NA Digest Monday, October 16, 2006 Volume 06 : Issue 42

Today's Editor:
Tamara G. Kolda
Sandia National Labs

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to

Information via email about NA-NET:

Mail to


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:45:33 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Announcing QCDLAB 1.0, "Lattice QCD with MATLAB"

Dear all,

This is to anounce QCDLAB, a design and research tool for lattice QCD
algorithms. The tool, a collection of MATLAB/OCTAVE functions, is based on
a ``small-code'' and a ``minutes-run-time'' algorithmic design philosophy.
The present version simulates Schwinger model on the lattice, a great
simplification, which shares many features and algorithms with lattice
QCD. A typical computing project using QCDLAB is characterised by short
codes, short run times, and the ability to make substantial changes in a
few seconds. QCDLAB 1.0 can be downloaded from the QCDLAB project homepage

Best Regards,
Artan Borici


From: "J. M. Littleton" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:19:50 -0400
Subject: Call for Nominations - W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize - Deadline Nov 30

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize

The W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize is awarded for research in, or other
contributions to, the broadly defined areas of differential equations
and control theory. The prize may be given either for a single notable
achievement or for a collection of such achievements. Committee Chair
H. T. Banks wishes to stress the breadth of the eligible fields.

The prize will be awarded at the 2007 SIAM Conference on Control and Its
Applications (CT07) to be held June 29 - July 1, 2007, in San Francisco,
California. The award consists of an engraved medal and a $10,000 cash
prize. The prize recipient is requested to present a lecture at the
meeting. SIAM will reimburse reasonable travel expenses for the
recipient to attend the meeting and give the lecture.

Nominations, including a description of achievement(s), should be
addressed to Professor H. T. Banks, Chair, W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize
Committee and sent by NOVEMBER 30, 2006, to J. M. Littleton at Inquiries should be addressed to Complete calls for nominations for SIAM prizes can
be found at


From: "J. M. Littleton" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:14:24 -0400
Subject: Call for Nominations - Germund Dahlquist Prize - Deadline Nov 15

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - Germund Dahlquist Prize

The Germund Dahlquist Prize, established in 1995, is awarded to a young
scientist (normally under 45) for original contributions to fields
associated with Germund Dahlquist, especially the numerical solution of
differential equations and numerical methods for scientific computing.

SIAM will present the Dahlquist Prize at SciCADE 07, to be held July 9 -
13, 2007, in Saint-Malo, France. The award will consist of a
certificate containing the citation and a cash prize of $1,000. The
recipient will be expected to present a talk at the conference. SIAM
will reimburse the prize recipient's reasonable travel expenses to
receive the award and deliver the talk.

Nominations, including a description of the contributions, should be
addressed to Chair of the Germund Dahlquist Prize Committee and sent by
NOVEMBER 15, 2006, to J. M. Littleton at Inquiries
should be addressed to Complete calls for
nominations for SIAM prizes can be found at


From: "J. M. Littleton" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:06:14 -0400
Subject: Call for Nominations - The John von Neumann Lecture - Deadline Oct 23


The John von Neumann Lecture - DEADLINE APPROACHING - October 23

The John von Neumann Lecture, established in 1959, is awarded for
outstanding and distinguished contributions to the field of applied
mathematical sciences and for the effective communication of these ideas
to the community.

The prize will be awarded at ICIAM 07, 16-20 July, 2007, in Zurich,
Switzerland. The recipient will receive a monetary award of $3,000 and
will be requested to present a plenary survey lecture at the meeting.

A letter of nomination and a brief C.V. should be addressed to Professor
Martin Golubitsky, Chair, The John von Neumann Selection Committee, and
sent by OCTOBER 23, 2006, to J. M. Littleton at
Inquiries should be addressed to Complete calls for
nominations for SIAM prizes can be found at


From: Osni Marques <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:54:12 -0700
Subject: Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems, Software and Applications, Jun 2007

A Workshop and Advanced School on Eigenvalue Problems, Software and
Applications (EPSA2007) will be held at the Faculty of Sciences,
University of Porto, on June 27-29, 2007. This three-day event will be a
combination of presentations on theory, applications, available software
and algorithms, and hands-on sessions. The invited speakers are Jim
Demmel (UC Berkeley), Peter Arbenz (ETH Z�rich), Filomena Dias d'Almeida
(University of Porto), Rui Ralha (University of Minho) and Tony Drummond
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory).

EPSA2007 will target an audience formed by researchers from a variety of
fields, and graduate students and computational scientists whose
research require the use of robust numerical algorithms, novel
techniques, large amounts of eigenvalue calculations, or combinations of
these. For more information please see

Organizing committee:
Paulo B. Vasconcelos - University of Porto, Portugal
Osni Marques - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Jose E. Roman - Technical University of Valencia, Spain


From: "Natalia.Kopteva" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 14:34:40 +0100
Subject: 6th Wksp on Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena, Feb 2007

6th Annual Workshop on Numerical Methods for Problems with Layer Phenomena

8-9 February 2007, University of Limerick, Ireland

A two day workshop is being organised by the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics at the University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, in cooperation
with the Mathematics Applications Consortium for Science and Industry
(MACSI). The aim of the workshop is to bring together people, in the
mathematics and general scientific community, who have particular interests in
the development and applications of numerical methods for problems that
exhibit layer phenomena, such as boundary/interior layers in fluid flow and
other applications.



From: Stephen Langdon <>
Date: 13 Oct 2006 17:38:48 +0100
Subject: SIAM UK and Ireland section one day annual meeting, Jan 2007

Friday, January 5 2007
Oxford University Computing Laboratory


Jon Chapman Oxford U.
Linda Cummings U. of Nottingham
Cleve Moler MathWorks Inc. (President of SIAM as of 1.1.07)
Alison Ramage U. of Strathclyde
Andrew Stuart U. of Warwick
Andy Woods U. of Cambridge

Approximate timetable:

10:00 coffee
11:00 talks 1 & 2
12:45 lunch break
2:00 talks 3 & 4
3:30 tea
4:00 talks 5 & 6

7:00 banquet in Balliol College
with sponsorship from The Mathworks, Inc.

After-dinner speaker: Alistair Fitt (University of Southampton)

Registration fee: none
Banquet: �10 for students, �20 for attendees, �30 for guests

For further information or to register for meeting or banquet: Please email
Stephen Langdon ( or Shirley Day
( (be sure to specify dietary restrictions if any)


From: Luc Giraud <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 19:09:48 +0200
Subject: Preconditioning 2007 in Toulouse: Call for Papers, July 2007

JULY 9-12, 2007

The 2007 International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for
Large Sparse Matrix Problems is a sequel to similar meetings held in
Minneapolis (MN) in 1999, Tahoe (CA) in 2001, Napa (CA) in 2003, and
Atlanta (GA), in 2005. The 2007 conference will take place
immediately before the International Congress on Industrial and
Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2007), which will take place in Zurich
(Switzerland) on July 16-20, 2007 ( The
conference, which has received the endorsement of the SIAM Activity
Group on Linear Algebra, focuses on preconditioning techniques for
solving various matrix problems, particularly those related to
large-scale scientific and industrial applications.

March 15, 2007: Deadline for submission of contributed abstracts
(3 pages max, please follow the guidelines given on
the conference web-site).
April 15, 2007: Notification of acceptance for contributed abstracts.

PLENARY PRESENTATIONS. The following invited speakers have agreed to
give plenary presentations.

Mario Bebendorf, Leipzig University, Germany
Jacek Gondzio, University of Edinburgh, UK
Yvan Notay, Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Padma Raghavan, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Stefan Reitzinger, Computer Simulation Technology GmbH (CST), Germany
Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Jinchao Xu, Pennsylvania State University, USA

SPONSORS: CERFACS , INRIA , IRIT , The Boeing Company ;
Additional support is expected to come from other sources as well.

FURTHER INFORMATION is available from the conference web site:


From: gerhardwilhelm weber <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:16:29 +0300
Subject: HIBIT'07 Intl. Symp. on Health Informatics and Bioinfomatices, May 2007



Belek, Antalya, TURKEY
April 30 - May 2, 2007

Aim of the HIBIT07 is to bring together academicians from
medical, biological and IT fields with industry and government for
creating synergy and supporting interdisciplinary research and
development in the region on the subject. It is the second HIBIT
conference, with expected participation from all around the world,
as in the first one. High Quality Research Submissions are invited
for technical papers describing original unpublished results of
theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental work.

Nese Yalabik, METU (

Nazife Baykal, METU
Tolga Can, METU
Mesude Iscan, METU
Erkan Mumcuoglu, METU

Papers will be selected on the basis of originality, significance
and clarity. Length of submitted full papers is limited to 8 pages.
Proceedings will be published before the symposium.
Posters reporting on recent research (both theoretical and
experimental) are also sought. Abstracts of accepted posters
will also be published in the symposium proceedings.
A number of tutorials will be given by distinguished Lecturers.

will be available at at the homepage, which has been designed
to be a living document offering up-to-date news on all
conference events, submission instructions and deadlines,
hotel information, registration, tourist information, travel, etc..
The continuously updated web pages will help you plan your involvement
in the conference.

Full paper submission December 1, 2006
Author notification for full papers February 1, 2007
Poster abstract submission February 10, 2007
Author notification for posters February 20, 2007
Camera ready deadline March 1, 2007

The organizers are looking forward to welcoming you
to hospitable Turkey!


From: "Sastry, Venkat" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 08:12:00 +0100
Subject: Two Day Matlab Courses at Cranfield University, Shrivenham, UK

The following two day courses may be of interest to some of you.

1. Matlab - Basics, 7 - 8 Nov 2006
2. Matlab - Intermediate, 6 - 7 Feb 2006
3. Matlab - Advanced, 8 - 9 May 2006

Please contact for further information.

Dr. Venkat V S S Sastry
Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Engineering Systems Department
Defence College of Management of Technology,
Cranfield University, Shrivenham, SN6 8LA.


Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:27:01 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Workshop on Space Mapping & Efficient Optimization, Nov 2006


Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
The Netherlands
November 13, 2006

This one-day workshop will give an impression, from a theoretical and
practical perspective, of several efficient optimization techniques aimed
at computing-intensive design problems. Special emphasis will be on the
space-mapping technique. Other topics such us surrogate-based
optimization, filters and response surfaces will also be addressed.

Among the scheduled speakers are:

J.W. Bandler (McMaster University and Bandler Corporation, Canada)
Engineering modeling and optimization via space mapping:
from concept to practice

J.E. Dennis (Rice University, US)
Optimization using surrogates for engineering design

M. Repetto (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Surrogate models in multimodal optimization:
application to electrical engineering

P.L. Toint (University of Namur, Belgium)
Filters: an efficient tool for nonlinear programming

The complete program and further information will be available soon at:

All interested people are welcome. There is no registration fee.
Please announce your participation to:

Mrs. Nada Mitrovic (,

clearly indicating your name and affiliation.

Further information can be obtained from the organizers:
- David Echeverria (
- Barry Koren (
- Domenico Lahaye (


From: "Tony Shardlow" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 21:11:25 +0100
Subject: Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Stochastic PDEs, Sept 2007

The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Monday September 3 - Tuesday September 4, 2007

We are hosting a two day workshop on the numerical analysis of
stochastic PDEs, with emphasis on stochastic finite elements and other
numerical techniques for solving stochastic PDEs arising in science
and engineering. Confirmed speakers include

Andrew Stuart (Warwick)
Christoph Schwab (Zurich)
Des Higham (Strathclyde)
Raul Tempone (Florida)
Grant Lythe (Leeds)
Ian Davies (Swansea)
Gabriel Lord (Heriot-Watt)
Michael Tratyakov (Leicester)
Chris Farmer (Oxford)

Further information is available at

Please contact Catherine Powell (c.powell(at) or Tony
Shardlow (shardlow(at) if you are interested in attending.


From: Iain Duff <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 14:51:56 +0100 (BST)
Subject: IMAJNA Special Issue to celebrate birthday of MJD Powell

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Celebration of M.J.D. Powell's 70th Birthday

Michael J.D. Powell was one of the founding editors of
the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, along with Bill Morton.
He served as editor from 1981 until 1988. He is celebrating
his 70th birthday this year. To commemorate this event
the editors are soliciting papers dedicated to him which
will appear in a special issue of the Journal in 2008.
Because of Mike's broad interests in numerical analysis
we hope to publish papers in several areas, especially
nonlinear optimization and approximation theory.
All such submissions will be refereed in the usual way,
and should be received no later than 31 March, 2007.
Authors of papers that have already been submitted to
IMAJNA may request them to be considered for the special
issue. Authors interested in submitting a paper to the special
issue, or transferring a paper that has already been submitted,
should send an email, before 31 December 2006, expressing this intent to
Michael Overton,, and to
Arieh Iserles,
Please use the subject header "imajna".


Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 08:29:00 +0200
Subject: Mathematics in Computer Science - A new Birkhauser/Springer journal

Mathematics in Computer Science
A new journal launched by Birkhauser/Springer


The journal Mathematics in Computer Science (MCS) publishes high-quality
original research papers on the development of theories and methods for
computer and information sciences, the design, implementation, and analysis
of algorithms and software tools for mathematical computation and reasoning,
and the integration of mathematics and computer science for scientific
and engineering application. Insightful survey articles may be submitted
for publication by invitation. As one of its distinct features, the journal
will publish only special issues on carefully selected topics out of
international conferences (in particular, on Mathematical Aspects of Computer
and Information Sciences), workshops, and seminars, reflecting the trends
of development in the broad area of Mathematics in Computer Science.

Vol. 1, no. 1: Algorithms and Complexity
Guest editors: Chee K. Yap and Hoon Hong
Submission deadline: October 15, 2006

Vol. 1, no. 2: Symbolic and Numeric Computation
Guest editors: Dongming Wang and Lihong Zhi
Submission deadline: November 30, 2006

Vol. 1, no. 3: Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Guest editors: To be announced
Submission deadline: January 15, 2007

Papers should be submitted electronically by e-mail to the guest editors
of respective special issues listed at (or
alternatively to the managing editor <>, indicating
the title of the special issue). Submission of proposals for special issues
is welcome and should be sent to the managing editor.


Dongming Wang (Managing Editor) and Zhiming Zheng

Editorial Board:

Yaneer Bar-Yam (USA)
Luis M. A. Bettencourt (USA)
Jean-Charles Faugere (France)
Ilias S. Kotsireas (Canada)
Stefan Ratschan (Czech Republic)
Peter F. Stadler (Germany)
Bican Xia (China)
Chee K. Yap (USA)
Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Japan)
Riccardo Zecchina (Italy)


From: "Mark Ainsworth" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:16:43 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Lectureship in Numerical Analysis/Scientific Computing

Lectureship in Numerical Analysis/Scientific Computing

The Mathematics Department, Strathclyde University, Glasgow
is currently seeking to make an appointment in the area of
Numerical Analysis/Scientific Computation related to PDEs.
The appointment will be to a permanent lecturship in mathematics,
and will include initial start-up funds, reduced teaching and
administrative load. The numerical analysis group currently
consists of eight permanent faculty including two professors and
one reader.

Ref: JA/105/2006

Closing date 31st October

Further particulars may be found at
For an application form/online application follow
and click on links Staff/Vacancies, Academic/Related to
reference JA/105/2006

The department is also currently offering a lectureship in
the area of mathematical biology/medicine (Ref: JA/99/2006).

Mark Ainsworth


From: "Paul Houston" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:33:47 +0100
Subject: 3 Permanent Positions, Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham

Division of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Nottingham.

Applications are invited from researchers in any area of applied mathematics
complementing existing activity within the Division, including complex systems,
mathematical modelling, quantum information, scientific computation and systems

Associate Professor & Reader in Applied Mathematics

Candidates should have achieved research distinction in applied mathematics
have strong leadership capability and have proven skills in high
quality teaching. Please quote ref. RUB/839S.

Lecturers in Applied Mathematics (Two posts)

Candidates should have achieved research distinction or show very
strong research
potential in applied mathematics, and should be committed to high
quality teaching.
Please quote ref. RUB/838S.

Salary, depending on qualifications and experience, will be within the range:

* Lecturer scale: �28,849 - �38,772 per annum (salary can progress to
�44,947 per
annum, subject to performance).
* Associate Professor scale: �41,133 - �49,116 per annum (salary can progress to
�58,631 per annum, subject to performance).

These posts are available from 1 February 2007 or as soon as possible

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor J R King, tel: +44
(0)115 951 3854,
fax: +44 (0)115 951 3837 or Email:
Information about
the School is available at:

For more details and/or to apply on-line please access:
or contact from the Human Resources Department, The University of Nottingham,
King's Meadow Campus, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2NR. Tel: +44 (0)115 951
3262. Fax: +44 (0)115 951 5205. Please quote relevant reference number.
Closing date: 24 November 2006.


From: "C. T. Kelley" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:33:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: tenure-track positions at NC State

Department of Mathematics

Applications are invited for one tenure track assistant professorship in the
area of partial differential equations beginning Fall 2007. Candidates must
have a PhD in the mathematical sciences, an outstanding research program, a
commitment to effective teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels
and demonstrated potential for excellence in both research and teaching. The
Department of Mathematics has strong research programs in both pure and
applied mathematics. Many members of the department participate in
interdisciplinary programs and research groups on campus and in the broader
Research Triangle community. More information about the department can
be found at

To submit your applications go to Applicants
are strongly advised to submit their materials electronically at this site. If
you do not have computer access, you may mail your application to PDE
Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, NC State University, Box
8205, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, and should include a vita, at least three
letters of recommendation, and a description of current and planned
research. Write to for questions concerning these
positions. NC State University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action Employer. In addition, NC State welcomes all persons without regard
to sexual orientation. ADA Accommodations: Dr. Aloysius Helminck, (919)
515-2382. Applications received by December 15, 2006 will be given

Department of Mathematics

Applications are invited for at least one tenure track assistant professorship
beginning Fall 2007. We are seeking an exceptionally well-qualified
individual with research interests compatible with those in the department.
All areas of pure and applied mathematics will be considered. Candidates
must have a PhD in the mathematical sciences, an outstanding research
program, a commitment to effective teaching at the undergraduate and
graduate levels and demonstrated potential for excellence in both research
and teaching. She or he will likely have had successful post-doctoral
experience. The Department of Mathematics has strong research programs in
both pure and applied mathematics. Many members of the department
participate in interdisciplinary programs and research groups on campus and
in the broader Research Triangle community. More information about the
department can be found at

To submit your applications go to Applicants
are strongly advised to submit their materials electronically at this site. If
you do not have computer access, you may mail your application to:
Mathematics Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, NC State
University, Box 8205, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, and should include a vita,
at least three letters of recommendation, and a description of current and
planned research. Write to for questions
concerning these positions. NC State University is an Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action Employer. In addition, NC State welcomes all persons
without regard to sexual orientation. ADA Accommodations: Dr. Aloysius
Helminck, (919) 515-2382. Applications received by December 15, 2006
will be given priority.


From: "Yip Ming-Ham, Andy" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 18:20:35 +0800
Subject: Postdoc/Scientist Positions in Signal/Video Processing at National Univ. Singapore

The Centre for Wavelets, Approximation and Information Processing (CWAIP)
through Temasek Laboratories of the National University of Singapore invites
applications for the positions of Post-doctorate Research Scientist and
Associate Scientist for a new research programme on Signal and Video
Processing covering the following areas:

* Signal processing, in particular TDOA/FDOA;
* Signal detection and identification;
* Image and video processing using wavelet, PDE and variational methods.

Further information about the research activities of the CWAIP and
Temasek Laboratories can be found in the following websites:

Length of Employment: Employment of the positions is 1 to 2 years. Extension
to a longer period is possible, but subjects to the availability of funding.

Responsibilities: Successful candidates are required to make significant
contributions to the research programme. This includes invention of new
techniques and algorithms in the related research areas and development of
computer software systems.

* Applicant of the Research Scientist position must be a PhD degree holder in
Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics or other related areas;
* Applicant of the Associate Scientist position must be a Master/Bachelor
(Hons) degree holder in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics
or other related areas;
* Strong background and experience in at least one of the areas of the
* Knowledge and experience in wavelets or numerical PDE preferred.

Remuneration will commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Further enquiries and applications should be directed to:
Dr Goh Say Song
Deputy Director
Centre for Wavelets, Approximation and Information Processing
Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore
2 Science Drive 2
Singapore 117543

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. Application forms can be
downloaded from


From: Olga Holtz <holtz@Math.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:28:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Two postdoctorate positions in Algebra and Analysis at TU-Berlin

Two postdoctorate positions in Algebra and Analysis at TU-Berlin

The Math Institute of Technische Universitaet Berlin invites applications
for two postdoctorate positions, in Algebra and in Analysis.

The successful applicants should have a PhD in pure or applied mathematics.
* The position with emphasis in algebra requires a strong background in
commutative algebra, combinatorics, linear and multilinear algebra.
* The position with emphasis in analysis requires a strong background in
real and complex analysis, functional analysis, approximation theory and
numerical analysis. The successful applicants for either position should
have excellent research records, interest in interdisciplinary work, and
ability to communicate with researchers in other fields. Programming skills
(MATLAB, symbolic algebra software, C, C++, Fortran, Java, etc.) are a plus.

The postdoctorate researchers will be working on the project "Direct and
inverse problems of numerical algebra and analysis" led by Prof. Olga Holtz
and sponsored by the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

These vacancies are open starting November 1, 2006 until filled. To apply,
send a CV, a publication list, and 3 reference letters to Olga Holtz

PhD Studentship in Numerical Analysis/Linear Algebra at TU-Berlin

The Math Institute of Technische Universitaet Berlin invites applications
for a PhD research position in numerical analysis/linear algebra.

The successful applicant should have a B.S. in pure or applied mathematics
with strong background in functional and numerical analysis, linear and
abstract algebra and combinatorics. Programming skills (MATLAB, C++, Java),
experience with (La)TeX, good knowledge of English and German are desirable.

The candidate will be working on the project "Direct and inverse problems
of numerical algebra and analysis" led by Prof. Olga Holtz and sponsored
by the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The position will be open November 1, 2006 until filled. To apply, send a
CV (including a publication list) to Olga Holtz <holtz@math.tu-ber


From: "Huw Griffiths" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:22:44 +0100
Subject: PhD Studentship

Swansea University
School of Medicine

PhD studentship in Medical Physics/Engineering (new terms)

We seek an enthusiastic individual with an interest in scientific computing
and medical imaging to join a 3-year, EPSRC-funded project in magnetic
induction tomography. This is a technique that maps the internal electrical
conductivity of the body and is being developed as a new medical imaging
modality. Of particular interest in this project is the imaging of cerebral
stroke and the potential for a new means of rapid diagnosis that could enable
a more timely treatment.

The work will involve numerical modelling and practical laboratory imaging,
leading to clinical measurements. There will be opportunities to present
results at international conferences. Although based at Swansea University,
you will work as part of an established multi-centre research team involving
the Universities of Glamorgan and Manchester, as well as other industrial and
academic partners. You should have a First or Upper Second Class degree, or
equivalent, in Physics, Engineering, Mathematics or a related field.

The studentship is available from 1 November 2006 with a starting date no
later than 1 April 2007.

The stipend will be at the current EPSRC level, �12,300 per annum. Tuition
fees will be funded (including at overseas rate).

Further particulars are available from Professor H. Griffiths, tel: +44
(0)1792 285297, email: To make a formal
application, please email your curriculum vitae to Professor Griffiths, with a
covering letter/message giving the names and contact details of two academic
referees. Interviews will be held in early November.

General information about Swansea University and the School of Medicine can be
found on the website

The closing date for applications is Friday, 3 November 2006.

Swansea NHS Trust website at


From: "Huw Griffiths" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:37:53 +0100
Subject: PhD Studentship in Medical Imaging at Swansea University

Swansea University
School of Medicine
PhD studentship in Medical Imaging

We seek an enthusiastic individual with an interest in scientific computing
and medical imaging to join a 3-year, EPSRC-funded project in magnetic
induction tomography. This is a technique that maps the internal electrical
conductivity of the body and is being developed as a new medical imaging
modality. Of particular interest in this project is the imaging of cerebral
stroke and the potential for a new means of rapid diagnosis that could enable
a more timely treatment.

The work will involve numerical modelling and practical laboratory imaging,
leading to clinical measurements. There will be opportunities to present
results at international conferences. Although based at Swansea University,
you will work as part of an established multi-centre research team involving
the Universities of Glamorgan and Manchester, as well as other industrial and
academic partners. You should have a First or Upper Second Class degree, or
equivalent, in Physics, Engineering, Mathematics or a related field.

The studentship is available from 1 November 2006 with a starting date no
later than 1 April 2007.

The stipend will be at the current EPSRC level, �12,300 per annum. Tuition
fees will be funded (including at overseas rate).

Further particulars are available from Professor H. Griffiths, tel: +44
(0)1792 285297, email: To make a formal
application, please email your curriculum vitae to Professor Griffiths, with a
covering letter/message giving the names and contact details of two academic
referees. Interviews will be held in early November.

General information about Swansea University and the School of Medicine can be
found on the website

The closing date for applications is Friday, 3 November 2006.

Swansea NHS Trust website at


Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 16:40:20 +0300
Subject: Contents, HERMIS Journal, Vol 8

Journal: HERMIS- An International Journal of
Computer Mathematics and its Applications
ISSN: 1108-7609
Volume: 8
Date: October 2006

M. Imran, M. Gurcan and S. Kahn:
Channel coding for cooperative broadcasting

T. Zhang and A. Manikas:
OFDM-CDMA Array System for Interference Cancellation

V. Pasias, D. Karras and R. Papademetriou:
Efficient heuristic solutions for wireless communication systems planning

G. Foutsitzi, E. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Marinova, E. Zacharenakis and G.
Layerwise modelling for smart piezoelectric beams and applications

G. Gravvanis, K. Giannoutakis and E.A. Lipitakis:
On the numerical solution of singularly perturbed non-linear parabolic and
elliptic partial differential equations

G. Di Lena, G. Piazza and T. Politi:
An algorithm for the computation of the G-singular values of a matrix

F. Ciorba, T. Andronikos and G. Papakonstantinou:
Adaptive cyclic scheduling of nested loops

V. Stefanidis, P. Michailidis and K. Margaritis:
An improved performance prediction model for matrix-vector multiplication
on clusters of workstations

S.E. Fotinea, I. Dologlou and G. Carayannis:
On the use of decimation for efficient spectral estimation

F. Charalabopoulou, G. Carayannis and Gr. Steinhaouer:
Deploying the information and communication technologies (ICT) to
empower linguistic diversity

M. Goovaerts, R. Kaas and R. Laeven:
Decision principles derived from risk measures

A.C. Skeldon and I. Purvey:
The application of bifurcation and continuation techniques to a model
of a kidney nephron

J. Kontos, J. Lekakis, I. Malagardi and J. Peros:
Grammars for question answering systems based on intelligent
text mining in Biomedicine

End of NA Digest
