and technology needed by U.S. industry to
determine the structure of materials for advanced applications. Specific
Group project areas are X-ray Metrology and Standards, Measurements and
Predictions of Local Structure, and Crystallographic and Phase Equilibrium
Data. Group facilities include a state-of-the-art X-ray metrology laboratory
within the Advanced Measurement Laboratory at NIST, and access to advanced
electron, neutron, and synchrotron-based structure-determination
instruments. More information about other activities in the Ceramics
Division may be found on our website, http://www.ceramics.nist.gov/.
This research position will involve the development of physical and
statistical theories for deriving structural models from experimental data
(e.g., from X-ray and neutron scattering from periodic structures). Use of
sophisticated statistical methods and theory will be required for parameter
estimation and model comparison, (e.g., Bayesian and Monte Carlo
approaches). Estimating uncertainties in parameters of physical models
(particularly uncertainties across various models) from measurements
pertaining to Standard Reference Materials is also required. The position
will require research as part of project teams and participation in efforts
with Group and Division leadership to define new measurement directions.
It is highly desirable that applicants have a Ph.D. in applied mathematics,
computational physics, scientific computing, statistics, or physics. Dual
majors in mathematics and computer science are encouraged to apply.
Demonstrated completion of projects resulting in tangible outputs is
required. Strong speaking and writing skills are required.
The position is in the Scientific and Engineering Career Path (�ZP�) and is
initially a two-year appointment, with potential for a permanent
appointment. The base salary ranges from $70,000 to $100,000, depending on
qualifications and experience.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Interested applicants should send a curriculum vita and three references
(names and contact information only) via post or e-mail to Dr. Terrell
Vanderah, Leader, Structure Determination Methods Group, Ceramics Division,
NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Mailstop 8520, Gaithersburg, MD 20899,
terrell.vanderah@nist.gov. Applications must be received by November 30,
NIST, a bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is an Equal Opportunity
From: "Jean-Yves L'Excellent" <Jean-Yves.L.Excellent@ens-lyon.fr>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:16:15 -0500
Subject: Postdoc Position, Sparse Direct Solvers, ENS Lyon (France)
A 15-month postdoctoral position is available at Ecole Normale
Sup�rieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon, France), to work on parallel
sparse direct solvers. The employer will be INRIA. More
information can be found at
or by contacting Patrick Amestoy (Patrick.Amestoy@enseeiht.fr)
or Jean-Yves L'Excellent (Jean-Yves.L.Excellent@ens-lyon.fr).
From: Herve CARFANTAN <Herve.Carfantan@ast.obs-mip.fr>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 07:00:46 -0500
Subject: Postdoctoral position: hyperspectral data processing at Toulouse
Development of hyperspectral deconvolution methods in Astrophysics for MUSE
University of Toulouse, FRANCE,
Astrophysics Laboratory of Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT),
Signal - Image � Instrumentation (S2I) team.
Positions would start before January 1st, 2009.
Dead line : November the 14th, 2008
CONTEXT: MUSE (Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) is a panoramic 3D
integral-field spectrograph operating in the visible wavelength range under
development for the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern
Observatory (ESO). This instrument is built by a consortium composed of seven
major European research institutes, including the Laboratoire d�Astrophysique
de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT, Astrophysics Laboratory of Toulouse-Tarbes) and the
Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL which is the leading
institute). The project is currently in the final design phase with a delivery
foreseen at Paranal (Chile) in 2011. The LATT Signal - Image �
Instrumentation (S2I) team is strongly involved in this project bringing its
strong expertise in data processing.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this two-year post-doctoral position is to develop
hyperspectral 3D data deconvolution (convolution in space and wavelength)
methods dedicated to the MUSE instrument. The methods have to account for the
instrument specificity: the large size of datacubes (300 � 300 pixels and 4096
spectral channels), a varying point spread function (versus field and
wavelength), the combination of several exposures, and a low signal to noise
ratio. The postdoctoral researcher will join the S2I team (9 permanent
position scientists, 2 post-docs, 6 Ph.D. students) mainly involved in signal
and image processing. Interactions with MUSE instrument scientists and
Astrophysicists will be strongly encouraged. Results of this work will be
published in signal and image processing journals, and possibly in
astrophysical journals.
REQUIRED SKILLS: The applicant should have a Ph.D. degree with background in
Signal and Image processing and preferably practical experience with real data
processing. The candidate will be expected to interact with a
multidisciplinary team within an international consortium.
From: Daniel B Szyld <szyld@temple.edu>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 16:16:20 -0500
Subject: Postdoc positions Temple University Fall 2009
Temple University, Department of Mathematics, is seeking one (or
possibly two) one- to two-year Postdoctoral Fellow (with the title of
Assistant Research Professor) of Mathematics to commence Fall 2009.
This position has a teaching load of one course per semester. The
candidate will be working in an externally-funded project "Krylov
subspace and Schwarz methods for PDEs, control, and other problems"
coordinated by Prof. Daniel B. Szyld.
The ideal candidate should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics (or related
field) by the time of appointment, and experience in one or more
topics of the above mentioned project. Candidates with experience in
other areas of numerical analysis and scientific computing will also
be considered.
Applications should be submitted online through
http://www.mathjobs.org and should include (1) the AMS cover sheet for
academic employment, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) research and teaching
statements, and (4) three letters of recommendation, one of which
discusses the candidate's teaching qualifications. Screening of
applications will begin on January 15, 2008. Temple University is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and is committed to
increasing the diversity of its faculty. We especially encourage
applications from women, minorities and other under-represented
For further information, send an email to szyld@temple.edu
From: Johan Hoffman <jhoffman@csc.kth.se>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 15:56:13 -0500
Subject: PhD/Postdoc positions at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH
PhD/Postdoc positions at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH
The Computational Technology Laboratory (CTL)
(http://www.csc.kth.se/ctl) at the department for numerical analysis
at the Royal Institute of Technology KTH, now invites applications for
PhD positions and 2-year Postdoctoral fellows, within the area of
computational mathematical modeling.
The basic technology of CTL research is adaptive finite element
methods, implemented in FEniCS (http://www.fenics.org). The current
focus of CTL includes fast algorithms and computational geometry,
differential equations with dynamic geometry, well-posedness of
differential equations, and computational modeling of turbulent fluid
flow and aerodynamics, fluid-structure interaction, multiphase and
free surface flow, aero-acoustics and biomedicine.
For further information about the application, see:
From: Laurent Demanet <demanet@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 19:22:22 -0500
Subject: Summer Internship in the Math Department at Stanford
Please forward this information to talented students at the master's or senior
undergraduate level.
The Department of Mathematics at Stanford has an opening for a 12-week
research internship during the Summer of 2009. The successful applicant is
expected to work on a collaborative project funded by the US National Science
Foundation on Wave Computation in Phase-Space. The internship is open to
international applicants. Deadline: January 15, 2009.
For more details, see http://math.stanford.edu/~laurent/html/interns.html
From: "LAI, Choi-Hong" <C.H.Lai@gre.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 16:50:38 +0000
Subject: Contents, J. Algorithms and Computational Technology Vol. 2 No. 4
Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology
Multi-Science Publishing
ISSN 1748-3018
Volume 2 � Number 4
Special Issue: Computational Science for Medicine
Guest Editor: Marc Garbey, University of Houston
Professor Marc Garbey ...................................................... i
Semi-automated segmentation of excised atherosclerotic plaque tissue components
by k-mean clustering techniques
Christof Karmonik .......................................................... 447
Cell differentiation in multispectral image cytology
James Thigpen, Shishir Shah, Fatima Merchant ............................... 469
Reconstructiong brain white matter pathways with diffusion tensor MRI using
kernel-based diffusion simulations
Ning Kang, Eric S. Carlson, Jun Zhang ...................................... 501
A fast Navier-Stokes flow simulation tool for image based CFD
Bilel Hadri, Marc Garbey ................................................... 527
Message-passing implementation of the data diffusion communication model in fast
multi-pole methods: large scale biomolecular simulations
Jakub Kurzak, B. Montgomery Pettitt ........................................ 557
The abstract data and communication library
Edgar Gabriel, Saber Feki, Katharina Benkert, Mohamad Chaarawi ............. 581
End of NA Digest