subroutine nmcalc (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,icall,subq,nn, a rhs,ubar,wksp,ier) c c ... nmcalc calculates the quantities c c bnorm = sqrt (rhs,rhs) c bnorm1 = any other norm of rhs needed for the stopping test c ubarnm = sqrt (ubar,ubar) c c which are needed in the stopping tests. c c the stopping tests are -- c c (1) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (r ,zt)/(rhs,inv(q)*rhs) ) c (2) ( 1.0/emin) * sqrt ( (zt,zt)/(u,u) ) c (3) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (zt,zt)/(inv(q)*rhs,inv(q)*rhs) ) c (4) sqrt ( (zt,zt)/(inv(q)*rhs,inv(q)*rhs) ) c (5) sqrt ( (r ,r )/(rhs,rhs) ) c (6) sqrt ( (u-ubar,u-ubar)/(ubar,ubar) ) c (7) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (r,z)/(rhs,inv(ql)*rhs) ) c (8) ( 1.0/emin) * sqrt ( (z,z)/(u,u) ) c (9) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (z,z)/(inv(ql)*rhs,inv(ql)*rhs) ) c (10) sqrt ( (z,z)/(inv(ql)*rhs,inv(ql)*rhs) ) c c ... parameters -- c c icall key for initial or secondary call c = 1 initial call c = 2 later call (needed if q is changed) c subq preconditioning routine c n order of system c rhs right hand side c ubar known solution c wksp workspace vector of length n c ier error code c = 0 no error detected c = -7 q is not positive definite c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension rhs(1), ubar(1), wksp(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), a wfac(1), jwfac(1) external subq c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom1 / in, itmax, level, nout, ns1, ns2, ns3, a iplr, iqlr, ntest, is, iacel, idgts, nbl1d, nbl2d common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c c n = nn nteste = ntest if (ntest .gt. 6) nteste = ntest - 6 go to (10,50,20,20,30,40), nteste c c ... bnorm1: sqrt(b,q(inv)b). c 10 call subq (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,rhs,wksp) sum = vdot (n,rhs,wksp) if (sum .ge. 0.0) go to 15 ier = -7 call ershow (ier,'nmcalc') return 15 bnorm1 = amax1 ( sqrt(sum),srelpr ) return c c ... bnorm1: sqrt(q(inv)b,q(inv)b). c 20 call subq (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,rhs,wksp) sum = vdot (n,wksp,wksp) bnorm1 = amax1 ( sqrt(sum),srelpr ) return c c ... bnorm. c 30 if (icall .eq. 2) return sum = vdot (n,rhs,rhs) bnorm = amax1 ( sqrt(sum),srelpr ) bnorm1 = bnorm return c c ... ubarnm. c 40 if (icall .eq. 2) return sum = vdot (n,ubar,ubar) ubarnm = amax1 ( sqrt(sum),srelpr ) return c c ... exit. c 50 return end subroutine omgchg (ssorcp,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,p,r) c c ... omgchg changes alphab and betab for a new estimate of omega. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension p(1), r(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), wfac(1), jwfac(1) external ssorcp c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 logical omgadp common / itcom5 / omgadp, omega, alphab, betab, fff, specr c c *** end -- package common c c c ... update alphab and betab. c call ssorcp (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,p,r,pdp,pldup) alphab = amin1 (alphab, (pap/pdp) - 1.0) betab = amax1 (betab , pldup/pdp) return end subroutine out (nn,v,iswt,noutt) c c out effects printing of residual and solution c vectors - called from perror c c ... parameters -- c c v vector of length n c iswt labelling information c nout output device number (= noutt) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(nn) c n = nn nout = noutt if (n .le. 0) return c kupper = min0 (n, 4) if (iswt .eq. 1) write (nout,10) 10 format (//5x,'residual vector') if (iswt .eq. 2) write (nout,15) 15 format (//5x,'solution vector') write (nout,20) (i,i=1,kupper) 20 format (10x,4i15) write (nout,25) 25 format (10x,65('-') /) c do 35 j = 1,n,4 kupper = min0 (j+3,n) jm1 = j - 1 write (nout,30) jm1,(v(k),k=j,kupper) 30 format (4x,i5,'+ ',4e15.5) 35 continue c return end subroutine pbneu (suba,dsolve,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac, a nd,wksp,nn,r,z) c c ... pbneu computes the nd-degree block neumann polynomial c ... approximation to the matrix inv(a). c if a = d - b, where d is a dense banded matrix c then the output vector is -- c c z = (i + p + p**2 + ... + p**nd)*inv(d) * r c c where p = inv(d)*b . c c ... parameters -- c c suba matrix-vector multiplication routine c dsolve routine for computing inv(d)*vector c nd the degree of the polynomial desired c wksp workspace of length 2*n c n order of system (= nn) c r residual c z output vector c c ... specifications for parameters c external suba, dsolve dimension r(1), z(1), wksp(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), a wfac(1), jwfac(1) c n = nn np1 = n + 1 call dsolve (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,r,z) if (nd .le. 0) return c do 20 k = 1,nd call suba (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,z,wksp) do 10 i = 1,n 10 wksp(i) = r(i) - wksp(i) call dsolve (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,wksp,wksp(np1)) do 15 i = 1,n 15 z(i) = z(i) + wksp(i+n) 20 continue return end subroutine pbpii (suba,dsolve,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac, a ainf,alpha,beta,nd,wksp,nn,r,z) c c ... pbpii computes the block nd-degree least squares polynomial c ... approximation to the matrix inv(a). the output vector is -- c c ... z = inv(d)*p (a*inv(d)) * r c ... np c c ... parameters -- c c suba matrix-vector multiplication routine c dsolve routine to compute inv(d)*vector c ainf the infinity norm of matrix inv(d)*a c alpha, the least squares weighting factors c beta c nd the degree of the polynomial desired c wksp workspace of length 2*n c n order of system (= nn) c r residual c z output vector c c ... specifications for parameters c external suba, dsolve dimension r(1), z(1), wksp(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), a wfac(1), jwfac(1) c c n = nn np1 = n + 1 al = alpha be = beta c c1 = ((al+be+2.0)*(al+be+3.0))/(ainf*(al+2.0)*(al+be+2.0)) call dsolve (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,r,z) do 10 i = 1,n 10 z(i) = c1*z(i) if (nd .le. 0) return c do 15 i = 1,n 15 wksp(i) = r(i) do 35 k = 1,nd fk = float (k) c1 = ((2.0*fk+al+be+2.0)*(2.0*fk+al+be+3.0))/ a (ainf*(fk+al+2.0)*(fk+al+be+2.0)) c2 = (fk*(fk+be)*(2.0*fk+al+be))/ a ((fk+al+1.0)*(fk+al+be+1.0)*(2.0*fk+al+be+2.0)) call suba (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,z,wksp(np1)) do 20 i = 1,n 20 wksp(n+i) = r(i) - wksp(n+i) do 25 i = 1,n 25 wksp(i) = wksp(i+n) + c2*wksp(i) call dsolve (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,wksp,wksp(np1)) do 30 i = 1,n 30 z(i) = z(i) + c1*wksp(n+i) 35 continue return end subroutine pneu (suba,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,d,nd,wksp,nn,r,z) c c ... pneu computes the nd-degree point neumann polynomial c ... approximation to the matrix inv(a). the output vector is -- c ... z = p (a)*r c ... np c c ... parameters -- c c suba matrix-vector multiplication routine c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c nd the degree of the polynomial desired c wksp workspace of length n c n order of system (= nn) c r residual c z output vector c c ... specifications for parameters c external suba dimension r(1), d(1), z(1), wksp(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), a wfac(1), jwfac(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 z(i) = r(i)/d(i) if (nd .le. 0) return c do 20 k = 1,nd call suba (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,z,wksp) do 15 i = 1,n 15 z(i) = z(i) + (r(i) - wksp(i))/d(i) 20 continue return end subroutine ppii (suba,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,ainf, a alpha,beta,nd,wksp,nn,r,z) c c ... ppii computes the nd-degree least squares polynomial c ... approximation to the matrix inv(a). the output vector is -- c ... z = p (a)*r c ... np c c ... parameters -- c c suba matrix-vector multiplication routine c ainf the infinity norm of matrix a c alpha, the least squares weighting factors c beta c nd the degree of the polynomial desired c wksp workspace of length 2*n c n order of system (= nn) c r residual c z output vector c c ... specifications for parameters c external suba dimension r(1), z(1), wksp(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), a wfac(1), jwfac(1) c c n = nn np1 = n + 1 al = alpha be = beta c c1 = ((al+be+2.0)*(al+be+3.0))/(ainf*(al+2.0)*(al+be+2.0)) do 10 i = 1,n 10 z(i) = c1*r(i) if (nd .le. 0) return c do 15 i = 1,n 15 wksp(i) = r(i) do 35 k = 1,nd fk = float (k) c1 = ((2.0*fk+al+be+2.0)*(2.0*fk+al+be+3.0))/ a (ainf*(fk+al+2.0)*(fk+al+be+2.0)) c2 = (fk*(fk+be)*(2.0*fk+al+be))/ a ((fk+al+1.0)*(fk+al+be+1.0)*(2.0*fk+al+be+2.0)) call suba (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,z,wksp(np1)) do 20 i = 1,n 20 wksp(n+i) = r(i) - wksp(n+i) do 25 i = 1,n 25 wksp(i) = wksp(i+n) + c2*wksp(i) do 30 i = 1,n 30 z(i) = z(i) + c1*wksp(i) 35 continue return end subroutine pbs (n,t1,t2,x) c c ... pbs does a penta-diagonal back substitution (i+t1+t2)*x = y c where t1 and t2 are the first and second super diagonals. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of the system c t1 vector of length n-1 containing the first super- c diagonal elements c t2 vector of length n-2 containing the second super- c diagonal elements c x on input, x contains y c on output, x contains the solution to c (i + t1 + t2)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension t1(1), t2(1), x(1) c x(n-1) = x(n-1) - t1(n-1)*x(n) do 10 i = n-2,1,-1 10 x(i) = x(i) - t1(i)*x(i+1) - t2(i)*x(i+2) return end subroutine pbsm (nn,nsize,t1,t2,x) c c ... pbsm does a penta-diagonal back substitution (i+t1+t2)*x = y c where t1 and t2 are superdiagonals of a system composed of c independent subsystems of size nsize. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize order of the individual subsystems c t1 linear array of length n-1 containing the first c super-diagonal elements of the factorizations c t2 linear array of length n-2 containing the second c super-diagonal elements of the factorizations c x on input, x contains y c the solution to (i + t1 + t2)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension t1(nsize,1), t2(nsize,1), x(nsize,1) c n = nn nsys = n/nsize do 10 j = 1,nsys 10 x(nsize-1,j) = x(nsize-1,j) - t1(nsize-1,j)*x(nsize,j) do 20 i = nsize-2,1,-1 do 15 j = 1,nsys 15 x(i,j) = x(i,j) - t1(i,j)*x(i+1,j) - t2(i,j)*x(i+2,j) 20 continue return end subroutine pfac (nn,d,t1,t2) c c ... pfac computes a factorization of a single symmetric c pentadiagonal matrix contained in d, t1, and t2 and c replaces it. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the matrix c t1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c super-diagonal elements of the matrix c t2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c super-diagonal elements of the matrix c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t1(1), t2(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n-2 dii = 1.0/d(i) d(i+1) = d(i+1) - t1(i)*t1(i)*dii d(i+2) = d(i+2) - t2(i)*t2(i)*dii t1(i+1) = t1(i+1) - t1(i)*t2(i)*dii 10 continue d(n) = d(n) - t1(n-1)*t1(n-1)/d(n-1) do 15 i = 1,n 15 d(i) = 1.0/d(i) do 20 i = 1,n-1 20 t1(i) = d(i)*t1(i) do 25 i = 1,n-2 25 t2(i) = d(i)*t2(i) return end subroutine pfacm (nn,nsize,d,t1,t2) c c ... pfacm computes factorizations of multiple independent c symmetric pentadiagonal matrices contained in d, t1, and t2. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of global system (= nn) c nsize size of the individual subsystems c d linear array of length n containing the c diagonal elements of the systems c t1 linear array of length n-1 containing the c first super-diagonal elements of the systems c t2 linear array of length n-2 containing the c second super-diagonal elements of the systems c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(nsize,1), t1(nsize,1), t2(nsize,1) c n = nn nsys = n/nsize do 15 i = 1,nsize-2 do 10 j = 1,nsys d(i+1,j) = d(i+1,j) - (t1(i,j)**2)/d(i,j) d(i+2,j) = d(i+2,j) - (t2(i,j)**2)/d(i,j) t1(i+1,j) = t1(i+1,j) - t1(i,j)*t2(i,j)/d(i,j) 10 continue 15 continue do 20 j = 1,nsys 20 d(nsize,j) = d(nsize,j) - (t1(nsize-1,j)**2)/d(nsize-1,j) call vinv (n,d) call vexopy (n-1,t1,d,t1,3) call vexopy (n-2,t2,d,t2,3) return end subroutine pfacn (nn,d,t1,t2,b1,b2) c c ... pfacn computes a factorization of a single nonsymmetric c pentadiagonal matrix contained in d,t1,t2,b1, and b2 c and replaces it. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the matrix c t1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c super-diagonal elements of the matrix c t2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c super-diagonal elements of the matrix c b1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c sub-diagonal elements of the matrix c b2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c sub-diagonal elements of the matrix c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t1(1), t2(1), b1(1), b2(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n-2 dii = 1.0/d(i) d(i+1) = d(i+1) - b1(i)*t1(i)*dii d(i+2) = d(i+2) - b2(i)*t2(i)*dii t1(i+1) = t1(i+1) - b1(i)*t2(i)*dii b1(i+1) = b1(i+1) - b2(i)*t1(i)*dii 10 continue d(n) = d(n) - b1(n-1)*t1(n-1)/d(n-1) do 15 i = 1,n 15 d(i) = 1.0/d(i) do 20 i = 1,n-1 t1(i) = d(i)*t1(i) b1(i) = d(i)*b1(i) 20 continue do 25 i = 1,n-2 t2(i) = d(i)*t2(i) b2(i) = d(i)*b2(i) 25 continue return end subroutine pfacnm (nn,nsize,d,t1,t2,b1,b2) c c ... pfacnm computes factorizations of multiple independent c nonsymmetric pentadiagonal matrices contained in c d,t1,t2,b1, and b2. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of global system (= nn) c nsize order of single subsystem c d linear array of length n containing the c diagonal elements of the systems c t1 linear array of length n-1 containing the first c super-diagonal elements of the systems c t2 linear array of length n-2 containing the second c super-diagonal elements of the systems c b1 linear array of length n-1 containing the first c sub-diagonal elements of the systems c b2 linear array of length n-2 containing the second c sub-diagonal elements of the systems c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(nsize,1), t1(nsize,1), b1(nsize,1), t2(nsize,1), a b2(nsize,1) c n = nn nsys = n/nsize do 15 i = 1,nsize-2 do 10 j = 1,nsys d(i+1,j) = d(i+1,j) - b1(i,j)*t1(i,j)/d(i,j) d(i+2,j) = d(i+2,j) - b2(i,j)*t2(i,j)/d(i,j) t1(i+1,j) = t1(i+1,j) - b1(i,j)*t2(i,j)/d(i,j) b1(i+1,j) = b1(i+1,j) - b2(i,j)*t1(i,j)/d(i,j) 10 continue 15 continue do 20 j = 1,nsys 20 d(nsize,j) = d(nsize,j) - b1(nsize-1,j)*t1(nsize-1,j)/ a d(nsize-1,j) call vinv (n,d) call vexopy (n-1,t1,d,t1,3) call vexopy (n-2,t2,d,t2,3) call vexopy (n-1,b1,d,b1,3) call vexopy (n-2,b2,d,b2,3) return end subroutine pfs (n,b1,b2,x) c c ... pfs does a penta-diagonal forward substitution (i+b1+b2)*x = y c where b1 and b2 are the first and second sub-diagonals. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c b1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c sub-diagonal elements c b2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c sub-diagonal elements c x on input, x contains y c on output, x contains the solution to c (i + b1 + b2)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension b1(1), b2(1), x(2) c x(2) = x(2) - b1(1)*x(1) do 10 i = 3,n 10 x(i) = x(i) - b1(i-1)*x(i-1) - b2(i-2)*x(i-2) return end subroutine pfsm (nn,nsize,b1,b2,x) c c ... pfsm does a penta-diagonal forward substitution (i+b1+b2)*x = y c where b1 and b2 are subdiagonals of a system composed of c independent subsystems of size nsize. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize order of the individual subsystems c b1 linear array of length n-1 containing the first c sub-diagonal elements of the factorizations c b2 linear array of length n-2 containing the second c sub-diagonal elements of the factorizations c x on input, x contains y c on output, x contains c the solution to (i + b1 + b2)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension b1(nsize,1), b2(nsize,1), x(nsize,1) c n = nn nsys = n/nsize do 10 j = 1,nsys 10 x(2,j) = x(2,j) - b1(1,j)*x(1,j) do 20 i = 3,nsize do 15 j = 1,nsys 15 x(i,j) = x(i,j) - b1(i-1,j)*x(i-1,j) - b2(i-2,j)*x(i-2,j) 20 continue return end subroutine psoln (nn,d,t1,t2,b1,b2,y,x) c c ... psoln solves the system ax = y for x, where a is a single c pentadiagonal system. d, t1, t2, b1, and b2 contain c the main, first and second super, and first and second sub c diagonals, respectively, of the factorization. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization matrix c t1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c super-diagonal elements of the factorization c t2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c super-diagonal elements of the factorization c b1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c sub-diagonal elements of the factorization c b2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c sub-diagonal elements of the factorization c y the right-hand side c x the solution to ax = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t1(1), t2(1), b1(1), b2(1), x(1), y(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call pfs (n,b1,b2,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = d(i)*x(i) call pbs (n,t1,t2,x) return end subroutine psolnm (nn,nsize,d,t1,t2,b1,b2,y,x) c c ... psolnm solves the system ax = y for x, where a contains c multiple pentadiagonal systems. d, t1, t2, b1, and b2 are c the main, first and second super, and the first and second c sub diagonals, respectively, of the factorization. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization matrix c t1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c super-diagonal elements of the factorization c t2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c super-diagonal elements of the factorization c b1 vector of length n-1 containing the first c sub-diagonal elements of the factorization c b2 vector of length n-2 containing the second c sub-diagonal elements of the factorization c y the right-hand side c x the solution to ax = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t1(1), t2(1), b1(1), b2(1), x(1), y(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call pfsm (n,nsize,b1,b2,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = d(i)*x(i) call pbsm (n,nsize,t1,t2,x) return end subroutine parsi c c ... parsi computes the iteration parameters. c c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom1 / in, itmax, level, nout, ns1, ns2, ns3, a iplr, iqlr, ntest, is, iacel, idgts, nbl1d, nbl2d logical halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom2 / halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c rhol = rho if (is - 1) 10,15,20 10 rho = 1.0 go to 25 15 rho = 1.0/(1.0 - sigma*sigma/2.0) go to 25 20 rho = 1.0/(1.0 - sigma*sigma*rhol/4.0) c c ... compute alpha, beta. c 25 alpha = rho*gamma beta = rhol*(rho - 1.0)/rho return end subroutine permas (isym,nn,nzz,ia,ja,a,wksp,p) c c ... permas takes the sparse matrix representation of the c matrix and permutes both rows and columns, overwriting c the previous structure. (sparse data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c isym switch for symmetric storage c = 0 matrix is symmetric c = 1 matrix is nonsymmetric c n size of system c nz length of ia, ja, and a vectors c ia vector of i values c ja vector of j values c a vector of matrix coefficients c wksp workspace vector of length n c p permutation vector c c ... it is assumed that the i-th entry of the permutation vector c p indicates the row the i-th row gets mapped into. (i.e. c if ( p(i) = j ) row i gets mapped into row j) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(1), wksp(1) integer ia(1), ja(1), p(1) c n = nn nz = nzz c c ... explicit gathers. c call vgathi (nz,p,ia,ia) call vgathi (nz,p,ja,ja) do 5 i = 1,n 5 wksp(i) = a(i) call vscatr (n,wksp,p,a) do 10 i = 1,n ia(i) = i ja(i) = i 10 continue c c ... convert to upper triangular elements for symmetric storage c if (isym .eq. 1) return np1 = n + 1 do 15 i = np1,nz if (ia(i) .le. ja(i)) go to 15 idum = ia(i) ia(i) = ja(i) ja(i) = idum 15 continue return end subroutine permat (ndim,maxnz,coef,jcoef,wksp,iwksp,nn,p) c c ... permat takes the sparse matrix representation of the c matrix and permutes both rows and columns, overwriting c the previous structure. (purdue data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef and jcoef arrays c coef array of matrix coefficients c jcoef array of matrix columns numbers c wksp workspace array of length n c iwksp integer workspace array of length n c n order of system (= nn) c p permutation vector c c ... it is assumed that the i-th entry of the permutation vector c p indicates the row the i-th row gets mapped into. (i.e. c if ( p(i) = j ) row i gets mapped into row j) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension coef(ndim,1), wksp(1) integer jcoef(ndim,1), iwksp(1), p(1) c n = nn if (n .le. 0) return do 20 j = 1,maxnz do 10 i = 1,n wksp(i) = coef(i,j) iwksp(i) = jcoef(i,j) 10 continue call vscatr (n,wksp,p,coef(1,j)) call vscati (n,iwksp,p,jcoef(1,j)) call vgathi (n,p,jcoef(1,j),jcoef(1,j)) 20 continue return end subroutine perror (suba,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,nn,u,rhs, a wksp,digtt1,digtt2,idgtts) c c perror computes the residual, r = rhs - a*u. the user c also has the option of printing the residual and/or the c unknown vector depending on idgts. c c ... parameters -- c c suba matrix-vector multiplication routine c n dimension of matrix (= nn) c u latest estimate of solution c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c wksp workspace vector of length n c digit1 output - measure of accuracy of stopping test (= digtt1 c digit2 output - measure of accuracy of solution (= digtt2) c idgts parameter controlling level of output (= idgtts) c if idgts < 1 or idgts > 4, then no output. c = 1, then number of digits is printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c = 2, then solution vector is printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c = 3, then residual vector is printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c = 4, then both vectors are printed, pro- c vided level .ge. 1 c c ... specifications for parameters c external suba dimension rhs(1), u(1), wksp(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), a wfac(1), jwfac(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom1 / in, itmax, level, nout, ns1, ns2, ns3, a iplr, iqlr, ntest, is, iacel, idgts, nbl1d, nbl2d logical halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom2 / halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn idgts = idgtts digit1 = 0.0 digit2 = 0.0 c digit1 = -alog10 (abs (srelpr)) if (stptst .gt. 0.0) digit1 = -alog10 (abs (stptst)) call suba (coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,u,wksp) call vexopy (n,wksp,rhs,wksp,2) rnrm = sqrt ( vdot (n,wksp,wksp) ) sum = vdot (n,rhs,rhs) bnorm = amax1 ( sqrt(sum),srelpr ) temp = rnrm/bnorm if (temp .eq. 0.0) go to 10 digit2 = -alog10 (abs (temp)) go to 15 c 10 digit2 = -alog10 (abs (srelpr)) c 15 if ((idgts .lt. 1) .or. (level .le. 0)) go to 25 write (nout,20) digit1,digit2 20 format (/10x,'approx. no. of digits in stopping test =', a f5.1,2x,'(digit1)' b /10x,'approx. no. of digits in ratio test =', c f5.1,2x,'(digit2)') c if (idgts .le. 1 .or. idgts .gt. 4) go to 25 if (idgts .ge. 3) call out (n,wksp,1,nout) if (idgts .ne. 3) call out (n,u,2,nout) c 25 continue digtt1 = digit1 digtt2 = digit2 return end subroutine pervec (nn,p,v,wksp) c c ... pervec permutes a vector as dictated by the permutation c ... vector p. if p(i) = j, then v(j) gets v(i). c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vectors p, v, and wksp (= nn) c p integer permutation vector c v vector to be permuted c wksp workspace vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c integer p(1) dimension v(1), wksp(1) c n = nn if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n wksp(i) = v(i) 10 continue call vscatr (n,wksp,p,v) return end subroutine pgen (nn,p,ip,nc,ncolor) c c ... pgen constructs the permutation vector p and its inverse c ... ip for a coloring given by p. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c p vector from prbndx upon input c permutation vector upon output c ip integer workspace vector upon input c inverse permutation vector upon output c nc number of points for each color (output) c ncolor number of colors c c ... specifications for parameters c integer p(1), ip(1), nc(1) c n = nn c c ... determine number of colors and number of elements for each c color. c ncolor = 0 do 5 i = 1,n 5 nc(i) = 0 do 10 i = 1,n ic = p(i) if (ncolor .lt. ic) ncolor = ic nc(ic) = nc(ic) + 1 10 continue c c ... construct permutation vector. c ip(1) = 1 do 15 i = 2,ncolor ip(i) = ip(i-1) + nc(i-1) 15 continue do 20 i = 1,n ic = p(i) p(i) = ip(ic) ip(ic) = ip(ic) + 1 20 continue c c ... construct inverse permutation vector. c do 25 i = 1,n j = p(i) ip(j) = i 25 continue return end subroutine pjac (diag,nn,r,z) c c ... pjac does the point jacobi preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c diag vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the coefficient matrix c n order of system (= nn) c r residual c z output vector c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension r(1), z(1), diag(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 z(i) = r(i)/diag(i) return end subroutine pmdg (ndim,mdim,nn,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ncol,nc,p,ip, a maxd,maxnew,jcnew,wksp,iwksp,isym,ier) c c ... pmdg permutes the matrix according to index vector p, c and, if room allows, stores the permuted matrix in c diagonal format. there will be enough room if the number c of diagonals needed does not exceed mdim. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays c in defining routine c mdim column dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in c defining routine c n order of system (active row size of coef and jcoef) c maxnz active column size of coef and jcoef c jcoef integer array of column numbers c coef real array of coefficients c ncolor number of colors in the permutation (= ncol) c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the c number of nodes for each color c p permutation vector c ip inverse permuation vector c maxd active columns in permuted matrix c maxnew integer vector giving the number of diagonals c created for each color c jcnew integer array of size ncolor*max(maxnew(i)) c giving the diagonal numbers for each color c wksp real workspace of length n c iwksp integer workspace of length 2*n c isym symmetric storage switch c = 0 symmetric storage c = 1 nonsymmetric storage c ier error flag c = 0 no errors detected c = -9 mdim is less than the number of columns c needed in coef to store the permuted c matrix in diagonal format c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2), nc(1), p(1), maxnew(1), jcnew(ncol,1), a iwksp(1), ip(1) dimension coef(ndim,1), wksp(1) c c n = nn ncolor = ncol c c ... fill out rest of matrix if symmetric storage is used. c if (isym .ne. 0) go to 2 maxd = 2*maxnz - 1 if (mdim .lt. maxd) ier = -9 if (ier .lt. 0) return c do 1 j = 2,maxnz ind = jcoef(j) len = n - ind jcol = maxnz + j - 1 jcoef(jcol) = -ind call vfill (ind,coef(1,jcol),0.0) call vcopy (len,coef(1,j),coef(ind+1,jcol)) 1 continue maxnz = maxd c c ... determine the number of created diagonals. c 2 do 5 i = 1,ncolor maxnew(i) = 1 jcnew(i,1) = 0 5 continue do 35 j = 2,maxnz ind = jcoef(j) do 10 i = 1,n iwksp(n+i) = i + ind if (coef(i,j) .eq. 0.0) iwksp(n+i) = i 10 continue call vscati (n,iwksp(n+1),p,iwksp) call vgathi (n,p,iwksp,iwksp) do 15 i = 1,n 15 iwksp(i) = iwksp(i) - i ist = 1 do 30 k = 1,ncolor ncc = nc(k) ied = ist + ncc - 1 lim = maxnew(k) do 25 i = ist,ied id = iwksp(i) do 20 jj = 1,lim if (jcnew(k,jj) .eq. id) go to 25 20 continue lim = lim + 1 maxnew(k) = lim if (lim .gt. mdim) go to 40 jcnew(k,lim) = id 25 continue ist = ist + ncc 30 continue 35 continue c c ... determine maxd. c 40 maxd = -1 do 45 k = 1,ncolor 45 maxd = max0 (maxd,maxnew(k)) if (mdim .lt. maxd) ier = -9 if (ier .lt. 0) return c c ... permute matrix. c do 55 j = 1,maxnz do 50 i = 1,n 50 wksp(i) = coef(i,j) call vscatr (n,wksp,p,coef(1,j)) 55 continue c c ... rearrange rows. c ist = 1 do 85 k = 1,ncolor ncc = nc(k) ied = ist + ncc - 1 lim = maxnew(k) do 62 l = 1,lim jcol = jcnew(k,l) iwksp(n+jcol) = l 62 continue do 80 i = ist,ied iip = ip(i) do 60 j = 2,maxnz 60 wksp(j) = coef(i,j) do 63 j = 2,maxd 63 coef(i,j) = 0.0 do 75 j = 2,maxnz if (wksp(j) .eq. 0.0) go to 75 icol = p(iip + jcoef(j)) - i l = iwksp(n+icol) coef(i,l) = wksp(j) 75 continue 80 continue ist = ist + ncc 85 continue return end subroutine prbndx (nn,ndim,maxnzz,jcoef,coef,p,ip,propa,nstore) c c************************************************************** c c (purdue, diagonal data structures) c prbndx determines if the matrix has property a. c this algorithm assumes all neighbors of a particular node c are known. c c the algorithm is to mark the first node as red (arbitrary). c all of its adjacent nodes are marked black and placed in c a stack. the remainder of the code pulls the first node c off the top of the stack and tries to type its adjacent nodes. c the typing of the adjacent point is a five way case statement c which is well commented below (see do loop 50). c c the array p is used both to keep track of the color of a node c (red node is positive, black is negative) but also the father c node that caused the color marking of that point. since c complete information on the adjacency structure is hard to come c by, this forms a link to enable the color change of a partial c tree when a recoverable color conflict occurs. c c the array ip is used as a stack to point to the set of nodes c left to be typed that are known to be adjacent to the current c father node. c c c********************************************************************* c c ... input parameters -- c c n number of nodes. (integer, scalar) (= nn) c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row c jcoef integer data array c coef real data array c p,ip integer workspace vectors of length n c nstore data structure switch c = 1 purdue c = 2 diagonal (symmetric or nonsymmetric) c c ... output parameters -- c c p contains information for constructing the permutation c array upon output c propa a logical variable which is set to .true. if the c matrix has property a and .false. otherwise c c c******************************************************************** c c ... specifications for parameters c integer p(1), ip(1), jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1) logical propa c c c ... specifications for local variables c integer first, old, young, curtyp, type c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c n = nn maxnz = maxnzz do 5 i = 1,n p(i) = 0 ip(i) = 0 5 continue c c ... handle the first set of points until some adjacent points c ... are found c first = 1 c 10 p(first) = first if (maxnz .gt. 1) go to 20 c c ... search for next entry that has not been marked c if (first .eq. n) go to 65 ibgn = first + 1 do 15 i = ibgn,n if (p(i) .ne. 0) go to 15 first = i go to 10 15 continue go to 65 c c ... first set of adjacent points found c 20 next = 1 last = 1 ip(1) = first c c ... loop over labeled points indicated in the stack stored in c ... the array ip c 25 k = ip(next) curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp if (maxnz .le. 0) go to 55 do 50 j = 1,maxnz if (nstore .eq. 1) jcol = jcoef(k,j) if (nstore .ge. 2) jcol = k + jcoef(j,1) c c ... determine if element (k,j) is a diagonal element or zero. c if (jcol .lt. 1 .or. jcol .gt. n .or. jcol .eq. k) a go to 50 if (coef(k,j) .eq. 0.0) go to 50 c type = p(jcol) c c================================================================== c c the following is a five way case statement dealing with the c labeling of the adjacent node. c c ... case i. if the adjacent node has already been labeled with c label equal to nxttyp, then skip to the next adjacent c node. c if (type .eq. nxttyp) go to 50 c c ... case ii. if the adjacent node has not been labeled yet label c it with nxttyp and enter it in the stack c if (type .ne. 0) go to 30 last = last + 1 ip(last) = jcol p(jcol) = nxttyp go to 50 c c ... case iii. if the adjacent node has already been labeled with c opposite color and the same father seed, then there c is an irrecoverable color conflict. c 30 if (type .eq. curtyp) go to 999 c c ... case iv. if the adjacent node has the right color and a different c father node, then change all nodes of the youngest fathe c node to point to the oldest father seed and retain the c same colors. c if (type * nxttyp .lt. 1) go to 40 old = min0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) young = max0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) do 35 l = young,n if (iabs(p(l)) .eq. young) p(l) = isign(old, p(l)) 35 continue curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp go to 50 c c ... case v. if the adjacent node has the wrong color and a different c father node, then change all nodes of the youngest father c node to point to the oldest father node along with c changing their colors. since until this time the c youngest father node tree has been independent no other c color conflicts will arise from this change. c 40 old = min0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) young = max0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) do 45 l = young,n if (iabs(p(l)) .eq. young) p(l) = isign(old, -p(l)) 45 continue curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp c c c ... end of case statement c c================================================================== 50 continue c c ... advance to next node in the stack c 55 next = next + 1 if (next .le. last) go to 25 c c ... all nodes in the stack have been removed c c ... check for nodes not labeled. if any are found c ... start the labeling process again at the first c ... node found that is not labeled. c ibgn = first + 1 do 60 i = ibgn,n if (p(i) .ne. 0) go to 60 first = i go to 10 60 continue c c c=================================================================== c c c ... all nodes are now typed either red or black. c ... red-black ordering possible. c 65 propa = .true. do 70 i = 1,n if (p(i) .ge. 0) p(i) = 1 if (p(i) .le. 0) p(i) = 2 70 continue return c c ...... type conflict c 999 propa = .false. return end subroutine prbblk (ncol,ndis,iblock,lbhb,p,ip,propa) c c************************************************************** c c (block structure) c prbblk determines if the matrix has block property a. c see routine prbndx for an explanation of the algorithm c c************************************************************** c c ... input parameters -- c c ncolor number of diagonal blocks c ndis number of distinct diagonal blocks c iblock integer array of size 3 by ndis by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c lbhb integer vector of size ndis giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c p,ip integer workspace vectors of length ncolor c c ... output parameters -- c c p contains information for constructing the permutation c array upon output c propa a logical variable which is set to .true. if the c matrix has block property a and .false. otherwise c c c******************************************************************** c c ... specifications for parameters c integer p(1), ip(1), iblock(3,ndis,1), lbhb(1) logical propa c c ... specifications for local variables c integer first, old, young, curtyp, type c c ncolor = ncol ndist = ndis index = 1 do 5 i = 1,ncolor p(i) = 0 ip(i) = 0 5 continue c c ... handle the first set of points until some adjacent points c ... are found c first = 1 c 10 p(first) = first if (ndist .gt. 1) index = first maxnz = lbhb(index) if (maxnz .gt. 1) go to 20 c c ... search for next entry that has not been marked c if (first .eq. ncolor) go to 65 do 15 i = first+1,ncolor if (p(i) .ne. 0) go to 15 first = i go to 10 15 continue go to 65 c c ... first set of adjacent points found c 20 next = 1 last = 1 ip(1) = first c c ... loop over labeled points indicated in the stack stored in c ... the array ip c 25 k = ip(next) curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp if (ndist .gt. 1) index = k maxnz = lbhb(index) if (maxnz .le. 0) go to 55 do 50 j = 1,maxnz jcol = k + iblock(1,index,j) c c ... determine if element (k,j) is a diagonal element or zero. c if (jcol .lt. 1 .or. jcol .gt. ncolor .or. a jcol .eq. k) go to 50 if (iblock(3,index,j) .eq. 0) go to 50 c type = p(jcol) c c================================================================== c c the following is a five way case statement dealing with the c labeling of the adjacent node. c c ... case i. if the adjacent node has already been labeled with c label equal to nxttyp, then skip to the next adjacent c node. c if (type .eq. nxttyp) go to 50 c c ... case ii. if the adjacent node has not been labeled yet label c it with nxttyp and enter it in the stack c if (type .ne. 0) go to 30 last = last + 1 ip(last) = jcol p(jcol) = nxttyp go to 50 c c ... case iii. if the adjacent node has already been labeled with c opposite color and the same father seed, then there c is an irrecoverable color conflict. c 30 if (type .eq. curtyp) go to 999 c c ... case iv. if the adjacent node has the right color and a different c father node, then change all nodes of the youngest fathe c node to point to the oldest father seed and retain the c same colors. c if (type * nxttyp .lt. 1) go to 40 old = min0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) young = max0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) do 35 l = young,ncolor if (iabs(p(l)) .eq. young) p(l) = isign(old, p(l)) 35 continue curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp go to 50 c c ... case v. if the adjacent node has the wrong color and a different c father node, then change all nodes of the youngest father c node to point to the oldest father node along with c changing their colors. since until this time the c youngest father node tree has been independent no other c color conflicts will arise from this change. c 40 old = min0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) young = max0 ( iabs(type), iabs(nxttyp) ) do 45 l = young,ncolor if (iabs(p(l)) .eq. young) p(l) = isign(old, -p(l)) 45 continue curtyp = p(k) nxttyp = -curtyp c c c ... end of case statement c c================================================================== 50 continue c c ... advance to next node in the stack c 55 next = next + 1 if (next .le. last) go to 25 c c ... all nodes in the stack have been removed c c ... check for nodes not labeled. if any are found c ... start the labeling process again at the first c ... node found that is not labeled. c do 60 i = first+1,ncolor if (p(i) .ne. 0) go to 60 first = i go to 10 60 continue c c c=================================================================== c c c ... all nodes are now typed either red or black. c ... red-black ordering possible. c 65 propa = .true. do 70 i = 1,ncolor if (p(i) .ge. 0) p(i) = 1 if (p(i) .le. 0) p(i) = 2 70 continue return c c ...... type conflict c 999 propa = .false. return end subroutine prep1 (nn,ndim,maxnzz,jcoef,coef,ier) c c ... prep1 puts the diagonal elements of the matrix in column one c of coef (purdue data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix ( = nn) c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef array (= maxnzz) c jcoef integer matrix representation array c coef matrix representation array c ier error flag -- on return, values mean c 0 -- no errors detected c -5 -- nonexistent diagonal element c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1) c n = nn maxnz = maxnzz c do 20 i = 1,n do 10 j = 1,maxnz if (jcoef(i,j) .eq. i) go to 15 10 continue c c ... no diagonal entry for row i. c ier = -5 return c c ... switch entries so that diagonal element is in column 1. c 15 if (j .eq. 1) go to 20 save = coef(i,j) coef(i,j) = coef(i,1) jcoef(i,j) = jcoef(i,1) coef(i,1) = save jcoef(i,1) = i 20 continue return end subroutine prep2 (nn,ndim,maxnzz,jcoef,coef,wksp,ier) c c ... prep2 puts the diagonal entries of the matrix into column c one of coef. (diagonal data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix ( = nn) c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef array (= maxnzz) c jcoef integer matrix representation array c coef matrix representation array c wksp workspace array of size n c ier error flag -- on return, values mean c 0 -- no errors detected c -5 -- nonexistent diagonal element c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2) dimension coef(ndim,1), wksp(1) c n = nn maxnz = maxnzz c do 10 j = 1,maxnz if (jcoef(j) .eq. 0) go to 15 10 continue c c ... no main diagonal. c ier = -5 return c c ... switch diagonals so that main diagonal is in column 1. c 15 if (j .eq. 1) return do 20 i = 1,n wksp(i) = coef(i,1) coef(i,1) = coef(i,j) coef(i,j) = wksp(i) 20 continue jcoef(j) = jcoef(1) jcoef(1) = 0 return end subroutine prep3 (n,nz,ia,ja,a,m,np,iwksp) c c ... prep3 puts the diagonal elements of the matrix in the c first n locations of the data structure, adds duplicate c triples, and defines the partition for matrix-vector c products. c c ... parameters -- c c n number of equations c nz length of ia, ja, and a vectors c ia vector of i values c ja vector of j values c a vector of matrix coefficients c m number of partitions (output) c np on output, np contains the partition pointers. c it must be at least m+1 in length. c iwksp integer workspace vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1), ja(1), iwksp(1), np(1) dimension a(1) c c ... eliminate duplicates from the vectors by adding their c values in the a vector. first, sort the vectors by c rows first and then by columns within each row. c call vsrta1 (nz,ia,ja,a) c c ... add duplicates. c l = 1 do 10 k = 2,nz i = ia(k) j = ja(k) aval = a(k) if (i .eq. ia(l) .and. j .eq. ja(l)) go to 5 l = l + 1 ia(l) = i ja(l) = j a(l) = aval go to 10 5 a(l) = a(l) + aval 10 continue nz = l c c ... put main diagonal elements first. c do 20 k = 1,nz 15 i = ia(k) j = ja(k) if (i .ne. j) go to 20 if (i .eq. k) go to 20 val = a(k) ia(k) = ia(i) ja(k) = ja(i) a(k) = a(i) ia(i) = i ja(i) = i a(i) = val go to 15 20 continue c c ... define partitions. c kbgn = n + 1 krep = kbgn mm = 1 np(1) = 1 25 mm = mm + 1 np(mm) = kbgn do 30 i = 1,n 30 iwksp(i) = 0 nval = 0 if (kbgn .gt. nz) go to 50 do 40 k = kbgn,nz i = ia(k) j = ja(k) if (iwksp(i) .eq. 1 .or. iwksp(i) .eq. 3 .or. a iwksp(j) .ge. 2) go to 40 nval = nval + 1 iwksp(i) = iwksp(i) + 1 iwksp(j) = iwksp(j) + 2 if (k .eq. krep) go to 35 at = a(krep) it = ia(krep) jt = ja(krep) a(krep) = a(k) ia(krep) = i ja(krep) = j a(k) = at ia(k) = it ja(k) = jt 35 krep = krep + 1 if (nval .ge. n) go to 45 40 continue 45 kbgn = krep go to 25 50 m = mm - 1 return end subroutine prich (nn,r,z) c c ... prich does the richardson preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c r residual c z output vector c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension r(1), z(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 z(i) = r(i) return end subroutine pstops (nn,r,z,u,ubar,ier) c c ... pstops performs a test to see if the iterative method has c converged to a solution inside the error tolerance, zeta. c (cg and si routines) c c the stopping tests are -- c c (1) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (r ,zt)/(rhs,inv(q)*rhs) ) c (2) ( 1.0/emin) * sqrt ( (zt,zt)/(u,u) ) c (3) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (zt,zt)/(inv(q)*rhs,inv(q)*rhs) ) c (4) sqrt ( (zt,zt)/(inv(q)*rhs,inv(q)*rhs) ) c (5) sqrt ( (r ,r )/(rhs,rhs) ) c (6) sqrt ( (u-ubar,u-ubar)/(ubar,ubar) ) c (7) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (r,z)/(rhs,inv(ql)*rhs) ) c (8) ( 1.0/emin) * sqrt ( (z,z)/(u,u) ) c (9) (emax/emin) * sqrt ( (z,z)/(inv(ql)*rhs,inv(ql)*rhs) ) c (10) sqrt ( (z,z)/(inv(ql)*rhs,inv(ql)*rhs) ) c c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c r residual vector c z pseudo-residual vector c u solution estimate c ier error flag c = 0 no errors detected c = -7 splitting matrix is not positive definite c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension r(1), z(1), u(1), ubar(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom1 / in, itmax, level, nout, ns1, ns2, ns3, a iplr, iqlr, ntest, is, iacel, idgts, nbl1d, nbl2d logical halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom2 / halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer common / itcom9 / rhave, zhave, zthave, rcalp, zcalp, ztcalp, a udhav, rdhav, rzhav, rzthav, zdhav, zzthav, ztdhav, a rdot, rzdot, rztdot, zdot, zztdot, ztdot logical rhave, zhave, zthave, rcalp, zcalp, ztcalp, a udhav, rdhav, rzhav, rzthav, zdhav, zzthav, ztdhav c c *** end -- package common c logical q1 save q1 n = nn halt = .false. tiny = 500.0*srelpr nteste = ntest if (ntest .gt. 6) nteste = nteste - 6 c go to (10,20,30,40,50,60), nteste c c ... test 1 c 10 if (rzdot .ge. 0.0) go to 15 ier = -7 call ershow (ier,'pstops') return 15 emaxl = emax eminl = emin if (eminl .lt. tiny) eminl = tiny tl = emaxl*sqrt (rzdot) tr = eminl*bnorm1 stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return c c ... test 2 c c ... special procedure for zeroth iteration c 20 if (in .ge. 1) go to 25 q1 = .false. udnm = 1.0 stptst = sqrt (rzdot) if (stptst .lt. tiny) halt = .true. return c c ... in .ge. 1 c c ... test if udnm needs to be recomputed. c 25 if (q1) go to 28 if ((in .gt. 5) .and. (mod(in,5) .ne. 0)) go to 28 uold = udnm udnm = sqrt ( vdot (n,u,u) ) if (udnm .lt. tiny) udnm = 1.0 if ((in .gt. 5) .and. a (abs (udnm-uold) .lt. udnm*zeta)) q1 = .true. c c ... compute stopping test. c 28 eminl = emin if (eminl .lt. tiny) eminl = tiny tl = sqrt ( vdot (n,z,z) ) tr = udnm*eminl stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return c c ... test 3. c 30 emaxl = emax eminl = emin if (eminl .lt. tiny) eminl = tiny tl = emaxl*sqrt ( vdot (n,z,z) ) tr = eminl*bnorm1 stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return c c ... test 4. c 40 tl = sqrt ( vdot (n,z,z) ) tr = bnorm1 stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return c c ... test 5. c 50 tl = sqrt ( vdot (n,r,r) ) tr = bnorm stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return c c ... test 6. c 60 sum = 0.0 do 65 i = 1,n 65 sum = sum + (u(i) - ubar(i))**2 tl = sqrt (sum) tr = ubarnm stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return end subroutine rowise (maxnz,jcoef,irwise) c c ... rowise determines whether a row-wise or diagonal-wise c algorithm should be used for ic and ssor splittings with c diagonal storage. this routine should be called after c final factorization is computed. c c ... parameters -- c c maxnz number of number of diagonals stored c jcoef vector of diagonal numbers for factorization c array or matrix c irwise has a value upon output of c 0 if diagonal-wise algorithm should be used c 1 if row-wise algorithm should be used c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2) c c ... use a rowwise algorithm if 2 .le. /jcoef(j)/ .le. maxd c some j. c maxd = 10 c irwise = 0 do 15 j = 1,maxnz jcol = iabs(jcoef(j)) if (jcol .le. 1 .or. jcol .gt. maxd) go to 15 irwise = 1 return 15 continue return end subroutine rowsum (lda,n,maxnzz,a,x,isym) c c ... rowsum computes the row sum of the matrix a. c c ... parameters -- c c lda leading dimension of array a c n active size of array a c maxnz number of columns in array a c a array of size n by maxnz c x vector of length n containing the row c sum of a upon output c isym symmetry switch c = 0 matrix is a banded symmetric matrix c with the diagonal in column one c = 1 matrix is nonsymmetric c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(lda,1), x(1) c maxnz = maxnzz do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = 0.0 do 20 j = 1,maxnz do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = x(i) + a(i,j) 20 continue if (isym .eq. 1 .or. maxnz .le. 1) return do 30 j = 2,maxnz do 25 i = j,n 25 x(i) = x(i) + a(i-j+1,j) 30 continue return end subroutine rsad (nn,nsize,nrr,ndim,maxnew,ndtt,ndbb,jcnew, a coef,c,b,dfac,wksp) c c ... rsad computes c = (dr - t*inv(db)*b)*b c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c diagonal storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem (if multiple c systems) c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnew number of columns in coef array c ndt number of upper diagonals in diagonal block c ndb number of lower diagonals in diagonal block c coef real data structure c b vector of length n containing bb behind br c c vector of length nr containing cr c dfac vector of length (1+nt+nb)*n to contain c factorization of diagonal block upon output c wksp workspace vector of length nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(2,1), maxnew(2) dimension coef(ndim,2), b(1), c(1), dfac(1), wksp(1) c n = nn nr = nrr ndt = ndtt ndb = ndbb nrp1 = nr + 1 nb = n - nr maxd = 1 + ndt + ndb maxz = maxnew(1) - maxd max2 = maxnew(2) - maxd c c ... cr = dr*br. c if (ndt+ndb .gt. 0) go to 15 do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = coef(i,1)*b(i) go to 20 15 call bmuln (ndim,nr,ndt,ndb,coef,coef(1,2),coef(1,ndt+2),b,c) c c ... wksp = b*br c 20 if (maxz*max2 .eq. 0) return do 25 i = 1,nb 25 wksp(i) = 0.0 call vaddd (ndim,2,nb,nr,max2,coef(nrp1,maxd+1), a jcnew(2,maxd+1),wksp,b,-nr) c c ... wksp = inv(db)*wksp c if (ndt+ndb .gt. 0) go to 35 do 30 i = 1,nb 30 wksp(i) = wksp(i)*dfac(i+nr) go to 40 35 call bdsol (n,nb,nsize,ndt,ndb,dfac(nrp1),wksp,wksp,1) c c ... cr = cr - t*wksp c 40 call vsubd (ndim,2,nr,nb,maxz,coef(1,maxd+1),jcnew(1,maxd+1), a c,wksp,nr) return end subroutine rsap (ndimm,n,nr,maxnz,jcoef,coef,b,c,wksp) c c ... rsap computes c = (dr - t*inv(db)*b)*b c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c purdue format c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef,jcoef arrays c n order of total system c nr order of red subsystem c maxnz number of columns in coef,jcoef arrays c jcoef integer array of matrix column numbers c coef real array of matrix coefficients c b,c vectors of length nr c wksp workspace array of length n + nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndimm,2) dimension coef(ndimm,2), b(1), c(1), wksp(1) c ndim = ndimm do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = coef(i,1)*b(i) if (maxnz .le. 1) return np1 = n + 1 nb = n - nr nrp1 = nr + 1 maxm1 = maxnz - 1 do 15 i = 1,n 15 wksp(i) = 0.0 call vaddp (ndim,ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2), a wksp(nrp1),b,wksp(np1)) do 20 i = nrp1,n 20 wksp(i) = wksp(i)/coef(i,1) call vsubp (ndim,ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),c,wksp,wksp) return end subroutine rsatd (nn,nsize,nrr,ndim,maxnew,ndtt,ndbb,jcnew, a coef,c,b,dfac,wksp) c c ... rsatd computes c = ((dr**t) - (b**t)*(db**(-t))*(t**t))*b c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c diagonal storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem (if multiple c systems) c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnew number of columns in coef array c ndt number of upper diagonals in diagonal block c ndb number of lower diagonals in diagonal block c coef real data structure c b vector of length n containing bb behind br c c vector of length nr containing cr c dfac vector of length (1+nt+nb)*n to contain c factorization of diagonal block upon output c wksp workspace vector of length nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(2,1), maxnew(2) dimension coef(ndim,2), b(1), c(1), dfac(1), wksp(1) c n = nn nr = nrr ndt = ndtt ndb = ndbb nrp1 = nr + 1 nb = n - nr maxd = 1 + ndt + ndb maxz = maxnew(1) - maxd max2 = maxnew(2) - maxd c c ... cr = (dr**t)*br. c if (ndt+ndb .gt. 0) go to 15 do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = coef(i,1)*b(i) go to 20 15 call bmulnt (ndim,nr,ndt,ndb,coef,coef(1,2),coef(1,ndt+2),b,c) c c ... wksp = (t**t)*br c 20 if (maxz*max2 .eq. 0) return do 25 i = 1,nb 25 wksp(i) = 0.0 call vadddt (ndim,2,nr,nb,maxz,coef(1,maxd+1), a jcnew(1,maxd+1),wksp,b,nr) c c ... wksp = (db**(-t))*wksp c if (ndt+ndb .gt. 0) go to 35 do 30 i = 1,nb 30 wksp(i) = wksp(i)*dfac(i+nr) go to 40 35 call bdsolt (n,nb,nsize,ndt,ndb,dfac(nrp1),wksp,wksp) c c ... cr = cr - (b**t)*wksp c 40 call vsubdt (ndim,2,nb,nr,max2,coef(nrp1,maxd+1), a jcnew(2,maxd+1),c,wksp,-nr) return end subroutine rsatp (ndimm,n,nr,maxnz,jcoef,coef,b,c,wksp) c c ... rsatp computes c = (dr - (b**t)*inv(db)*(t**t))*b c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c purdue format c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef,jcoef arrays c n order of total system c nr order of red subsystem c maxnz number of columns in coef,jcoef arrays c jcoef integer array of matrix column numbers c coef real array of matrix coefficients c b,c vectors of length nr c wksp workspace array of length n + nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndimm,2) dimension coef(ndimm,2), b(1), c(1), wksp(1) c ndim = ndimm do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = coef(i,1)*b(i) if (maxnz .le. 1) return np1 = n + 1 nb = n - nr nrp1 = nr + 1 maxm1 = maxnz - 1 do 15 i = 1,n 15 wksp(i) = 0.0 call vaddpt (ndim,ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),wksp,b, a wksp) do 20 i = nrp1,n 20 wksp(i) = wksp(i)/coef(i,1) call vsubpt (ndim,ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2),c, a wksp(nrp1),wksp(np1)) return end subroutine rsbegd (nn,nsize,nrr,ndim,maxnew,ndtt,ndbb,jcnew, a coef,c,b,dfac,wksp) c c ... rsbegd computes cr = br - t*inv(db)*bb. c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c diagonal storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem (if multiple c systems) c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnew number of columns in coef array c ndt number of upper diagonals in diagonal block c ndb number of lower diagonals in diagonal block c coef real data structure c b vector of length n containing bb behind br c c vector of length nr containing cr c dfac vector of length (1+nt+nb)*n containing c factorization of diagonal block upon input c wksp workspace vector of length nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(2,1), maxnew(2) dimension coef(ndim,2), b(1), c(1), dfac(1), wksp(1) c n = nn nr = nrr ndt = ndtt ndb = ndbb nrp1 = nr + 1 nb = n - nr maxd = 1 + ndt + ndb c c ... compute cr. c do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = b(i) call bdsol (n,nb,nsize,ndt,ndb,dfac(nrp1),b(nrp1),wksp,1) maxm1 = maxnew(1) - maxd call vsubd (ndim,2,nr,nb,maxm1,coef(1,maxd+1),jcnew(1,maxd+1), a c,wksp,nr) return end subroutine rsbegp (n,nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,c,b,wksp) c c ... rsbegp computes cr = br - t*inv(db)*bb. c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c purdue storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnz number of columns in coef array c jcoef integer data structure c coef real data structure c b vector of length n containing bb behind br c c vector of length nr containing cr c wksp workspace vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2), b(1), c(1), wksp(1) c nrp1 = nr + 1 do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = b(i) if (maxnz .le. 1) return do 15 i = nrp1,n 15 wksp(i) = b(i)/coef(i,1) maxm1 = maxnz - 1 call vsubp (ndim,ndim,nr,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcoef(1,2),c, a wksp,wksp) return end subroutine rsendd (nn,nsize,nrr,ndim,maxnew,ndtt,ndbb,jcnew, a coef,x,b,dfac) c c ... rsendd computes xb = inv(db)*(bb - b*xr) c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c diagonal storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem (if multiple c systems) c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnew number of columns in coef array c ndt number of upper diagonals in diagonal block c ndb number of lower diagonals in diagonal block c coef real data structure c x vector of length n containing xr, xb c b vector of length n containing bb in the last c nb locations c dfac vector of length (1+nt+nb)*n containing c factorization of diagonal block upon input c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(2,1), maxnew(2) dimension coef(ndim,2), x(1), b(1), dfac(1) c n = nn nr = nrr ndt = ndtt ndb = ndbb nrp1 = nr + 1 nb = n - nr maxd = 1 + ndt + ndb c c ... compute xb. c do 10 i = nrp1,n 10 x(i) = b(i) max2 = maxnew(2) - maxd call vsubd (ndim,2,nb,nr,max2,coef(nrp1,maxd+1), a jcnew(2,maxd+1),x(nrp1),x,-nr) call bdsol (n,nb,nsize,ndt,ndb,dfac(nrp1),x(nrp1),x(nrp1),1) return end subroutine rsendp (n,nr,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,x,b,wksp) c c ... rsendp computes xb = inv(db)*(bb - b*xr) c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c purdue format c c ... parameters -- c c n order of matrix c nr order of red subsystem c ndim row dimension of ah and jah arrays c maxnz number of columns in coef and jcoef arrays c jcoef integer array of column numbers c coef real array of matrix coefficients c x vector of length n containing xr, xb c b vector of length n containing bb in the last c nb locations c wksp workspace array of length nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndim,2) dimension coef(ndim,2), x(1), b(1), wksp(1) c nrp1 = nr + 1 nb = n - nr do 10 i = nrp1,n 10 x(i) = b(i) if (maxnz .le. 1) go to 15 maxm1 = maxnz - 1 call vsubp (ndim,ndim,nb,maxm1,coef(nrp1,2),jcoef(nrp1,2), a x(nrp1),x,wksp) 15 do 20 i = nrp1,n 20 x(i) = x(i)/coef(i,1) return end subroutine rsmatd (ndim,nrr,nb,maxnew,jcnew,dr,ah,ak,db, a maxrss,jcrs,rs,maxlim,isym,ier) c c ... rsmatd computes rs = dr - ah*inv(db)*ak where a has been c permuted to red-black form -- c c * dr ah * c a = * * c * ak db * c c (diagonal storage) c c dr is nr x nr ah is nr x nb c ak is nb x nr db is nb x nb c c ... definition of parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of ah and ak arrays c nr number of red points c nb number of black points c maxnew integer vector of length 2 indicating number c of diagonals stored in ah and ak, c respectively. c jcnew integer array of diagonal numbers c dr vector of length nr c ah array of size nr by (maxnew(1)-1) c ak array of size nb by (maxnew(2)-1) c db vector of length nb c maxrs number of columns needed to store reduced c system (output) c jcrs diagonal numbers for rs (output) c rs array to contain reduced system c maxlim maximum column width to be allowed for rs c isym symmetry switch for rs matrix c = 0 store only upper half of rs c = 1 store all of rs c ier error code c = 0 no errors detected c = -2 maxlim .lt. maxrs c c ... specifications for parameters c integer maxnew(2), jcnew(2,1), jcrs(1) dimension db(1), ak(ndim,1), ah(ndim,1), dr(1), rs(nrr,1) c nr = nrr maxrs = 1 jcrs(1) = 0 do 5 i = 1,nr 5 rs(i,1) = dr(i) maxh = maxnew(1) - 1 maxk = maxnew(2) - 1 do 35 lh = 1,maxh i = jcnew(1,lh+1) - nr ia1 = max0 (1,1-i) ib1 = min0 (nr,nb-i) do 30 lk = 1,maxk k = jcnew(2,lk+1) + nr l = i + k if (l .lt. 0 .and. isym .eq. 0) go to 30 do 10 ld = 1,maxrs if (jcrs(ld) .eq. l) go to 20 10 continue if (maxrs .eq. maxlim) go to 999 maxrs = maxrs + 1 ld = maxrs jcrs(maxrs) = l do 15 ii = 1,nr 15 rs(ii,maxrs) = 0.0 20 ist = max0 (ia1,1-l) ied = min0 (ib1,nr-l) do 25 m = ist,ied 25 rs(m,ld) = rs(m,ld) - ah(m,lh)*ak(m+i,lk)/db(m+i) 30 continue 35 continue maxrss = maxrs return c c ... error exit -- maxlim too small. c 999 ier = -2 return end subroutine rsmatp (ndim,nrr,maxnzz,jcoef,coef,maxrss,jcrs, a rs,maxlim,wksp,iwksp,ier) c c ... rsmatp computes rs = dr - ah*inv(db)*ak where a has been c permuted to red-black form -- c c * dr ah * c a = * * c * ak db * c c (purdue storage) c c dr is nr x nr ah is nr x nb c ak is nb x nr db is nb x nb c c ... definition of parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays c nr number of red points c maxnz number of columns in coef and jcoef c jcoef array of column indices c coef array of matrix coefficients c maxrs number of columns needed to store reduced c system (output) c jcrs column numbers for rs (output) c rs array to contain reduced system c maxlim maximum column width to be allowed for rs c wksp workspace of length 2*nr c iwksp integer workspace of length nr c ier error code c = 0 no errors detected c = -2 maxlim .lt. maxrs c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndim,1), jcrs(nrr,1), iwksp(1) dimension coef(ndim,1), rs(nrr,1), wksp(1) c nr = nrr maxnz = maxnzz maxrs = 1 do 5 i = 1,nr rs(i,1) = coef(i,1) jcrs(i,1) = i 5 continue do 50 j = 2,maxnz call vgathr (nr,coef,jcoef(1,j),wksp) do 10 i = 1,nr 10 wksp(i) = coef(i,j)/wksp(i) do 45 jj = 2,maxnz call vgathr (nr,coef(1,jj),jcoef(1,j),wksp(nr+1)) call vgathi (nr,jcoef(1,jj),jcoef(1,j),iwksp) do 15 i = 1,nr 15 wksp(nr+i) = wksp(i)*wksp(nr+i) do 40 i = 1,nr jcol = iwksp(i) term = wksp(nr+i) if (jcol .gt. nr) go to 40 do 20 jjj = 1,maxrs if (jcrs(i,jjj) .ne. jcol) go to 20 rs(i,jjj) = rs(i,jjj) - term go to 40 20 continue if (maxrs .eq. 1) go to 30 do 25 jjj = 2,maxrs if (jcrs(i,jjj) .ne. i) go to 25 rs(i,jjj) = rs(i,jjj) - term jcrs(i,jjj) = jcol go to 40 25 continue 30 if (maxrs .eq. maxlim) go to 999 maxrs = maxrs + 1 do 35 ii = 1,nr jcrs(ii,maxrs) = ii rs(ii,maxrs) = 0.0 35 continue rs(i,maxrs) = -term jcrs(i,maxrs) = jcol 40 continue 45 continue 50 continue maxrss = maxrs return c c ... error exit -- maxlim too small. c 999 ier = -2 return end subroutine rsrhsd (nn,nrr,ndim,maxnew,jcnew,coef,c,b,wksp) c c ... rsrhsd computes cr = br - t*inv(db)*bb. c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c diagonal storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c systems) c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnew number of columns in coef array c coef real data structure c b vector of length n containing bb behind br c c vector of length nr containing cr c wksp workspace vector of length nb c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(2,2), maxnew(2) dimension coef(ndim,2), b(1), c(1), wksp(1) c n = nn nr = nrr nb = n - nr c c ... compute cr. c do 10 i = 1,nr 10 c(i) = b(i) do 15 i = 1,nb 15 wksp(i) = b(nr+i)/coef(nr+i,1) maxm1 = maxnew(1) - 1 call vsubd (ndim,2,nr,nb,maxm1,coef(1,2),jcnew(1,2), a c,wksp,nr) return end subroutine rsxbd (nn,nrr,ndim,maxnew,jcnew,coef,x,b) c c ... rsxbd computes xb = inv(db)*(bb - b*xr) c c where a = ( dr t ) c ( b db ) c c diagonal storage c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c systems) c nr order of the red subsystem c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnew number of columns in coef array c coef real data structure c x vector of length n containing xr, xb c b vector of length n containing bb in the last c nb locations c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(2,2), maxnew(2) dimension coef(ndim,2), x(1), b(1) c n = nn nr = nrr nrp1 = nr + 1 nb = n - nr c c ... compute xb. c do 10 i = nrp1,n 10 x(i) = b(i) max2 = maxnew(2) - 1 call vsubd (ndim,2,nb,nr,max2,coef(nrp1,2), a jcnew(2,2),x(nrp1),x,-nr) do 15 i = nrp1,n 15 x(i) = x(i)/coef(i,1) return end subroutine sbbs (ldd,ldt,n,kblszz,nsize,lbhb,iblock,d,t, a jt,x,omega) c c ... sbbs does an block ssor backward pass. c symmetric diagonal data structure, natural ordering. c block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c kblsz block size c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c lbhb number of blocks per block row c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer vector giving the diagonal numbers c for the off-diagonal blocks c x input/output vector of length n c omega over-relaxation factor c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(1), iblock(3,1) dimension d(ldd,2), t(ldt,1), x(1) c kblsz = kblszz l = n/kblsz nt = iblock(3,1) - 1 do 35 k = l,1,-1 ist = (k - 1)*kblsz + 1 ied = k*kblsz if (k .eq. l) go to 15 jjlim = min0 (lbhb,l-k+2) do 10 jj = 3,jjlim jblk = iblock(1,jj) jst = iblock(2,jj) mjj = iblock(3,jj) inc = jblk*kblsz istf = ist + inc if (istf .gt. n) go to 10 call vsubd (ldt,1,kblsz,kblsz,mjj,t(ist,jst),jt(jst), a x(ist),x(istf),inc) 10 continue 15 if (nt .ge. 1) go to 25 do 20 i = ist,ied 20 x(i) = omega*d(i,1)*x(i) go to 35 25 call bdsol (ldd,kblsz,nsize,nt,0,d(ist,1),x(ist),x(ist), a 0) do 30 i = ist,ied 30 x(i) = omega*x(i) 35 continue return end subroutine sbbsn (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif,wksp) c c ... sbbsn does an block ssor backward solve. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c x input/output vector of length n c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,2), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1) logical unif c unif = iunif .eq. 1 c l = ncolor if (.not. unif) go to 10 na = nci(1) nb = na jlim = lbhb(1) l = n/na ndt = iblock(3,1,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,1,2) kk = 1 c c ... do backward solution. c 10 lm1 = l - 1 do 50 k = lm1,1,-1 if (unif) go to 15 kk = k ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nci(k) ndt = iblock(3,k,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,k,2) go to 20 15 ist = (k - 1)*na + 1 20 ied = ist + na - 1 do 25 i = 1,na 25 wksp(i) = 0.0 do 30 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,kk,j) if (jcol .le. k) go to 30 jstb = iblock(2,kk,j) mb = iblock(3,kk,j) if (unif) inc = (jcol - k)*na if (.not. unif) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) if (.not. unif) nb = nci(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vaddd (ldt,ncolor,na,nb,mb,t(ist,jstb),jt(kk,jstb), a wksp,x(istb),inc) 30 continue if (ndt + ndb .ge. 1) go to 40 do 35 i = ist,ied 35 x(i) = x(i) - omega*d(i,1)*wksp(i-ist+1) go to 50 40 call bdsol (ldd,na,nsize,ndt,ndb,d(ist,1),wksp,wksp,1) do 45 i = ist,ied 45 x(i) = x(i) - omega*wksp(i-ist+1) 50 continue return end subroutine sbbsnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif) c c ... sbbsnt does an block ssor transpose backward solve. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c x input/output vector of length n c omega ove-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,2), t(ldt,1), x(1) logical unif c unif = iunif .eq. 1 c l = ncolor if (.not. unif) go to 10 na = nci(1) nb = na jlim = lbhb(1) l = n/na ndt = iblock(3,1,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,1,2) kk = 1 c c ... do backward solution. c 10 do 50 k = l,1,-1 if (unif) go to 15 kk = k ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nci(k) ndt = iblock(3,k,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,k,2) go to 20 15 ist = (k - 1)*na + 1 20 ied = ist + na - 1 if (ndt + ndb .ge. 1) go to 30 do 25 i = ist,ied 25 x(i) = omega*d(i,1)*x(i) go to 40 30 call bdsolt (ldd,na,nsize,ndt,ndb,d(ist,1),x(ist),x(ist)) do 35 i = ist,ied 35 x(i) = omega*x(i) 40 do 45 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,kk,j) if (jcol .ge. k) go to 45 jstb = iblock(2,kk,j) mb = iblock(3,kk,j) if (unif) inc = (jcol - k)*na if (.not. unif) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) if (.not. unif) nb = nci(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vsubdt (ldt,ncolor,na,nb,mb,t(ist,jstb),jt(kk,jstb), a x(istb),x(ist),inc) 45 continue 50 continue return end subroutine sbfs (ldd,ldt,n,kblszz,nsize,lbhb,iblock,d,t, a jt,x,omega,wksp) c c ... sbfs does an block ssor forward pass. c symmetric diagonal data structure, natural ordering. c block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c kblsz block size c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c lbhb number of blocks per block row c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer vector giving the diagonal numbers c for the off-diagonal blocks c x input/output vector of length n c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(1), iblock(3,1) dimension d(ldd,2), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1) c kblsz = kblszz l = n/kblsz lm1 = l - 1 nt = iblock(3,1) - 1 do 35 k = 1,lm1 ist = (k - 1)*kblsz + 1 ied = k*kblsz if (nt .ge. 1) go to 15 do 10 i = ist,ied 10 wksp(i-ist+1) = omega*d(i,1)*x(i) go to 25 15 call bdsol (ldd,kblsz,nsize,nt,0,d(ist,1), a x(ist),wksp,0) do 20 i = 1,kblsz 20 wksp(i) = omega*wksp(i) 25 jjlim = min0 (lbhb,l-k+2) do 30 jj = 3,jjlim jblk = iblock(1,jj) jst = iblock(2,jj) mjj = iblock(3,jj) inc = jblk*kblsz istf = ist + inc if (istf .gt. n) go to 30 call vsubdt (ldt,1,kblsz,kblsz,mjj,t(ist,jst),jt(jst), a x(istf),wksp,inc) 30 continue 35 continue return end subroutine sbfsn (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif) c c ... sbfsn does an block ssor forward solve. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c x input/output vector of length n c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,2), t(ldt,1), x(1) logical unif c unif = iunif .eq. 1 c l = ncolor if (.not. unif) go to 10 na = nci(1) nb = na jlim = lbhb(1) l = n/na ndt = iblock(3,1,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,1,2) kk = 1 c c ... do forward solution. c 10 do 45 k = 1,l if (unif) go to 15 kk = k ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nci(k) ndt = iblock(3,k,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,k,2) go to 20 15 ist = (k - 1)*na + 1 20 ied = ist + na - 1 do 25 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,kk,j) if (jcol .ge. k) go to 25 jstb = iblock(2,kk,j) mb = iblock(3,kk,j) if (unif) inc = (jcol - k)*na if (.not. unif) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) if (.not. unif) nb = nci(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vsubd (ldt,ncolor,na,nb,mb,t(ist,jstb),jt(kk,jstb), a x(ist),x(istb),inc) 25 continue if (ndt + ndb .ge. 1) go to 35 do 30 i = ist,ied 30 x(i) = omega*d(i,1)*x(i) go to 45 35 call bdsol (ldd,na,nsize,ndt,ndb,d(ist,1),x(ist),x(ist),1) do 40 i = ist,ied 40 x(i) = omega*x(i) 45 continue return end subroutine sbfsnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif,wksp) c c ... sbfsnt does an block ssor transpose forward solve. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c x input/output vector of length n c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,2), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1) logical unif c unif = iunif .eq. 1 c l = ncolor if (.not. unif) go to 10 na = nci(1) nb = na jlim = lbhb(1) l = n/na ndt = iblock(3,1,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,1,2) kk = 1 c c ... do forward solution. c 10 lm1 = l - 1 do 50 k = 1,lm1 if (unif) go to 15 kk = k ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nci(k) ndt = iblock(3,k,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,k,2) go to 20 15 ist = (k - 1)*na + 1 20 ied = ist + na - 1 if (ndt + ndb .ge. 1) go to 30 do 25 i = ist,ied 25 wksp(i-ist+1) = omega*d(i,1)*x(i) go to 40 30 call bdsolt (ldd,na,nsize,ndt,ndb,d(ist,1),x(ist),wksp) do 35 i = 1,na 35 wksp(i) = omega*wksp(i) 40 do 45 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,kk,j) if (jcol .le. k) go to 45 jstb = iblock(2,kk,j) mb = iblock(3,kk,j) if (unif) inc = (jcol - k)*na if (.not. unif) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) if (.not. unif) nb = nci(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vsubdt (ldt,ncolor,na,nb,mb,t(ist,jstb),jt(kk,jstb), a x(istb),wksp,inc) 45 continue 50 continue return end subroutine sbsl (ldd,ldt,n,kblsz,nsize,lbhb,iblock,d,t, a jt,y,x,omega,wksp) c c ... sbsl does an block ssor solution. c symmetric diagonal data structure, natural ordering. c block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c kblsz block size c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c lbhb number of blocks per block row c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer vector giving the diagonal numbers c for the off-diagonal blocks c y input vector for the right-hand-side c x output vector for the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(1), iblock(3,1) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1), y(1) c const = 2.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = const*y(i) call sbfs (ldd,ldt,n,kblsz,nsize,lbhb,iblock,d,t, a jt,x,omega,wksp) call sbbs (ldd,ldt,n,kblsz,nsize,lbhb,iblock,d,t, a jt,x,omega) return end subroutine sbsln (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,y,x,omega,iunif,wksp) c c ... sbsln does an block ssor solution. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c y input vector of length n containing right-hand-side c x output vector containing the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1), y(1) c const = 2.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = const*y(i) call sbfsn (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif) call sbbsn (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif,wksp) return end subroutine sbslnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,y,x,omega,iunif,wksp) c c ... sbslnt does an block ssor transpose solution. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c y input vector of length n containing right-hand-side c x output vector containing the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1), y(1) c const = 2.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = const*y(i) call sbfsnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif,wksp) call sbbsnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif) return end subroutine sbsln1 (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,y,x,omega,iunif) c c ... sbsln1 does an block ssor forward solution. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c y input vector of length n containing right-hand-side c x output vector containing the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), x(1), y(1) c const = 2.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = const*y(i) call sbfsn (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif) return end subroutine sbsln2 (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,y,x,omega,iunif,wksp) c c ... sbsln2 does an block ssor back solution. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c y input vector of length n containing right-hand-side c x output vector containing the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1), y(1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call sbbsn (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif,wksp) return end subroutine sbsln3 (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,y,x,omega,iunif) c c ... sbsln3 does an block ssor transpose forward solution. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c y input vector of length n containing right-hand-side c x output vector containing the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), x(1), y(1) c const = 2.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = const*y(i) call sbbsnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif) return end subroutine sbsln4 (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,y,x,omega,iunif,wksp) c c ... sbsln4 does an block ssor transpose back solution. c nonsymmetric diagonal data structure, natural or multi-color c orderings, block ssor preconditioning. c c ... parameters -- c c ldd row dimension of d array c ldt row dimension of t array c n size of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c ncolor = 1 if iunif = 1. c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, nci(1) is the constant block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 if c iunif = 0. formed in the factorization routine. c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c if iunif = 1, lbhb is of length 1. c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c d array for diagonal block c t array for off-diagonal blocks c jt integer array of size ncolor by whatever c giving the off-diagonal block diagonal numbers c for each distinct block size. jd is 1 by whatever c if iunif = 1. c y input vector of length n containing right-hand-side c x output vector containing the solution to q*x = y c omega over-relaxation factor c iunif uniform block size switch c = 0 diagonal blocks are not of uniform size c = 1 diagonal blocks are of uniform size c wksp real workspace vector c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ipt(1), jt(ncolor,1), nci(1), lbhb(1), a iblock(3,ncolor,2) dimension d(ldd,1), t(ldt,1), wksp(1), x(1), y(1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call sbfsnt (ldd,ldt,n,nsize,ncolor,nci,ipt,lbhb, a iblock,d,t,jt,x,omega,iunif,wksp) return end subroutine scal1 (nn,ndim,maxnzz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,ubar, a diag,work,iflag,ier) c c ... scal1 scales the original matrix to a unit diagonal matrix. c (purdue data structure) c rhs and u vectors are scaled accordingly. upon output, diag c contains the reciprocal square roots of the diagonal elements. c it is assumed that the diagonal of the matrix is in column one c of coef. c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef array c jcoef integer matrix representation array c coef matrix representation array c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c ubar exact solution (optional) c diag work array of length n (nonvolatile) c work work array of length n (volatile) c iflag flag for ubar c = 0 do not scale ubar c = 1 scale ubar c ier error flag -- on return, values mean c 0 -- no errors detected c -4 -- nonpositive diagonal element c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1), rhs(1), u(1), diag(1), work(1), a ubar(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn maxnz = maxnzz c c ... check for positive diagonal entries for each row. c cmin = vmin (n,coef) if (cmin .gt. 0.0) go to 10 c c ... fatal error -- nonpositive diagonal element. c ier = -4 return c c ... scale matrix. store reciprocal square roots c ... of diagonal entries in diag. c 10 do 15 i = 1,n 15 diag(i) = sqrt (coef(i,1)) c c ... scale rhs, u, and ubar. c do 20 i = 1,n 20 u(i) = diag(i)*u(i) if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 30 do 25 i = 1,n 25 ubar(i) = diag(i)*ubar(i) 30 do 35 i = 1,n 35 diag(i) = 1.0/diag(i) do 40 i = 1,n 40 rhs(i) = diag(i)*rhs(i) if (keygs .eq. 2) go to 55 c c ... using gathers. c do 50 j = 1,maxnz call vgathr (n,diag,jcoef(1,j),work) do 45 i = 1,n 45 coef(i,j) = diag(i)*coef(i,j)*work(i) 50 continue return c c ... not using gathers. c 55 do 65 j = 1,maxnz do 60 i = 1,n 60 coef(i,j) = diag(i)*coef(i,j)*diag(jcoef(i,j)) 65 continue return end subroutine scal2 (nn,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,ubar, a diag,iflag,ier) c c ... scal2 scales the original matrix to a unit diagonal matrix. c (diagonal data structure) c rhs and u vectors are scaled accordingly. upon output, diag c contains the reciprocal square roots of the diagonal elements. c it is assumed that the diagonal of the matrix is in column one c of coef. c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef array c jcoef integer matrix representation array c coef matrix representation array c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c ubar exact solution (optional) c diag work array of length n (nonvolatile) c iflag flag for ubar c = 0 do not scale ubar c = 1 scale ubar c ier error flag -- on return, values mean c 0 -- no errors detected c -4 -- nonpositive diagonal element c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2) dimension coef(ndim,1), rhs(1), u(1), diag(1), ubar(1) c c n = nn c c ... check for positive diagonal entries for each row. c cmin = vmin (n,coef) if (cmin .gt. 0.0) go to 10 c c ... fatal error -- nonpositive diagonal element. c ier = -4 return c c ... scale matrix. store reciprocal square roots c ... of diagonal entries in diag. c 10 do 15 i = 1,n 15 diag(i) = sqrt (coef(i,1)) c c ... scale rhs, u, and ubar. c do 20 i = 1,n 20 u(i) = diag(i)*u(i) if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 30 do 25 i = 1,n 25 ubar(i) = diag(i)*ubar(i) 30 do 35 i = 1,n 35 diag(i) = 1.0/diag(i) do 40 i = 1,n 40 rhs(i) = diag(i)*rhs(i) c c ... scale matrix. c do 60 j = 1,maxnz ind = jcoef(j) len = n - iabs(ind) if (ind .lt. 0) go to 50 do 45 i = 1,len 45 coef(i,j) = diag(i)*coef(i,j)*diag(i+ind) go to 60 50 do 55 i = 1,len 55 coef(i-ind,j) = diag(i-ind)*coef(i-ind,j)*diag(i) 60 continue return end subroutine scal3 (nn,nz,ia,ja,a,rhs,u,ubar,diag, a work,iflag,ier) c c ... scal3 scales the original matrix to a unit diagonal matrix. c (sparse data structure) c rhs and u vectors are scaled accordingly. upon output, diag c contains the reciprocal square roots of the diagonal elements. c it is assumed that the diagonal of the matrix is in the c n first locations of a. c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix c nz length of ia, ja, and a vectors c a vector containing matrix coefficients c ia vector of i values c ja vector of j values c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c ubar exact solution (optional) c diag vector of length n containing the reciprocal c square roots of the diagonal elements upon c output c work workspace vector of length n c iflag flag for ubar c = 0 do not scale ubar c = 1 scale ubar c ier error flag -- on return, values mean c 0 -- no errors detected c -4 -- nonpositive diagonal element c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1), ja(1) dimension a(1), rhs(1), u(1), diag(1), work(1), a ubar(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn c c ... check for positive diagonal entries for each row. c cmin = vmin (n,a) if (cmin .gt. 0.0) go to 10 c c ... fatal error -- nonpositive diagonal element. c ier = -4 return c c ... scale matrix. store reciprocal square roots c ... of diagonal entries in diag. c 10 do 15 i = 1,n 15 diag(i) = sqrt (a(i)) c c ... scale rhs, u, and ubar. c do 20 i = 1,n 20 u(i) = diag(i)*u(i) if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 30 do 25 i = 1,n 25 ubar(i) = diag(i)*ubar(i) 30 do 35 i = 1,n 35 diag(i) = 1.0/diag(i) do 40 i = 1,n 40 rhs(i) = diag(i)*rhs(i) if (keygs .eq. 2) go to 60 c c ... using gathers. c ist = 1 45 ied = min0 (ist-1+n,nz) if (ied .lt. ist) return len = ied - ist + 1 call vgathr (len,diag,ia(ist),work) do 50 i = ist,ied 50 a(i) = a(i)*work(i-ist+1) call vgathr (len,diag,ja(ist),work) do 55 i = ist,ied 55 a(i) = a(i)*work(i-ist+1) ist = ied + 1 go to 45 c c ... not using gathers. c 60 do 65 i = 1,nz 65 a(i) = a(i)*diag(ia(i))*diag(ja(i)) return end subroutine sorstp (n,u,ubar,dnrm,ccon) c c ... sorstp performs a test to see if the sor c method has converged to a solution inside the error c tolerance, zeta. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c u present solution estimate c ubar exact solution c dnrm inner product of pseudo-residuals at preceding c iteration c con stopping test parameter (= ccon) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension u(1), ubar(1) logical q1 save q1 c c *** begin -- itpack common c common / itcom1 / in, itmax, level, nout, ns1, ns2, ns3, a iplr, iqlr, ntest, is, iacel, idgts, nbl1d, nbl2d logical halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom2 / halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 c c *** end -- itpack common c con = ccon halt = .false. if (ntest .eq. 6) go to 25 c c ... special procedure for zeroth iteration. c if (in .ge. 1) go to 5 q1 = .false. udnm = 1.0 stptst = 1000.0 return c c ... test if udnm needs to be recomputed c 5 if (q1) go to 15 if ((in .gt. 5) .and. (mod(in,5) .ne. 0)) go to 15 uold = udnm udnm = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 udnm = udnm + u(i)*u(i) if (udnm .eq. 0.0) udnm = 1.0 if ((in .gt. 5) .and. a (abs (udnm-uold) .le. udnm*zeta)) q1 = .true. c c ... compute stopping test c 15 tr = sqrt (udnm) tl = 1.0 if (con .eq. 1.0) go to 20 tl = sqrt (dnrm) tr = tr*(1.0 - con) 20 stptst = tl/tr if (tl .ge. tr*zeta) return halt = .true. return c c ... second test. c 25 if (in .eq. 0) ubarnm = sqrt (vdot(n,ubar,ubar)) sum = 0.0 do 30 i = 1,n 30 sum = sum + (u(i) - ubar(i))**2 tl = sqrt (sum) tr = ubarnm stptst = tl/tr if (tl .lt. tr*zeta) halt = .true. return end subroutine sords (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omegaa,irwise, a u,rhs,unew,iwksp) c c ... sords does an sor solve (natural ordering, c symmetric diagonal storage). c c unew = inv(d + w*l)*((1-w)*d*un + w*(rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c u current solution vector c rhs right hand side c unew updated solution vector c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(ndim,1), u(1), unew(1), rhs(1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt omega = omegaa c c ... rhs = (1-w)*d*un + w*(rhs - u*un) c call vsubd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,t,jt,rhs,u,0) con = 1.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 rhs(i) = con*d(i)*u(i) + omega*rhs(i) c c ... rhs = inv(i+w*l*inv(d))*rhs c c ... select rowwise or diagonal-wise algorithm. c if (irwise .eq. 1) go to 50 c c ... diagonal-wise algorithm. c do 15 i = 1,maxt 15 iwksp(i) = jt(i) + 1 c c ... determine nc, imin. c 20 nc = n do 25 i = 1,maxt nterm = iwksp(i) - 1 if (nterm .ge. nc) go to 25 nc = nterm imin = i 25 continue if (nc .ge. n) go to 70 ndel = jt(imin) ibeg = nc + 1 if (ndel .gt. 1) go to 40 c c ... special case for first minor subdiagonal. c nc1 = n do 30 i = 1,maxt if (i .eq. imin) go to 30 if (iwksp(i) .lt. nc1) nc1 = iwksp(i) 30 continue iwksp(imin) = nc1 + 1 do 35 j = ibeg,nc1 35 rhs(j) = rhs(j) - omega*t(j-1,imin)*rhs(j-1)/d(j-1) go to 20 c c ... far diagonals (do vector computations). c 40 iwksp(imin) = iwksp(imin) + ndel iend = min0 (ibeg+ndel-1,n) do 45 i = ibeg,iend 45 rhs(i) = rhs(i) - omega*t(i-ndel,imin)*rhs(i-ndel)/d(i-ndel) go to 20 c c ... rowwise algorithm. c 50 do 65 i = 1,n do 55 j = 1,maxt 55 iwksp(j) = min0 (n,i+jt(j)) term = omega*rhs(i)/d(i) do 60 j = 1,maxt 60 rhs(iwksp(j)) = rhs(iwksp(j)) - t(i,j)*term 65 continue c c ... unew = inv(d)*rhs c 70 do 75 i = 1,n 75 unew(i) = rhs(i)/d(i) return end subroutine sordn (ndim,nn,maxtt,maxbb,jt,jb,d,t,b,omegaa, a irwise,u,rhs,unew,iwksp) c c ... sordn does an sor solve (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c unew = inv(d + w*l)*((1-w)*d*un + w*(rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c maxb number of columns in b array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c u current solution vector c rhs right hand side c unew updated solution vector c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1), u(1), unew(1), rhs(1) integer jt(1), jb(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt maxb = maxbb omega = omegaa c c ... rhs = (1-w)*d*un + w*(rhs - u*un) c call vsubd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,t,jt,rhs,u,0) con = 1.0 - omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 rhs(i) = con*d(i)*u(i) + omega*rhs(i) c c ... rhs = inv(i+w*l*inv(d))*rhs c c ... select rowwise or diagonal-wise algorithm. c if (irwise .eq. 1) go to 50 c c ... diagonal-wise algorithm. c do 15 i = 1,maxb 15 iwksp(i) = 1 - jb(i) c c ... determine nc, imin. c 20 nc = n do 25 i = 1,maxb nterm = iwksp(i) - 1 if (nterm .ge. nc) go to 25 nc = nterm imin = i 25 continue if (nc .ge. n) go to 70 ndel = -jb(imin) ibeg = nc + 1 if (ndel .gt. 1) go to 40 c c ... special case for first minor subdiagonal. c nc1 = n do 30 i = 1,maxb if (i .eq. imin) go to 30 if (iwksp(i) .lt. nc1) nc1 = iwksp(i) 30 continue iwksp(imin) = nc1 + 1 do 35 j = ibeg,nc1 35 rhs(j) = rhs(j) - omega*b(j,imin)*rhs(j-1)/d(j-1) go to 20 c c ... far diagonals (do vector computations). c 40 iwksp(imin) = iwksp(imin) + ndel iend = min0 (ibeg+ndel-1,n) do 45 i = ibeg,iend 45 rhs(i) = rhs(i) - omega*b(i,imin)*rhs(i-ndel)/d(i-ndel) go to 20 c c ... rowwise algorithm. c 50 do 65 i = 1,n do 55 j = 1,maxb 55 iwksp(j) = max0 (1,i+jb(j)) sum = 0.0 do 60 j = 1,maxb 60 sum = sum + b(i,j)*rhs(iwksp(j))/d(iwksp(j)) rhs(i) = rhs(i) - omega*sum 65 continue c c ... unew = inv(d)*rhs c 70 do 75 i = 1,n 75 unew(i) = rhs(i)/d(i) return end subroutine sorp (ndim,nn,maxt,maxb,jt,jb,d,t,b,omega,u, a rhs,unew) c c ... sorp does an sor solve c (natural ordering, purdue storage). c c unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*(((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c maxb number of columns in b array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c u current solution vector c rhs right hand side c unew updated solution vector c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1), u(1), rhs(1), unew(1) integer jt(ndim,1), jb(ndim,1) n = nn c c ... rhs = ((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un) c call vsubp (ndim,ndim,n,maxt,t,jt,rhs,u,unew) con = (1.0 - omega)/omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 unew(i) = con*d(i)*u(i) + rhs(i) c c ... unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*rhs c if (maxb .ge. 1) go to 20 do 15 i = 1,n 15 unew(i) = omega*unew(i)/d(i) return 20 do 30 i = 1,n sum = unew(i) do 25 j = 1,maxb sum = sum - b(i,j)*unew(jb(i,j)) 25 continue unew(i) = omega*sum/d(i) 30 continue return end subroutine sorcp (ndimm,n,jc,d,c,ncol,nc,nt,nb,omega, a u,rhs,unew) c c ... sorcp does an sor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*(((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c u current solution c rhs right-hand-side c unew updated solution c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndimm,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndimm,1), u(1), rhs(1), unew(1) c ndim = ndimm ncolor = ncol c c ... rhs = ((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un) c ist = 1 do 10 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) j2 = nt(icol) call vsubp (ndim,ndim,npt,j2,c(ist,1),jc(ist,1),rhs(ist),u, a unew) ist = ist + npt 10 continue con = (1.0 - omega)/omega do 15 i = 1,n 15 unew(i) = con*d(i)*u(i) + rhs(i) c c ... unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*rhs c ist = 1 do 25 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) ied = ist + npt - 1 j1 = nt(icol) + 1 mj = nb(icol) call vsubp (ndim,ndim,npt,mj,c(ist,j1),jc(ist,j1),unew(ist), a unew,rhs) do 20 i = ist,ied 20 unew(i) = omega*unew(i)/d(i) ist = ist + npt 25 continue return end subroutine sordb (ldf,ndim,nsize,kblszz,iblock,lbhb, a dfac,coef,jcoef,nn,omega,u,rhs,unew) c c ... sordb does an sor pass c (symmetric block diagonal format, constant block size) c c unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*(((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ldf row dimension of dfac c ndim row dimension of coef array c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c lbhb column size of iblock c dfac array for diagonal block factorization c coef array for matrix coefficients c jcoef vector for diagonal numbers c n size of system c omega relaxation parameter c u current solution estimate c rhs right-hand-side c unew updated solution estimate c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2), iblock(3,1) dimension dfac(ldf,1), coef(ndim,2), u(1), rhs(1), unew(1) c n = nn kblsz = kblszz c c ... rhs = ((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un) c nwdiag = iblock (3,1) nt = nwdiag - 1 maxt = 0 if (lbhb .lt. 3) go to 15 do 10 j = 3,lbhb maxt = maxt + iblock(3,j) 10 continue 15 jbgn = nwdiag + 1 call vsubd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,coef(1,jbgn),jcoef(jbgn),rhs, a u,0) call bmul (ndim,n,nt,coef,coef(1,2),u,unew) con = (1.0 - omega)/omega do 20 i = 1,n 20 unew(i) = con*unew(i) + rhs(i) c c ... unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*rhs c l = n/kblsz do 50 k = 1,l ist = (k - 1)*kblsz + 1 ied = k*kblsz if (nt .ge. 1) go to 30 do 25 i = ist,ied 25 unew(i) = omega*dfac(i,1)*unew(i) go to 40 30 call bdsol (ldf,kblsz,nsize,nt,0,dfac(ist,1), a unew(ist),unew(ist),0) do 35 i = ist,ied 35 unew(i) = omega*unew(i) 40 if (k .eq. l) go to 50 jjlim = min0 (lbhb,l-k+2) do 45 jj = 3,jjlim jblk = iblock(1,jj) jst = iblock(2,jj) + nwdiag mjj = iblock(3,jj) inc = jblk*kblsz istf = ist + inc if (istf .gt. n) go to 45 call vsubdt (ndim,1,kblsz,kblsz,mjj,coef(ist,jst), a jcoef(jst),unew(istf),unew(ist),inc) 45 continue 50 continue return end subroutine sordnb (ldf,ndim,nsize,kblszz,iblock,lbhbb, a dfac,coef,jcoef,nn,omega,u,rhs,unew) c c ... sordnb does an sor pass c (nonsymmetric block diagonal format, constant block size) c c unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*(((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ldf row dimension of dfac c ndim row dimension of coef array c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c lbhb column size of iblock c dfac array for diagonal block factorization c coef array for matrix coefficients c jcoef vector for diagonal numbers c n size of system c omega relaxation parameter c u current solution estimate c rhs right-hand-side c unew updated solution estimate c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2), iblock(3,2) dimension dfac(ldf,1), coef(ndim,2), u(1), rhs(1), unew(1) c n = nn kblsz = kblszz lbhb = lbhbb c c ... rhs = ((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un) c nt = iblock (3,1) - 1 nb = iblock (3,2) nwdiag = nt + nb + 1 maxt = 0 if (lbhb .lt. 3) go to 15 do 10 j = 3,lbhb ind = iblock(1,j) if (ind .gt. 0) maxt = maxt + iblock(3,j) 10 continue 15 jbgn = nwdiag + 1 call vsubd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,coef(1,jbgn),jcoef(jbgn),rhs, a u,0) ind = nt + 2 call bmuln (ndim,n,nt,nb,coef,coef(1,2),coef(1,ind),u,unew) con = (1.0 - omega)/omega do 20 i = 1,n 20 unew(i) = con*unew(i) + rhs(i) c c ... unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*rhs c l = n/kblsz do 45 k = 1,l ist = (k - 1)*kblsz + 1 ied = k*kblsz do 25 j = 3,lbhb jcol = k + iblock(1,j) if (jcol .ge. k .or. jcol .le. 0) go to 25 jstb = iblock(2,j) + nwdiag mb = iblock(3,j) inc = (jcol - k)*kblsz istb = ist + inc call vsubd (ndim,1,kblsz,kblsz,mb,coef(ist,jstb), a jcoef(jstb),unew(ist),unew(istb),inc) 25 continue if (nt + nb .ge. 1) go to 35 do 30 i = ist,ied 30 unew(i) = omega*dfac(i,1)*unew(i) go to 45 35 call bdsol (ldf,kblsz,nsize,nt,nb,dfac(ist,1),unew(ist), a unew(ist),1) do 40 i = ist,ied 40 unew(i) = omega*unew(i) 45 continue return end subroutine sordmb (ldf,ndim,nsize,iblock,lbhb,ncol,nc,ipt, a dfac,coef,jcnew,nn,omega,u,rhs,unew) c c ... sordmb does an sor pass c (nonsymmetric block diagonal format, nonconstant block size) c c unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*(((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un)) c c ... parameters -- c c ldf row dimension of dfac array c ndim row dimension of coef array c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c nc integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 c giving the starting locations of new block c rows c dfac array for diagonal block factorization c coef array of matrix coefficients c jcnew integer array of row dimension ncolor giving the c diagonal numbers for each block c n size of system c omega relaxation parameter c u current solution estimate c rhs right-hand-side c unew updated solution estimate c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(ncol,1), iblock(3,ncol,2), lbhb(1), nc(1), a ipt(1) dimension dfac(ldf,1), coef(ndim,2), u(1), rhs(1), unew(1) c n = nn ncolor = ncol c c ... rhs = ((1-w)/w)*d*un + (rhs - u*un) c ndt = iblock (3,1,1) - 1 ndb = iblock (3,1,2) nwdiag = ndt + ndb + 1 do 15 k = 1,ncolor ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nc(k) do 10 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,k,j) if (jcol .le. k .or. jcol .gt. ncolor) go to 10 jstb = iblock(2,k,j) + nwdiag mb = iblock(3,k,j) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) nb = nc(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vsubd (ndim,ncolor,na,nb,mb,coef(ist,jstb), a jcnew(k,jstb),rhs(ist),u(istb),inc) 10 continue 15 continue ind = ndt + 2 call bmuln (ndim,n,ndt,ndb,coef,coef(1,2),coef(1,ind),u,unew) con = (1.0 - omega)/omega do 20 i = 1,n 20 unew(i) = con*unew(i) + rhs(i) c c ... unew = inv((1/w)*d + l)*rhs c do 45 k = 1,ncolor ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nc(k) ndt = iblock(3,k,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,k,2) ied = ist + na - 1 do 25 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,k,j) if (jcol .ge. k .or. jcol .le. 0) go to 25 jstb = iblock(2,k,j) + nwdiag mb = iblock(3,k,j) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) nb = nc(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vsubd (ndim,ncolor,na,nb,mb,coef(ist,jstb), a jcnew(k,jstb),unew(ist),unew(istb),inc) 25 continue if (ndt + ndb .ge. 1) go to 35 do 30 i = ist,ied 30 unew(i) = omega*dfac(i,1)*unew(i) go to 45 35 call bdsol (ldf,na,nsize,ndt,ndb,dfac(ist,1),unew(ist), a unew(ist),1) do 40 i = ist,ied 40 unew(i) = omega*unew(i) 45 continue return end subroutine srbs (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) c c ... srbs does an sor back solve (natural ordering, c diagonal storage). c c (i + omega*inv(d)*t)*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to back-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt if (maxt .le. 0) return c c ... select rowwise or diagonal-wise algorithm. c if (irwise .eq. 1) go to 60 c c ... diagonal-wise algorithm. c do 20 i = 1,maxt 20 iwksp(i) = n - jt(i) c c ... determine nc, imax. c 25 nc = 1 do 30 i = 1,maxt nterm = iwksp(i) + 1 if (nterm .le. nc) go to 30 nc = nterm imax = i 30 continue if (nc .le. 1) return ndel = jt(imax) iend = nc - 1 if (ndel .gt. 1) go to 50 c c ... special case for first super diagonal. c nc1 = 1 do 40 i = 1,maxt if (i .eq. imax) go to 40 if (iwksp(i) .gt. nc1) nc1 = iwksp(i) 40 continue iwksp(imax) = nc1 - 1 do 45 k = iend,nc1,-1 45 x(k) = x(k) - omega*t(k,imax)*x(k+1)/d(k) go to 25 c c ... far diagonals (do vector computations). c 50 iwksp(imax) = iwksp(imax) - ndel ibeg = max0 (iend - ndel,0) + 1 do 55 i = ibeg,iend 55 x(i) = x(i) - omega*t(i,imax)*x(i+ndel)/d(i) go to 25 c c ... rowwise algorithm. c 60 do 75 i = n,1,-1 do 65 j = 1,maxt 65 iwksp(j) = min0 (n,i+jt(j)) sum = 0.0 do 70 j = 1,maxt 70 sum = sum + t(i,j)*x(iwksp(j)) x(i) = x(i) - omega*sum/d(i) 75 continue return end subroutine srbst (ndim,nn,maxbb,jb,d,b,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) c c ... srbst does an sor transpose back solve (natural ordering, c diagonal storage). c c (i + omega*inv(d)*(b**t))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of b array c n order of system (= nn) c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxb c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to back-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(1), iwksp(1) c n = nn maxb = maxbb if (maxb .lt. 1) return c c ... select rowwise or diagonal-wise algorithm. c if (irwise .eq. 1) go to 70 c c ... diagonal-wise algorithm. c do 15 i = 1,maxb 15 iwksp(i) = n + jb(i) c c ... determine nc, imax. c 20 nc = 1 do 25 i = 1,maxb nterm = iwksp(i) + 1 if (nterm .le. nc) go to 25 nc = nterm imax = i 25 continue if (nc .le. 1) return ndel = -jb(imax) iend = nc - 1 if (ndel .gt. 1) go to 50 c c ... special case for first sub diagonal. c nc1 = 1 do 30 i = 1,maxb if (i .eq. imax) go to 30 if (iwksp(i) .gt. nc1) nc1 = iwksp(i) 30 continue iwksp(imax) = nc1 - 1 do 45 k = iend,nc1,-1 45 x(k) = x(k) - omega*b(k+1,imax)*x(k+1)/d(k) go to 20 c c ... far diagonals (do vector computations). c 50 iwksp(imax) = iwksp(imax) - ndel ibeg = max0 (iend - ndel,0) + 1 do 65 i = ibeg,iend 65 x(i) = x(i) - omega*b(i+ndel,imax)*x(i+ndel)/d(i) go to 20 c c ... rowwise algorithm. c 70 do 85 i = n,2,-1 do 75 j = 1,maxb 75 iwksp(j) = max0 (1,i+jb(j)) term = omega*x(i) do 80 j = 1,maxb 80 x(iwksp(j)) = x(iwksp(j)) - b(i,j)*term/d(iwksp(j)) 85 continue return end subroutine srfs (ndim,nn,maxbb,jb,d,b,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) c c ... srfs does an sor forward solve (natural ordering, c diagonal storage). c c (i + omega*b*inv(d))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of b array c n order of system (= nn) c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxb c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to forward-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxb = maxbb if (maxb .le. 0) return c c ... select rowwise or diagonal-wise algorithm. c if (irwise .eq. 1) go to 60 c c ... diagonal-wise algorithm. c do 20 i = 1,maxb 20 iwksp(i) = 1 - jb(i) c c ... determine nc, imin. c 25 nc = n do 30 i = 1,maxb nterm = iwksp(i) - 1 if (nterm .ge. nc) go to 30 nc = nterm imin = i 30 continue if (nc .ge. n) return ndel = -jb(imin) ibeg = nc + 1 if (ndel .gt. 1) go to 50 c c ... special case for first minor subdiagonal. c nc1 = n do 40 i = 1,maxb if (i .eq. imin) go to 40 if (iwksp(i) .lt. nc1) nc1 = iwksp(i) 40 continue iwksp(imin) = nc1 + 1 do 45 j = ibeg,nc1 45 x(j) = x(j) - omega*b(j,imin)*x(j-1)/d(j-1) go to 25 c c ... far diagonals (do vector computations). c 50 iwksp(imin) = iwksp(imin) + ndel iend = min0 (ibeg+ndel-1,n) do 55 i = ibeg,iend 55 x(i) = x(i) - omega*b(i,imin)*x(i-ndel)/d(i-ndel) go to 25 c c ... rowwise algorithm. c 60 do 75 i = 1,n do 65 j = 1,maxb 65 iwksp(j) = max0 (1,i+jb(j)) sum = 0.0 do 70 j = 1,maxb 70 sum = sum + b(i,j)*x(iwksp(j))/d(iwksp(j)) x(i) = x(i) - omega*sum 75 continue return end subroutine srfst (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) c c ... srfst does an sor transpose forward solve (natural ordering, c diagonal storage). c c (i + omega*(t**t)*inv(d))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to forward-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c n = nn maxt = maxtt if (maxt .lt. 1) return c c ... select rowwise or diagonal-wise algorithm. c if (irwise .eq. 1) go to 70 c c ... diagonal-wise algorithm. c do 15 i = 1,maxt 15 iwksp(i) = jt(i) + 1 c c ... determine nc, imin. c 20 nc = n do 25 i = 1,maxt nterm = iwksp(i) - 1 if (nterm .ge. nc) go to 25 nc = nterm imin = i 25 continue if (nc .ge. n) return ndel = jt(imin) ibeg = nc + 1 if (ndel .gt. 1) go to 50 c c ... special case for first minor subdiagonal. c nc1 = n do 30 i = 1,maxt if (i .eq. imin) go to 30 if (iwksp(i) .lt. nc1) nc1 = iwksp(i) 30 continue iwksp(imin) = nc1 + 1 do 45 j = ibeg,nc1 45 x(j) = x(j) - omega*t(j-1,imin)*x(j-1)/d(j-1) go to 20 c c ... far diagonals (do vector computations). c 50 iwksp(imin) = iwksp(imin) + ndel iend = min0 (ibeg+ndel-1,n) do 65 i = ibeg,iend 65 x(i) = x(i) - omega*t(i-ndel,imin)*x(i-ndel)/d(i-ndel) go to 20 c c ... rowwise algorithm. c 70 do 85 i = 1,n do 75 j = 1,maxt 75 iwksp(j) = min0 (n,i+jt(j)) term = omega*x(i)/d(i) do 80 j = 1,maxt 80 x(iwksp(j)) = x(iwksp(j)) - t(i,j)*term 85 continue return end subroutine srbsp (ndim,nn,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,x) c c ... srbsp does an sor backward solve (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c ((1/omega)*d + t)*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to backward-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(ndim,1) c n = nn if (maxt .ge. 1) go to 15 do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) return 15 do 30 i = n,1,-1 sum = x(i) do 25 j = 1,maxt sum = sum - t(i,j)*x(jt(i,j)) 25 continue x(i) = omega*sum/d(i) 30 continue return end subroutine srbstp (ndim,nn,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,x) c c ... srbstp does an sor transpose back solve c (natural ordering, purdue storage). c ((1/omega)*d + (b**t))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of b array c n order of system c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c x on input, x contains y c x on output, x is the solution to back-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(ndim,1) c n = nn if (maxb .ge. 1) go to 15 do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) return 15 do 30 i = n,1,-1 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) term = x(i) do 25 j = 1,maxb x(jb(i,j)) = x(jb(i,j)) - b(i,j)*term 25 continue 30 continue return end subroutine srfsp (ndim,nn,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,x) c c ... srfsp does an sor forward solve (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c ((1/omega)*d + b)*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of b array c n order of system c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to forward-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(ndim,1) c n = nn if (maxb .ge. 1) go to 15 do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) return 15 do 30 i = 1,n sum = x(i) do 25 j = 1,maxb sum = sum - b(i,j)*x(jb(i,j)) 25 continue x(i) = omega*sum/d(i) 30 continue return end subroutine srfstp (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,x) c c ... srfstp does an sor transpose forward solve c (natural ordering, purdue storage). c ((1/omega)*d + (t**t))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to forward-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(ndim,1) c if (maxt .ge. 1) go to 15 do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) return 15 do 30 i = 1,n x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) term = x(i) do 25 j = 1,maxt x(jt(i,j)) = x(jt(i,j)) - t(i,j)*term 25 continue 30 continue return end subroutine srs (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srs does an ssor solution (natural ordering, c symmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*(t**t)*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*t)*x = y c con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfst (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*x(i)/d(i) call srbs (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srs1 (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srs1 does an ssor forward solve (natural ordering, c symmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*(t**t)*inv(d))*d*x = y c con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfst (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*x(i)/d(i) return end subroutine srs2 (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srs2 does an ssor back solve (natural ordering, c symmetric diagonal storage). c c (i + w*inv(d)*t)*x = y c w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srbs (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srs3 (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srs3 does an ssor transpose forward solve (natural ordering, c symmetric diagonal storage). c c con*d*(i + w*inv(d)*t)*x = y c con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = fac*y(i)/d(i) call srbs (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srs4 (ndim,nn,maxtt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srs4 does an ssor transpose back solve (natural ordering, c symmetric diagonal storage). c c (i + w*(t**t)*inv(d))*x = y c w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t array c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfst (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srsn (ndim,nn,maxtt,maxbb,jt,jb,d,t,b,omega, a irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srsn does an ssor solution (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*b*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*t)*x = y c where con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t and b arrays c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c maxb number of columns in b array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1) integer jt(1), jb(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt maxb = maxbb fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfs (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*x(i)/d(i) call srbs (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srsnt (ndim,nn,maxtt,maxbb,jt,jb,d,t,b,omega, a irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srsnt does a transpose ssor solution (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*(t**t)*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*(b**t))*x = y c con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t and b arrays c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c maxb number of columns in b array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1) integer jt(1), jb(1), iwksp(1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt maxb = maxbb fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfst (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*x(i)/d(i) call srbst (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srsn1 (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega, a irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srsn1 does an ssor forward pass (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*b*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*t)*x = y c where con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t and b arrays c n order of system (= nn) c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(1), iwksp(1) c c fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfs (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*x(i)/d(i) return end subroutine srsn2 (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega, a irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srsn2 does an ssor backward pass (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*b*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*t)*x = y c where con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t and b arrays c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srbs (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srsn3 (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega, a irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srsn3 does a transpose ssor back pass (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*(t**t)*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*(b**t))*x = y c con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t and b arrays c n order of system (= nn) c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer vector of length maxb giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the sub- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(1), iwksp(1) c c fac = omega*(2.0 - omega) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*y(i)/d(i) call srbst (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srsn4 (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega, a irwise,iwksp,y,x) c c ... srsn4 does a transpose ssor forward pass (natural ordering, c nonsymmetric diagonal storage). c c con*(i + w*(t**t)*inv(d))*d*(i + w*inv(d)*(b**t))*x = y c con = 1/(w*(2-w)) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t and b arrays c n order of system (= nn) c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer vector of length maxt giving the diagonal c indices of the corresponding columns in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the super- c diagonals of the matrix c omega over-relaxation factor c irwise rowwise algorithm switch c = 0 use diagonal algorithm c = 1 use row-wise algorithm c iwksp integer workspace of length maxt c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(1), iwksp(1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfst (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,irwise,iwksp,x) return end subroutine srsp (ndim,nn,maxtt,maxbb,jt,jb,d,t,b,omega,y,x) c c ... srsp does an ssor solution (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c con*((1/w)*d + b)*inv(d)*((1/w)*d + t)*x = y c where con = w/(2-w) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t,b arrays c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c maxb number of columns in b array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1) integer jt(ndim,1), jb(ndim,1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt maxb = maxbb fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfsp (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*x(i) call srbsp (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,x) return end subroutine srsp1 (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,y,x) c c ... srsp1 does an ssor forward solve (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t,b arrays c n order of system c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(ndim,1) c c fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfsp (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*x(i) return end subroutine srsp2 (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,y,x) c c ... srsp2 does an ssor back solve (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t,b arrays c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(ndim,1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srbsp (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,x) return end subroutine srsp3 (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,y,x) c c ... srsp3 does an ssor transpose back solve (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t,b arrays c n order of system c maxb number of columns in b array c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), b(ndim,1) integer jb(ndim,1) c c fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*y(i) call srbstp (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,x) return end subroutine srsp4 (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,y,x) c c ... srsp4 does an ssor transpose forward solve (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t,b arrays c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1) integer jt(ndim,1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfstp (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,x) return end subroutine srsntp (ndim,nn,maxtt,maxbb,jt,jb,d,t,b,omega,y,x) c c ... srsntp does an ssor transpose solution (natural ordering, c purdue storage). c con*((1/w)*d + (t**t))*inv(d)*((1/w)*d + (b**t))*x = y c where con = w/(2-w) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of t,b arrays c n order of system c maxt number of columns in t array c maxb number of columns in b array c jt integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in t c jb integer array giving the column numbers of the c corresponding elements in b c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c t array of active size n by maxt giving the upper c triangle of the matrix c b array of active size n by maxb giving the lower c triangle of the matrix c omega relaxation factor c y right-hand-side vector c x on output, x is the solution c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension y(1), x(1), d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1) integer jt(ndim,1), jb(ndim,1) c c n = nn maxt = maxtt maxb = maxbb fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfstp (ndim,n,maxt,jt,d,t,omega,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*x(i) call srbstp (ndim,n,maxb,jb,d,b,omega,x) return end subroutine ssorad (ssorcp,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,p,z,r,icode) c c ... ssorad does the ssor adaptive process. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c p,z,r vectors from acceleration algorithm c icode key for restarting iteration c = 0 omega unchanged (no restart) c = 1 new omega (restart needed) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension p(1), z(1), r(1), coef(1), jcoef(2), wfac(1), a jwfac(1) external ssorcp c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom1 / in, itmax, level, nout, ns1, ns2, ns3, a iplr, iqlr, ntest, is, iacel, idgts, nbl1d, nbl2d logical halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom2 / halt, maxadp, minadp, maxadd, minadd common / itcom3 / alpha, beta, zeta, emax, emin, pap, b alphao, gamma, sigma, rr, rho, dkq, dkm1, b ff, rqmin, rqmax, stptst, udnm, ubarnm, b bnorm, bnorm1 logical omgadp common / itcom5 / omgadp, omega, alphab, betab, fff, specr c c *** end -- package common c c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c parameter estimation formulas c------------------------------------------------------------------ c alp (w,beta,s) = ((1.0 + beta*w*w)*s - w*(2.0 - w)) / a (w*(2.0 - w - s)) c omg (alpha,beta) = 2.0/(1.0 + sqrt (1.0 + 2.0*alpha + a 4.0*beta)) c se (w,alpha,beta) = ((1.0 + alpha)*w*(2.0 - w)) / a (1.0 + alpha*w + beta*w*w) c cond (w,alpha,beta) = 1.0/se(w,alpha,beta) c rc (w,alpha,beta) = alog ((sqrt (cond(w,alpha,beta))+1.0) / a (sqrt (cond(w,alpha,beta))-1.0)) c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c icode = 0 if (is .ge. 6 .and. (.not. minadp)) go to 5 tmo = 2.0 - omega if (emin .lt. tmo) alphab = amin1 (alphab, alp(omega,betab,emin)) 5 if ((.not. omgadp) .or. (.not. minadp) .or. (is .le. 5)) return omegab = amax1 (1.0, omg (alphab,betab)) if (rc(omega,alphab,betab) .gt. fff*rc(omegab,alphab,betab)) a return if (iacel .eq. 2) pap = vdot (n,p,z) call omgchg (ssorcp,coef,jcoef,wfac,jwfac,n,p,r) omega = amax1 (1.0,omg(alphab,betab)) icode = 1 if (level .ge. 2) write (nout,10) in, alphab, betab, omega 10 format (/1x,15x,36hparameters were changed at iteration,i7/ a 1x,20x,19halphab ,f15.9/ a 1x,20x,19hbetab ,f15.9/ a 1x,20x,19homega ,f15.9/) return end subroutine ssord (ndim,maxt,jt,d,t,nn,p,r,pdp,pldup) c c ... ssord computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for symmetric diagonal storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxt number of diagonals in t c jt diagonal numbers for upper triangular part c d diagonal c t upper triangular diagonals c n order of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(1) dimension d(1), t(ndim,1), p(1), r(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*d(i)*p(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) = (u*p,inv(d)*u*p) c pldup = 0.0 if (maxt .le. 0) return do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 call vaddd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,t,jt,r,p,0) sum = 0.0 do 20 i = 1,n 20 sum = sum + r(i)*r(i)/d(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssordn (ndim,maxt,maxb,jt,jb,d,t,b,nn,p,r, a wksp,pdp,pldup) c c ... ssordn computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for nonsymmetric diagonal storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxt number of diagonals in t c maxb number of diagonals in b c jt diagonal numbers for upper triangular part c jb diagonal numbers for lower triangular part c d diagonal c t upper triangular diagonals c b lower triangular diagonals c n order of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length n c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(1), jb(1) dimension d(1), t(ndim,1), b(ndim,1), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*d(i)*p(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c pldup = 0.0 if (maxt .le. 0 .or. maxb .le. 0) return do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 call vaddd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,t,jt,r,p,0) do 20 i = 1,n 20 r(i) = r(i)/d(i) do 25 i = 1,n 25 wksp(i) = 0.0 call vaddd (ndim,1,n,n,maxb,b,jb,wksp,r,0) sum = 0.0 do 30 i = 1,n 30 sum = sum + p(i)*wksp(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssorp (ndim,maxt,jt,d,t,nn,p,r,wksp,pdp,pldup) c c ... ssorp computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for symmetric purdue storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxt number of columns in t c jt column numbers for upper triangular part c d diagonal c t upper triangular part of a c n order of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length n c (keygs = 1 only) c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(ndim,1) dimension d(1), t(ndim,1), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*d(i)*p(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) = (u*p,inv(d)*u*p) c pldup = 0.0 if (maxt .le. 0) return do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 call vaddp (ndim,ndim,n,maxt,t,jt,r,p,wksp) sum = 0.0 do 20 i = 1,n 20 sum = sum + r(i)*r(i)/d(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssorpn (ndimm,maxt,maxb,jt,jb,d,t,b,nn,p,r, a wksp,pdp,pldup) c c ... ssorpn computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for nonsymmetric purdue storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxt number of columns in t c maxb number of columns in b c jt column numbers for upper triangular part c jb column numbers for lower triangular part c d diagonal c t upper triangular part c b lower triangular part c n order of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length n c 2*n if keygs = 1 c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jt(ndimm,1), jb(ndimm,1) dimension d(1), t(ndimm,1), b(ndimm,1), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn ndim = ndimm sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*d(i)*p(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c pldup = 0.0 if (maxt .le. 0 .or. maxb .le. 0) return do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 call vaddp (ndim,ndim,n,maxt,t,jt,r,p,wksp) do 20 i = 1,n 20 r(i) = r(i)/d(i) do 25 i = 1,n 25 wksp(i) = 0.0 np1 = n + 1 call vaddp (ndim,ndim,n,maxb,b,jb,wksp,r,wksp(np1)) sum = 0.0 do 30 i = 1,n 30 sum = sum + p(i)*wksp(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssrcd (ldf,ndim,maxnz,nsize,iblock,dfac,coef, a jcoef,nn,p,r,wksp,pdp,pldup) c c ... ssrcd computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for symmetric block diagonal storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ldf row dimension of dfac c ndim row dimension of coef array c maxnz number of diagonals stored in coef c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c dfac array for diagonal block factorization c coef array for matrix coefficients c jcoef vector for diagonal numbers c n size of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length n c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2), iblock(3,1) dimension dfac(ldf,1), coef(ndim,2), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn nwdiag = iblock (3,1) nt = nwdiag - 1 call bmul (ndim,n,nt,coef,coef(1,2),p,r) sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*r(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) = (u*p,inv(d)*u*p) c do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 jbgn = nwdiag + 1 mdiag = maxnz - nwdiag call vaddd (ndim,1,n,n,mdiag,coef(1,jbgn),jcoef(jbgn), a r,p,0) call bdsol (ldf,n,nsize,nt,0,dfac,r,wksp,0) sum = 0.0 do 25 i = 1,n 25 sum = sum + r(i)*wksp(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssrcdm (ldf,ndim,lbhb,nsize,ncol,nci,ipt, a iblock,dfac,coef,jcnew,nn,p,r,wksp, a pdp,pldup) c c ... ssrcdm computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for nonsymmetric block diagonal storage format. c (nonconstant block size) c c ... parameters -- c c ldf row dimension of dfac array c ndim row dimension of coef array c lbhb integer vector of size ncolor giving the number c of diagonal blocks for each distinct block size. c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c ncolor number of distinct block sizes c nci integer vector of length ncolor, giving the number c of nodes for each distinct block size. c ipt integer pointer vector of length ncolor+1 c giving the starting locations of new block c rows c iblock integer array of size 3 by ncolor by max(lbhb(i)) c giving block constants c dfac array for diagonal block factorization c coef array of matrix coefficients c jcnew integer array of row dimension ncolor giving the c diagonal numbers for each block c n size of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length n c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcnew(ncol,1), iblock(3,ncol,2), lbhb(1), a nci(1), ipt(1) dimension dfac(ldf,1), coef(ndim,2), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... define constants ndt, ndb. c n = nn ncolor = ncol ndt = iblock(3,1,1) - 1 ndb = iblock(3,1,2) nwdiag = ndt + ndb + 1 c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c ind = ndt + 2 call bmuln (ndim,n,ndt,ndb,coef,coef(1,2),coef(1,ind),p,r) sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*r(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c do 15 i = 1,n r(i) = 0.0 wksp(i) = 0.0 15 continue do 25 k = 1,ncolor ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nci(k) do 20 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,k,j) if (jcol .le. k) go to 20 jstb = iblock(2,k,j) + nwdiag mb = iblock(3,k,j) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) nb = nci(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vaddd (ndim,ncolor,na,nb,mb,coef(ist,jstb), a jcnew(k,jstb),r(ist),p(istb),inc) 20 continue 25 continue call bdsol (ldf,n,nsize,ndt,ndb,dfac,r,r,1) do 35 k = 1,ncolor ist = ipt(k) + 1 jlim = lbhb(k) na = nci(k) do 30 j = 3,jlim jcol = k + iblock(1,k,j) if (jcol .ge. k) go to 30 jstb = iblock(2,k,j) + nwdiag mb = iblock(3,k,j) inc = ipt(jcol) - ipt(k) nb = nci(jcol) istb = ist + inc call vaddd (ndim,ncolor,na,nb,mb,coef(ist,jstb), a jcnew(k,jstb),wksp(ist),r(istb),inc) 30 continue 35 continue sum = 0.0 do 40 i = 1,n 40 sum = sum + p(i)*wksp(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssrcdn (ldf,ndim,lbhb,nsize,iblock,dfac,coef, a jcoef,nn,p,r,wksp,pdp,pldup) c c ... ssrcdn computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for nonsymmetric block diagonal storage format. c (constant block size) c c ... parameters -- c c ldf row dimension of dfac c ndim row dimension of coef array c lbhb number of blocks per block row c nsize size of an individual subsystem within a c diagonal block c iblock integer array of size 3 by lbhb c giving block constants c dfac array for diagonal block factorization c coef array for matrix coefficients c jcoef vector for diagonal numbers c n size of system c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length n c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2), iblock(3,2) dimension dfac(ldf,1), coef(ndim,2), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute nt, nb, maxt, maxb c n = nn nt = iblock(3,1) - 1 nb = iblock(3,2) maxt = 0 maxb = 0 if (lbhb .lt. 3) go to 15 do 10 j = 3,lbhb ind = iblock(1,j) if (ind .gt. 0) maxt = maxt + iblock(3,j) if (ind .lt. 0) maxb = maxb + iblock(3,j) 10 continue c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c 15 ind = nt + 2 call bmuln (ndim,n,nt,nb,coef,coef(1,2),coef(1,ind),p,r) sum = 0.0 do 20 i = 1,n 20 sum = sum + p(i)*r(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c do 25 i = 1,n wksp(i) = 0.0 r(i) = 0.0 25 continue ind = nt + nb + 2 indd = ind + maxt call vaddd (ndim,1,n,n,maxt,coef(1,ind),jcoef(ind), a r,p,0) call bdsol (ldf,n,nsize,nt,nb,dfac,r,r,1) call vaddd (ndim,1,n,n,maxb,coef(1,indd),jcoef(indd), a wksp,r,0) sum = 0.0 do 30 i = 1,n 30 sum = sum + p(i)*wksp(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine srbscp (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega, a wksp,x) c c ... srbscp does a back sor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ((1/w)*d + t)*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length c max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c 0 if keygs = 2 c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to back-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), wksp(1) c ied = n do 20 icol = ncolor,1,-1 npt = nc(icol) ist = ied - npt + 1 j2 = nt(icol) call vsubp (ndim,ndim,npt,j2,c(ist,1),jc(ist,1),x(ist),x,wksp) do 15 i = ist,ied 15 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) ied = ied - npt 20 continue return end subroutine srbsct (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega, a wksp,x) c c ... srbsct does a transpose back sor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ((1/w)*d + (b**t))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length max(nc(i)) c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to back-solve c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), wksp(1) c ied = n do 20 icol = ncolor,1,-1 npt = nc(icol) ist = ied - npt + 1 do 15 i = ist,ied 15 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) j1 = nt(icol) + 1 mj = nb(icol) call vsubpt (ndim,ndim,npt,mj,c(ist,j1),jc(ist,j1),x,x(ist), a wksp) ied = ied - npt 20 continue return end subroutine srfscp (ndim,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega, a wksp,x) c c ... srfscp does a forward sor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ((1/w)*d + b)*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length c max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c 0 if keygs = 2 c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to the forward solve c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), wksp(1) c ist = 1 do 20 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) ied = ist + npt - 1 j1 = nt(icol) + 1 mj = nb(icol) call vsubp (ndim,ndim,npt,mj,c(ist,j1),jc(ist,j1),x(ist),x, a wksp) do 15 i = ist,ied 15 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) ist = ist + npt 20 continue return end subroutine srfsct (ndim,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega, a wksp,x) c c ... srfsct does a transpose forward sor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ((1/w)*d + (t**t))*x = y c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length max(nc(i)) c x on input, x contains y c on output, x is the solution to the forward solve c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), wksp(1) c ist = 1 do 20 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) ied = ist + npt - 1 do 15 i = ist,ied 15 x(i) = omega*x(i)/d(i) j2 = nt(icol) call vsubpt (ndim,ndim,npt,j2,c(ist,1),jc(ist,1),x,x(ist), a wksp) ist = ist + npt 20 continue return end subroutine srscp (ndim,nn,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega, a wksp,y,x) c c ... srscp does an ssor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c con*((1/w)*d + b)*inv(d)*((1/w)*d + t)*x = y c where con = w/(2-w) and w = omega c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length c max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c 0 if keygs = 2 c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c n = nn fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfscp (ndim,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega,wksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*x(i) call srbscp (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega,wksp,x) return end subroutine srscpt (ndim,nn,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega, a wksp,y,x) c c ... srscpt does an transpose ssor solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length max(nc(i)) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c n = nn fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfsct (ndim,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega,wksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*x(i) call srbsct (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega,wksp,x) return end subroutine ssrcp (ndim,jc,d,c,nn,ncolor,nc,nt,p,r,wksp, a pdp,pldup) c c ... ssrcp computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for symmetric multicolor purdue storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c n order of system c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length c max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c 0 if keygs = 2 c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*d(i)*p(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) = (u*p,inv(d)*u*p) c do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 ist = 1 do 20 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) mj = nt(icol) call vaddp (ndim,ndim,npt,mj,c(ist,1),jc(ist,1),r(ist),p,wksp) ist = ist + npt 20 continue sum = 0.0 do 25 i = 1,n 25 sum = sum + r(i)*r(i)/d(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine ssrcpn (ndimm,jc,d,c,nn,ncol,nc,nt,nb,p,r,wksp, a pdp,pldup) c c ... ssrcpn computes pdp = (p,d*p) and c pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) c c for nonsymmetric multicolor purdue storage format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c n order of system c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c p vector from acceleration algorithm c r workspace vector from acceleration algorithm c wksp workspace vector of length c n + max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c n if keygs = 2 c pdp (p,d*p) c pldup (p,l*d*u*p) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndimm,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndimm,1), p(1), r(1), wksp(1) c c ... compute pdp = (p,d*p). c n = nn ndim = ndimm ncolor = ncol sum = 0.0 do 10 i = 1,n 10 sum = sum + p(i)*d(i)*p(i) pdp = sum c c ... compute pldup = (p,l*inv(d)*u*p) = (u*p,inv(d)*u*p) c np1 = n + 1 do 15 i = 1,n 15 r(i) = 0.0 ist = 1 do 20 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) mj = nt(icol) call vaddp (ndim,ndim,npt,mj,c(ist,1),jc(ist,1),r(ist),p,wksp) ist = ist + npt 20 continue do 25 i = 1,n 25 r(i) = r(i)/d(i) do 30 i = 1,n 30 wksp(i) = 0.0 ist = 1 do 35 icol = 1,ncolor npt = nc(icol) j1 = nt(icol) + 1 mj = nb(icol) call vaddp (ndim,ndim,npt,mj,c(ist,j1),jc(ist,j1),wksp(ist), a r,wksp(np1)) ist = ist + npt 35 continue sum = 0.0 do 40 i = 1,n 40 sum = sum + p(i)*wksp(i) pldup = sum return end subroutine srscp1 (ndim,nn,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega, a wksp,y,x) c c ... srscp1 does an ssor forward solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length c max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c 0 if keygs = 2 c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c n = nn fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfscp (ndim,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega,wksp,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*x(i) return end subroutine srscp2 (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega, a wksp,y,x) c c ... srscp2 does an ssor back solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length c max(nc(i)) if keygs = 1 c 0 if keygs = 2 c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srbscp (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega,wksp,x) return end subroutine srscp3 (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega, a wksp,y,x) c c ... srscp3 does an transpose ssor back solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c nb integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of lower columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length max(nc(i)) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1), nb(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c fac = (2.0 - omega)/omega c do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = fac*d(i)*y(i) call srbsct (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,nb,omega,wksp,x) return end subroutine srscp4 (ndim,n,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega, a wksp,y,x) c c ... srscp4 does an transpose ssor forward solve. c (purdue storage, multicolor) c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of c,jc arrays c n order of system (= nn) c jc integer array giving the column indices of the c corresponding elements in c c d vector of length n giving the diagonal elements c of the matrix c c array of active size n by maxc giving the c off diagonal elements of the matrix. c thus, a = d + c c ncolor number of colors used c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of nodes for each color c nt integer vector of length ncolor giving the number c of upper columns for each color c omega over-relaxation factor c wksp workspace vector of length max(nc(i)) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jc(ndim,1), nc(1), nt(1) dimension d(1), c(ndim,1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call srfsct (ndim,jc,d,c,ncolor,nc,nt,omega,wksp,x) return end function tau (ii) c c ... tau sets tau(ii) for the sor method. c c ... parameters -- c c ii number of times parameters have been changed c c ... specifications for parameters c c dimension t(9) c data t(1), t(2), t(3), t(4), t(5), t(6), t(7), t(8), t(9) a / 1.5, 1.8, 1.85, 1.9, 1.94, 1.96, 1.975, 1.985, 1.992 / c tau = t(9) if (ii .le. 8) tau = t(ii) return end subroutine tbs (n,t,x) c c ... tbs does a back substitution (i + t)*x = y where t is the c first super-diagonal. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of the system c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements c x on input, x contains y c on output, x contains the solution to (i - t)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension t(1), x(1) c do 10 i = n-1,1,-1 10 x(i) = x(i) - t(i)*x(i+1) return end subroutine tbsm (nn,nsize,t,x) c c ... tbsm does a back substitution (i + t)*x = y where t c is a super diagonal composed of independent subsystems of c size nsize. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize order of the individual subsystems c t linear array of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorizations c x on input, x contains y c the solution to (i + t)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension t(nsize,1), x(nsize,1) c n = nn nsys = n/nsize do 15 i = nsize-1,1,-1 do 10 j = 1,nsys 10 x(i,j) = x(i,j) - t(i,j)*x(i+1,j) 15 continue return end subroutine tfac (nn,d,t) c c ... tfac computes a factorization of a single symmetric c tridiagonal matrix contained in d and t and replaces it. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the matrix c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the matrix c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 do 10 i = 2,n 10 d(i) = d(i) - (t(i-1)*t(i-1))/d(i-1) do 15 i = 1,n 15 d(i) = 1.0/d(i) do 20 i = 1,nm1 20 t(i) = d(i)*t(i) return end subroutine tfacm (nn,nsize,d,t) c c ... tfacm computes factorizations of multiple independent c symmetric tridiagonal matrices contained in d and t. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of global system (= nn) c nsize size of the individual subsystems c d linear array of length n containing the c diagonal elements of the systems c t linear array of length n-1 containing the c super-diagonal elements of the systems c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(nsize,1), t(nsize,1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 nsys = n/nsize do 10 i = 2,nsize do 5 j = 1,nsys 5 d(i,j) = d(i,j) - (t(i-1,j)**2)/d(i-1,j) 10 continue call vinv (n,d) call vexopy (nm1,t,d,t,3) return end subroutine tfacn (nn,d,t,b) c c ... tfacn computes a factorization of a single nonsymmetric c tridiagonal matrix contained in d, t, and b and c replaces it. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the matrix c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the matrix c b vector of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements of the matrix c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(1), b(1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 do 10 i = 2,n 10 d(i) = d(i) - b(i-1)*t(i-1)/d(i-1) do 15 i = 1,n 15 d(i) = 1.0/d(i) do 20 i = 1,nm1 t(i) = d(i)*t(i) b(i) = d(i)*b(i) 20 continue return end subroutine tfacnm (nn,nsize,d,t,b) c c ... tfacnm computes factorizations of multiple independent c nonsymmetric tridiagonal matrices contained in c d, t, and b. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of global system (= nn) c nsize order of single subsystem c d linear array of length n containing the c diagonal elements of the systems c t linear array of length n-1 containing the c super-diagonal elements of the systems c b linear array of length n-1 containing the c sub-diagonal elements of the systems c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(nsize,1), t(nsize,1), b(nsize,1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 nsys = n/nsize do 10 i = 2,nsize do 5 j = 1,nsys 5 d(i,j) = d(i,j) - b(i-1,j)*t(i-1,j)/d(i-1,j) 10 continue call vinv (n,d) call vexopy (nm1,t,d,t,3) call vexopy (nm1,b,d,b,3) return end subroutine tfs (n,b,x) c c ... tfs does a forward substitution (i + b)*x = y, c where b is the first sub-diagonal. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c b vector of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements c x on input, x contains y c on output, x contains the solution to (i - b)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension b(1), x(1) c do 10 i = 2,n 10 x(i) = x(i) - b(i-1)*x(i-1) return end subroutine tfsm (nn,nsize,b,x) c c ... tfsm does a forward substitution (i + b)*x = y where b c is a sub-diagonal composed of independent subsystems of c size nsize. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize order of the individual subsystems c b linear array of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements of the factorizations c x on input, x contains y c on output, x contains the solution to (i + b)*x = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension b(nsize,1), x(nsize,1) c n = nn nsys = n/nsize do 20 i = 2,nsize do 15 j = 1,nsys 15 x(i,j) = x(i,j) - b(i-1,j)*x(i-1,j) 20 continue return end subroutine tinv (nn,d,t) c c ... tinv computes an approximate inverse to a single tridiagonal c symmetric matrix. d and u must contain upon input the c output from a factorization routine. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorization c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 c do 10 i = nm1,1,-1 10 d(i) = d(i) + t(i)*t(i)*d(i+1) do 15 i = 1,nm1 15 t(i) = -d(i+1)*t(i) return end subroutine tinvm (nn,nsize,d,t) c c ... tinvm computes an approximate inverse to multiple tridiagonal c symmetric matrices. d and t must contain upon input the c output from a factorization routine. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c nsize size of a single subsystem c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorization c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(nsize,1), t(nsize,1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 nsys = n/nsize nsm1 = nsize - 1 c do 20 i = nsm1,1,-1 do 15 l = 1,nsys 15 d(i,l) = d(i,l) + t(i,l)*t(i,l)*d(i+1,l) 20 continue call vemxty (nm1,t,d(2,1),t) return end subroutine tinvn (nn,d,t,b) c c ... tinvn computes an approximate inverse to a single tridiagonal c nonsymmetric matrix. d, b, and t must contain upon c input the output from a factorization routine. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorization c b vector of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements of the factorization c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(1), b(1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 c do 10 i = nm1,1,-1 10 d(i) = d(i) + b(i)*t(i)*d(i+1) do 20 i = 1,nm1 t(i) = -d(i+1)*t(i) b(i) = -d(i+1)*b(i) 20 continue return end subroutine tinvnm (nn,nsize,d,t,b) c c ... tinvnm computes an approximate inverse to multiple tridiagonal c nonsymmetric matrices. d, t, and b must contain upon c input the output from a factorization routine. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system (= nn) c nsize size of a single subsystem c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorization c b vector of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements of the factorization c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(nsize,1), t(nsize,1), b(nsize,1) c n = nn nm1 = n - 1 nsys = n/nsize nsm1 = nsize - 1 c do 20 i = nsm1,1,-1 do 15 l = 1,nsys 15 d(i,l) = d(i,l) + b(i,l)*t(i,l)*d(i+1,l) 20 continue call vemxty (nm1,t,d(2,1),t) call vemxty (nm1,b,d(2,1),b) return end subroutine tsoln (nn,d,t,b,y,x) c c ... tsoln solves the system ax = y for x, where a is a single c tridiagonal system. d, t, and b contain c the main diagonal, the first super-diagonal, and the first c sub-diagonal, respectively of the factorization. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization matrix c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorization c b vector of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements of the factorization c y the right-hand side c x the solution to ax = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(1), b(1), x(1), y(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call tfs (n,b,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = d(i)*x(i) call tbs (n,t,x) return end subroutine tsolnm (nn,nsize,d,t,b,y,x) c c ... tsolnm solves the system ax = y for x, where a contains c multiple tridiagonal systems. d, t, and b contain c the main diagonal, the first super-diagonal, and the first c sub-diagonal, respectively of the factorization. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of system c nsize size of an individual subsystem c d vector of length n containing the diagonal c elements of the factorization matrix c t vector of length n-1 containing the super- c diagonal elements of the factorization c b vector of length n-1 containing the sub- c diagonal elements of the factorization c y the right-hand side c x the solution to ax = y c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension d(1), t(1), b(1), x(1), y(1) c n = nn do 10 i = 1,n 10 x(i) = y(i) call tfsm (n,nsize,b,x) do 15 i = 1,n 15 x(i) = d(i)*x(i) call tbsm (n,nsize,t,x) return end subroutine tsum (nn,lda,ldb,ldc,ma,mbb,mc,mdd,incb,incc, a incdd,ja,jb,jc,jd,a,b,c,rows,cols,wksp, a icodee,omegaa) c c ... tsum computes the row and column sum of (c**t)*a*b restricted c ... to the sparsity pattern of jd. a is assumed to be symmetric. c c ... parameters -- c c n orders of arrays a,b,c,d c lda,ldb,ldc row dimensions of arrays a,b,c c ma,mb,mc,md columns (diagonals) in arrays a,b,c,d c incb,incc, offsets for diagonal numbers of b,c,d arrays c incd c ja,jb,jc,jd diagonal index arrays for a,b,c,d c a,b,c arrays of dimension n x (ma,mb,md) c rows row sum of d = (c**t)*a*b upon output c cols column sum of d upon output c wksp workspace array of length n c icode key c = 0 if c .ne. b c = 1 if c .eq. b c omega relaxation factor between 0 and 1 c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ja(1), jb(1), jc(1), jd(1) dimension a(lda,1), b(ldb,1), c(ldc,1), wksp(1), rows(1), cols(1) c n = nn mb = mbb md = mdd incd = incdd icode = icodee omega = omegaa do 95 lc = 1,mc i = jc(lc) - incc ia1 = max0 (1,i+1) ib1 = min0 (n,n+i) do 90 la = 1,ma j = ja(la) l1 = -i + j ia2 = max0 (ia1,1-l1) ib2 = min0 (ib1,n-l1) do 45 lb = 1,mb k = jb(lb) - incb l = l1 + k do 10 ld = 1,md if (jd(ld)-incd .eq. l) go to 15 10 continue go to 45 15 ist = max0 (ia2,1-l) ied = min0 (ib2,n-l) do 20 kk = ist,ied 20 wksp(kk-ist+1) = c(kk-i,lc)*a(kk-i,la)*b(kk+l1,lb) do 25 kk = ist,ied 25 rows(kk) = rows(kk) + omega*wksp(kk-ist+1) if (l .eq. 0 .or. icode .ne. 1) go to 35 do 30 kk = ist,ied 30 rows(kk+l) = rows(kk+l) + omega*wksp(kk-ist+1) 35 if (icode .eq. 1) go to 45 do 40 kk = ist,ied 40 cols(kk+l) = cols(kk+l) + omega*wksp(kk-ist+1) 45 continue if (j .eq. 0) go to 90 l1 = -i - j ia2 = max0 (ia1,1-l1) ib2 = min0 (ib1,n-l1) do 85 lb = 1,mb k = jb(lb) - incb l = l1 + k do 50 ld = 1,md if (jd(ld)-incd .eq. l) go to 55 50 continue go to 85 55 ist = max0 (ia2,1-l) ied = min0 (ib2,n-l) do 60 kk = ist,ied 60 wksp(kk-ist+1) = c(kk-i,lc)*a(kk+l1,la)*b(kk+l1,lb) do 65 kk = ist,ied 65 rows(kk) = rows(kk) + omega*wksp(kk-ist+1) if (l .eq. 0 .or. icode .ne. 1) go to 75 do 70 kk = ist,ied 70 rows(kk+l) = rows(kk+l) + omega*wksp(kk-ist+1) 75 if (icode .eq. 1) go to 85 do 80 kk = ist,ied 80 cols(kk+l) = cols(kk+l) + omega*wksp(kk-ist+1) 85 continue 90 continue 95 continue return end subroutine tsumn (nn,np,nq,lda,ldb,ldc,ldj,ma,mb,mc,md, a incb,incc,incd,ja,jb,jc,jd,a,b,c, a rows,omega) c c ... tsumn computes the row sum of c*a*b restricted c ... to the sparsity pattern of jd. c c c is np x nn b is nn x nq c a is nn x nn d is np x nq c c ... definition of parameters -- c c nn,np,nq orders of arrays c lda,ldb,ldc row dimensions of arrays a,b,c c ldj row dimension of ja,jb,jc,jd vectors c ma,mb,mc,md columns (diagonals) in arrays a,b,c,d c incb,incc, offsets for diagonal numbers of b,c,d arrays c incd c ja,jb,jc,jd diagonal index arrays for a,b,c,d c a,b,c arrays of dimension n x (ma,mb,md) c rows row sum of d = c*a*b upon output c omega relaxation factor between 0 and 1 c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ja(ldj,1), jb(ldj,1), jc(ldj,1), jd(ldj,1) dimension a(lda,1), b(ldb,1), c(ldc,1), rows(1) c n = nn do 40 lc = 1,mc i = jc(1,lc) - incc ia1 = max0 (1,1-i) ib1 = min0 (np,n-i) do 35 la = 1,ma j = ja(1,la) l1 = i + j ia2 = max0 (ia1,1-l1) ib2 = min0 (ib1,n-l1) do 30 lb = 1,mb k = jb(1,lb) - incb l = l1 + k do 15 ld = 1,md if (jd(1,ld)-incd .eq. l) go to 20 15 continue go to 30 20 ist = max0 (ia2,1-l) ied = min0 (ib2,nq-l) do 25 m = ist,ied 25 rows(m) = rows(m) + omega*c(m,lc)*a(m+i,la)*b(m+l1,lb) 30 continue 35 continue 40 continue return end subroutine t1prod (lda,ldb,ldc,ldd,ldj,nn,np,nq,ma,mb,mc,md, a incb,incc,incd,ja,jb,jc,jd,a,b,c,d) c c ... t1prod computes d = d - c*a*b c ... c ... but restricted to the sparsity pattern of d. a is assumed to c ... be in nonsymmetric storage mode. c c c is np x nn b is nn x nq c a is nn x nn d is np x nq c c ... definition of parameters -- c c lda,ldb, row dimension of arrays a,b,c,d c ldc,ldd c ldj row dimension of arrays ja,jb,jc,jd c nn,np,nq orders of arrays c ma,mb,mc,md columns (diagonals) in arrays a,b,c,d c incb,incc, offsets for diagonal numbers of b,c,d arrays c incd c ja,jb,jc,jd diagonal index arrays for a,b,c,d c a,b,c,d arrays of dimension n x (ma,mb,mc, or md) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ja(ldj,1), jb(ldj,1), jc(ldj,1), jd(ldj,1) dimension a(lda,1), b(ldb,1), c(ldc,1), d(ldd,1) c n = nn do 40 lc = 1,mc i = jc(1,lc) - incc ia1 = max0 (1,1-i) ib1 = min0 (np,n-i) do 35 la = 1,ma j = ja(1,la) l1 = i + j ia2 = max0 (ia1,1-l1) ib2 = min0 (ib1,n-l1) do 30 lb = 1,mb k = jb(1,lb) - incb l = l1 + k do 15 ld = 1,md if (jd(1,ld)-incd .eq. l) go to 20 15 continue go to 30 20 ist = max0 (ia2,1-l) ied = min0 (ib2,nq-l) do 25 m = ist,ied 25 d(m,ld) = d(m,ld) - c(m,lc)*a(m+i,la)*b(m+l1,lb) 30 continue 35 continue 40 continue return end subroutine t2prod (nn,nda,ndb,ndc,ndd,ma,mbb,mc,mdd,incb,incc, a incd,ja,jb,jc,jd,a,b,c,d) c c ... t2prod computes d = d - (c**t)*a*b restricted to the c ... sparsity pattern of d. a is assumed to be symmetric. c c ... parameters -- c c n orders of arrays a,b,c,d c nda,ndb,ndc, row dimensions of arrays a,b,c,d c ndd c ma,mb,mc,md columns (diagonals) in arrays a,b,c,d c incb,incc, offsets for diagonal numbers of b,c,d arrays c incd c ja,jb,jc,jd diagonal index arrays for a,b,c,d c a,b,c,d arrays of dimension n x (ma,mb,mc, or md) c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ja(1), jb(1), jc(1), jd(1) dimension a(nda,1), b(ndb,1), c(ndc,1), d(ndd,1) c n = nn mb = mbb md = mdd do 65 lc = 1,mc i = jc(lc) - incc ia1 = max0 (1,i+1) ib1 = min0 (n,n+i) do 60 la = 1,ma j = ja(la) l1 = -i + j ia2 = max0 (ia1,1-l1) ib2 = min0 (ib1,n-l1) do 30 lb = 1,mb k = jb(lb) - incb l = l1 + k do 15 ld = 1,md if (jd(ld)-incd .eq. l) go to 20 15 continue go to 30 20 ist = max0 (ia2,1-l) ied = min0 (ib2,n-l) do 25 ir = ist,ied 25 d(ir,ld) = d(ir,ld) - c(ir-i,lc)*a(ir-i,la)*b(ir+l1,lb) 30 continue if (j .eq. 0) go to 60 l1 = -i - j ia2 = max0 (ia1,1-l1) ib2 = min0 (ib1,n-l1) do 55 lb = 1,mb k = jb(lb) - incb l = l1 + k do 40 ld = 1,md if (jd(ld)-incd .eq. l) go to 45 40 continue go to 55 45 ist = max0 (ia2,1-l) ied = min0 (ib2,n-l) do 50 ir = ist,ied 50 d(ir,ld) = d(ir,ld) - c(ir-i,lc)*a(ir+l1,la)*b(ir+l1,lb) 55 continue 60 continue 65 continue return end subroutine unpmdg (ndim,nn,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ncol,nc,p,ip, a maxd,maxnew,jcnew,wksp,iwksp,isym) c c ... unpmdg reverses the permutation done by pmdiag. it c permutates the matrix according to index vector ip. c the permuted matrix is stored in diagonal format. c c ... parameters -- c c ndim row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays c in defining routine c n order of system (active row size of coef and jcoef) c maxnz active column size of coef and jcoef c jcoef integer array of column numbers c coef real array of coefficients c ncolor number of colors in the permutation (= ncol) c nc integer vector of length ncolor giving the c number of nodes for each color c p permutation vector c ip inverse permuation vector c maxd active column size of permuted matrix c jcnew integer array of size ncolor*max(maxnew(i)) c giving the diagonal numbers for each color c wksp real workspace of length n c iwksp integer workspace of length 2*n c isym symmetric storage switch c = 0 symmetric storage c = 1 nonsymmetric storage c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2), nc(1), p(1), jcnew(ncol,1), maxnew(1), a iwksp(1), ip(1) dimension coef(ndim,1), wksp(1) c c n = nn ncolor = ncol c c ... set up pointer vector. c do 10 j = 1,maxnz jcol = jcoef(j) iwksp(n+jcol) = j 10 continue c c ... permute rows of matrix first. c do 15 j = 1,maxd do 12 i = 1,n 12 wksp(i) = coef(i,j) call vscatr (n,wksp,ip,coef(1,j)) 15 continue c c ... rearrange rows. c ist = 1 do 35 k = 1,ncolor ncc = nc(k) ied = ist + ncc - 1 lim = maxnew(k) do 30 i = ist,ied iip = ip(i) do 20 j = 2,maxd wksp(j) = coef(iip,j) coef(iip,j) = 0.0 20 continue do 25 j = 2,lim if (wksp(j) .eq. 0.0) go to 25 jcol = ip(i + jcnew(k,j)) - iip l = iwksp(n+jcol) coef(iip,l) = wksp(j) 25 continue 30 continue ist = ist + ncc 35 continue c c ... zero out lower triangular matrix if symmeteric storage used. c if (isym .ne. 0) return maxold = (maxnz + 1)/2 mp1 = maxold + 1 do 45 j = mp1,maxnz do 40 i = 1,n 40 coef(i,j) = 0.0 jcoef(j) = 0 45 continue maxnz = maxold return end subroutine uscal1 (nn,ndim,maxnzz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,ubar, a diag,work,iflag) c c ... uscal1 reverses the scaling done in routine scal1. diag must c contain upon input the output from scal1. c (purdue data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef array c jcoef integer matrix representation array c coef matrix representation array c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c ubar exact solution (optional) c diag vector of the same name from scal1 routine c work work array of length n (volatile) c iflag flag for ubar c = 0 do not unscale ubar c = 1 unscale ubar c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(ndim,1) dimension coef(ndim,1), rhs(1), u(1), diag(1), work(1), a ubar(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn maxnz = maxnzz c c ... unscale u and rhs arrays. c do 10 i = 1,n 10 u(i) = diag(i)*u(i) if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 20 do 15 i = 1,n 15 ubar(i) = diag(i)*ubar(i) 20 do 25 i = 1,n 25 diag(i) = 1.0/diag(i) do 30 i = 1,n 30 rhs(i) = diag(i)*rhs(i) c c ... unscale matrix. c if (keygs .eq. 2) go to 45 c c ... using gathers. c do 40 j = 1,maxnz call vgathr (n,diag,jcoef(1,j),work) do 35 i = 1,n 35 coef(i,j) = diag(i)*coef(i,j)*work(i) 40 continue return c c ... not using gathers. c 45 do 55 j = 1,maxnz do 50 i = 1,n 50 coef(i,j) = diag(i)*coef(i,j)*diag(jcoef(i,j)) 55 continue return end subroutine uscal2 (nn,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,ubar, a diag,iflag) c c ... uscal2 reverses the scaling done in routine scal2. diag must c contain upon input the output from scal2. c (diagonal data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix c ndim row dimension of coef array in defining routine c maxnz number of columns in coef array c jcoef integer matrix representation array c coef matrix representation array c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c ubar exact solution (optional) c diag vector of the same name from scal2 routine c iflag flag for ubar c = 0 do not unscale ubar c = 1 unscale ubar c c ... specifications for parameters c integer jcoef(2) dimension coef(ndim,1), rhs(1), u(1), diag(1), ubar(1) c c n = nn c c ... unscale u and rhs arrays. c do 10 i = 1,n 10 u(i) = diag(i)*u(i) if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 20 do 15 i = 1,n 15 ubar(i) = diag(i)*ubar(i) 20 do 25 i = 1,n 25 diag(i) = 1.0/diag(i) do 30 i = 1,n 30 rhs(i) = diag(i)*rhs(i) c c ... unscale matrix. c do 50 j = 1,maxnz ind = jcoef(j) len = n - iabs(ind) if (ind .lt. 0) go to 40 do 35 i = 1,len 35 coef(i,j) = diag(i)*coef(i,j)*diag(i+ind) go to 50 40 do 45 i = 1,len 45 coef(i-ind,j) = diag(i)*coef(i-ind,j)*diag(i-ind) 50 continue return end subroutine uscal3 (nn,nz,ia,ja,a,rhs,u,ubar,diag,work,iflag) c c ... uscal3 reverses the scaling done in routine scal3. diag must c contain upon input the output from scal3. c (sparse data structure) c c ... parameters -- c c n dimension of matrix c nz length of the vectors a, ia, and ja c a vector of matrix coefficients c ia vector of i values c ja vector of j values c rhs right hand side of matrix problem c u latest estimate of solution c ubar exact solution (optional) c diag vector of the same name from scal3 routine c work work array of length n (volatile) c iflag flag for ubar c = 0 do not unscale ubar c = 1 unscale ubar c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1), ja(1) dimension a(1), rhs(1), u(1), diag(1), work(1), a ubar(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn c c ... unscale u and rhs arrays. c do 10 i = 1,n 10 u(i) = diag(i)*u(i) if (iflag .eq. 0) go to 20 do 15 i = 1,n 15 ubar(i) = diag(i)*ubar(i) 20 do 25 i = 1,n 25 diag(i) = 1.0/diag(i) do 30 i = 1,n 30 rhs(i) = diag(i)*rhs(i) c c ... unscale matrix. c if (keygs .eq. 2) go to 50 c c ... using gathers. c ist = 1 35 ied = min0 (ist-1+n,nz) if (ied .lt. ist) return len = ied - ist + 1 call vgathr (len,diag,ia(ist),work) do 40 i = ist,ied 40 a(i) = a(i)*work(i-ist+1) call vgathr (len,diag,ja(ist),work) do 45 i = ist,ied 45 a(i) = a(i)*work(i-ist+1) ist = ied + 1 go to 35 c c ... not using gathers. c 50 do 55 i = 1,nz 55 a(i) = a(i)*diag(ia(i))*diag(ja(i)) return end subroutine vaddd (lda,ldja,nn,m,mdiagg,a,ja,y,x,jofff) c c ... vaddd computes y = y + a*x c c (diagonal storage) c c ... parameters -- c c lda leading dimension of a array c ldja leading dimension of ja array c n active row size of matrix c m active column size of matrix c mdiag number of diagonals in a c a array of matrix diagonals c ja array of matrix diagonal numbers c y,x vectors of length n c joff offset for diagonal numbers c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(lda,3), x(1), y(1) integer ja(ldja,3) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn mdiag = mdiagg joff = jofff if (mdiag .lt. 1) return if (keyzer .eq. 1) go to 20 do 15 j = 1,mdiag ind = ja(1,j) - joff ist = max0 (1,1-ind) ied = min0 (n,m-ind) do 10 i = ist,ied 10 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,j)*x(i+ind) 15 continue return c c ... unrolled version (requires memory to be zeroed out). c 20 l = mod (mdiag,4) if (l .eq. 0) go to 60 c c ... initial short computations c go to (25,35,45), l 25 do 30 i = 1,n 30 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,1)*x(i+ja(1,1)-joff) go to 55 35 do 40 i = 1,n 40 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,1)*x(i+ja(1,1)-joff) + a(i,2)*x(i+ja(1,2)-joff) go to 55 45 do 50 i = 1,n 50 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,1)*x(i+ja(1,1)-joff) + a(i,2)*x(i+ja(1,2)-joff) a + a(i,3)*x(i+ja(1,3)-joff) 55 if (mdiag .le. 4) return c c ... loop unrolling to a level of 4. c 60 lp1 = l + 1 do 70 j = lp1,mdiag,4 do 65 i = 1,n 65 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,j )*x(i+ja(1,j )-joff) a + a(i,j+1)*x(i+ja(1,j+1)-joff) a + a(i,j+2)*x(i+ja(1,j+2)-joff) a + a(i,j+3)*x(i+ja(1,j+3)-joff) 70 continue return end subroutine vadddt (lda,ldja,nn,m,mdiagg,a,ja,y,x,jofff) c c ... vadddt computes y = y + (a**t)*x c c (diagonal storage) c c ... parameters -- c c lda leading dimension of a array c ldja leading dimension of ja array c n active row size of matrix c m active column size of matrix c mdiag number of diagonals in a c a array of matrix diagonals c ja array of matrix diagonal numbers c y,x vectors of length n c joff offset for diagonal numbers c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(lda,3), x(1), y(1) integer ja(ldja,3) c n = nn mdiag = mdiagg joff = jofff if (mdiag .lt. 1) return do 15 j = 1,mdiag ind = ja(1,j) - joff ist = max0 (1,1-ind) ied = min0 (n,m-ind) do 10 i = ist,ied 10 y(i+ind) = y(i+ind) + a(i,j)*x(i) 15 continue return end subroutine vaddp (ndimr,ndimi,nn,mm,a,ja,y,x,wksp) c c ... vaddp does y = y + a*x (purdue format) c c ... parameters -- c c ndimr row dimension of a array c ndimi row dimension of ja array c n order of system c m number of columns in a and ja arrays c a real array of active size n by m c ja integer array of active size n by m c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c wksp workspace vector of length n (keygs = 1 only) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(ndimr,3), ja(ndimi,3), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn m = mm if (m .le. 0) return if (keygs .eq. 1) go to 100 c c ... implicit gathers. c l = mod (m,4) if (l .eq. 0) go to 45 c c ... initial short computations c go to (10,20,30), l 10 do 15 i = 1,n 15 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) go to 40 20 do 25 i = 1,n 25 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) + a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2)) go to 40 30 do 35 i = 1,n 35 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) + a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2)) a + a(i,3)*x(ja(i,3)) 40 if (m .le. 4) return c c ... loop unrolling to a level of 4. c 45 lp1 = l + 1 do 55 j = lp1,m,4 do 50 i = 1,n 50 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j)) + a(i,j+1)*x(ja(i,j+1)) a + a(i,j+2)*x(ja(i,j+2)) + a(i,j+3)*x(ja(i,j+3)) 55 continue return c c ... explicit gathers. c 100 do 110 j = 1,m call vgathr (n,x,ja(1,j),wksp) do 105 i = 1,n 105 y(i) = y(i) + a(i,j)*wksp(i) 110 continue return end subroutine vaddpt (ndimr,ndimi,n,m,a,ja,y,x,wksp) c c ... vaddpt does y = y + (a**t)*x (purdue format) c c ... parameters -- c c ndimr row dimension of a array c ndimi row dimension of ja array c n order of system c m number of columns in a and ja arrays c a real array of active size n by m c ja integer array of active size n by m c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c wksp workspace vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(ndimr,3), ja(ndimi,3), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c if (m .le. 0) return c do 20 j = 1,m do 15 i = 1,n y(ja(i,j)) = y(ja(i,j)) + a(i,j)*x(i) 15 continue 20 continue return end subroutine vadds (mm,np,ia,ja,a,y,x,wksp) c c ... vadds does y = y + a*x (sparse format) c c ... parameters -- c c m number of partitions c np partition pointers c ia vector of i values c ja vector of j values c a vector of coefficients c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c wksp workspace vector of length 2*n (keygs = 1 only) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension np(1), a(1), ia(1), ja(1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c m = mm if (m .le. 0) return if (keygs .eq. 1) go to 20 c c ... implicit gathers. c do 15 k = 1,m ist = np(k) ied = np(k+1) - 1 cdir$ ivdep do 10 i = ist,ied 10 y(ia(i)) = y(ia(i)) + a(i)*x(ja(i)) 15 continue return c c ... explicit gathers. c 20 do 30 k = 1,m ist = np(k) nel = np(k+1) - ist call vgathr (nel,x,ja(ist),wksp) call vgathr (nel,y,ia(ist),wksp(nel+1)) do 25 i = 1,nel 25 wksp(i) = wksp(nel+i) + a(ist+i-1)*wksp(i) call vscatr (nel,wksp,ia(ist),y) 30 continue return end subroutine vcopy (n,x,y) c c ... vcopy copies vector x to vector y. c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vectors c x,y vectors of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), y(1) c if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 y(i) = x(i) return end function vdot (n,x,y) c c ... vdot computes the dot product of vectors x and y. c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vectors c x,y vectors of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension x(1), y(1) c c vdot = 0.0 if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 vdot = vdot + x(i)*y(i) return end subroutine vexopy (nn,v,x,y,icode) c c ... vexopy computes v = x op y where v, x, and y are vectors c ... and op is one of the operations + - * / . c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vectors (= nn) c v,x,y vectors of length n c icode key indicating operation c = 1 for addition c = 2 for subtraction c = 3 for multiplication c = 4 for division c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(1), x(1), y(1) c n = nn if (n .le. 0) return go to (10,20,30,40), icode c c ... compute v = x + y c 10 do 15 i = 1,n 15 v(i) = x(i) + y(i) return c c ... compute v = x - y c 20 do 25 i = 1,n 25 v(i) = x(i) - y(i) return c c ... compute v = x * y c 30 do 35 i = 1,n 35 v(i) = x(i)*y(i) return c c ... compute v = x / y c 40 do 45 i = 1,n 45 v(i) = x(i)/y(i) return end subroutine vfill (n,v,val) c c vfill fills a vector, v, with a constant value, val. c c ... parameters -- c c n integer length of vector v c v vector c val constant that fills first n locations of v c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(n) c if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 v(i) = val return end subroutine vgathi (n,ja,ia,jb) c c ... vgathi gathers elements from array ja according to index c ... list ia and places them into consecutive locations in c ... array jb. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of arrays ia and jb c ja integer array of source elements c ia integer array of length n giving desired c elements of array ja c jb integer target array of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1), ja(1), jb(1) c if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 jb(i) = ja(ia(i)) c c205 jb(1;n) = q8vgathr (ja(1;n),ia(1;n);jb(1;n)) cray1 call gather (n,jb,ja,ia) c return end subroutine vgathr (n,a,ia,b) c c ... vgathr gathers elements from array a according to index c ... list ia and places them into consecutive locations in c ... array b. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of arrays ia and b c a array of source elements c ia integer array of length n giving desired c elements of array a c b target array of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1) dimension a(1), b(1) c if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 b(i) = a(ia(i)) c c205 b(1;n) = q8vgathr (a(1;n),ia(1;n);b(1;n)) cray1 call gather (n,b,a,ia) c return end subroutine vinv (nn,v) c c ... vinv computes v = 1/v c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vector (= nn) c v input/output vector of length n. c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(1) c n = nn if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 v(i) = 1.0 / v(i) return end function vmax (n,v) c c ... vmax determaxes the maximum algebraic element of vector v. c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vector c v real vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(1) c vmax = v(1) if (n .le. 1) return do 10 i = 2,n if (v(i) .gt. vmax) vmax = v(i) 10 continue c205 vmax = q8smax (v(1;n)) cray imax = ismax (n,v,1) cray vmax = v(imax) return end function vmin (n,v) c c ... vmin determines the minimum algebraic element of vector v. c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vector c v real vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(1) c vmin = v(1) if (n .le. 1) return do 10 i = 2,n if (v(i) .lt. vmin) vmin = v(i) 10 continue c205 vmin = q8smin (v(1;n)) cray imin = ismin (n,v,1) cray vmin = v(imin) return end subroutine vscati (n,ja,ia,jb) c c ... vscati scatters elements from consecutive locations in array c ... ja to positions in array jb according to index list ia. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of arrays ia and ja c ja integer array of source elements c ia integer array of length n giving new locations c in array jb. c jb integer target array c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1), ja(1), jb(1) c if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 jb(ia(i)) = ja(i) c c205 jb(1;n) = q8vscatr (ja(1;n),ia(1;n);jb(1;n)) cray1 call scatter (n,jb,ia,ja) c return end subroutine vscatr (n,a,ia,b) c c ... vscatr scatters elements from consecutive locations in array a c ... to positions in array b according to index list ia. c c ... parameters -- c c n order of arrays ia and a c a array of source elements c ia integer array of length n giving new locations c in array b c b target array c c ... specifications for parameters c integer ia(1) dimension a(1), b(1) c if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 b(ia(i)) = a(i) c c205 b(1;n) = q8vscatr (a(1;n),ia(1;n);b(1;n)) cray1 call scatter (n,b,ia,a) c return end subroutine vsubd (lda,ldja,nn,m,mdiagg,a,ja,y,x,jofff) c c ... vsubd computes y = y - a*x c c (diagonal storage) c c ... parameters -- c c lda leading dimension of a array c ldja leading dimension of ja array c n active row size of matrix c m active column size of matrix c mdiag number of diagonals in a c a array of matrix diagonals c ja array of matrix diagonal numbers c y,x vectors of length n c joff offset for diagonal numbers c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(lda,3), x(1), y(1) integer ja(ldja,3) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn mdiag = mdiagg joff = jofff if (mdiag .lt. 1) return if (keyzer .eq. 1) go to 20 do 15 j = 1,mdiag ind = ja(1,j) - joff ist = max0 (1,1-ind) ied = min0 (n,m-ind) do 10 i = ist,ied 10 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,j)*x(i+ind) 15 continue return c c ... unrolled version (requires memory to be zeroed out). c 20 l = mod (mdiag,4) if (l .eq. 0) go to 60 c c ... initial short computations c go to (25,35,45), l 25 do 30 i = 1,n 30 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,1)*x(i+ja(1,1)-joff) go to 55 35 do 40 i = 1,n 40 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,1)*x(i+ja(1,1)-joff) - a(i,2)*x(i+ja(1,2)-joff) go to 55 45 do 50 i = 1,n 50 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,1)*x(i+ja(1,1)-joff) - a(i,2)*x(i+ja(1,2)-joff) a - a(i,3)*x(i+ja(1,3)-joff) 55 if (mdiag .le. 4) return c c ... loop unrolling to a level of 4. c 60 lp1 = l + 1 do 70 j = lp1,mdiag,4 do 65 i = 1,n 65 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,j )*x(i+ja(1,j )-joff) a - a(i,j+1)*x(i+ja(1,j+1)-joff) a - a(i,j+2)*x(i+ja(1,j+2)-joff) a - a(i,j+3)*x(i+ja(1,j+3)-joff) 70 continue return end subroutine vsubdt (lda,ldja,nn,m,mdiagg,a,ja,y,x,jofff) c c ... vsubdt computes y = y - (a**t)*x c c (diagonal storage) c c ... parameters -- c c lda leading dimension of a array c ldja leading dimension of ja array c n active row size of matrix c m active column size of matrix c mdiag number of diagonals in a c a array of matrix diagonals c ja array of matrix diagonal numbers c y,x vectors of length n c joff offset for diagonal numbers c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(lda,3), x(1), y(1) integer ja(ldja,3) c n = nn mdiag = mdiagg joff = jofff if (mdiag .lt. 1) return do 15 j = 1,mdiag ind = ja(1,j) - joff ist = max0 (1,1-ind) ied = min0 (n,m-ind) do 10 i = ist,ied 10 y(i+ind) = y(i+ind) - a(i,j)*x(i) 15 continue return end subroutine vsubp (ndimr,ndimi,nn,mm,a,ja,y,x,wksp) c c ... vsubp does y = y - a*x (purdue format) c c ... parameters -- c c ndimr row dimension of a array c ndimi row dimension of ja array c n order of system c m number of columns in a and ja arrays c a real array of active size n by m c ja integer array of active size n by m c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c wksp workspace vector of length n (keygs = 1 only) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(ndimr,3), ja(ndimi,3), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c n = nn m = mm if (m .le. 0) return if (keygs .eq. 1) go to 100 c c ... implicit gathers. c l = mod (m,4) if (l .eq. 0) go to 45 c c ... initial short computations c go to (10,20,30), l 10 do 15 i = 1,n 15 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) go to 40 20 do 25 i = 1,n 25 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) - a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2)) go to 40 30 do 35 i = 1,n 35 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,1)*x(ja(i,1)) - a(i,2)*x(ja(i,2)) a - a(i,3)*x(ja(i,3)) 40 if (m .le. 4) return c c ... loop unrolling to a level of 4. c 45 lp1 = l + 1 do 55 j = lp1,m,4 do 50 i = 1,n 50 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,j)*x(ja(i,j)) - a(i,j+1)*x(ja(i,j+1)) a - a(i,j+2)*x(ja(i,j+2)) - a(i,j+3)*x(ja(i,j+3)) 55 continue return c c ... explicit gathers. c 100 do 110 j = 1,m call vgathr (n,x,ja(1,j),wksp) do 105 i = 1,n 105 y(i) = y(i) - a(i,j)*wksp(i) 110 continue return end subroutine vsubpt (ndimr,ndimi,n,m,a,ja,y,x,wksp) c c ... vsubpt does y = y - (a**t)*x (purdue format) c c ... parameters -- c c ndimr row dimension of a array c ndimi row dimension of ja array c n order of system c m number of columns in a and ja arrays c a real array of active size n by m c ja integer array of active size n by m c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c wksp workspace vector of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(ndimr,3), ja(ndimi,3), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c if (m .le. 0) return c do 20 j = 1,m do 15 i = 1,n y(ja(i,j)) = y(ja(i,j)) - a(i,j)*x(i) 15 continue 20 continue return end subroutine vsubs (mm,np,ia,ja,a,y,x,wksp) c c ... vsubs does y = y - a*x (sparse format) c c ... parameters -- c c m number of partitions c np partition pointers c ia vector of i values c ja vector of j values c a vector of coefficients c y accumulation vector c x right-hand-side vector c wksp workspace vector of length 2*n (keygs = 1 only) c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension np(1), a(1), ia(1), ja(1), x(1), y(1), wksp(1) c c *** begin -- package common c common / itcom4 / keygs, srelpr, keyzer c c *** end -- package common c m = mm if (m .le. 0) return if (keygs .eq. 1) go to 20 c c ... implicit gathers. c do 15 k = 1,m ist = np(k) ied = np(k+1) - 1 cdir$ ivdep do 10 i = ist,ied 10 y(ia(i)) = y(ia(i)) - a(i)*x(ja(i)) 15 continue return c c ... explicit gathers. c 20 do 30 k = 1,m ist = np(k) nel = np(k+1) - ist call vgathr (nel,x,ja(ist),wksp) call vgathr (nel,y,ia(ist),wksp(nel+1)) do 25 i = 1,nel 25 wksp(i) = wksp(nel+i) - a(ist+i-1)*wksp(i) call vscatr (nel,wksp,ia(ist),y) 30 continue return end subroutine vtriad (n,c,a,con,b,icode) c c ... vtriad computes c = a + con*b if icode = 1 c c = con*b if icode = 2 c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vectors c c,a,b vectors of length n c con multiplicative constant c icode switch c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension a(1), b(1), c(1) c if (n .le. 0) return if (icode .eq. 2) go to 15 c c ... compute c = a + con*b c do 10 i = 1,n 10 c(i) = a(i) + con*b(i) return c c ... compute c = con*b c 15 do 20 i = 1,n 20 c(i) = con*b(i) return end subroutine vsqrt (n,v,w) c c routine to compute square root of a matrix, w = sqrt(v) c dimension v(1), w(1) c do 1 i=1,n 1 w(i) = sqrt(v(i)) return end subroutine vifill (n, iv, ival) c c routine to fill an integer vector with a value. c integer iv(1) if (n .le. 0) return do 1 i=1,n 1 iv(i) = ival return end subroutine vicopy (n,iv1,iv2) c c routine to copy one integer vector to another. c integer iv1(1), iv2(1) if (n .le. 0) return do 1 i=1,n 1 iv2(i) = iv1(i) return end subroutine vemxty (nn,v,x,y) c c ... vemxty computes v = -x * y where v, x, and y are vectors c c ... parameters -- c c n length of vectors (= nn) c v,x,y vectors of length n c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension v(1), x(1), y(1) c n = nn if (n .le. 0) return do 10 i = 1,n 10 v(i) = -x(i)*y(i) return end subroutine vsrta1 (nz,ia,ja,a) c c imsl routine name - vsrta c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c purpose - sorting of the sparse data structure by c rows first and then by columns within c rows c c usage - call vsrta1 (nz,ia,ja,a) c c arguments ia - on input, ia contains the i values of c the array to be sorted. c on output, ia contains the i values of c the sorted array. c ja - on input, ja contains the j values of c the array to be sorted. c on output, ja contains the j values of c the sorted array. c a - on input, a contains the coefficients c of the array to be sorted. c on output, a contains the coefficients c of the sorted array. c nz - input variable containing the number of c elements in the array to be sorted. c c precision/hardware - single/all c c reqd. imsl routines - none required c c notation - information on special notation and c conventions is available in the manual c introduction or through imsl routine uhelp c c copyright - 1978 by imsl, inc. all rights reserved. c c warranty - imsl warrants only that imsl testing has been c applied to this code. no other warranty, c expressed or implied, is applicable. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c specifications for arguments integer ia(nz), ja(nz) dimension a(nz) c specifications for local variables integer iu(21),il(21) c logical lt, le, eq lt (i1,j1,i2,j2) = .or. (i1.eq.i2 .and. le (i1,j1,i2,j2) = .or. (i1.eq.i2 .and. j1.le.j2) eq (i1,j1,i2,j2) = i1.eq.i2 .and. j1.eq.j2 c c first executable statement m = 1 i = 1 j = nz r = 0.375 if (nz .le. 0) return 10 if (i .eq. j) go to 55 if (r .gt. 0.5898437) go to 20 r = r + 3.90625e-2 go to 25 20 r = r - 0.21875 25 k = i c select a central element of the c array and save it in location t ij = int ( float(i) + float(j-i)*r ) t = a(ij) it = ia(ij) jt = ja(ij) c if first element of array is greater c than t, interchange with t if ( le(ia(i),ja(i),it,jt) ) go to 30 ia(ij) = ia(i) ia(i) = it it = ia(ij) ja(ij) = ja(i) ja(i) = jt jt = ja(ij) a(ij) = a(i) a(i) = t t = a(ij) 30 l = j c if last element of array is less than c t, interchange with t if (.not. lt(ia(j),ja(j),it,jt) ) go to 40 ia(ij) = ia(j) ia(j) = it it = ia(ij) ja(ij) = ja(j) ja(j) = jt jt = ja(ij) a(ij) = a(j) a(j) = t t = a(ij) c if first element of array is greater c than t, interchange with t if ( le(ia(i),ja(i),it,jt) ) go to 40 ia(ij) = ia(i) ia(i) = it it = ia(ij) ja(ij) = ja(i) ja(i) = jt jt = ja(ij) a(ij) = a(i) a(i) = t t = a(ij) go to 40 35 if ( eq(ia(l),ja(l),ia(k),ja(k)) ) go to 40 itt = ia(l) ia(l) = ia(k) ia(k) = itt jtt = ja(l) ja(l) = ja(k) ja(k) = jtt tt = a(l) a(l) = a(k) a(k) = tt c find an element in the second half of c the array which is smaller than t 40 l = l - 1 if (.not. le (ia(l),ja(l),it,jt) ) go to 40 c find an element in the first half of c the array which is greater than t 45 k = k + 1 if ( lt (ia(k),ja(k),it,jt) ) go to 45 c interchange these elements if (k .le. l) go to 35 c save upper and lower subscripts of c the array yet to be sorted if (l-i .le. j-k) go to 50 il(m) = i iu(m) = l i = k m = m + 1 go to 60 50 il(m) = k iu(m) = j j = l m = m + 1 go to 60 c begin again on another portion of c the unsorted array 55 m = m - 1 if (m .eq. 0) return i = il(m) j = iu(m) 60 if (j-i .ge. 11) go to 25 if (i .eq. 1) go to 10 i = i - 1 65 i = i + 1 if (i .eq. j) go to 55 it = ia(i+1) jt = ja(i+1) t = a(i+1) if ( le (ia(i),ja(i),it,jt) ) go to 65 k = i 70 ia(k+1) = ia(k) ja(k+1) = ja(k) a(k+1) = a(k) k = k - 1 if ( lt (it,jt,ia(k),ja(k)) ) go to 70 ia(k+1) = it ja(k+1) = jt a(k+1) = t go to 65 end subroutine zbrent (n,tri,eps,nsig,aa,bb,maxfnn,ier) c modified imsl routine name - zbrent c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c computer - cdc/single c c latest revision - january 1, 1978 c c purpose - zero of a function which changes sign in a c given interval (brent algorithm) c c usage - call zbrent (f,eps,nsig,a,b,maxfn,ier) c c arguments tri - a tridiagonal matrix of order n c eps - first convergence criterion (input). a root, c b, is accepted if abs(f(b)) is less than or c equal to eps. eps may be set to zero. c nsig - second convergence criterion (input). a root, c b, is accepted if the current approximation c agrees with the true solution to nsig c significant digits. c a,b - on input, the user must supply two points, a c and b, such that f(a) and f(b) are opposite c in sign. (= aa, bb) c on output, both a and b are altered. b c will contain the best approximation to the c root of f. see remark 1. c maxfn - on input, maxfn should contain an upper bound c on the number of function evaluations c required for convergence. on output, maxfn c will contain the actual number of function c evaluations used. (= maxfnn) c ier - error parameter. (output) c terminal error c ier = 3 indicates the algorithm failed to c converge in maxfn evaluations. c ier = 4 indicates f(a) and f(b) have the c same sign. c c precision/hardware - single and double/h32 c - single/h36,h48,h60 c c c notation - information on special notation and c conventions is available in the manual c introduction or through imsl routine uhelp c c remarks 1. let f(x) be the characteristic function of the matrix c tri evaluated at x. function determ evaluates f(x). c on exit from zbrent, when ier=0, a and b satisfy the c following, c f(a)*f(b) .le. 0, c abs(f(b)) .le. abs(f(a)), and c either abs(f(b)) .le. eps or c abs(a-b) .le. max(abs(b),0.1)*10.0**(-nsig). c the presence of 0.1 in this error criterion causes c leading zeroes to the right of the decimal point to be c counted as significant digits. scaling may be required c in order to accurately determine a zero of small c magnitude. c 2. zbrent is guaranteed to reach convergence within c k = (alog((b-a)/d)+1.0)**2 function evaluations where c d=min(over x in (a,b) of c max(abs(x),0.1)*10.0**(-nsig)). c this is an upper bound on the number of evaluations. c rarely does the actual number of evaluations used by c zbrent exceed sqrt(k). d can be computed as follows, c p = min (abs(a),abs(b)) c p = max (0.1,p) c if ((a-0.1)*(b-0.1).lt.0.0) p = 0.1 c d = p*10.0**(-nsig) c c copyright - 1977 by imsl, inc. all rights reserved. c c warranty - imsl warrants only that imsl testing has been c applied to this code. no other warranty, c expressed or implied, is applicable. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ... specifications for parameters c dimension tri(2,1) c c c ... local package references -- c c determ c first executable statement a = aa b = bb maxfn = maxfnn t = 0.1**nsig ic = 2 fa = determ(n,tri,a) fb = determ(n,tri,b) s = b c test for same sign if (fa*fb .gt. 0.0) go to 50 5 c = a fc = fa d = b - c e = d 10 if (abs (fc) .ge. abs (fb)) go to 15 a = b b = c c = a fa = fb fb = fc fc = fa 15 continue tol = t * amax1 (abs (b),0.1) rm = (c - b)/2.0 c test for first convergence criteria if (abs (fb) .le. eps) go to 40 c test for second convergence criteria if (abs (c-b) .le. tol) go to 40 c check evaluation counter if (ic .ge. maxfn) go to 45 c is bisection forced if (abs (e) .lt. tol) go to 30 if (abs (fa) .le. abs (fb)) go to 30 s = fb/fa if (a .ne. c) go to 20 c linear interpolation p = (c - b)*s q = 1.0 - s go to 25 c inverse quadratic interpolation 20 q = fa/fc r = fb/fc rone = r - 1.0 p = s*((c - b)*q*(q - r) - (b - a)*rone) q = (q - 1.0)*rone*(s - 1.0) 25 if (p .gt. 0.0) q = -q if (p .lt. 0.0) p = -p s = e e = d c if abs(p/q).ge.75*abs(c-b) then c force bisection if (p + p .ge. 3.0*rm*q) go to 30 c if abs(p/q).ge..5*abs(s) then force c bisection. s = the value of p/q c on the step before the last one if (p + p .ge. abs (s*q)) go to 30 d = p/q go to 35 c bisection 30 e = rm d = e c increment b 35 a = b fa = fb temp = d if (abs (temp) .le. tol/2.0) temp = sign (tol/2.0,rm) b = b + temp s = b fb = determ(n,tri,s) ic = ic + 1 if (fb*fc .le. 0.0) go to 10 go to 5 c convergence of b 40 a = c maxfn = ic go to 9000 c maxfn evaluations 45 ier = 3 a = c maxfn = ic call ershow (ier,'zbrent') go to 9000 c terminal error - f(a) and f(b) have c the same sign 50 ier = 4 maxfn = ic call ershow (ier,'zbrent') 9000 continue aa = a bb = b maxfnn = maxfn return end