
Click here to see the number of accesses to this library.

file	descr.deck
for	description of sorts of a multi-precision arithmetic in Fortran

file	istkgt.f
for	stack allocation routines for the multi-precision arithmetic package

file	mcsupport.f
for	multi-precision complex arithmetic in a meta-Fortran

file	mcsupport.aug
for	multi-precision complex artihmetic using bmp routines

file	mp.f
for	multi-precision arithmetic in Fortran
size	237 kB

file	msupport.f
for	multi-precision mathematical functions using bmp routines

file	msupport2.f
for	multi-precision arithmetic auxillary routines in a meta-Fortran

file	msupport2.aug
for	auxillary routines for (mp)

file	seterr.f
for	error handling routines

file	test1.f
for	a test code for the multi-precision arithmetic package

file	test2.f
for	a test code for the multi-precision arithmetic package

file	guide
for	user's guide