BLACS Errata

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Necessary flags for compiling the BLACS tester with g77

The BLACS tester uses a large array in order to simulate dynamic memory. It passes this array to routines that accept it as an array of differing data types. G77 has upgraded this, in some cases, from warning to error. In order to tell g77 to allow this behavior, change BLACS/TESTING/Makefile line 39 from:
        $(F77) $(F77NO_OPTFLAGS) -c $*.f
        $(F77) $(F77NO_OPTFLAGS) -fno-globals -fno-f90 -fugly-complex -w -c $*.f

Flags necessary to compile the BLACS tester with Intel's Fortran compiler

If you are compiling it with Intel's Fortran compiler, the tester will hang in determining epsilon unless you add -fp_port to F77NO_OPTFLAGS in your file.


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New TRANSCOMM settings available in patch

MPI-2 provides a standard way to translate communicators between C and Fortran77. If your MPI implements these routines, set TRANSCOMM to -DUseMpi2. We have reports that the newer versions of LAM-MPI use this setting.

Error in most MPI implementations of MPI_Abort.

This error last confirmed in MPICH 1.0.13 and MPICH 1.1. MPI_Abort does not kill any other processes at all, but seems to behave pretty much like calling a local exit(). This will cause the BLACS tester to hang on the BLACS_ABORT test in the auxiliary test. Here is straight MPI code demonstrating the error:
#include "mpi.h"
main(int narg, char **args)
   int i, Iam, Np;

   MPI_Init(&narg, &args);
   MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Np);
   MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Iam);
   if (Iam == Np-1) MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2);

Problems compiling dwalltime00

There is a undiagnosed problem that causes some users' dwalltime00 routine to return bad values. It appears likely that there is a problem with macro name overruns, but errors in cpp or the code have not been ruled out. If you get bad return values from dwalltime00, overwrite BLACS/SRC/MPI/dwalltime00_.c with:
#include "Bdef.h"

double Cdwalltime00(void)
F_DOUBLE_FUNC dwalltime00_(void)

Sun f77 and gcc compiler mismatch.

User's of Sun's f77 compilers may need to throw the -f flag to force 8-byte double precision scalar alignment, which gcc-compiled BLACS expect. Therefore, add -f to the NOPT macro in and to the F77NO_OPTFLAGS in NOTE: this is an old entry, and my no longer be needed.

T3E MPI error in handling zero-length segments

mpt. couldn't handle 0-length segments used with MPI_Type_indexed. To work around this problem, throw the T3ETrError flag in your of patched MPIBLACS (as shown in the example Bmake.T3E supplied with the patch). NOTE: this is an old entry, and my no longer be needed.

T3E MPI error in handling mixed types

mpt. couldn't handle certain reductions where you mix types iwth a MPI data type. To work around this problem, apply the patch and throw the T3EReductErr flag in your (as shown in the example Bmake.T3E supplied with the patch). NOTE: this is an old entry, and my no longer be needed.


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PVM3.3.11 SUNMP broken.

I have no idea if this has been fixed or not. With PVM 3.3.11, your best bet was to rig your PVM_ARCH so that it things it is a SUN4SOL2.

Include file scoping problem.

This appears to be a compiler problem with including files within the brackets of a routine. Must include system files before starting scope of the routine. Therefore, in BLACS/SRC/PVM/blacs_setup_.c, move line:
#include "string.h"
to second line of file (ie., after #include "Bdef.h").

SGI5 compiler does not rename.

The compiler does not accept the -o (renaming option) if optimization is turned on. This breaks the compilation of the C interface. Bmake.PVM-SGI5 defaults to using gcc. If you can't use gcc, you may be able to do a workaround like the following in BLACS/SRC/PVM/Makefile: Line 166 of original Makefile:
        $(CC) -c $(CCFLAGS) -o C$*.o $(BLACSDEFS) -DCallFromC $<
        mv C$*.o $*.C
SGI error workaround:
        ln -s $*.c C$*.c
        $(CC) -c $(CCFLAGS) $(BLACSDEFS) -DCallFromC C$*.c
        mv C$*.o $*.C
        rm -f C$*.c


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MP_BRECV ordering error

It appears that MP_BRECV requires that messages be received in the order they were sent, even if all messages have been successfully sent. IBM has reported that this is not an error, but rather perhaps an oversight in documentation. MPL does not support receiving messages any any order except that which they are sent. Here is a small routine showing the problem:
      program tst
      integer k, iam, Np, ictxt, i, j

      call mpc_environ(Np, Iam);
      k = Iam + 100
      if (iam.eq.1) then
         call mp_send(Iam, 4, 0, 2, i)
         call mp_send(k,   4, 0, 3, j)
      else if (iam .eq. 0) then
         call mp_brecv(k, 4, 1, 3, j)
         call mp_brecv(k, 4, 1, 2, j)
      end if


When this is run, the output is:
xtst2 -procs 2
So both sends complete, but the receives still hang.


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Illegal copy in NXBLACS

The NXBLACS use a copy optimization which is, according to strict IEEE arithmetic rules, illegal. More precisely, doubles are sometimes used to copy floats or integers. At implementation time, the author tested all available NX platforms, found no errors, so put the optimization in even thought it was known to be illegal. Unfortunately, on more recent platforms (i.e., ASCI red with newest MPI) this causes problems. So, if you get mysterious errors in the tester, this may what's happening. To prevent the BLACS from applying this illegal optimization, delete the following lines in BLACS/SRC/NX/INTERNAL/mvcopy4.c:
   long iaddr;

   iaddr = (long) A;
 * If address is on a 8 byte boundary, and lda and m are evenly divisible by 2,
 * can use double sized pointers for faster packing
   if ( !(iaddr % 8) && !(lda % 2) && !(m % 2) )
      mvcopy8(m/2, n, (double *) A, lda/2, (double *) buff);
 * Otherwise, must use 4 byte packing

You also need to delete basically the same lines from BLACS/SRC/NX/INTERNAL/vmcopy4.c:

   long iaddr;

   iaddr = (long) A;

 * If address is on a 8 byte boundary, and lda and m are evenly divisible by 2,
 * can use double sized pointers for faster packing
   if ( !(iaddr % 8) && !(lda % 2) && !(m % 2) )
      vmcopy8(m/2, n, (double *) A, lda/2, (double *) buff);
 * Otherwise, must use 4 byte packing