(port/srecap) report current stack statistics (port/stinit) initialize the stack and notify it of its length (port/nirall) query the amount of stack storage remaining (port/mtstak) modify length of last allocation on the stack (port/ialloc) allocate storage from the stack (port/dalloc) deallocate stack storage (port/nsf) nonlinear separable least squares (port/nsfb) nonlinear separable least squares,simple bounds (port/nsg) nonlinear separable least squares,user given jacobian (port/nsgb) nonlinear separable least squares,user given jacobian,simple bounds (port/n2f) nonlinear least squares (port/n2fb) nonlinear least squares,simple bounds (port/n2g) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian (port/n2gb) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian,simple bounds (port/n2p) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian in pieces (port/n2pb) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian in pieces,simple bounds (port/eprint) print an outstanding error message (port/dxtrap) polynomial or rational extrapolation,power series (port/enter) save error state and stack allocation status (port/entsrc) test and set error recovery mode,called on subprogram entry (port/erroff) turn off error state (port/istkgt) allocate stack space and return a pointer to it (port/istkin) initialize a storage stack (port/istkmd) modify length of last stack allocation (port/istkqu) determine amount of stack remaining (port/istkrl) deallocate allocations from top of the stack (port/istkst) return stack statistics (port/leave) restore error state and stack to that of last (port/enter) call (port/movebc) move complex vector to complex vector,backwards (port/movebd) move double precision vector to double precision vector,backwards (port/movebi) move integer vector to integer vector,backwards (port/movebl) move logical vector to logical vector,backwards (port/movebr) move real vector to real vector,backwards (port/movefc) move complex vector to complex vector,forwards (port/movefd) move double precision vector to double precision vector,forwards (port/movefi) move integer vector to integer vector,forwards (port/movefl) move logical vector to logical vector,forwards (port/movefr) move real vector to real vector,forwards (port/nerror) return current error number (port/retsrc) test and restore error recovery mode,called on subprogram exit (port/setc) initialize a complex vector (port/setd) initialize a double precision vector (port/seterr) print error message,set error status (port/seti) initialize a integer vector (port/setl) initialize a logical vector (port/setr) initialize a real vector (port/xtrap) polynomial or rational extrapolation,power series (port/bspld) basis spline evaluation with derivatives (port/bspli) integrate basis splines (port/bspln) basis spline evaluation (port/bspl1) basis spline evaluation with selected derivatives (port/buram) best uniform rational approximation on a mesh (port/burm1) best uniform rational approximation given a starting approximation (port/clst2) least-squares solution,complex linear equations (port/cspdi) cubic spline differentiation (port/cspfe) cubic spline evaluation (port/cspfi) cubic spline fit (port/cspin) cubic spline interpolation (port/dl2sf) least-squares b-spline fit to discrete data (port/dl2sw) weighted least-squares b-spline fit to discrete data (port/eebsf) estimate error in b-spline fit by mesh refinement (port/eebsi) estimate b-spline error over selected intervals (port/eesff) find absolute error in b-spline fit to a function (port/eesfi) find absolute error in b-spline fit over selected intervals (port/ilumb) generate locally uniform mesh for a b-spline,stack version (port/ilumd) generate locally uniform mesh of distinct points,stack version (port/immm) change multiplicity of a mesh point in a mesh array on the stack (port/imnpb) generate b-spline mesh for fitting discrete data,stack version (port/ipumb) generate piecewise uniform mesh for a b-spline,stack version (port/ipumd) generate piecewise uniform mesh of distinct points,stack version (port/iumb) generate uniform mesh for a b-spline,stack version (port/iumd) generate uniform mesh of distinct points,stack version (port/lstsq) least-squares solution of linear equations (port/lumb) generate locally uniform mesh for a b-spline (port/lumd) generate locally uniform mesh of distinct points (port/l2sff) b-spline fit to a function (port/l2sfh) b-spline fit to the derivatives of a function (port/mnpb) generate b-spline mesh for fitting discrete data (port/pumb) generate piecewise uniform mesh for a b-spline (port/pumd) generate piecewise uniform mesh of distinct points (port/splnd) spline and derivatives evaluation (port/splne) spline evaluation (port/spln1) spline and selected derivatives evaluation (port/spln2) tuned spline evaluation (port/umb) uniform mesh for a b-spline (port/umd) generate uniform mesh of distinct points (port/vdss1) one-dimensional uniform variation diminishing spline (port/vdss2) two-dimensional uniform variation diminishing spline (port/vdss3) three-dimensional uniform variation diminishing spline (port/iode) stiff ode solution,initial value problem (port/iodev) fine control for (port/iode),stiff ode solver (port/iodex) print performance statistics for (port/iode) (port/odes) ode solution,initial value problem (port/odes1) ode solver with additional control (port/d1mach) double precision fp arithmetic machine constants (port/enter) save current error recovery mode and storage allocation status (port/entsrc) test and set recovery mode on entry (port/eprint) print error message (port/erroff) cancel error state (port/istkgt) get storage from stack (port/istkin) initialize stack (port/istkmd) modify length of last stack allocation (port/istkqu) query the amount of space left in the stack (port/istkrl) release stack storage (port/istkst) obtain stack statistics (port/i1mach) integer arithmetic and machine constants (port/leave) restore prior error recovery mode and reset stack (port/nerror) get error number (port/retsrc) test and reset recovery mode on return (port/r1mach) real fp arithmetic machine constants (port/seterr) error handling (port/stkdmp) stack dump (port/babs) band upper triangular linear system solution (port/bace) lu decomposition,banded unsymmetric matrix,condition estimation (port/badc) decomposition of a banded unsymmetric matrix (port/bafs) band lower (unit) triangular linear system solution (port/bale) banded linear system solver (port/balu) lu decomposition of a banded unsymmetric matrix (port/baml) banded matrix-vector multiplication (port/banm) norm of a banded unsymmetric matrix (port/bass) banded linear system solution with condition estimation (port/bpbs) band positive definite upper triangular linear system solution (port/bpce) ldl-t decomposition with condition estimation (port/bpdc) ldl-t decomposition,band symmetric positive definite matrix (port/bpfs) band symmetric lower (unit) triangular linear system solution (port/bpld) ldl-t decomposition of a band symmetric positive definite matrix (port/bple) band symmetric positive definite linear system solution (port/bpml) banded positive definite matrix-vector multiplication (port/bpnm) norm of a banded positive definite matrix (port/bpss) band positive definite linear system solution,condition estimation (port/cabs1) magnitude real part plus magnitude complex part (port/crotg) construct givens rotation for a complex vector (port/csrot) apply a real plane rotation to a complex vector (port/camax) magnitude of maximum magnitude element of a vector,complex (port/caxpy) add multiple of one vector to another,complex (port/damax) magnitude of maximum magnitude element of vector,double precision (port/icamax) index of the maximum magnitude element of a vector,complex (port/idamax) index of the maximum magnitude element of vector,double precision (port/iimax) index of the maximum element of a vector,integer (port/idmax) index of the maximum element of a vector,double precision (port/eigen) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general real matrix (port/gebs) upper triangular linear system solution (port/gece) lu decomposition of a general matrix,condition estimation (port/gedc) lu decomposition of a general matrix (port/gefs) lower (unit) triangular linear system solution (port/gele) general linear system solution (port/gelu) lu decomposition of a general matrix (port/dcopy) copy a vector to a vector,double precision (port/ddot) dot product of two vectors,double precision version (port/ccopy) copy a vector to a vector,complex (port/dasum) 1-norm of a vector,double precision version (port/geml) matrix-vector multiplication (port/idamin) index of the minimum magnitude of a vector,double precision (port/genm) norm of a general matrix (port/gess) general linear system solution with condition estimation (port/scasum) 1-norm of a vector,complex (port/cdotc) dot product of two vectors,complex,conjugated (port/cdotu) dot product of two vectors,complex,unconjugated (port/cscal) scale a vector,complex (port/csscal) scale a vector,complex variant (port/daxpy) add multiple of one vector to another,double precision (port/drot) apply a plane rotation to a vector,double precision (port/drotg) construct givens plane rotation,double precision (port/idmin) index of the minimum element of a vector,double precision (port/iimin) index of the minimum element of a vector,integer (port/dscal) scale a vector,double precision (port/isamax) index of the maximum magnitude element of a vector (port/dswap) interchange two vectors,double precision (port/icamin) index of the minimum magnitude of a vector,complex (port/cswap) interchange two vectors,complex (port/isamin) index of the minimum magnitude of a vector (port/ismax) index of the maximum element of a vector (port/ismin) index of the minimum element of a vector (port/ltsq) least squares solution (port/lz) complex generalized eigenvalue problem (port/samax) magnitude of maximum magnitude element of a vector (port/sasum) 1-norm of a vector (port/saxpy) add multiple of one vector to another (port/scopy) copy a vector to a vector (port/sdot) dot product of two vectors (port/dnrm2) euclidean norm of a vector,double precision (port/snrm2) euclidean norm of a vector (port/spfce) lu decomposition,sparse matrix,condition estimation,function input (port/spfle) sparse linear system solution function input (port/spflu) lu decomposition of a sparse matrix,function input (port/spfml) sparse matrix vector multiplication,function input (port/spfnf) numerical lu decomposition of a sparse matrix,function input (port/spfor) row and column ordering of a sparse matrix,function input (port/spfsf) symbolic lu decomposition of a sparse matrix,function input (port/spfsl) forward-back solution of a sparse linear system (port/spmce) lu decomposition,sparse matrix,condition estimation,matrix input (port/spmin) insert sparse matrix into sparse representation (port/spmle) sparse linear system solution, matrix input (port/spmlu) lu decomposition of a sparse matrix,matrix input (port/spmml) sparse matrix vector multiplication,matrix input (port/spmnf) numerical lu decomposition of a sparse matrix (port/spmor) row and column ordering of a sparse matrix,function input (port/spmsf) symbolic lu decomposition of a sparse matrix (port/spmsl) forward-back solution of a sparse linear system (port/spsol) forward-back solution of a sparse linear system (port/srot) apply a plane rotation to a vector (port/srotg) construct givens plane rotation (port/sscal) scale a vector (port/ssum) sum the elements of a vector (port/sswap) interchange two vectors (port/svd) singular value decomposition (port/svdls) singular value decomposition and least squares solution (port/syce) decomposition of a symmetric matrix with condition estimation (port/sydc) decomposition of a symmetric matrix (port/syfbs) forward and back solve for symmetric matrices (port/syle) symmetric linear system solution (port/symd) mdm-t decomposition of a symmetric matrix (port/syml) symmetric matrix-vector multiplication (port/synm) norm of a symmetric matrix (port/syss) symmetric linear system solution with condition estimation (port/feas) feasible point (port/feasa) feasible point,additional features version (port/fmin) local minimum in one-dimension (port/iqp) quadratic programming (port/linpa) linear programming,additional features version (port/linpr) linear programming (port/mnf) general optimization (port/mnfb) general optimization,simple bounds (port/mng) general optimization,requiring gradient (port/mngb) general optimization,requiring gradient,simple bounds (port/mnh) general optimization,requiring gradient and hessian (port/mnhb) general optimization,requiring gradient and hessian,simple bounds (port/mnsx) unconstrained optimization,nelder-mead simplex algorithm (port/nsf1) nonlinear separable least squares,one nonlinear parameter (port/nsf) nonlinear separable least squares (port/nsfb) nonlinear separable least squares,simple bounds (port/nsg) nonlinear separable least squares,user given jacobian (port/nsgb) nonlinear separable least squares,user given jacobian,simple bounds (port/n2f) nonlinear least squares (port/n2fb) nonlinear least squares,simple bounds (port/n2g) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian (port/n2gb) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian,simple bounds (port/n2p) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian in pieces (port/n2pb) nonlinear least squares,user given jacobian in pieces,simple bounds (port/rmnf) reverse communication version of (port/mnf) (port/rmnfb) reverse communication version of (port/mnfb) (port/rmng) reverse communication version of (portmng) (port/rmngb) reverse communication version of (port/mngb) (port/rmnh) reverse communication version of (port/mnh) (port/rmnhb) reverse communication version of (port/mnhb) (port/rnsg) reverse communication version of (port/nsg) (port/rnsgb) reverse communication version of (port/nsgb) (port/rn2g) reverse communication version of (port/n2g) (port/rn2gb) reverse communication version of (port/n2gb) (port/smnf) simplified function minimization (port/smnfb) simplified function minimization with simple bounds (port/smng) simplified function minimization,requiring gradient (port/smngb) simplified function minimization,simple bounds,requiring gradient (port/smnh) simplified function minimization,requiring gradients and hessian (port/smnhb) simplified function minimization,requiring gradient and hessian (port/smnsx)simplified unconstrained optimization,nelder-mead simplex algorithm (port/snsf) simplified separable nonlinear least squares,no constraints (port/snsfb) simplified separable nonlinear least squares with simple bounds (port/snsg) simplified separable nonlinear least squares,requiring derivatives (port/snsgb) simplified separable nonlinear least square,bounds,need derivative (port/sn2f) simplified nonlinear least squares (port/sn2fb) simplified nonlinear least squares,simple bounds (port/sn2g) simplified nonlinear least squares,requiring jacobian (port/sn2gb) simplified nonlinear least squares,simple bound,requiring jacobian (port/lplm) linearly parameterized piecewise linear mapping in (port/post) (port/lplmg) linearly parameterized linear mapping,(port/post),generator (port/lplmi) linearly parameterized linear mapping,(port/post),inverse (port/lplmt) dt restriction for monotone mesh mapping in (port/post) (port/lplmx) linearly parameterized piecewise linear mapping in (port/post) (port/post) pde solution,transient,one space dimension (port/poste) (port/post) convergence tester (port/posti) mapping to internal coordinates,(port/post),af subroutine version (port/postj) mapping to internal coordinates,(port/post),bc subroutine version (port/postu) mapping to user coordinates in (port/post),af subroutine version (port/postv) mapping to user coordinates in (port/post),bc subroutine version (port/postw) fine control for (port/post) pde solver (port/bquad) integrate piecewise-smooth function (port/cspqu) cubic spline quadrature,tabulated data points (port/gausq) abscissas and weights for gauss quadrature (port/gqex) gauss-legendre quadrature,exponential to a negative power weight (port/gqexa) gauss quadrature,x times exponential weight (port/gqex2) gauss-hermite quadrature,exponential squared weight (port/gqlog) gauss quadrature,logarithm of reciprocal weight (port/gqxa) gauss quadrature,x to a power weight (port/gqxab) gauss-jacobi quadrature,functional weighting (port/gq1) gauss-legendre quadrature (port/odeq) integrate a set of integrals (port/quad) evaluate integral over finite interval (port/rquad) evaluate integral over a finite interval,use relative error (port/splni) spline integration,tabulated data points (port/cpoly) zeros of complex polynomials (port/mullr) root,real or complex,of a function (port/rpoly) zeros of real polynomials (port/zero) single real root (port/zone) zeros of nonlinear equations (port/zonej) zeros of nonlinear equations,user provided jacobian (port/acosh) hyperbolic arcosine (port/arcos) arccosine (port/arsin) arcsine (port/asinh) hyperbolic arcsine (port/atanh) hyperbolic arctangent (port/besci) modified bessel functions,complex argument,integer order (port/bescj) bessel functions,complex argument,integer order (port/besri) modified bessel functions,real argument,integer order (port/besrj) bessel functions,real argument,integer order (port/cdexp) complex double precision exponential (port/cdlog) complex double precision natural logarithm (port/cosh) hyperbolic cosine (port/gamma) real gamma function (port/sinh) hyperbolic sine (port/tan) tangent (port/tanh) hyperbolic tangent (port/fft) singletons mixed radix fft (port/fftc) fft,complex data (port/fftci) inverse fft,complex data (port/fftr) fft,real data (port/fftri) inverse fft,real data (port/mftcc) multiple fft on complex data (port/mftci) initialization for multiple fft mftcc (port/mftcr) multiple fft of half-complex input data (port/mftrc) multiple fft of real input data (port/mftri) initialization for multiple fft,(port/ mftrc) and (port/mftcr) (port/rltr) storage economizing fft for real data (port/aprntt) formatted array print (port/asym) anti symmetrize a vector (port/ceiling) find least integer not less than (port/cnvdtt) convert vector (port/floor) find greatest integer not greater than (port/frmatt) find machine-dependent format specification (port/intrvt) interval in which array element lies (port/mkfl) make floating-point number (port/monot) test if a vector is monotone increasing or decreasing (port/movedt) move array (port/orthp) sum of orthogonal polynomials (port/ranbyt) bit pattern for uniform random deviate (port/ranset) change starting value for (port/uni) (port/rnorm) normal,gaussian,random deviate (port/sett) set array (port/smonot) test if a vector is strictly monotone increasing or decreasing (port/srtdh) sort hollerith data (port/srtdt) sort numerical data (port/srtpdh) passive sort of hollerith data (port/srtpdt) passive sort of numerical data (port/srtrh) use given permutation to rearrange hollerith data (port/srtrt) use given permutation to rearrange numerical data (port/sym) symmetrize a vector (port/tchbp) sum of chebyshev polynomials (port/trigp) sum of trigonometric polynomials (port/umkfl) decompose floating-point number (port/uni) uniform random deviate (port/vbtod) convert floating-point number to base-10 (port/vdtob) convert base-10 number to machine-base (port/wrapup) at end of run check error states and stack allocation (port/xkth) k-th smallest element of a set (port/cdmul) complex double precision multiply (port/cd1div) complex double precision division (port/cdadd) complex double precision addition (port/cd1mod) complex double precision modulus (port/cddiv) complex double precision division (port/cdsub) complex double precision subtraction