NA Digest Monday, December 4, 2006 Volume 06 : Issue 49

Today's Editor:
Tamara G. Kolda
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to

Information via email about NA-NET:

Mail to


From: Tammy Kolda <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 15:23:04 -0500
Subject: New NA Digest web submission form and FAQ

Dear colleagues,

We have upgraded the procedure for submitting items to the NA Digest. Email
submissions are still welcome as before, but we have added a web submission
form at

Once you click submit, you will receive an email message requesting that you
confirm your submission by clicking on a URL.

For more information or to answer any other questions you may have about the
digest, please see our new FAQ at

Thanks for your continued support of NA Digest. Your ideas and suggestions are
always welcome.

Best wishes,
Tammy Kolda & the NA Digest Technical Staff


From: "Solin, Pavel" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 20:10:27 -0700
Subject: Space-time problems?

I spent quite some time searching the
literature for analysis of space-time
weak formulations and FEM for parabolic
problems (not based on the method of
lines or other Cartesian approaches
to space and time). Regarding analysis,
all I could find was something in the
older book Ladyzhenskaya-Solomnikov-Uralceva.
Are there some newer results? Also, all
papers I could find on "space-time fem"
or "space-time adaptivity" dealt with
space and time separately. Are there
some results dealing with "true"
space-time weak formulations?


Pavel Solin
Associate professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Texas at El Paso


From: Ulrich Ruede <>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2006 15:53:27 +0100
Subject: CSE Student Paper Prize @ SIAM CSE Conference

Dear colleagues,

let us direct your attention to the

CS&E Student Paper Prize

to be awarded at the 2007 SIAM CS&E Conference February 19-23, in Costa
Mesa, California (

Founder of the prize is the Bavarian Graduate School of Computational
Engineering (BGCE,, a consortium offering
an honors track to the best students of three international master's
programs in Computational Engineering at Technische Universitaet Muenchen
(TUM) and Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU). The prize will be awarded
for outstanding student work in the field of CS&E, and the winner will be
invited to spend one week (air fare and lodging expenses covered) in
Bavaria, visiting FAU and TUM (one of the three German universities having
recently succeeded in the federal excellence initiative) and getting in
contact with BGCE's educational and research program, one of the most
advanced ones in Europe. The main objective is to promote excellent
students in CS&E and to foster international exchange at an
early career stage.

Eligible for the prize will be undergraduate students as well as
graduates prior to receiving their PhD (at date of submission).
Candidates are required to summarize their work in a short paper
of at most 4 pages and to present their work at SIAM CSE 2007 with
a talk to be given in the special "CSE Student Prize Minisymposium".
Excluded from the competition are only students from our own universities,
FAU and TUM.

Deadline for application is December 31, 2006. Submissions should be
sent in pdf format by e-mail to

Since we are interested in a broad and high-level competition, we
ask you to encourage suitable candidates in your group or
department to submit a paper and to support their participation in
SIAM CSE 2007.

Your support is appreciated!

With our best regards,

Ulrich Ruede
Hans-Joachim Bungartz


From: "Mathews, John" <mathews@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:10:47 -0800
Subject: Maple Complex Analysis Project

Complex Analysis Maple 9.5 worksheets are available at
the Maple Application Center. The website URL is:

This extensive collection of worksheets accompanies the textbook:
Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, 5th Ed., 2006
by John H. Mathews and Russell W. Howell
ISBN: 0-7637-3748-8
Jones and Bartlett Pub. Inc.

The updated book is for an undergraduate course in complex analysis.
A new chapter on Z-Transforms and applications to Digital Filter
Design and Signal Process has been added.

Visit the author�s complex analysis website at:

Prof. John Mathews
Math. Dept.
California State Univ. Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92834 USA


From: "Georgios E. Stavroulakis" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 12:40:12 -0500
Subject: New Book, Nonsmooth Mechanics of Solids

New Book Information: Mechanics of Solids
CISM Lecture Notes Volume 485
edited by
Jaroslav Haslinger,
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Georgios E. Stavroulakis,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece and Technical University
Braunschweig, Germany


Collisions. Thermal effects. Collisions of deformable solids and collisions
of solids and fluids by M. Fr�mond

An introduction to impacts by Ch. Glocker

Approximation of variational and hemivariational inequalities of elliptic
type. Applications to contact problems with friction by J. Haslinger

Semicoercive hemivaritional inequalities, regularization methods,
applications on mechanics by Z. Naniewicz

Mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. Theory and numerical
methods by J. Outrata

Applied nonsmooth mechanics of deformable bodies by G.E. Stavroulakis

SPRINGER WIEN NEW YOWK, 2006, ISBN 3-211-48241-5


From: Peter Forsyth <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 09:57:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Call for papers Computational Methods in Finance, Jul 2007

Call For Papers
Computational Methods in Finance
July 26-27, 2007
University of Waterloo, Waterloo Ontario, Canada

This conference will focus on algorithmic and computational issues
applied to topics in finance. Areas of special interest include
(but are not limited to) valuation of contingent claims, risk
management, calibration problems, and portfolio optimization.
Papers should be primarily focused on the computational techniques
(e.g. Monte Carlo methods, numerical solution of partial differential
equations, optimization techniques) used to address the topic.

The conference organizers invite practitioners and academics
to submit papers for presentation at this conference.
Please email a pdf version of an extended abstract
(maximum of two pages) to
with the subject: CompMethFin, by March 15 2007. Notification of
acceptance for conference presentation will be given by April 15, 2007.

Authors may request that papers accepted for presentation be considered
for publication in a special issue of the Journal of
Computational Finance. In order to be eligible for
consideration for the special issue, full papers must
be received by September 30, 2007. These papers will undergo the usual
refereeing process for the Journal of Computational Finance.

More information is available at the Conference Website


From: "Michael W. Mahoney" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 12:26:54 -0500
Subject: CFP, SDM07 Biomedical Informatics, Apr 2007

Announcement and call for papers:

Data Mining for Biomedical Informatics, a full-day workshop, to be held in
conjunction with the 7th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM
2007) in Minneapolis, MN on April 28, 2007. Detailed information about
the workshop web page:

Biology is rich in data, and is getting richer all the time. Deriving "big
pictures from this sea of biomedical data" is a major scientific challenge
that will require the close collaboration of computer scientists, biologists,
and mathematicians. This workshop will provide a venue to facilitate more
interaction between the SIAM Data Mining community and the numerous
organizations that generate biomedical data, in order to promote joint
research on topics that are relevant to both communities. We expect this
workshop to attract a mixture of academics and data mining practitioners,
whose focus is the analysis of biomedical data. Submitted papers should have
a maximum length of 6 pages. Papers must have an abstract of no more than 200
words. Brief survey articles, that expose the results of more than one paper
to an interdisciplinary audience and that are relevant to the goals of the
workshop, are particularly encouraged.

Important dates:
Paper submissions: Monday, January 8, 2007
Notification: Monday, February 5, 2007
Camera ready: Monday, February 19, 2007

Workshop organizers:
Petros Drineas (Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute),
Vipin Kumar (University of Minnesota),
Michael W. Mahoney (Yahoo! Research)


From: "Matson Charles L Civ AFRL/DESA" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:22:35 -0700
Subject: Call for papers, OSA Conf. on Signal Synthesis and Recovery, Jun 2007

Signal recovery and synthesis is concerned with methods for obtaining the best
estimate of an image from the data and constraints at hand. The topical area
is important to many fields of optics, as well as a broader constituency due
to its interdisciplinary nature; examples include digital image reconstruction
from Fourier intensity measurements, superresolution, tomographic
reconstruction and blind deconvolution. This topical meeting is concerned with
theory, algorithms and applications of signal recovery and synthesis in optics
and other disciplines.



From: Steffen Boerm <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 17:42:17 +0100
Subject: Winter School on Hierarchical Matrices, Mar 2007

Announcement Winter School "Hierarchical Matrices"

Organizers: Wolfgang Hackbusch, Lars Grasedyck, Steffen Boerm
(Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)

Time: March 12th to March 16th, 2007
Deadline for registration: January 29th, 2007

Topic: Hierarchical matrices can be a useful tool for the treatment of
integral operators as well as the solution of linear systems
arising in the discretization of elliptic partial differential
Moreover, the representation of matrices in the hierarchical
matrix format is suitable for the efficient solution of matrix

The aim of this winter school is to teach the necessary
theoretical foundations of hierarchical matrices, but most of
all the efficient implementation of the algorithms. The practical
realization on the computer will be the topic of exercise courses
in the afternoon.
The participants will use the HLib library in order to assemble
and solve BEM and FEM systems. Lecture notes are available in
electronic form.

Lecture Notes:


From: iglesias <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 16:12:28 +0100
Subject: Extended deadline CASA'2007, May 2007

Second Call for Papers & Extended Deadline (December 15th 2006)

Fifth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Their
Applications, CASA'2007
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing, China,
May 27-30, 2007

This is to announce that, due to numerous requests, the paper
submission deadline for CASA'2007 workshop has been extended until
December 15th 2006.

More details can be found at:

Conference web site:
Contact person: Andres Iglesias,


From: Didier Aussel <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 14:02:39 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Conf. on Optimization and Decision Making, Apr 2007

CODE2007, a conference on optimization and decision making,
will be held at the Institut Henri Poincare in Paris from
April 18 to April 20, 2007. For registration, submission and other
informations, see


From: Michal Kocvara <>
Date: Sat, 02 Dec 2006 10:43:05 +0100
Subject: Update: IMA Conf. Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation, Sep 2007


University of Birmingham, UK, 13-15 September 2007

31 March 2007, submission of abstract

Paul Van Dooren (Catholic University of Louvain)
Roger Fletcher (University of Dundee)
Michael Overton (New York University)
Jorge Nocedal (Northwestern University)
Valeria Simoncini (University of Bologna)
Zdenek Strakos (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Philippe Toint (University of Namur)
Nick Trefethen (Oxford University)



From: Marc Van Barel <>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2006 08:40:08 +0100
Subject: Call for Papers, JCAM special issue --- William B. Gragg's 70th birthday

On November 3-4, 2006, the "Numerical Analysis Meeting" was
held in Monterey, CA on the occasion of Bill Gragg's 70th
birthday. The program and photos can be found at the website:

There will also be a special issue of the Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics dedicated to Bill Gragg on the occasion
of his seventieth birthday. Submissions should be related to
areas to which Bill Gragg has contributed, but are not limited
to participants in the meeting. Submissions can be sent to Greg
Ammar or Marc Van Barel. Each submission should be between 10 and
20 pages. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2007. The
issue will be edited by

Greg Ammar
Carlos Borges
Lothar Reichel
Marc Van Barel

Papers will be refereed as soon as they are received.


From: "Carlos Zuppa" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 15:55:05 -0300 (ARGSL-ST)
Subject: Positions at the Department of Mathematics of the UNSL

Tenure/Track Positions at the
Department of Mathematics of the University of San Luis

The Department of Mathematics is interested in promoting the development
of areas of applied mathematics related to partial differential equations,
either from the theoretical point of view or from the computational one.

The Department offers positions to people willing to reside permanently in
San Luis and also to those who would like to spend a sabbatical year in
our Department.

Areas of interest: PDEs, fluid mechanics, reaction-diffusion systems,
obstacle problems, computational geometry , etc.

Positions will be obtained based upon CV of the applicants.

People who wish to establish residence in San Luis receive additional
benefits provided by the CONICET (National Commission of Scientific and
Technical Research).

For further information contact: PhD, Professor Carlos Zuppa


From: Max Gunzburger <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:09:38 -0500
Subject: Florida State University, Faculty Position in Computational Statistics

Florida State University
School of Computational Science

Faculty Position in Computational Statistics

The School of Computational Science ( at
Florida State University seeks candidates for a faculty position in
computational statistics starting in Fall 2007. Tenure-track status
will be held in the Department of Statistics (
or another appropriate department.

A Ph.D. in statistics, mathematics, or a related field is required
and multidisciplinary postdoctoral experience is highly desired. The
successful candidate is expected to participate in MS/PhD degree
programs in both Computational Science and their associated
department, to be involved in course development in computational
statistics, to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses, and to
have an active research program including the supervision of student
research. Excellent opportunities for collaboration exist within the
SCS and the Department of Statistics as well as with many other
centers, institutes, and departments on the FSU campus. Candidates
with proven expertise in algorithmic development for large-scale
scientific computing for statistics-related problems are encouraged
to apply.

Candidates are required to submit electronically a curriculum vitae,
research and teaching statements, and the names of four references,
one of which should address the candidate's teaching qualifications at:

Applications received by January 30, 2007 are assured of full
consideration. FSU is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and
members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.


From: "Erik Boman" <>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2006 14:37:10 -0700
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at Sandia National Labs

Postdoctoral Position in Combinatorial Scientific Computing at Sandia
National Labs

We invite applications for a postdoctoral candidate with research
interests in parallel computing, algorithms, and/or scientific
computing, to join the CSCAPES Institute funded by the Department of
Energy's Office of Science. This position is at Sandia National
Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM.

The CSCAPES (Combinatorial Scientific Computing and Petascale
Simulations) Institute, is led by Old Dominion University, and also
includes researchers from Sandia and Argonne National Laboratories, Ohio
State and Colorado State Universities. The CSCAPES Institute is funded
by the Department of Energy's SciDAC program. The research involves
developing algorithms for combinatorial problems arising in scientific
computing, such as load-balancing, graph coloring, graph matching, and
automatic differentiation, on tera- and peta-scale computers. The work
at Sandia will primarily focus on massively parallel load-balancing and
partitioning. This position will include research in load balancing and
combinatorial scientific computing, and also software development
related to the Zoltan project (
The position is for a period of two years, and does not lead to a
permanent position. The application deadline is January 15, 2007, with
an expected start date in March/April 2007 (negotiable). No security
clearance is required for this position.

For full details, go to the Sandia employment web site at
Search for "Combinatorial Scientific Computing". The job reference
is 56707. The application process is electronic.
Three confidential letters of recommendation are required. Please direct
references to submit recommendation letters via email to Erik Boman,


From: Zhaojun Bai <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 22:46:52 -0800
Subject: Postdoct in Advanced Scientific Computing at Univ. California, Davis

Postdoctoral Position in Advanced Scientific Computing
at University of California, Davis

The Departments of Computer Science and Physics at
University of California, Davis have an opening
for a postdoctoral fellow to work on the development of next
generation multi-scale quantum simulation software for
strongly correlated materials. An important aspect of
this work is for high performance numerical linear
algebra solvers and their implementation on diverse
computer architectures.

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in
computational mathematics or physics, computer science
or a related discipline, with experience in numerical
algorithm and software development.

The postdoctoral candidate will be affiliated with the
Departments of Computer Science and Physics. The expected
appointment is for one year, with possibility of extensions.
Please address all c.v.s and questions to
Zhaojun Bai ( and
Richard Scalettar (


From: Adrian Sandu <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2006 13:52:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Postdoc in inverse problems, data assimilation at Virginia Tech

We invite applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in data
assimilation. The overall goal of the project is to develop general
computational tools, and associated software, for assimilation of
atmospheric chemical and optical measurements into chemical transport
models. Key technologies include adjoint modeling, optimization, parallel
computing, and advanced numerical methods.

The applicants should have expertise and research interests in
computational science, numerical analysis, parallel computing. Experience
with inverse problems is a strong plus. Review of applications will begin
immediately and continue until the position is filled. Virginia Tech is an
equal opportunity employer.

For more information please contact:

Adrian Sandu, Assoc. Prof. Phone: (540) 231-2193
Department of Computer Science Fax: (540) 231-6075
Virginia Tech Email:
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106 URL:


From: Heinrich Voss <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:15:28 -0500
Subject: PhD Position in Numerical Linear Algebra at TU Harburg, Germany

The Institute of Numerical Simulation at the Hamburg University of Technology
invites applications for a full-time position (13 TV-L, previously IIa BAT).
The position can be filled immediately and is limited to three years;
it will support the research on large nonlinear eigenvalue problems,
in particular on electronic states of semiconductor nanostructures.

Requirements: master or comparable degree in mathematics or closely related

Desirable qualifications:
- strong background in numerical linear algebra and/or
numerical methods for PDEs
- good programming skills

For further details, please see the announcement

Enquiries should be addressed to
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Voss,


From: Gerhard Zumbusch <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:37:52 +0100
Subject: PhD Studentship / PostDoc position University Jena

PhD Studentship / PostDoc position University Jena

A fully funded research position is anticipated to be available for up
to 4 years in the framework of the project

"Numerical Methods for General Relativity"

under the auspices of the SFB/Transregio 7
"Gravitational Wave Astronomy".

This project focuses on adaptive mesh refinement techniques, efficient
solvers, and special grid boundaries. Applications are in the area of
numerical simulations of black holes. Applicants should have a strong
background in one or more of the fields of numerical methods for PDEs,
numerical simulation, differential geometry, and general relativity.

Letters of application including a CV and a summary of research
interests should be addressed to

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Zumbusch (
Institute for Applied Mathematics, University Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, 07743 Jena, Germany

End of NA Digest
