
HPL_packL Form the MPI structure for the row ring broadcasts.


#include "hpl.h"

int HPL_packL( HPL_T_panel * PANEL, const int INDEX, const int LEN, const int IBUF );


HPL_packL forms the MPI data type for the panel to be broadcast. Successful completion is indicated by the returned error code MPI_SUCCESS.


PANEL   (input/output)                HPL_T_panel *
        On entry,  PANEL  points to the  current panel data structure
        being broadcast.
INDEX   (input)                       const int
        On entry,  INDEX  points  to  the  first entry of the  packed
        buffer being broadcast.
LEN     (input)                       const int
        On entry, LEN is the length of the packed buffer.
IBUF    (input)                       const int
        On entry, IBUF  specifies the panel buffer/count/type entries
        that should be initialized.

See Also

HPL_binit, HPL_bcast, HPL_bwait.