From: Linda Lorusso <Linda.Lorusso@springer.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:06:14 -0400
Subject: New book, The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods
The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods
Series: Texts in Applied Mathematics , Vol. 15
Brenner, Susanne C., Scott, L. Ridgway
3rd ed., 2008, XVIII, 402 p. 50 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-75933-3
This book develops the basic mathematical theory of the finite element
method, the most widely used technique for engineering design and analysis.
The third edition contains four new sections: the BDDC domain decomposition
preconditioner, convergence analysis of an adaptive algorithm, interior
penalty methods and Poincara\'e-Friedrichs inequalities for piecewise W^1_p
functions. New exercises have also been added throughout.
The initial chapter provides an introduction to the entire subject,
developed in the one-dimensional case. Four subsequent chapters develop the
basic theory in the multidimensional case, and a fifth chapter presents
basic applications of this theory.
The book has proved useful to mathematicians as well as engineers and
physical scientists. It can be used for a course that provides an
introduction to basic functional analysis, approximation theory and
numerical analysis, while building upon and applying basic techniques of
real variable theory. It can also be used for courses that emphasize
physical applications or algorithmic efficiency.
From: Linda Lorusso <Linda.Lorusso@springer.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:37:42 -0400
Subject: New book, Numerical Approximations Methods for Elliptic Boundary...
Numerical Approximation Methods for
Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
Finite and Boundary Elements
Steinbach, Olaf
2008, XII, 388 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-31312-2
Although the aim of this book is to give a unified introduction into finite
and boundary element methods, the main focus is on the numerical analysis of
boundary integral and boundary element methods.
Starting from the variational formulation of elliptic boundary value
problems boundary integral operators and associated boundary integral
equations are introduced and analyzed. By using finite and boundary elements
corresponding numerical approximation schemes are considered.
This textbook may serve as a basis for an introductory course in particular
for boundary element methods including modern trends such as fast boundary
element methods and efficient solution methods, as well as the coupling of
finite and boundary element methods.
Visit springer.com/978-0-387-31312-2 for more information.
From: Anne Cathrine Elster <Anne.Elster@idi.ntnu.no>
Date: Sun, 4 May 2008 16:39:11 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Last minute PARA'08 Update and Registration!, May 08
PARA 2008 is coming up on May 13-16.
See our great program at:
We will have over 190 presentation and panels as well as 5 tutorials.
We even offer a pilot program with free daycare/private schooling at
Trondheim International School for children of participants, so bring
your family! The program can accomodate children from all cultures.
Cotact me (Anne Elster) as soon as possible so we can arrange
translator support, if needed. School classes are in English, but a
special program will be designed around those who sign up.
If you register this week by Thursday May 8 using PayPal, we will also
let you attend for the our early registration fee of NOK 4000, below
PARA'04 early registration costs! Lunches and banquet included!
Note also that we have some really great tutorials on May 13. Thanks
to our sponsors, these are are all offered at below cost of the lunch
for NOK 200 for half-day and NOK 320 (ca USD 64) full day tutorial if
you register by May 8. The full-day tutorial is similar to the one
given by the same instructors for USD 100 (student rate) - USD 485
(earl reg. rate) at SC'07, so this is truely a great deadl! It is the
first time this is offered outside the US! New information re. the
GPU and FPGA tutorials have also been recently been added.
See http://para08.idi.ntnu.no/index.php?page=tutorials
Hope to see you in Trondheim soon!
Anne C. Elster
PARA 2008 General Chair
From: Wim Michiels <Wim.Michiels@cs.kuleuven.be>
Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 04:23:24 -0400
Subject: Workshop, Distance Problems and Eigenvalue Optimization, Jun 08
OPTEC Workshop on Distance Measures and Eigenvalue Optimization (EIGOPT)
June 19-20, 2008,
K.U.Leuven, Belgium
SCOPE. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in
optimization problems involving eigenvalues, stability and robustness
measures. It is at the intersection of numerical optimization (nonsmooth
optimization, semi-definite programming), linear algebra (matrix distance
problems, pseudospectra and stability radii) and application areas, with the
emphasis on problems from systems and control (fixed-structure control design
problems, design of open-loop stable systems).
TOPICS include, but are not limited to: stability optimization, eigenvalue
optimization, optimization of robustness measures, structured perturbations,
pseudospectra, stability radii, fixed-order / fixed structure control design
problems, design of open-loop stable periodic systems.
- Didier Henrion
- Katja Mombaur
- Dominikus Noll
- Michael Overton
PARTICIPATION. Participants are encouraged to give a 25 minutes presentation
or to present a poster.
May 31, 2008: abstract submission (via the workshop website)
From: Osni Marques <OAMarques@lbl.gov>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 19:31:40 -0400
Subject: DOE ACTS Workshop, Berkeley, Aug 08
Ninth Workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, August 19-22, 2008
Building Robust, Scalable and Portable Software
The Advanced CompuTational Software (ACTS) Collection comprises a set of non
commercial tools mainly developed at the Department of Energy's (DOE)
laboratories, sometimes in collaboration with universities. These software
tools aim to simplify the solution of common and important computational
problems, and have substantially benefited a wide range of applications and
fields in computational sciences. These benefits are accounted not only for
applications running efficiently on high performing computing environments but
also realizing computation that would not have been possible otherwise.
Nowadays, with the introduction of hardware technologies such as of
multi-core, the use of software libraries is key in the development of high
end software applications. This is because libraries provide a level of
software abstractions in which the robustness, scalability and portability can
be easily and reliably passed into the application codes across a large class
of computer platforms.
The four-day workshop will include a range of tutorials on the tools currently
available in the collection, discussion sessions aimed to solve specific
computational needs by the workshop participants, and hands-on practices using
NERSC's state-of-the-art computers. The workshop is opened to computational
scientists from industry and academia. Registration fees are fully sponsored
by the DOE's Office of Science. In addition, DOE will sponsor travel expenses
and lodging for a limited number of graduate students and postdoctoral
fellows. For more information on the workshop, please contact Tony Drummond at
(510) 486-7624 or Osni Marques at (510) 486-5290.
Relevant Links:
- Application form: http://acts.nersc.gov/events/Workshop2008/application.html
- ACTS Collection information: http://acts.nersc.gov
Important Dates to Remember:
- Application submission deadline: June 20, 2008
- Application review completed and invitations sent: July 05, 2008
- Attendee confirmation of participation deadline: July 11, 2008
- Workshop Dates: August 19-22, 2008
From: Bruce Boghosian <bruce.boghosian@tufts.edu>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 12:00:49 -0400
Subject: UK e-Science, Crossing Boundaries, Edinburgh, Sep 08
'Crossing Boundaries: Computational Science, E-Science and Global
E-Infrastructures' 8-11 September 2008 in Edinburgh, Scotland
This is the principal e-Science meeting in the UK and brings together
researchers from all disciplines, computer scientists and developers
to meet and exchange ideas. The meeting is in its seventh year and
normally attracts between 500 and 600 participants. The theme for
this year's meeting is 'Crossing Boundaries: Computational Science,
E-Science and Global E-Infrastructures'.
Key proceedings papers will be published in two back-to-back editions
of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A in early 2009.
The general format of the meeting will include cross-community
symposia and workshops in key areas of e-Science.
There will also be opportunities to present 20 minute talks. We
therefore call for abstract submissions for: (1) general papers not
attached to a particular workshop, and (2) workshop papers. The
submission deadline is 1 May 08.
Further details about the workshops and important information about
the submission and review process, including guidelines for authors
can be found at the web page
From: Marcin Paprzycki <marcin@amu.edu.pl>
Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 16:52:06 -0400
Subject: Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'08) at IMCSIT, Oct 08
Second Call for Papers
Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'08)
Wisla, Poland, October 20-22, 2008
in the framework of IMCSIT 2008 - International Multiconference
on Computer Science and Information Technology
Many real world problems arising in engineering, economics, medicine and
other domains can be formulated as optimization tasks. These problems are
frequently characterized by non-convex, non-differentiable, discontinuous,
noisy or dynamic objective functions and constraints which ask for adequate
computational methods.
The aim of this workshop is to stimulate the communication between
researchers working on different fields of optimization and practitioners who
need reliable and efficient computational optimization methods.
We invite original contributions related with both theoretical and practical
aspects of optimization methods.
Important dates:
15.06.2008 - Full paper submission
14.07.2008 - Notification of acceptance
01.09.2008 - Camera-ready version of the accepted paper
Paper submission and publication:
Formatting instructions can be found at the conference Website:
All accepted papers will be included in IEEE Xplore database.
Authors of selected papers accepted and presented during the WCO
Workshop will be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions to
be published in one or more of the following journals: Analele Universitatii
din Timisoara, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control,
Mathematica Balkanica.
From: "Prof. A. K. Pani" <akp@math.iitb.ac.in>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 16:26:41 +0533 (IST)
Subject: Intl Conf on Recent Trends in Computational PDEs, Bombay, Dec 08
International Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Partial
Differential Equations (ICCPDE-2008) during December 10-13, 2008 to
be held in IIT Bombay
As a part of our Golden Jubilee Celebrations at IIT Bombay, the
Industrial Mathematics Group in the Department of Mathematics proposes
to host an International Conference on "Recent Trends in Computational
Partial Differential Equations (PDE)" during December 10- 13, 2008.
The goal of this conference is to bring together experts in
computational aspect, applied and numerical analysis of PDEs and their
applications and to provide a common platform for exchanging ideas and
results pertaining to the challenges in Computational PDEs. Further,
it is expected to expose young researchers especially from India to
different aspects of scientific computing for PDEs and their
applications to solve scientific and industry oriented problems.
Apart from the theoretical topics in Finite Element Methods, Finite
Difference Equations, Finite Volume Methods and Wavelet Methods for
PDEs, the main themes ( although not limited to ) of the conference
are Efficient and Reliable Algorithms: Adaptivity, Feed-back and A
posteriori error control, Multigrid and Discontinuous Galerkin
Schemes; High performance Computing : Parallel algorithms and Domain
Decomposition Methods; Novel Application Areas: Computation of Option
Derivatives in Finance, Multiscale Models with algorithms, Enhance Oil
recovery in Reservoir Studies, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Image
The format of the conference: Plenary talk (45 minutes), Invited talk
(30 minutes) and paper presentation (20 minutes). It is proposed to
have parallel sessions and minisymposia. Participants are encourages
to organise Mini-symposia .
Contact Details: Amiya Kumar Pani / Neela Nataraj / S. Baskar
Convener, ICCPDE-2008, Industrial Mathematics Group, Department of
Mathematics, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076 (India).
Email: cpde@math.iitb.ac.in
URL Site: http://www.math.iitb.ac.in/~cpde/iccpde-2008.
From: Charles Koelbel <chk@cs.rice.edu>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:25:39 -0400
Subject: Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, Portland, Apr 09
Call for Participation: 2009 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in
Computing Conference
Dates: April 1 - 4, 2009
Location: Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, Oregon
Website: http://www.tapiaconference.org/2009
Conference Theme: Intellect, Initiative, Insight, and Innovation
The 2009 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing
Conference-organized by the Coalition to Diversify Computing and sponsored by
the Association for Computing Machinery in cooperation with the Computing
Research Association--is a celebration of the diversity of researchers in the
field of computing. The Tapia conference series honors the significant
contributions of Dr. Richard A. Tapia, University Professor in the Department
of Computational and Applied Mathematics and Director of the Center for
Excellence and Equity in Education at Rice University. It regularly brings
together diverse leading researchers from around the world to present their
work on state-of-the-art research in the field of computing.
Researchers are invited to submit their work to the technical program of Tapia
2009, which welcomes proposals for papers, panels, workshops,
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and posters covering topics related to computing,
computational math and science, and diversity issues in these areas. The
Robotics Competition and Doctoral Consortium also offer opportunities for
student participation. For more information about all these program elements,
see the conference web site at http://www.tapiaconference.org/2009
Letters of intent to participate in the Robotics Competition are due by
Sunday, June 15, 2008. Deadline for submission of papers, panels, workshops,
Birds of a Feather, posters, and the Doctoral Consortium is Friday, September
5, 2008.
From: Ray Tuminaro <rstumin@sandia.gov>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 13:13:05 -0400
Subject: Call for Papers - SISC Copper Mountain Special Issue
- Call for Papers -
Copper Mountain Special Issue 2008
==> Open to general community (i.e. not just conference attendees)
==> June 15th (2008) deadline
The 10th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
(http://grandmaster.colorado.edu/~copper/2008) is scheduled from
April 6 - April 11, 2008. As in previous even-numbered years,
a Special Issue of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) is
planned. This single issue will be dedicated to recent progress in
iterative methods. Submissions are encouraged in all aspects of
iterative methods including the following highlighted areas: stochastic
PDEs and uncertainty, page rank and Markov chains, inverse problems and
regularization, optimization, PDE systems, hardware effects/multicore
architectures, and nonlinear solvers and applications.
Attendees and participants of the conference as well as the general
community are invited to submit papers. Papers should be submitted
by: June 15, 2008
Submissions should be made using the ordinary SISC submission process
with a statement in the cover letter requesting that the paper be
considered for the Special Issue on iterative methods. All interested
should submit a manuscript and cover letter in PDF format via SISC's
online submission site at http://sisc.siam.org. Note the block labeled
Special Section (just under the keywords block on your submission screen)
and select "Copper Mountain Special Issue 2008" from the dropdown box.
Also be sure to note in the Manuscript Comment text box at the bottom of
this page that your work is intended for the Copper Mountain Special
Issue. Papers will be subject to review by a guest Editorial Board.
If any questions, contact Mitch Chernoff, Publications Manager, SIAM,
at chernoff@siam.org, or Ray Tuminaro, at rstumin@sandia.gov, Guest
Editor-in-Charge for the Special Issue.
From: Ronald Cools <Ronald.Cools@cs.kuleuven.be>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:53:08 +0200
Subject: Position in Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Software, KU Leuven
K.U.Leuven invites applications for a full-time tenured academic position
in numerical analysis and mathematical software at the Department of
Computer Science. We are looking for a dynamic and motivated individual
(m/f) with an excellent research record in one or more areas of numerical
analysis and/or the development of mathematical software (paying attention
to new computer architectures).
Successful candidates will support and further expand national and
international research collaborations of the department. In addition
they will be expected to develop an excellent research program of their
own and to achieve a scientific output that adheres to the highest
international standards. The candidate should be able to bridge the gap
between fundamental techniques and applications.
Accepted applicants will take on teaching responsibilities in the
bachelor and/or master in engineering or informatics, and/or in other
faculties. They are expected to meet the reigning K.U.Leuven standards
regarding academic program level and orientation and to adhere to the
K.U.Leuvens concept of education. A commitment to quality of education
as a whole is naturally understood.
Interested candidates should hold a Ph.D. or doctoral degree in
Sciences or Applied Sciences. Qualified candidates are expected to
have an excellent research record and very good teaching and training
skills, in order to contribute to the research output of the department
and to the quality of its educational program. The high quality of the
candidate's research should be evidenced by publications in international
peer-reviewed journals. International research experience is highly
At K.U.Leuven the main language of instruction is Dutch. Successful
applicants who are not proficient in Dutch, will be provided language
training in order to be able to also instruct in the Dutch language within
three years time. Near-native proficiency in the English language is
expected of all applicants.
The K.U.Leuven pursues a policy of equal opportunity and diversity.
The appointment will start in October 2009.
Details about the application procedure can be found at
http://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/welcome.htm .
Select 'Overview vacancies' followed by 'Faculty of Engineering' and
look for ref. 24/2028 to find this particular position.
Inquiries about the position should be directed to Pierre Verbaeten, head
of the department of Computer Science (pierre.verbaeten@cs.kuleuven.be).
Electronic applications are accepted until September 30, 2008.
From: Laura Grigori <Laura.Grigori@inria.fr>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:48:19 -0400
Subject: Postdoc position at INRIA (near Paris), France
A postdoc position for one year is available at INRIA Saclay (near
Paris), starting October 2008 (or later before december), in the
context of ANR FF2a3 project. The goal of this project is to develop
the 3D version of FreeFem++, a package for solving PDEs using the
finite element method. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to
conduct his/her research on the part of FreeFem++ which deals with
solving large sparse linear systems of equations on massive parallel
machines. That will include making avalable in FreeFem++ black-box
routines, but also domain decomposition methods. For more details,
please contact L. Grigori.
From: "M. Rothfuss / Secretary H. G. Bock" <scicom@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:57:01 +0200
Subject: 3 Post-Doctoral Positions as Heads of Junior Research Groups, Germany
Subject: 3 Post-Doctoral Positions as Heads of Junior Research Groups
In the context of the German Excellence Initiative, the Ruprecht Karl
University of Heidelberg and its Interdisciplinary Center for
Scientific Computing (IWR) invite applications for
3 Post-Doctoral Positions as Heads of Junior Research Groups (JRG)
to be filled for a duration of 5 years. The Junior Research Groups are
an integral part of the newly founded "Heidelberg Graduate School of
Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences"
(mathcomp.uni-hd.de) and each includes 1 E14 (TV�D) position for the
JRG head, scholarships for 2 doctoral positions, funding of
consumables and small investments. The JRG are established to promote
research and to strengthen the study and training program of the
Graduate School in their respective field. They have full access to
all facilities and infrastructure of the Graduate School, which
includes an extensive international collaboration, guest scientists,
and conference program.
The JRG heads are expected to build up and competently lead their
JRG. The teaching load of each JRG head will be 4 hours per week
during the teaching period, to be given within the doctoral training
program of the school.
JRG Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization
Candidates should have a strong research background in
state-of-the-art methods of computer graphics and scientific
visualization of complex simulation and optimization results and
experimental data. Apart from fundamental research in computational
algorithms the candidates are expected to explore new areas of
application in the graduate school, in particular in the humanities
and the cultural sciences, and in the visualization of processes in
engineering and the sciences, e.g., in biomedicine.
JRG Computational Optimization
Candidates should have a proven record in topical research areas of
computational optimization and are expected to combine
state-of-the-art approaches in numerical optimization such as
non-linear mixed integer optimization, robust optimization and
real-time optimization and in numerical differential or hybrid
equations such as adaptivity and multi-level methods. They should be
experienced in interdisciplinary collaboration on practical
applications with partners in science and engineering.
JRG Optimum Experimental Design
Candidates should have profound experience in state-of-the-art
numerical and statistical mathematical methods in the optimal design
of experiments for non-linear dynamic processes. Their research
should concentrate on the development and implementation of new PDE
constrained optimization algorithms for optimum experimental design,
and their application in industry. They are expected to closely
collaborate with research and application partners at BASF, the
chemical company, which sponsors this JRG.
Applications should be written in German or English and include a CV,
a list of publications, names of 4 possible referees, a research plan
(max. 10 pages), and should be sent until May 23, 2008 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Georg Bock, Director, Interdisciplinary Center
for Scientific Computing (IWR) of the University of Heidelberg, Im
Neuenheimer Feld 368, DE-69120 Heidelberg
From: GntherMeschke <guenther.meschke@rub.de>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:38:39 +0200
Subject: Ph.D. positions at Ruhr-University Bochum
The Institute for Structural Mechanics at the Ruhr University Bochum invite
applications for several positions for
Research leading to a Ph.D. will be concerned with multiphase models for
describing the freezing process of soils and numerical simulations of tunnel
excavations using the ground freezing technique.
We are looking for individuals with a M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental
Engineering or Engineering Mechanics. The successful candidates must possess
a strong interest in computational mechanics. Experience in material
modelling and finite element technology is highly desirable.
The position offers the possibility to cooperate within a team of experts in
different pertinent areas connected with computational structural mechanics.
The candidate will have access to excellent computational facilities.
Salary is according to the German wage group TVL 13. Applications will be
accepted until the positions are filled. Applicants should send a concise
Curriculum Vitae to
Prof. Dr. G�nther Meschke
Institute for Structural Mechanics
Ruhr University Bochum
D-44780 Bochum
e-mail: guenther.meschke@rub.de
Tel: 0049 (0)234 32 29051
Fax: 0049 (0)234 32 14149
From: Joseph Traub <traub@cs.columbia.edu>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:35:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contents, Journal of Complexity, Vol 24, No.3, 2008
Journal of Complexity
Volume 24, Number 3, June 2008
M.Avendano, T.Krick, M.Sombra and I.Berkes, W.Philipp, R.Tichy
are co-winners of the 2007 Best Paper Award
Anargyros Papageorgiou Wins the 2008 Information-Based Complexity
2008 Information-Based Complexity Young Researcher Award Committee
On obtaining higher order convergence for smooth periodic functions
Bart Vandewoestyne, Ronald Cools
Adaptivity and computational complexity in the numerical solution
of ODEs
Gustaf Soderlind, Silvana Ilie, Robert Corless
Approximation complexity of additive random fields
M.A. Lifshits, M.Zani
Obtaining fast error rates in nonconvex situations
Shahar Mendelson
The complexity of function approximation on Sobolev spaces with
bounded mixed derivative by linear Monte Carlo methods
Gensun Fang, Liqin Duan
The asymptotic normalized linear complexity of multisequences
Michael Vielhaber, Monica del Pilar Canales Chacon
Newton's method for sections on Riemannian manifolds: Generalized
covariant a-theory
Chong Li, Jin-Hua Wang
From: "Commun. Comput. Phys." <cicp@global-sci.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:35:53 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: Contents, Commun. Comput. Phys. Vol. 3 No. 4
Communications in Computational Physics (CiCP)
Volume 3, Number 4, 2008
Review Article:
Jianping Li and Shouhong Wang
Some mathematical and numerical issues in geophysical fluid dynamics and
climate dynamics. Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 759-793.
Regular Articles:
Peng Song, Dan Hu and Pingwen Zhang
Numerical simulation of fluid membranes in two-dimensional space.
Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 794-821.
Robert Deak, Zoltan Neda and Peter B. Barna
A simple kinetic Monte Carlo approach for epitaxial submonolayer growth.
Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 822-833.
Changqiu Jin and Kun Xu
Numerical study of the unsteady aerodynamics of freely falling plates.
Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 834-851.
Richard Liska and Mikhail Shashkov
Enforcing the discrete maximum principle for linear finite element
solutions of second-order elliptic problems.
Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 852-877.
S. Chun and J. S. Hesthaven
PDE constrained optimization and design of frozen mode crystals.
Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 878-898.
D. F. Xie, Z. Y. Gao and X. M. Zhao
Stabilization of traffic flow based on the multiple information of
preceding cars. Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 899-912.
Jurgen Geiser
A numerical investigation for a model of the solid-gas phase in a crystal
growth apparatus. Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 913-934.
Jinyun Ke, Tao Gong and William S-Y Wang
Language change and social networks. Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp.
Sihong Shao and Huazhong Tang
Interaction of solitary waves with a phase shift in a nonlinear Dirac
model. Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 950-967.
Carlos J. Garcia-Cervera
A remark on "An efficient real space method for orbital-free
density-functional theory".
Commun. Comput. Phys., 3 (2008), pp. 968-972.
From: Raimondas Ciegis <Raimondas.Ciegis@fm.vgtu.lt>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:19:03 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Contents. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vol.13 (2)
The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online,
Electronical edition: http://www.vgtu.lt/mma/
Raimondas {\v C}iegis (Editor) Volume 13, Number 2, 2008 (pp. 161-312)
S. Atslega. On Solutions of Neumann Boundary Value Problem for the
Li{\'e}nard Type Equation. 161-169
M. M. Betcke and H. Voss. Restarting Projection Methods for Rational
Eigenproblems Arising in Fluid-Solid Vibrations. 171-182
L. P. Castro and D. Kapanadze. Diffraction by a Union of Strips with
Impedance Conditions in Besov and Bessel Potential Spaces. 183-194
V. Chady�as. Estimation of Confidence Intervals for Quantiles in a
Finite Population. 195-202
A. Gricans and F. Sadyrbaev. On Nonlinear Fu{\v c}ik Type
Spectra. 203-210
I. Laukaityt� and R. {\v C}iegis. Finite-Difference Scheme for One
Problem of Nonlinear Optics. 211-222
O. Meronen and I. Tammeraid. Generalized Linear Methods and Gap
Tauberian Remainder Theorems. 223-232
V. Polevikov and L. Tobiska. On the Solution of the Steady-State
Diffusion Problem for Ferromagnetic Particles in a Magnetic
Fluid. 233-240
A. Ront{\'o}, V. Pylypenko and N. Dilna. On the Unique Solvability of
a Non-Local Boundary Value Problem for Linear Functional Differential
Equations. 241-250
L. Shishkina and G. Shishkin. Robust Numerical Method for a System of
Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Reaction--Diffusion Equations on a
Rectangle. 251-261
S. Sytova. Numerical Analysis of Lasing Dynamics in Volume Free
Electron Laser. 263-274
A. M. Valuev. On Calculation of Linear Resource Planning Models for
Optimal Project Scheduling. 275-288
S. B. Yakubovich. Uncertainty Principles for the Kontorovich-Lebedev
Transform. 289-302
I. Yermachenko. Multiple Solutions of the BVB for Two-Dimensional
System by Extracting Linear Parts and Quasilinearization. 303-312
End of NA Digest