From: Dario Bini <bini@dm.unipi.it>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 11:55:33 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Milvio Capovani
I am saddened to report that Milvio Capovani passed away on May
10 after a long period of suffering due to a terrible street accident
that happened in November 2004.
His pioneering work on structured matrix computations started in the 70's
with the analysis of inverses of band matrices, and contributed to the
foundation of the theory of semiseparable matrices. He introduced the tau
class, widely used in preconditioning Toeplitz systems. His contribution
to the complexity analysis of bilinear forms was fundamental. The
concepts of border rank and approximate complexity have quickly become
essential tools for the design of the fastest algorithms for matrix
In the most recent part of his life he worked at methodological and
philosophical issues, on the interplay of computational mathematics and
computer science, on their role in research, and on the cultural aspects
of computing sciences.
He covered several important roles where he strongly promoted numerical
analysis and computational mathematics: he was member of the "Committee
for Mathematics" of the National Research Council (CNR) as representative
of the Italian Minister of the University; he founded the Institute of
Computational Mathematics of CNR, and was director of the journal Calcolo.
He was among the founders of the "Corso di Laurea in Scienze
dell'Informazione" in Pisa, the first faculty of computer science in
Italy, and contributed to the foundation of the "Gruppo Nazionale per
l'Informatica Matematica" of CNR.
He formed a very active research group in Italy, working on numerical
linear algebra. With his cultural freedom and respect for people and
ideas, Milvio has been a moral guide and a great person for every one who
shared his friendship: always available to listen, to understand problems
of any kind, and to provide help by never imposing his solutions. He has
taught us a moral style of life based on respect, freedom, and critical
The memory of him remains alive.
Dario A. Bini
From: "Gio Wiederhold" <giovoy@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 14:26:41 -0700
Subject: Re: NA Digest, V. 06, # 21 (computational support for engineering)
Dear NAers,
I was inspired by Louis Komzsik's list to add a definition of practical
case of missing computational support for engineering calculations.
We now have the ability to manufacture high value items with `engineered
materials', materials that can be designed to handle stresses etc.,
differently in different directions or in specific circumstances, say high
temperatures. All the engineering calculations we see today require that the
engineer prespecify a choice of a single homogeneous material, disabling any
computational optimization that would involve adjustments of material
Only in rare circumstances will the engineers make the effort to perform
additional design iterations that vary the material and its properties.
Unfortunately, the data for engineered materials are typically
incomplete, and a holistic design process would need to incorporate
interpolations from available materials property data.
Starting in this field is bound to be messy. Finding general approaches
can have a major payoff in design and production of goods that take advantage
of modern material properties.
Gio Wiederhold
Emeritus, Stanford CS.
From: "Marc Daumas" <Marc.Daumas@univ-perp.fr>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:03:07 +0200
Subject: Re: Microsoft's "physics API"
Dear colleagues and friends,
You may want to take a look at the following website about general-purpose
computation using graphics hardware.
At least two contributions are reporting numerical analysis on GPU. The
first one uses Runge Kutta method to solve ODEs (IVP) and the second one
implements straight forward LU decomposition.
Solving the Euler equations on graphics processing units
Trond Runar Hagen, Knut-Andreas Lie and Jostein R. Natvig
International Conference on Computational Science, 2006
LU-GPU: efficient algorithms for solving dense linear systems on graphics
Nico Galoppo, Naga K. Govindaraju, Michael Henson and Dinesh Manocha
2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing
Best regards,
Marc Daumas (CNRS-LIRMM) - http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/marc.daumas
From: Gene H Golub <golub@sccm.stanford.edu>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 09:15:59 -0700 (Pacific Standard Time)
Subject: MMDS meeting at Stanford & Yahoo!, Jun 06
As announced earlier, a Workshop on Modern Massive Datasets will take
place at Stanford & Yahoo! from Wed, June 21-24. There is an intense
program which is described at
Online registration for the Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive
Datasets is now available on our website:
Due to security concerns at Yahoo! and the need to have the name badges
printed before the workshop, everyone who intends to attend any of the
talks in this workshop is required to register. The deadline for
registration is Sunday, June 18, 2006.
We request that you please register at your earliest convenience.
This promises to be an exciting workshop and we hope you can come.
Best regards,
Gene Golub, Michael Mahoney,
Petros Drineas, Lek-Heng Lim
From: "Fabio Nobile" <fabio.nobile@polimi.it>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 16:21:44 +0200
Subject: 3rd International Symposium on Modelling Physiological Flows, Sep 06
First announcement and call for participation:
September 25-27, 2006, Villa Camozzi, Ranica (Bergamo), Italy.
The International Symposium on Modelling of Physiological Flows
gathers researchers in various branches of applied mathematics,
computational fluid dynamics, bioengineering and biomedicine, with a
special focus on the mathematical modelling of bio-flows. Topics
include flow in large arteries, biochemical transport and activation,
multiscale models for the cardiovascular system, non-Newtonian blood
rheology as well as Drug-eluting stents, Cerebral haemodynamics,
Electrocardiology. The Symposium is co-sponsored by them HaeMOdel EU
projet. All information available at: http://mox.polimi.it/MPF2006
* Spencer Sherwin, Imperial College of Science, London, UK
* Nicolas Ayache, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
* Frank Baaijens, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
* Rob Krams, Erasmus University, Netherlands
* Norberto Roveri, University of Bologna, Italy
* Claudio Borghi, Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy
* Edoardo Boccardi, Ca' Granda Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
* Andrea Remuzzi, Mario Negri Institute, Bergamo, Italy
* Antonio Corno, Alder Hey Royal Children Hospital, Liverpool, UK
* Luca Pavarino, University of Milan, Italy
* Giuseppe Vergara, S. Maria del Carmine Hospital, Rovereto, Italy
* Renato Razzolini, University of Padua, Italy
A limited number of submitted papers will be accepted. Deadline: June 15, 2006.
The organizing Committee: L. Formaggia, F. Nobile, M. Prosi, A.
Quarteroni, A. Veneziani, P. Zunino; MOX, Politecnico of Milan,
From: Laura Grigori <laura.grigori@inria.fr>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 23:22:31 +0200
Subject: PMAA'06: 2nd CFP and Extended Deadline, Sep 06
September 7-9, 2006 IRISA, Rennes, France
2nd Call for Papers - Extended Deadline
This workshop aims to be a forum for an exchange of ideas, insights and
experiences in different areas of parallel computing in which matrix
algorithms are employed, focusing particularly on those which have not yet
received wide exposure. The Workshop will bring together experts and
practitioners from diverse disciplines with a common interest in matrix
computation, in the relaxing, yet stimulating, setting of the historical
capital of Brittany, Rennes. In addition to formal presentations and
plenary talks by invited speakers, time will be available for informal
discussions and interactions. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to, the following:
* Parallel algorithms for dense, structured and sparse matrices.
* Parallel environments and tools for enabling matrix applications.
* Large scale applications from diverse fields which have an emphasis on
parallel matrix computation.
* Performance modeling.
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract presenting original
research on any aspect of the workshop themes. A prize of 300 euros,
sponsored by the Metivier Foundation, will be awarded for the best student
presentation. Some travel grants are available for Ph.D. students and
young researchers in need of financial help.
Laura Grigori and Bernard Philippe, INRIA, France
Mark Adams, Columbia University, USA; Erik Boman, Sandia National
Laboratories, USA; Erik Elmroth, Umea University, Sweden; Gerard Meurant,
CEA, France; Jari Toivanen, Jyvaskyla University, Finland
After the workshop, selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in a
special issue of Parallel Computing.
Extended abstracts (at most 2 pages): June 15, 2006
Notification of acceptance: June 25, 2006
Workshop: September 7-9, 2006
Submission of full papers: November 1st, 2006
Final papers: July 15, 2007
From: "Zudilova-Seinstra, Elena" <elenaz@science.uva.nl>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:38:27 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Reminder: British HCI - V&I 2006, Sep 06
British HCI - V&I 2006
The 2006 Workshop on
Combining Visualisation and Interaction
to Facilitate Scientific Exploration and Discovery
to be held in conjunction with the
British HCI 2006 conference, London, UK
September 11, 2006
The 2006 Workshop "Combining Visualisation and Interaction to Facilitate
Scientific Exploration and Discovery" (British HCI � V&I 2006) aims to
promote the importance of HCI and usability aspects in the visualisation
and exploration of complex data and sharing obtained knowledge with other
people. We encourage researchers and practitioners from a wide range of
disciplines to participate.
For more detailed information about the workshop, please visit:
And the main conference website at:
Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Tony Adriaansen, ICT Centre CSIRO (Australia)
From: "T.Terlaky" <terlaky@mcmaster.ca>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 09:26:39 -0400
Subject: VOCAL-2006 Conference, 2nd CFP, Dec 06
The Veszpr�m Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms (VOCAL-2006)
December 13-15, Veszpr�m, Hungary
Faculty of Information Technology, Pannon University
(previously University of Veszpr�m)
The Veszpr�m Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms will be held at the
Regional Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Veszpr�m (VEAB
<http://www.veab.mta.hu/vrchas.html>), Hungary, December 13-15, 2006. The
conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Information Technology, Pannon
SCOPE: The VOCAL conference focuses on recent advances on optimization
algorithms: continuous and discrete; complexity and convergence properties,
high performance optimization software and novel applications are reviewed as
well. We aim to bring together researchers from both the theoretical and
applied communities in the framework of a medium-scale event. The VOCAL
conference marks the foundation of the Faculty of Information Technology of
the Pannon University.
Distinguished researchers will give featured invited talks on topics
of wide interest. Confirmed invited speakers include:
Lorenz T. Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University
Hans Georg Bock, IWR, University of Heidelberg
J. Frederic Bonnans, INRIA., France
Dorit S. Hochbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Etienne de Klerk, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Yurii Nesterov, CORE, Catholic University of Louvain la Neuve
Annick Sartenaer, Notre-Dame de la Paix University ,FUNDP,
Each accepted paper will be allotted a 25 minutes talk. Authors wishing to
speak should submit an abstract via the conference WEB page by June 15, 2006.
Deadline for abstract submission: June 15, 2006.
Notification of acceptance / Program available July 30 2006.
Deadline for early registration: October 1, 2006.
Conference begins on December 13 at 7:30 a.m. and ends December 15 at
6:00 p.m., 2006.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Tamas Terlaky, terlaky@mcmaster.ca (Chair, McMaster University)
Please send enquiries to: Botond Bertok <bertok@dcs.vein.hu>
From: Paul Van Dooren <vdooren@csam.ucl.ac.be>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 17:32:25 +0200
Subject: Vacant PhD and Postdoc positions
PhD and Postdoc Positions
in the Department of Mathematical Engineering of the Universit� Catholique
de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium
Applications are invited for two PhD positions and one Postdoc position in the
department of mathematical engineering of the Universit� Catholique de
Louvain. The candidates will work on a research project funded by UCLouvain on
the topic of
Algorithmic Challenges in Large Networks
The ambition of this research proposal is to look at some of the most recent
and fundamental computational challenges raised by large networks. It will
address questions related to modelling, classification, visualization,
optimization and analysis of large networks, and will include theoretical and
algorithmic aspects of topics such as data-mining, web-searching, analysis of
telephone, traffic and electricity networks, hierarchical reduction of large
scale networks, and analysis of dynamical properties of large networks.
The project started in September 2004 and is headed by professors Vincent
Blondel, Yurii Nesterov and Paul Van Dooren from the Department of
Mathematical Engineering at the Universit� Catholique de Louvain.
Applicants should write (possibly by e-mail) to:
Paul Van Dooren, Universit� Catholique de Louvain, Department of
Mathematical Engineering, 4 Av. G. Lemaitre, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM
E-mail: vdooren@inma.ucl.ac.be Tel: +32-10478040
The doctoral candidates should have (at the beginning of their contract) a
graduate degree in engineering, in computer science or in mathematics or a
degree that can be considered equivalent to it, and should have the correct
background for the topics described in the project. The postdoctoral candidate
should have research experience and a good publication record in the area of
research of the project. The candidates must be capable of working
independently and in a small team. The chosen candidates will be enthusiastic
persons with good communication skills and a good knowledge of
English. Knowledge of French is welcome but not a must.
You should send a detailed CV, including a concise description of your
education and current research interests. You should also provide names of at
least two persons that might be contacted for references (please provide their
full address including e-mail and telephone). Applications will be considered
until the positions are filled. However, applications received before June 25,
2006 will receive special attention.
The salary will be assigned according to the Belgian university salary
system. This is roughly equal to 1450 EUR/month for doctoral students and 1900
EUR/month for postdoctoral researchers. The appointment will start after
September 2006 and is planned for one year for the postdoctoral researcher and
for the duration of a PhD thesis for the doctoral students.
More information can be found at the following URL's :
- on the promotors at http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/staff
- on the project at http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/networks
- on the University at http://www.ucl.ac.be/
From: Eric Miller <elmiller@ECE.NEU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 13:54:38 -0400
Subject: Post doc position in radar imaging at Northeastern University
It is anticipated that a postdoctoral position in the area of radar inverse
problems will be available in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston MA USA starting in mid-summer
of 2006. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an area such as physics,
applied mathematics, or electrical engineering, with experience in algorithms
development for imaging/inverse problems.
The goal of the research project is the development and validation of methods
for imaging the internal structure of a building based on observations of
scattered electromagnetic fields collected about the building�s periphery.
Hybrid, tomographic processing methods employing both raytracing as well as
diffusive forward models are to be developed for identifying the overall
layout of the building (i.e. size and shapes of rooms) as well as providing
more fine-scale information concerning the location and movement of
individuals within the structure. Finally, informationtheoretic methods will
be developed to address issues such as design of the data collections to
maximize the information content of the observations with respect to the
underlying processing objective.
The project involves a team of researchers in addition to Prof. Miller. It is
anticipated that this particular position will involve close collaboration
- Prof. Misha Kilmer, Dept. of Mathematics, Tufts University,
- Drs. Eugene Laveley and Peter Weichmann, BAE Systems Advanced Information
Technologies, http://www.alphatech.com/primary/index.htm
The project will last for up to 30 months. Appointment for this job will be on
a year-by-year basis.
For more information about this position, please contact
Prof. Eric Miller
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
315 Stearns Center
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
Boston MA, 02115
email: elmiller@ece.neu.edu
Web: http://www.ece.neu.edu/faculty/elmiller/elmhome/
Interested candidates should provide (preferably via email) Prof. Miller with
a copy of their CV, list of references, and copies of relevant articles,
theses, technical reports etc.
Northeastern University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Title IX,
educational institution and employer and particularly welcomes applications
from minorities, women and persons with disabilities. Go to www.neu.edu/hrm
for more information.
From: Eric Miller <elmiller@ECE.NEU.EDU>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 13:53:46 -0400
Subject: Post doc position in ultrasonic imaging in at Northeastern University
It is anticipated that a postdoctoral position in the area of ultrasonic
imaging will be available in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston MA USA starting in mid-summer
of 2006. The ideal candidate will have a PhD in an area such as acoustics,
electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or physics with experience in
algorithms development for imaging/inverse problems and experimental data
collection and processing.
The objective of the work here is the development, and implementation using
commercial instrumentation, of a new approach by which ultrasonic imaging can
be used to guide high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment of
cancer. HIFU has shown considerable promise in recent years as a
hyperthermia-based tool for successfully treating a range of cancers. HIFU is
limited however by difficulties in non-invasively monitoring the progress of
the treatment to control the size, shape, and extent of the thermal lesion.
We currently employs a model-based approach to the problem of lesion
characterization wherein the data collected by the imaging transducer are used
to estimate parameters directly related to the size, shape, location,
orientation, and contrast of the HIFU-induced lesion. The foci of the current
project include: 1/ more extensive phantom and ex vivo experimental evaluation
of our current technology; 2/ the development and experimental evaluation of
new imaging methods capable of addressing HIFU monitoring scenarios including
multi-lesion imaging and tracking of lesion formation; and 3/ initial
implementation of all methods to state-of-the-art hardware platforms for
eventual use in real-time treatment monitoring.
The project is expected to last two years. Appointment for this job will be on
a year-by-year basis.
For more information about this position, please contact
Prof. Eric Miller
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
315 Stearns Center
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
Boston MA 02115
email: elmiller@ece.neu.edu
Web: http://www.ece.neu.edu/faculty/elmiller/elmhome/
Interested candidates should provide (preferably via email) Prof. Miller with
a copy of their CV, list of references, and copies of relevant articles,
theses, technical reports etc.
Northeastern University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Title IX,
educational institution and employer and particularly welcomes applications
from minorities, women and persons with disabilities. Go to www.neu.edu/hrm
for more information.
From: Jason Frank <J.E.Frank@cwi.nl>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 08:54:17 +0200
Subject: PhD student positions at CWI, Amsterdam and U. Twente
CWI, the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam, and
the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands, have two openings
for PhD students in the area of geometric numerical integration of
partial differential equations, with applications to climate and
oceanography. For detailed information, please see the advertisements:
(CWI) http://www.cwi.nl/jobs/phd_mas1_0506.html
(U. Twente/CWI) http://www.math.utwente.nl/nacm/People/employ.html
From: Gabriel Lord <gabriel@ma.hw.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 11:18:55 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Fully funded PhD positions, Maxwell Institute
Full Support for PhD Studies in Mathematical Sciences - October 2006
The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh, UK has three ERP
Prize Scholarships for PhD studies in the mathematical sciences. Each provides
full fees and an annual maintenance grant of GBP 12,500, for three years
starting in October 2006.
They are open to students of any nationality.
Two studentships are available in any area of mathematical science. One
studentship is available specifically in the area of quantitative
financial risk management, under the supervision of Prof A. McNeil.
Interested applicants are advised to consult the website
Best regards
Gabriel Lord
From: "Leo Liberti" <leoliberti@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 09:52:55 +0200
Subject: PhD / industrial stage announcement
LIX, Ecole Polytechnique and Mediamobile (Group Telediffusion de France)
Position 1: Industrial Ph.D. Fellowship (These CIFRE)
Mediamobile (www.v-trafic.com) is going to sponsor an industrial Ph.D.
fellowship of the length of three years offered by LIX, Ecole Polytechnique
(www.lix.polytechnique.fr). The Ph.D. topic is: "Shortest paths in dynamic
road networks".
The problem of finding the shortest path from an origin to a destination on a
road network is currently solved by most GPS-enabled devices using a mixture
of different heuristic and exact techniques, most of which fall short of the
following requirements: (a) the path should be shortest in terms of travelling
time more than of distance; (b) the current traffic conditions and the future
traffic forecasts should be considered; (c) the definition of optimality
should cater for the fact that as the vehicle travels along the given path,
time passes and traffic conditions change: so the path initially given as
'optimal' may no longer be so. The main focus of this Ph.D. is to construct,
implement and test a CPU-efficient source-destination shortest path algorithm
which satisfies the above theoretical requirements.
The successful candidate is going to carry out most of his Ph.D. work at
Mediamobile headquarters (Paris). The working environment is dynamic and
informal, but it is industrial and not academic. Normal working hours are to
be expected (with some flexibility). Time allocation for attending relevant
conferences, courses and/or summer school is possible. The salary is going to
be roughly equivalent to an entry-level salary for a technical job in industry
(considerably higher than a normal Ph.D. salary), that is around 2000
euro/months (gross). The net amount will depend on many intricacies of the
French tax system, but on average the candidate should expect 1600 euros/month
net of contributions and income tax. Some negotiation is possible, and there
may be some pay rises during the three-year work engagement.
The candidate is going to be supervised both at an industrial level (as part
of a team at Mediamobile) and at an academic level by academic staff at LIX,
Ecole Polytechnique (Ph. Baptiste, D. Krob, L. Liberti).
Mediamobile is located near the Porte de Versailles, Paris; the Ecole
Polytechnique is located near Lozere, Palaiseau (on the Paris fast
metropolitan railway line). The average cost of renting a single room in Paris
is between 300 and 500 euros/month, whereas a studio flat averages 500-800
The working language at Mediamobile is French. Although knowledge of the
French language is not a requirement, it is expected that the candidate should
learn French as soon as possible after having started the Ph.D.
Contact: Dr. Leo Liberti
(leoliberti @ gmail.com, http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~liberti)
Position 2: Industrial stage in Paris
Mediamobile (www.v-trafic.com) is going to sponsor some industrial 6-months
stages for young engineers / computer scientists at its Paris (France)
Mediamobile's main mission is to gather, reorganize, and sell traffic
information data referring to France's road network. The main required skills
are a sound knowledge of C#, C++, Java under Microsoft Windows development
tools (Visual Studio) as well as the Oracle database system. Some knowledge of
GIS software tools is expected. Competence in: (a) Oracle and (b) software
architecture and interoperability is a bonus.
The successful candidate is going to carry out his work at Mediamobile
headquarters (Paris). The working environment is youthful, dynamic and
informal. The salary is going to be around 1200 euros/month (gross). The net
amount will depend on many intricacies of the French tax system, but on
average the candidate should expect 900 euros/month net of contributions and
income tax; and possibly more if the candidate is not of French nationality,
has never received a salary in France and is not currently resident in
France. Furthermore, there are some possibilities for full employment
following the stage.
The candidate is going to be supervised at an industrial level as part of a
team at Mediamobile.
Mediamobile is located near the Porte de Versailles, Paris. The average cost
of renting a single room in Paris is between 300 and 500 euros/month.
The working language at Mediamobile is French. A minimum working knowledge of
French is required.
Contact: Dr. Leo Liberti
(leoliberti @ gmail.com, http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~liberti)
From: Raimondas Ciegis <Raimondas.Ciegis@fm.vtu.lt>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 18:09:47 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Contents, Mathematcal Modeling and Analysis (MMA) Vol 11 No 2
The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and
Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292 Electronical edition: http://www.vtu.lt/rc/mma/
Raimondas {\v C}iegis (Editor) Volume 11, Number 2, 2006 (p. 117-228)
Connection Coefficients of Shannon Wavelets.
p. 117-132
R. {\v C}iegis, O.Iliev, V.Starikovi{\v c}ius, K.Steiner.
Numerical Algorithms for Solving Problems of Multiphase Flows in Porous
p. 133-148
B.Hebri, Y.Cherruault.
Identification of a Nonlinear Polynomial Compartmental System of
$(\alpha+\beta)$ Order by a Linearization Method .
p. 149-160
P.Katauskis, V.Skakauskas.
Numerical Analysis of the Wave Propagation in a Composite Medium.
p. 161-172
A.A.Kilbas, A.A.Koroleva.
Integral Transform with the Extended Generalized Mittag-Leffler Function.
p. 173-186
G.C.Layek, S.Mukhopadhyay, Sk.A.Samad.
Scaling Group of Transformations for Boundary Layer Stagnation-Point Flow
through a Porous Medium Towards a Heated Stretching Sheet.
p. 187-198
E.O'Riordan, M. L. Pickett , G.I.Shishkin.
Numerical Methods for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Problems Containing Two
Perturbation Parameters.
p. 199-212
M.Sofonea, C.P.Niculescu, A.Matei.
An Antiplane Contact Problem for Viscoelastic Materials with Long-Term
p. 212-228
From: Hans Schneider <hans@math.wisc.edu>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 15:15:55 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Contents, LAA
Linear Algebra and its Applications
Volume 416, Issue 1, Pages 1-214 (1 July 2006)
Special Issue devoted to the Haifa 2005 conference on matrix theory
Edited by Abraham Berman, Leonid Lerer and Raphael Loewy
2) Preface to the 2005 Haifa Matrix Theory Conference Proceedings
Page 1
Abraham Berman, Leonid Lerer and Raphael Loewy
3) Determinant of the distance matrix of a tree with matrix weights
Pages 2-7
R.B. Bapat
4) A simultaneous reconstruction of missing data in DNA microarrays
Pages 8-28
Shmuel Friedland, Amir Niknejad and Laura Chihara
5) Nonnegative matrix factorization for spectral data analysis
Pages 29-47
V. Paul Pauca, J. Piper and Robert J. Plemmons
6) On the uniqueness of overcomplete dictionaries, and a practical way to retrieve them
Pages 48-67
Michal Aharon, Michael Elad and Alfred M. Bruckstein
7) Bounding the gap between extremal Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs
Pages 68-74
Felix Goldberg
8) The geometry of linear separability in data sets
Pages 75-87
Adi Ben-Israel and Yuri Levin
9) On single and double Soules matrices
Pages 88-110
Mei Q. Chen, Lixing Han and Michael Neumann
10) Computational acceleration of projection algorithms for the linear best approximation problem
Pages 111-123
Yair Censor
11) Nonsingularity of matrices associated with classes of arithmetical functions on lcm-closed
Pages 124-134
Shaofang Hong
12) A preconditioned GMRES for complex dense linear systems from electromagnetic wave scattering problems
Pages 135-147
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner and Ignacio Guti�rrez-Ca�as
13) Nonnegative realization of spectra having negative real parts
Pages 148-159
Thomas J. Laffey and Helena Smigoc
14) The Bezoutian, state space realizations and Fisher��s information matrix of an ARMA process
Pages 160-174
Andr� Klein and Peter Spreij
15) On the second eigenvalue of matrices associated with TCP
Pages 175-183
Abraham Berman, Thomas Laffey, Arie Leizarowitz and Robert Shorten
16) The distance between two convex sets
Pages 184-213
Achiya Dax
From: Oleg Burdakov <olbur@mai.liu.se>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 18:07:14 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Contents, Optimization Methods and Software
Table of Contents
Optimization Methods and Software (OMS), Volume 21, Number 4 (August, 2006)
Special Issue. The International Conference on Optimization Techniques
and Applications (ICOTA, December 9-11, 2004)
Guest Editors: Alexander Rubinov and Adil Bagirov
F.S. Bai, Z.Y. Wu and D.L. Zhu
Lower order calmness and exact penalty function
515 - 525
Rafail N. Gasimov and Gurkan Ozturk
Separation via polyhedral conic functions
527 - 540
Wei Li, Ping-Qi Pan, Guangting Chen
A combined projected gradient algorithm for linear programming
541 - 550
Gui-hua Lin and Masao Fukushima
New reformulations for stochastic nonlinear complimentarity problems
551 - 564
Janos D. Pinter, David Linder and Paulina Chin
Global optimization toolbox for Maple:
An introduction with illustrative applications
565 - 582
Farzad Safaei and Iradj Ouveysi
Solution of a certain class of network flow problems
with cascaded demand aggregation and capacity allocation
583 - 595
Jie Sun and Zhen-Hai Huang
A smoothing Newton algorithm for the LCP with a sufficient matrix
that terminates finitely at a maximally complementary solution
597 - 615
Xiaoling Sun, Ning Ruan and Duan Li
An efficient algorithm for nonlinear integer programming problems
arising in series-parallel reliability systems
617 - 633
Jun Wu, Wuyi Yue, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto and Shouyang Wang
Risk analysis of a pay to delay capacity reservation contracts
635 - 651
Wenxing Zhu
A globally concavized filled function method for the box constrained
continuous global minimization problem
653 - 666
Florian Potra and Xing Liu
Erratum: Predictor-corrector methods for sufficient linear
complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path
677 - 678
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