
HPL_send Send a message.


#include "hpl.h"

int HPL_send( double * SBUF, int SCOUNT, int DEST, int STAG, MPI_Comm COMM );


HPL_send is a simple wrapper around MPI_Send. Its main purpose is to allow for some experimentation / tuning of this simple routine. Successful completion is indicated by the returned error code MPI_SUCCESS. In the case of messages of length less than or equal to zero, this function returns immediately.


SBUF    (local input)                 double *
        On entry, SBUF specifies the starting address of buffer to be
SCOUNT  (local input)                 int
        On entry,  SCOUNT  specifies  the number of  double precision
        entries in SBUF. SCOUNT must be at least zero.
DEST    (local input)                 int
        On entry, DEST specifies the rank of the receiving process in
        the communication space defined by COMM.
STAG    (local input)                 int
        On entry,  STAG specifies the message tag to be used for this
        communication operation.
COMM    (local input)                 MPI_Comm
        The MPI communicator identifying the communication space.

See Also

HPL_recv, HPL_sdrv.