Information via e-mail about NA-NET: Mail to
From: Jesse Barlow <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 08:49:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Householder Symposium XVI
HOUSEHOLDER SYMPOSIUM XVI -- Third and Final Announcement
The Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held May 23-27,
2005 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Champion, Pennsylvania, The resort is located about one hour (by car)
southeast of Pittsburgh. This meeting is the sixteenth in a series,
previously called the Gatlinburg Symposia. The name honors Alston S.
Householder, one of the pioneers in numerical linear algebra and organizer
of the first four meetings. The meeting has traditionally been held in an
isolated location and is very informal in style. Each attendee is given the
opportunity to present a talk, but a talk is not mandatory. The format of the
meeting includes scheduled presentations during the day and more informal
evening sessions that are organized electronically shortly before the meeting.
Spirited discussion is encouraged.
At the meeting, the twelfth Householder prize will be awarded for the best
thesis in numerical algebra written since 1 January 2002. We hope that the
meeting will be attended by recent entrants into numerical linear algebra as
well as more experienced researchers. We encourage attendance by core
numerical linear algebra researchers, matrix theoreticians, and researchers
in applications such as optimization, signal processing, control, and data
The Program Committee welcomes your contribution. The meeting facility holds
only 125 people, however, so attendance may need to be limited. We are seeking
funding to provide financial assistance to recent PhDs and others who might
need it. For full consideration, the committee must receive your abstract by
1 December 2004. Information concerning the application process may be found
at the URL listed above. Please use the format provided at the Conference
The committee expects to complete the list of attendees and scheduled
presentations by 7 January 2005.
After reading the files in the Conference Website, if you have any questions
about local arrangements, please contact the local arrangements committee at
Local Arrangements Committee:
Jesse Barlow (Penn State University)
Hongyuan Zha (Penn State University)
Daniel Szyld (Temple University )
Other questions can be directed to
The Program Committee consists of
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner (Bremen)
Tony Chan (UCLA)
Alan Edelman (MIT)
Nick Higham (University of Manchester)
Roy Mathias (College of William and Mary)
Dianne O'Leary (University of Maryland)
Michael Overton (New York University)
Henk van der Vorst (Utrecht)
Paul Van Dooren (Louvain-la-Neuve)
Charles Van Loan (Chair, Cornell University)
From: Jesse Barlow <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 08:49:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Householder Award
Nominations are solicited for the Alston S. Householder Award XII
(2005). The award will be presented to the author of the best
dissertation in numerical algebra submitted by the recipient of a
PhD earned between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2004.
The term numerical algebra is intended to describe those parts of
mathematical research that have both algebraic aspects and numerical
content or implications. Thus, for example, the term covers linear
algebra that has numerical applications and the algebraic aspects of
ordinary differential, partial differential, integral, and nonlinear
equations. To qualify, the dissertation must have been submitted to
fulfill requirements for a degree at the level of a United States
Ph.D. Candidates from countries in which a formal dissertation is not
normally written at that level may submit an equivalent piece of work.
The Householder Award, given every three years, was established at the
1969 Gatlinburg Symposium (now renamed the Householder Symposium) to
recognize the outstanding contributions of Alston S. Householder,
1904--1993, to numerical analysis and linear algebra.
Entries will be assessed by an international committee consisting of
James Demmel (University of California, Berkeley),
Sabine Van Huffel (K.U. Leuven),
Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin)
Charles Van Loan (Cornell University)
Olof Widlund (Courant Institute, New York University).
The candidate's sponsor (the supervisor of the candidate's research)
should submit five copies of the dissertation (or qualifying work),
together with an appraisal by the sponsor and at least one additional
letter of recommendation supporting the nomination, by February 1, 2005, to
Professor Olof Widlund
Courant Institute
251 Mercer Street
New York, New York 10012
The award will be presented at the Householder Symposium XVI, to be
held May 23-27, 2005 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort
in Champion, Pennsylvania. See
Candidates on the short list will receive invitations to the meeting.
Previous Householder Award winners were F. Robert (Grenoble) in 1971,
Ole Hald (New York University) in 1974, Daniel D. Warner (University
of California, San Diego) in 1977, E. Marques de Sa' (Coimbra) and
Paul Van Dooren (K. U. Leuven) in 1981 (shared), Ralph Byers (Cornell
University) and James M. Demmel (University of California, Berkeley)
in 1984 (shared), Nicholas J. Higham (University of Manchester) in
1987, Alan Edelman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Maria
Beth Ong (University of Washington) in 1990 (shared), Hong-Guo Xu
(Fudan University) and Barry Smith (New York University) in 1993
(shared), Ming Gu (Yale University) in 1996, Jorg Liesen (Bielefeld)
in 1999, and Jing-Rebecca Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 2002.
From: Stefan Funken <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:40:14 +0100
Subject: Change of Address for Stefan Funken
My new address is
Stefan Funken
School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics
Brunel University
Middlesex UB8 3PH
Phone +44 (0) 1895 / 266 221
Fax +44 (0) 1895 / 269 732
From: Fred Doolittle <>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 12:53:27 -0600
Subject: IMSL C# Numerical Library
Dear Colleagues,
Visual Numerics is pleased to announce the availability of the IMSL(TM)
C# Numerical Library.
The IMSL C# Numerical Library is a mathematical and statistical
numerical analysis library written in pure C# for the Microsoft(R).NET
framework. In addition to C# programmers, Visual Basic.NET programmers
can easily call the IMSL C# Library from within their applications by
using the language integration features within Microsoft Visual
In order to enable many of the mathematical operations that numerical
analysts regularly use, the IMSL C# Library extends the .NET framework
with mathematical features such as complex number data types and complex
number operators.
For more information on the IMSL C# Numerical Library, please visit:
The IMSL Libraries include coverage of a broad range of mathematics and
statistics algorithm topics, ranging from linear algebra and transforms
to optimization and multivariate analysis. The IMSL math and statistics
libraries are available in pure Fortran, C, C#, and Java versions. The
IMSL Thread Safe Fortran, IMSL C, IMSL C#, and JMSL Libraries make
available all of the algorithms in the Libraries for thread safe
programming in multi-threaded applications.
Best Regards,
Fred Doolittle
From: Joost Rommes <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 09:43:05 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Report on School of Computational Mathematics in Italy
XXII School of Computational Mathematics organized by F. Diele, C.
Marangi, N. Mastronardi and F. Notarnicola, September 12-18, 2004,
Monopoli (Bari), Italy.
The School of Computational Mathematics is addressed to graduate students,
PhD students and young researchers in scientific computing. The school is
organized annually and focuses on a particular topic in scientific
computing. The school is really a school in the sense that several courses
and lectures on the topic are given by known experts. The topic of the
XXII School was "Numerical Linear Algebra and Its Applications: Least
squares problems and low rank approximation". The school was organized in
Monopoli, a small village south of Bari, Italy.
The topic of the school is of particular interest because popular
applications such as (biomedical) signal processing, data mining and model
reduction of large scale systems require more accurate and faster
numerical algorithms. The mathematical problems arising from these
applications are of great numerical interest.
The 6 principal school courses were given by the following well known
professors. Moody T. Chu gave a course on Structured Low Rank
Approximations. Gene H. Golub lectured on Least Squares and Matrix
Approximations. Georg Heinig taught about Toeplitz Least Squares and
related problems. Marc van Barel, together with Raf Vandenbril, gave a
course on Semiseparable matrices. Paul van Dooren gave an introduction to
Model Reduction of Large Scale Dynamical Systems and presented some
results for generalized eigenvalue problems. Sabine van Huffel lectured on
Total Least Squares.
Besides the courses, presentations related to the school topic were given
by D. Bertaccini, D.A. Bini, L. Gemignani and S. Serra Capizzano.
The XXII School of Computational Mathematics was attended by 40 people
from universities and research institutes. Of those 40 there were 20 PhD
students. The school was organized by Nicola Mastronardi, Fasma Diele,
Carmela Marangi and Filippo Notarnicola. The location, Hotel Portogiardino
in Monopoli, near the beach offered good opportunities for both scientific
and informal activities outside school hours. The rather specialized topic
created a good setting for bringing together young researchers and known
experts. The participants ate the excellent meals together, which
contributed to the conviviality.
The school was sponsored by Instituto per le Applicazioni del Calcol
"Mauro Picone", Ministero dell'Istruzione dell' Universita` e della
Ricerca, Regione Puglia, Patrocinio del Comune di Castellana Grotte and SITA.
Slides of the presentations and lectures and more information can be found
on the web site of the school:
Joost Rommes
Utrecht University
From: Marc Daumas <Marc.Daumas@ENS-Lyon.Fr>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 13:03:06 +0200
Subject: Formal Methods at IMACS World Congress in Paris
Formal Methods in Applied Mathematics
Paris, France
July 11th-15th, 2005
Formal proof assistants are used to guarantee the correctness of
simple algorithms and programs in computer arithmetic and soon in
numerical analysis. This session is intended to bring together
researchers interested in mechanically proving properties of floating
point operators and numerical algorithms. It will also foster the
development of floating point and other arithmetic packages for proof
assistants. It will finally present applications and introduce
challenging problems and perspectives for the future.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Certifications of floating point operators
Ensuring properties of numerical algorithms
Formalizations of IEEE 754/854 and IEC 559 standards
Identification of future key applications
A first meeting was held in Lyon, France, in 2000, funded by INRIA's
ARC AOC. The workshop was a success bringing together specialists
that usually present their results to separate communities. From now
on, we propose to organize this meeting as a session of IMACS World
Congress. This will help us bridge the gap between maturing
applications in computer arithmetic and the first applications in
numerical analysis.
Researchers interested in presenting their work are invited to submit
a very first 1-4 page abstract to the following web site indicating
the "Formal methods" session in "Applied mathematics". They will be
allowed to update their abstract for one month.
Updated abstracts will be peer-reviewed to assess their relevance to
the session. Accepted authors will send a full paper to appear in the
proceedings of the conference.
Registration of abstract: Oct 15, 2004***
Abstract updating limit: Nov 15, 2004
Notification of acceptance: Mar 15, 2005
Revised Papers required by: Apr 1, 2005
Conference: Jul 11-15, 2005
*** Potential authors must register some preliminary abstract by that
date to the website of the conference. The session organizers will
accept updated abstract up to Nov 15, 2004.
Marc Daumas (CNRS) and Laurent Th�ry (INRIA)
From: Kirsten Wilden <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 08:42:51 -0400
Subject: SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications
Conference Name: Sixth SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications,
being held jointly with the 2005 SIAM Annual Meeting
Location: Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana
Dates: July 11-14, 2005
Invited Plenary Speakers
Marie Csete, Emory University
Mrdjan Jankovic, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering
(Joint Plenary Speaker with the 2005 SIAM Annual Meeting)
Naomi Leonard, Princeton University
William Levine, University of Maryland, College Park
William McEneaney, University of California, San Diego
Igor Mezic, University of California, Santa Barbara
Thaleia Zariphopoulou, University of Texas, Austin
Invited Topical Speaker
Matthias Heinkenschloss, Rice University
(Joint Topical Speaker with the 2005 SIAM Annual Meeting)
The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:
Minisymposium proposals: December 10, 2004
Abstracts for all contributed and minisymposium presentations: January 7,
For additional information, contact SIAM Conference Department at
From: Hugo Scolnik <>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 07:20:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Conference in Turin on System Modeling and Optimization
22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
Turin, Italy, July 18-22, 2005
The web page of the conference is:
The plenary speakers and invited sessions :
The plenary speakers in our track are Roger Fletcher and Jorge Nocedal
Important Deadlines
a.. To submit a presentation November 1, 2004
b.. Acceptance or refusal notice January 31, 2005
c.. Early registration period January 31-May 15, 2005
From: ICCS2005 <>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 14:55:30 -0400
Subject: Conference in Atlanta on Computational Science
ICCS 2005: 5th International Conference on Computational Science
Atlanta, May 22-25, 2005
You are invited to submit a paper and/or a proposal to organize a
workshop at ICCS 2005, Atlanta, USA, May 22-25, 2005. Please
see for more information.
The theme for ICCS 2005 in Atlanta, USA, is "Advancing Science
through Computation", to mark several decades of progress in
computational science theory and practice, leading to greatly
improved applications science.
Original contributions not exceeding 8 pages are invited for
publication and oral presentation. All accepted papers will be
printed in the conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Selected papers
will also be published as special issues of appropriate journals.
Topics of Interest
ICCS 2005 invites original contributions on all topics related
to computational science, including, but not limited to:
* Scientific Computing
* Problem Solving Environments
* Advanced Numerical Algorithms
* Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation
* Hybrid Computational Methods
* Computational Science in Data Mining/Information Retrieval
* Web- and Grid-based Simulation and Computing
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Visualization in Computational Science
* Applications of Computation as a Scientific Paradigm
* New Algorithms for Computational Kernels and Applications
* Education in Computational Science
Important deadlines:
Proposals for Workshops: ........................... November 1, 2004
Full papers submission: ............................ December 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance of papers: .............. January 31, 2005
Camera ready papers: .............................. February 14, 2005
Early registration: .................................. March 30, 2005
Contact and Organization:
Scientific Chair ..................................... Vaidy Sunderam
Workshops Chair ..................................... Dick van Albada
Overall Co-chair ...................................... Jack Dongarra
Overall Chair ...................................... Peter M.A. Sloot
From: ISCIS '04 <>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 17:44:34 +0300
Subject: Symposium in Turkey on Computer and Information Sciences
ISCIS'04 Call for Participation
The 19th International Symposium on Computer and
Information Sciences
27-29 October 2004
Kemer-Antalya, Turkey
organized by
Department of Computer Engineering
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
IFIP (International Federation for Information
sponsored by
IEEE Turkey Section
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical Research
Council of Turkey)
Web site:
This is the nineteenth of the ISCIS series of
conferences that have brought together computer
scientists and engineers from around the world.
This year's conference will be held at the
Renaissance Antalya Beach Resort & Spa in Kemer,
close to the beautiful Mediterranean city of
Antalya, in a region rich in natural as well as
archaeological and historical sites.
The conference proceedings are being published
by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), Vol. 3280.
Contact Info:
Department of Computer Engineering
Bilkent University
TR-06800 Bilkent, Ankara
From: Yuan Jin Yun <>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 09:26:30 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: Workshop on Mathematical Models and Methods in Energy
A Workshop on Mathematical Models and Methods in Energy will be realized
in Curitiba, Brazil, November 29-December 1, 2004. More information
can be found at
From: Shi Zhong-ci <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 14:18:06 +0800
Subject: Workshop in Shanghai on Scientific Computing and Its Applications
The Fourth International Workshop on Scientific Computing and Its Applications
will be held in Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, June 20-23, 2005.
The first three workshops of the series were held at City U of Hong Kong in
December 1998; Banff, Alberta, Canada in May 2000 and City U of Hong Kong in
January, 2003, respectively.
The aim of the workshop in to bring together mathematicians, applied scientists
and engineers working in the field of scientific computing and its applications
and to provide a forum for the participants to meet and exchange ideas in an
informal atmosphere.
Plenary speakers include:
Gang Bao (Michigan State, USA)
Sussane Brenner (South Carolina, USA)
Franco Brezzi (Pavia, Italy)
Jin Cheng (Fudan, China)
Weinan E (Princeton, USA)
Roland Hoppe (Augsburg, Germany)
Yvon Maday (Paris 6, France)
Alfio Quarteroni (Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, Swizerland)
Masahisa Tabata (Kyushu, Japan)
Xiao-Ping Wang (HKUST, Hong Kong)
An-hui Zhou (CAS, China)
Jian-Zhong Zhu (USTC, China)
Jack Xin (Austin, USA)
Scientific Committee:
Mark Ainsworth (Strathclyde, UK)
Daniele Funaro(Modena, Italy)
Roland Glowinski( Houston, USA)
Ben-qi Guo (Manitoba, Canada)
Ben-yu Guo (Shanghai Normal U, China, co-chair)
Yuri Kuznetsov (Moscow, Russia)
Takashi Kako( Electro-Communications, Japan)
Qun Lin (CAS, China)
Yanping Lin (Alberta, Canada)
Jean-Claude Nedelec( Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Dongwoo Sheen (Seoul, Korea)
Zhong-Ci Shi (CAS, China, co-chair)
Wei-wei Sun (City U, HK)
Tao Tang (Baptist U, HK)
Wei-Jiang Zhang(Shanghai Jiaotong U, China)
Contact person:
Prof. Bao-Rui Song at ""
The website will be set up soon.
From: Svante Littmarck <>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 14:28:05 -0400
Subject: Workshop at Courant Institute on PDE-Based Modeling
Title: State-Of-The-Art PDE-Based Modeling:
Numerical Methods, FEMLAB, and Applications
Place: Courant Institute, NYU
Date: Friday, October 22nd, 2004
Fee: Free of charge
Speakers, Titles, Abstracts & Registration:
COMSOL and Courant Institute invite you to a truly special industrial
workshop in New York City:
Come and see how FEMLAB's unique equation-based approach is building a
bridge between theory and practice. We have put together a
comprehensive day-long program that includes highly renowned academic
researchers, leading FEMLAB development personnel, as well as top
industrial practitioners - all of whom will present their most recent
We have included several breaks in the agenda to allow for discussions
and networking opportunities. Topping off everything we have done
before, we will end the day in a hands-on FEMLAB 3.1 computer session.
You will be able to choose from taking a mini-course, working on your
own, or discussing your project challenge with colleagues and
We look forward to meeting you in the Big Apple!
Svante Littmarck
From: Svante Littmarck <>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 14:31:52 -0400
Subject: Workshop in South Carolina on Modeling Fuel Cells
Title: Workshop - Modeling Fuel Cells and Electrochemical Problems
Date: October 18
Location: University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Registration and details:
We are happy to invite you to a free workshop on Modeling in Fuel
Cells and Electrochemical Engineering at the University of South
Carolina on October 18. The workshop is organized jointly by COMSOL
and the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the
University of South Carolina. Professor Ralph White, a distinguished
scientist in the field of fuel cells and electrochemical engineering,
will host the workshop.
The workshop will address a range of topics, with a particular focus
on modeling of SOFC, PEMFC, batteries, and metal deposition. Several
presentations on these topics by experienced modelers and a free
FEMLAB minicourse are on the agenda. Refreshments and lunch will be
provided free of charge to all registrants.
Registration at is requested, as seating is limited.
Svante Littmarck
From: Ganesh <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:49:57 -0600
Subject: Faculty Positions at Colorado School of Mines
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
The Colorado School of Mines invites applications for two anticipated
tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor level in mathematical
sciences. starting in August 2005,
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences offers B.S., M.S.,
and Ph.D. degrees. Faculty research interests include numerical analysis
and scientific computing, symbolic computing, nonlinear PDEs, wave theory,
inverse problems, micro-local analysis and applied statistics.
Applicants in all areas of applied and computational mathematics and
statistics compatible with the research interests of the department are
encouraged to apply.
Responsibilities include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels,
directing graduate research, and developing a strong, externally funded
research program. An earned Ph.D. in mathematics, statistics or a related
field is required. Evidence of interest or successful involvement in
interdisciplinary collaborative research in engineering and physical
sciences is desirable. Applicants should have one or more years of
postdoctoral experience and must provide evidence of research accomplishments
and teaching competencies.
The Colorado School of Mines is Colorado's oldest public university. Located
in Golden, Colorado in the foothills of the Rockies 13 miles west of downtown
Denver and 21 miles south of Boulder, the school has an enrollment of
approximately 2700 undergraduates and 750 graduate students in a broad range
of applied science and engineering disciplines. Research funding is
approximately $30 million annually. More information about the department
can be obtained from
Applicants must submit (a) a curriculum vita, (b) four letters of reference,
at least one of which addresses teaching ability, and (c) a statement
describing teaching experience, philosophy, and (d) a statement of research
interests and aspirations to:
Colorado School of Mines,
Office of Human Resources,
Search # 04-081020,
1500 Illinois Street,
Golden, CO 80401,
fax 303-384-2025.
Review of applications will begin not later than January 10, 2005.
CSM is an EO/AA employer and is committed to enhancing the diversity of
its faculty and staff, and therefore encourages applications from women,
minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities.
From: Romas Baronas <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:06:34 +0100
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 9, Number 3, 2004
A free on-line edition is available at:
Computational Modelling of a Sensor Based on an Array of Enzyme
Microreactors, Pages 203-218
R. Baronas, F. Ivanauskas, J. Kulys, M. Sapagovas
The Optimization Process of Elimination Sediment from the Pipe by Impact
Load, Pages 219-232
V. Dorosevas, V. Volkovas
Article title: Voronoi Analysis of a Soccer Game, Pages 233-240
S. Kim
Macrokinetic Model of Catalase Electrode with Biphasic Enzyme
Inhibition, Pages 241-246
K. Kriauciunas, J. Kulys
Finite Difference Solution Methods for a System of the Nonlinear
Schrodinger Equations, Pages 247-258
A. Kurtinaitis, F. Ivanauskas
Space-Time Recovery of Arbitrarily Shaped Wave-Packets by Means of Three
Dimensional Imaging Technique, Pages 259-270
A. Matijosius, R. Piskarskas, E. Gaizauskas, A. Dubietis, P. Di Trapani
Information Transmission Concept Based Model of Wave Propagation in
Discrete Excitable Media, Pages 271-289
S. Raudys
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, an official journal of
the Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts (LANA),
welcomes contributions from the international community.
For a paper submission, please refer to
End of NA Digest