Date: Fri, 15 May 87 11:20:30 edt From: David Krowitz Subject: Here is part 1 of revised HPPLOT program #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # hpplot.pas # This archive created: Fri May 15 11:13:17 1987 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'hpplot.pas' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'hpplot.pas'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'hpplot.pas' {***************************************************************************** ***** ***** ***** HPPLOT.PAS ***** ***** ***** ***** Program to Translate GMR Vector Output Files into HP-GL Plotter ***** ***** Command Files that can be Spooled to the HP 7475A, HP 7550A ***** ***** and HP 7570A Plotters. ***** ***** Version 11 ***** ***** David M. Krowitz May 87, 1987. ***** ***** ***** ***** Copyright (c) 1987 ***** ***** David M. Krowitz ***** ***** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ***** ***** Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences ***** ***************************************************************************** } PROGRAM HPPLOT; %NOLIST; %INSERT '/sys/ins/base.ins.pas'; %INSERT '/sys/ins/ms.ins.pas'; %INSERT '/sys/ins/pgm.ins.pas'; %INSERT '/sys/ins/error.ins.pas'; %LIST; CONST {Program version number - should be same as in file header above} version_number = 11; {Definitions of some standard ascii control characters} nul = chr(0); {null character} etx = chr(3); {etx (control-C) character} bs = chr(8); {backspace (control-H)} tab = chr(9); {tab (control-I)} lf = chr(10); {line feed (control-J)} vt = chr(11); {vertical tab (control-K)} ff = chr(12); {form feed (control-L)} cr = chr(13); {carriage return (control-M)} sub = chr(26); {sub (control-Z)} esc = chr(27); {escape} rs = chr(30); {rs} {Hewlitt Packard 7475A Plotter Parameters} HP7475_A_minimum_x = 0; {minimum x-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7475_A_maximum_x = 10365; {maximum x-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7475_A_minimum_y = 0; {minimum y-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7475_A_maximum_y = 7962; {maximum y-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7475_B_minimum_x = 0; {minimum x-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7475_B_maximum_x = 16640; {maximum x-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7475_B_minimum_y = 0; {minimum y-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7475_B_maximum_y = 10365; {maximum y-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7475_plotter_units = 1016.0; {number of plotter units per inch (40 per mm.)} HP7475_number_pens = 6; {number of pen colors in pen carousel} {Hewlitt Packard 7550A Plotter Parameters} HP7550_A_minimum_x = 0; {minimum x-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7550_A_maximum_x = 10170; {maximum x-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7550_A_minimum_y = 0; {minimum y-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7550_A_maximum_y = 7840; {maximum y-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7550_B_minimum_x = 0; {minimum x-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7550_B_maximum_x = 16450; {maximum x-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7550_B_minimum_y = 0; {minimum y-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7550_B_maximum_y = 10170; {maximum y-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7550_plotter_units = 1016.0; {number of plotter units per inch (40 per mm.)} HP7550_number_pens = 8; {number of pen colors in pen carousel} {Hewlitt Packard 7570A Plotter Parameters} HP7570_C_minimum_x = -10576; {minimum x-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7570_C_maximum_x = 10576; {maximum x-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7570_C_minimum_y = -7556; {minimum y-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7570_C_maximum_y = 7556; {maximum y-axis plotting range, A size paper} HP7570_D_minimum_x = -16192; {minimum x-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7570_D_maximum_x = 16192; {maximum x-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7570_D_minimum_y = -10576; {minimum y-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7570_D_maximum_y = 10576; {maximum y-axis plotting range, B size paper} HP7570_plotter_units = 1016.0; {number of plotter units per inch (40 per mm.)} HP7570_number_pens = 8; {number of pen colors in pen carousel} {Some numerical constants} pi = 3.1415926; screen_width = 1024.0; {Width of B/W landscape screen} screen_height = 800.0; {Height of B/W landscape screen} screen_diagonal = SQRT(SQR(screen_width)+SQR(screen_height)); {Used to approximate text size} {Number of bytes requested to be mapped into memory from the GMR vector command file by the MS_$MAPL and MS_$REMAP routines.} mapsize = 8192; {Request 8K bytes at a time} TYPE HP_plotter_t = (HP7475,HP7550,HP7570); {Type of Hewlitt Packard Plotter for which the output is destined} file_name_t = packed array[1..80] of char; {Input and output file name types} xy_pair = packed RECORD x: pinteger; {x coordinate of pair} y: pinteger; {y coordinate of pair} END; signed_xy_pair = packed RECORD x: integer16; {x coordinate of pair} y: integer16; {y coordinate of pair} END; xy_pair_real = packed RECORD x: real; {x coordinate of pair} y: real; {y coordinate of pair} END; xy_point_array = array [1..254] of xy_pair; paper_t = packed RECORD x: integer32; {max. x coord of paper being used} y: integer32; {max. y coord of paper being used} min_x: integer32; {minimum x value of paper in plotter units} max_x: integer32; {maximum x value of paper in plotter units} min_y: integer32; {minimum y value of paper in plotter units} max_y: integer32; {maximum y value of paper in plotter units} END; {Pointer to the buffer of GMR vector commands mapped into memory by the MS_$MAPL and MS_$REMAP routines.} byte_ptr_t = ^byte_array; byte_array = array[0..(mapsize-1)] of char; {Pointer types for the data records used by the various GMR commands} polyline_ptr_t = ^polyline_location; polyline_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} pairs: pinteger; {number of (x,y) pairs} data: array[1..1024] of xy_pair; {up to 1024 (x,y) coordinate pairs allowed by GMR} END; rectangle_ptr_t = ^rectangle_location; rectangle_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} data: array[1..2] of xy_pair; {2 (x,y) coordinate pairs} END; circle_ptr_t = ^circle_location; circle_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} center: xy_pair; {(x,y) of circle center} radius: pinteger; {circle radius} END; curve_ptr_t = ^curve_location; curve_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} ctype: pinteger; {curve type} pairs: pinteger; {number of (x,y) pairs} parameters: pinteger; {number of curve parameters} data: xy_point_array; END; pixel_ptr_t = ^pixel_location; pixel_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} location: xy_pair; {text location} rotation: real; {text rotation} parameters: pinteger; {number of bytes of text} data: packed array[1..1012] of char END; draw_value_ptr_t = ^draw_value_location; draw_value_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} value: linteger; {draw value} END; draw_style_ptr_t = ^draw_style_location; draw_style_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} value: pinteger; {draw style} replication: pinteger; {replication factor} bit_count: pinteger; {# of bits in the pattern} data: array[1..4] of pinteger; {the bit pattern} END; draw_rasterop_ptr_t = ^draw_rasterop_location; draw_rasterop_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} operation: pinteger; {draw raster operation} END; plane_mask_ptr_t = ^plane_mask_location; plane_mask_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} mask: pinteger; {plane mask} END; fill_value_ptr_t = ^fill_value_location; fill_value_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} value: linteger; {fill value} END; fill_pattern_ptr_t =^fill_pattern_location; fill_pattern_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} scale: pinteger; {pattern scale} size: xy_pair; {# bits in each row and column} data: array[1..32] of linteger; END; text_value_ptr_t = ^text_value_location; text_value_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} value: linteger; {text value} END; text_size_ptr_t = ^text_size_location; text_size_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} size: pinteger; {text size} END; font_family_ptr_t = ^font_family_location; font_family_location = packed RECORD command: pinteger; {the GMR command} id: pinteger; {font family id number} END; VAR {Definitions of input and output files} gmr_file_name: file_name_t; {GMR input file} hp_file_name: file_name_t; {HP-GL output file} gmr_name_length: pinteger; {length of GMR_FILE_NAME} hp_name_length: pinteger; {length of HP_FILE_NAME} hpfile: TEXT; {HP-GL plotter file variable for output} tempfile: array[1..8] of TEXT; {temporary files for sorting commands into by pen color} {Defintions of variables for mapping the input file into memory} mapl_ptr: UNIV_PTR; {pointer to first byte returned by MS_$MAPL or MS_$REMAP} data_ptr: UNIV_PTR; {pointer to first byte of GMR command in buffer} bytes_mapped: linteger; {number of bytes actually read by MS_$MAPL or MS_$REMAP} bytes_used: linteger; {number of bytes actually used from current buffer} byte_count: linteger; {number of bytes read from command portion of the GMR file} bytes_total: linteger; {length of command portion of GMR file in bytes} byte_ptr: byte_ptr_t; {pointer for calculating offset of next GMR command in buffer} {Definitions of pointers to GMR commands mapped into memory by MS_$MAPL} polyline_ptr: polyline_ptr_t; rectangle_ptr: rectangle_ptr_t; circle_ptr: circle_ptr_t; curve_ptr: curve_ptr_t; pixel_ptr: pixel_ptr_t; draw_value_ptr: draw_value_ptr_t; draw_style_ptr: draw_style_ptr_t; draw_rasterop_ptr: draw_rasterop_ptr_t; plane_mask_ptr: plane_mask_ptr_t; fill_value_ptr: fill_value_ptr_t; fill_pattern_ptr: fill_pattern_ptr_t; text_value_ptr: text_value_ptr_t; text_size_ptr: text_size_ptr_t; {Defintions of global variables} i,j: pinteger; {counters} plotter_type: HP_plotter_t; {Which HP plotter (HP 7475A, HP 7550A, or HP 7570A)} number_pens: pinteger; {number of pens available in this plotter} plotter_units: real; {number of plotter units/inch for this plotter} plot_size: xy_pair; {dimensions of GMR vector file being plotted} paper_size: paper_t; {dimensions of paper in plotter units} rotate: pinteger; {Rotate plot by either 0 or 90 degrees} plot_area: xy_pair_real; {Desired size of plot in inches} plot_origin: xy_pair_real; {Desired origin of plot in inches (0.0,0.0) in lower left corner} plot_ok: boolean; {Flag for plot orgin and area fit on paper ok} outline_plot: boolean; {Flag for outlining plotting area} answer: char; {One character answer to questions} status: integer32; {status returned by OPEN calls} eof_flag: boolean; {TRUE when GMR End-Of-File command processed} eof_error_flag: boolean; {TRUE if attempted to read beyond end of GMR file} gmr_size: pinteger; {length of the GMR command in bytes} gmr_command: pinteger; {GMR command code} hpcommand: array[1..256] of char; {HP-GL command line being copied during pen-color sorting} penlocation: array[1..8] of xy_pair; {current pen location} lostpen: array[1..8] of boolean; {TRUE if current pen location is unknown} pencolor: pinteger; {current pen color for sorting commands by pen color} draw_value: linteger; {pen color for lines being drawn} fill_value: linteger; {pen color for filled areas} text_value: linteger; {pen color for pixel-text} text_size: pinteger; {size of text in display pixels (scaled by PLOT_SIZE)} {Definitions of counters for number of unimplemented GMR commands ignored.} user_primative_cnt: linteger; {Number of GMR user-defined-primative commands ignored} draw_raster_cnt: linteger; {Number of GMR draw-raster commands ignored} plane_mask_cnt: linteger; {Number of GMR plane-mask commands ignored} fill_background_cnt:linteger; {Number of GMR fill-background commands ignored} text_background_cnt:linteger; {Number of GMR text-background commands ignored} font_family_cnt: linteger; {Number of GMR font-family commands ignored} PROCEDURE READ_GMR_HEADER ( IN file_name: file_name_t; IN name_length: pinteger; OUT max_size: xy_pair ); TYPE header_pointer_t = ^header_location; header_location = packed RECORD command_size: linteger; {# of bytes in command portion of file} x_size: pinteger; {max. x-dimension of GMR plotting area} y_size: pinteger; {max. y-dimension of GMR plotting area} unused: packed array[1..24] of char; END; VAR header_ptr: header_pointer_t; {GMR vector file header of 32 bytes} status: status_$t; {status returned by MS_$MAPL} i,j: INTEGER; {counters} BEGIN {Read first 32 bytes of file and check for errors. Note that MAPL_PTR has a data-type of UNIV_PTR, and that it must be copied to another pointer-variable with a regular Pascal record data-type before any of the data can be referenced.} mapl_ptr := MS_$MAPL (file_name,name_length,0,32,MS_$NR_XOR_1W, MS_$R,FALSE,bytes_mapped,status); IF status.all <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** READ_GMR_HEADER: Error - bad file status returned reading GMR vector command file header ****'); PGM_$EXIT; END; header_ptr := mapl_ptr; {Set pointer so data can be accessed} max_size.x := header_ptr^.x_size; max_size.y := header_ptr^.y_size; bytes_total := header_ptr^.command_size; {Check that file header has a legal format.} j :=0; FOR i := 1 TO 24 DO j := j+ORD(header_ptr^.unused[i]); IF (j <> 0) OR (bytes_total = 0) OR (max_size.x =0) OR (max_size.y = 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** READ_GMR_HEADER: Error - bad file header format for GMR vector command file ****'); PGM_$EXIT; END; {Advise operating system on how we will be accessing this file. (We will be getting variable length records from the file in a sequential manner).} MS_$ADVICE (mapl_ptr,bytes_mapped,MS_$SEQUENTIAL,[],mapsize,status); IF status.all <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** READ_GMR_HEADER: Error - bad status while advising file access method ****'); PGM_$EXIT; END; byte_count := 0; {Haven't read any GMR commands yet} bytes_used := 32; {Used 32 bytes from header} byte_ptr := mapl_ptr; END; {End of Procedure READ_GMR_HEADER.} PROCEDURE CLOSE_GMR_FILE; VAR status: status_$t; {status returned by MS_$UNMAP} BEGIN MS_$UNMAP (mapl_ptr,bytes_mapped,status); IF status.all <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** CLOSE_GMR_FILE: Error - bad file status returned closing GMR file ****'); PGM_$EXIT; END; END; {End of Procedure CLOSE_GMR_FILE.} PROCEDURE CHECK_GMR_FILE ( IN file_name: file_name_t; IN name_length: pinteger; OUT open_status: INTEGER32 ); VAR status: status_$t; {status returned by MS_$MAPL} BEGIN {Try to map in the vector file to see if it exists.} mapl_ptr := MS_$MAPL (file_name,name_length,0,32,MS_$NR_XOR_1W, MS_$R,FALSE,bytes_mapped,status); open_status := status.all; MS_$UNMAP (mapl_ptr,bytes_mapped,status); END; {End of Procedure CHECK_GMR_FILE.} PROCEDURE READ_GMR_COMMAND ( OUT command: pinteger; OUT data_ptr: UNIV_PTR; OUT error_flag: BOOLEAN ); TYPE command_ptr_t = ^pinteger; VAR pairs: pinteger; {number of (x,y) pairs in command} parameters: pinteger; {number of parameters in command} bytes: pinteger; {number of bytes used by command} command_ptr: command_ptr_t; {16-bit integer GMR command} status: status_$t; {status returned by MS_$MAPL} BEGIN {Read in GMR vector command (a 16-bit integer) and a pointer to the command plus its corresponding parameters. We map a full 8192 bytes into memory at once, and pass a universal pointer to the data block back to the main program. The command type can then be used to determine which kind of pointer variable must be used to access the parameters in the data block.} {Make sure we have enough of the GMR command mapped into memory so that we can calculate the length of the complete command. The GMR pixel-text command requires that at least the first 12 bytes of the command be in memory in order to calculate the total length of the command (including the data portion of the command).} IF (bytes_used+12 > bytes_mapped) THEN BEGIN mapl_ptr := MS_$REMAP (mapl_ptr,byte_count+32,8192,bytes_mapped,status); IF status.all <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** READ_GMR_COMMAND: Error - bad file status returned reading GMR command ****'); WRITELN ('**** Reading byte: ',byte_count+32:10,' ****'); WRITELN ('**** Error code is: '); ERROR_$PRINT (status); WRITELN (''); PGM_$EXIT; END; bytes_used := 0; byte_ptr := mapl_ptr; END; data_ptr := ADDR(byte_ptr^[bytes_used]); {Set up universal pointer to start of current GMR command} command_ptr := data_ptr; {Set pointer so GMR command can be accessed} command := command_ptr^; {Get the GMR command type} CASE command OF {Compute the number of bytes in the GMR command} 16#0000: BEGIN {end of file} bytes := 2; END; 16#0020: BEGIN {polyline} polyline_ptr := data_ptr; pairs := polyline_ptr^.pairs; bytes := 4*(pairs+1); END; 16#0021: BEGIN {closed polyline} polyline_ptr := data_ptr; pairs := polyline_ptr^.pairs; bytes := 4*(pairs+1); END; 16#0022: BEGIN {filled polyline} polyline_ptr := data_ptr; pairs := polyline_ptr^.pairs; bytes := 4*(pairs+1); END; 16#0030: BEGIN {rectangle} bytes := 10; END; 16#0031: BEGIN {filled rectangle} bytes := 10; END; 16#0040: BEGIN {circle} bytes := 8; END; 16#0041: BEGIN {filled circle} bytes := 8; END; 16#0050: BEGIN {curve} curve_ptr := data_ptr; pairs := curve_ptr^.pairs; parameters := curve_ptr^.parameters; bytes := 8+4*(pairs+parameters); END; 16#0060: BEGIN {user-defined primative} curve_ptr := data_ptr; pairs := curve_ptr^.pairs; parameters := curve_ptr^.parameters; bytes := 8+4*(pairs+parameters); END; 16#0070: BEGIN {pixel text} pixel_ptr := data_ptr; parameters := pixel_ptr^.parameters; bytes := 12+parameters; IF ODD(parameters) THEN bytes := bytes+1; END; 16#0080: BEGIN {draw value} bytes := 6; END; 16#0081: BEGIN {draw style} bytes := 16; END; 16#0082: BEGIN {draw raster op} bytes := 4; END; 16#0083: BEGIN {plane mask} bytes := 4; END; 16#0090: BEGIN {fill value} bytes := 6; END; 16#0091: BEGIN {fill background value} bytes := 6; END; 16#0092: BEGIN {fill pattern} bytes := 136; END; 16#00A0: BEGIN {text value} bytes := 6; END; 16#00A1: BEGIN {text background value} bytes := 6; END; 16#00A2: BEGIN {text size} bytes := 4; END; 16#00A3: BEGIN {font family} bytes := 4; END; END; {If data for the GMR command is not already mapped into memory then remap the file into memory starting at the current GMR command.} IF (bytes_used+bytes > bytes_mapped) THEN BEGIN mapl_ptr := MS_$REMAP (mapl_ptr,byte_count+32,8192,bytes_mapped,status); IF status.all <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** READ_GMR_COMMAND: Error - bad file status returned reading GMR command ****'); WRITELN ('**** Reading byte: ',byte_count+32:10,' ****'); WRITELN ('**** Error code is: '); ERROR_$PRINT (status); WRITELN (''); PGM_$EXIT; END; bytes_used := 0; byte_ptr := mapl_ptr; data_ptr := ADDR(byte_ptr^[bytes_used]); END; {Update the buffer pointer counter (BYTES_USED) and the EOF error counter (BYTE_COUNT) and check if we have tried to read beyond the end of the data in the GMR vector command file.} bytes_used := bytes_used+bytes; byte_count := byte_count+bytes; IF (byte_count > bytes_total) THEN BEGIN error_flag := TRUE; END; END; {End of Procedure READ_GMR_COMMAND.} PROCEDURE INIT_HPGL_FILE ( IN GMR_plot_size: xy_pair; IN paper_size: paper_t; IN plot_area: xy_pair_real; IN plot_origin: xy_pair_real; IN rotation: pinteger; IN outline_area: boolean ); VAR p1: signed_xy_pair; {lower left corner of plotting area in HP units} p2: signed_xy_pair; {upper right corner of plotting area in HP units} BEGIN {Make certain that the plotter is set up correctly. Reset the plotter to its default status. Setup the plotter to automatically scale the GMR plotting units to fit in the default plotting area (ie. set (0,y_max) to P1 (lower left corner of paper) and set (x_max,0) to P2 (upper right corner of paper). Note that we have flipped the plot upside down. GMR has (0,0) in the lower left corner of the screen and (x_max,y_max) in the upper right corner. The HP plotter also has the same coordinate convention. *HOWEVER* WHEN GMR WRITES THE VECTOR OUTPUT FILE, IT FLIPS THE PLOT UPSIDE DOWN. APPARENTLY THIS IS DONE BECAUSE THE SAME GMR OUTPUT CALL ALSO DOES BITMAP OUTPUT COMPATIBLE WITH GPR AND THE GPR COORDINATE SYSTEM HAS (0,0) IN THE UPPER LEFT CORNER. "It's not a bug, it's a feature!".} WRITE (hpfile,'DF;'); {Init. the plotter status} WRITE (hpfile,'RO',rotation:1,';'); {Set rotation 0 or 90 degrees} p1.x := ROUND(plot_origin.x*plotter_units); {Set P1 and P2 to mark edges of plotting area} p1.y := ROUND(plot_origin.y*plotter_units); p2.x := ROUND((plot_area.x+plot_origin.x)*plotter_units); p2.y := ROUND((plot_area.y+plot_origin.y)*plotter_units); IF (rotation = 0.0) THEN BEGIN {Compensate for rotation and origin of plotter} p1.x := p1.x+paper_size.min_x; p1.y := p1.y+paper_size.min_y; p2.x := p2.x+paper_size.min_x; p2.y := p2.y+paper_size.min_y; END ELSE BEGIN p1.x := p1.x+paper_size.min_y; p1.y := p1.y+paper_size.min_x; p2.x := p2.x+paper_size.min_y; p2.y := p2.y+paper_size.min_x; END; {Draw outline around plotting area} IF outline_area = TRUE THEN BEGIN WRITE (hpfile,'IP',p1.x:1,',',p1.y:1,',',p2.x:1,',',p2.y:1,';'); WRITE (hpfile,'SP1;PU',p1.x:1,',',p1.y:1,';EA',p2.x:1,',',p2.y:1,';'); END; {Set scale factors and P2 so that plot will fit inside the box defined by the plotting area without distorting the shape of the plot as defined by the GMR plot size. Also note that the scale factors flip the y-axis to correct for the GMR coordinate system.} IF (plot_area.x/GMR_plot_size.x) > (plot_area.y/GMR_plot_size.y) THEN BEGIN p2.x := p1.x+ROUND(plot_area.y*plotter_units*GMR_plot_size.x/GMR_plot_size.y); END ELSE BEGIN p2.y := p1.y+ROUND(plot_area.x*plotter_units*GMR_plot_size.y/GMR_plot_size.x); END; {Move P1 and P2 to actual edges of plot} WRITE (hpfile,'IP',p1.x:1,',',p1.y:1,',',p2.x:1,',',p2.y:1,';'); WRITELN (hpfile,'SC0,',GMR_plot_size.x:1,',',GMR_plot_size.y:1,',0;'); END; {End of Procedure INIT_HPGL_FILE.} PROCEDURE WRITE_HPGL_COMMAND ( IN command: pinteger; IN data_ptr: UNIV_PTR ); VAR i: pinteger; {counter} width: real; {width of pixel text characters} height: real; {height of pixel text characters} line_len: real; {length of dashed lines for draw-style (percentage of screen diagonal)} solid_len: pinteger; {length of soild portion of dashed line (pixels)} blank_len: pinteger; {length of blank portion of dashed line (pixels)} rep_factor: pinteger; {replication factor for each bit in patterned lines} pattern_len: pinteger; {length of patterned line (pixels)} arc_center: xy_pair; {center of 3-point arc for curve command} arc_angle: pinteger; {angle of arc length for curve command (degrees)} PROCEDURE move_pen_to ( IN location: xy_pair ); BEGIN IF (location.x <> penlocation[pencolor].x) OR (location.y <> penlocation[pencolor].y) OR (lostpen[pencolor]) THEN BEGIN WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PU',location.x:1,',', location.y:1,';'); END; penlocation[pencolor].x := location.x; penlocation[pencolor].y := location.y; lostpen[pencolor] := FALSE; END; {End of procedure MOVE_PEN_TO.} PROCEDURE leave_pen_at ( IN location: xy_pair ); BEGIN penlocation[pencolor].x := location.x; penlocation[pencolor].y := location.y; END; {End of procedure LEAVE_PEN_AT.} PROCEDURE lost_pen_position; BEGIN lostpen[pencolor] := TRUE; END; {End of procedure LOST_PEN_POSITION.} FUNCTION set_pencolor ( IN gmr_color_value: linteger ): INTEGER; BEGIN IF (gmr_color_value = 0) THEN BEGIN set_pencolor := number_pens; END ELSE BEGIN set_pencolor := ((gmr_color_value-1) mod number_pens)+1; END; END; {End of function SET_PENCOLOR.} FUNCTION float ( IN value: pinteger ): REAL; {Return a floating-point value from a non-negative 16-bit integer.} BEGIN float := value; END; {End of function FLOAT.} FUNCTION atan2 ( IN x: REAL; IN y: REAL ): REAL; {Caculate the arc whose tangent is Y/X, returning a value in the range 0 to 2*PI. The Pascal function ARCTAN returns a value in the range -PI/2 to +PI/2.} BEGIN {Check for division by 0 before computing the tangent.} IF x = 0.0 THEN IF y > 0.0 THEN atan2 := pi/2.0 ELSE atan2 := pi*3.0/2.0 ELSE IF (x > 0.0) AND (y >= 0.0) THEN atan2 := ARCTAN(y/x) ELSE IF (x < 0.0) AND (y >= 0.0) THEN atan2 := ARCTAN(y/x)+pi ELSE IF (x < 0.0) AND (y < 0.0) THEN atan2 := ARCTAN(y/x)+pi ELSE IF (x > 0.0) AND (y < 0.0) THEN atan2 := ARCTAN(y/x)+2*pi; END; {End of funtion ATAN2.} PROCEDURE find_arc_center ( IN points: xy_point_array; OUT center: xy_pair ); {Calculate the coordinates of the center of a circle given the (x,y) coordinates of three points on the circle. We do this by noting that the line which perpendicularly bisects any chord of the circle will pass through the center of the circle. We compute the lines y=a*x+b which connect the points on the circle (the chords defined by the 3 points), then we find the lines y=c*x+d which perpendicularly bisect the chords. The center of the circle is at the intersection of the bisecting lines.} VAR i: pinteger; {counter} a: array[1..2] of real; {slope of chords of the circle} b: array[1..2] of real; {y-axis intersection of chords of the circle} c: array[1..2] of real; {slope of bisecting lines of the chords} d: array[1..2] of real; {y-axis intersection of bisecting lines of the chords} x: array[1..3] of integer32; y: array[1..3] of integer32; {copies of the (x,y) points so can do full precision arithmetic (POINTS is an array of PINTEGER - only positive integers!)} BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO BEGIN x[i] := points[i].x; y[i] := points[i].y; END; {Compute lines y=a*x+b between points on the circle.} a[1] := (y[1]-y[2])/(x[1]-x[2]); b[1] := y[1]-a[1]*x[1]; a[2] := (y[2]-y[3])/(x[2]-x[3]); b[2] := y[2]-a[2]*x[2]; {Compute the perpendicular bisecting lines y=c*x+d.} c[1] := -1.0/a[1]; d[1] :=(y[1]+y[2])/2.0-c[1]*(x[1]+x[2])/2.0; c[2] := -1.0/a[2]; d[2] :=(y[2]+y[3])/2.0-c[2]*(x[2]+x[3])/2.0; {Compute intersection of the bisecting lines y=c*x+d.} center.x := ROUND((d[2]-d[1])/(c[1]-c[2])); center.y := ROUND(c[1]*center.x+d[1]); END; {End of procedure FIND_ARC_CENTER.} PROCEDURE evaluate_spline ( IN points: xy_point_array; IN n: pinteger ); VAR i,j: pinteger; dx: array[1..254] of real; dy: array[1..254] of real; ux: array[1..254] of real; uy: array[1..254] of real; wx: array[1..254] of real; wy: array[1..254] of real; px: array[1..254] of real; py: array[1..254] of real; t: real; spline_value_x: pinteger; spline_value_y: pinteger; BEGIN {Compute parametric cubic spline parameters, PX[I] and PY[I].} FOR i := 2 TO n-1 DO BEGIN dx[i] := 2*(float(i+1)-float(i-1)); END; FOR i := 1 TO n-1 DO BEGIN ux[i] := float(i+1)-float(i); END; FOR i := 2 TO n-1 DO BEGIN wx[i] := (float(points[i+1].x)-float(points[i].x))/ux[i] -(float(points[i].x)-float(points[i-1].x))/ux[i-1]; END; FOR i := 2 TO n-2 DO BEGIN wx[i+1] := wx[i+1]-wx[i]*ux[i]/dx[i]; dx[i+1] := dx[i+1]-ux[i]*ux[i]/dx[i]; END; px[1] := 0.0; px[n] := 0.0; FOR i := n-1 DOWNTO 2 DO BEGIN px[i] := (wx[i]-ux[i]*px[i+1])/dx[i]; END; FOR i := 2 TO n-1 DO BEGIN dy[i] := 2*(float(i+1)-float(i-1)); END; FOR i := 1 TO n-1 DO BEGIN uy[i] := float(i+1)-float(i); END; FOR i := 2 TO n-1 DO BEGIN wy[i] := (float(points[i+1].y)-float(points[i].y))/uy[i] -(float(points[i].y)-float(points[i-1].y))/uy[i-1]; END; FOR i := 2 TO n-2 DO BEGIN wy[i+1] := wy[i+1]-wy[i]*uy[i]/dy[i]; dy[i+1] := dy[i+1]-uy[i]*uy[i]/dy[i]; END; py[1] := 0.0; py[n] := 0.0; FOR i := n-1 DOWNTO 2 DO BEGIN py[i] := (wy[i]-uy[i]*py[i+1])/dy[i]; END; {Evaluate the spline at each spline point and at 9 points in between each pair of adjacent spline points.} move_pen_to (points[1]); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PD'); FOR i := 1 TO n-1 DO BEGIN FOR j := 1 TO 9 DO BEGIN t := 0.1*j; spline_value_x := ROUND(t*float(points[i+1].x)+(1-t)*float(points[i].x) +ux[i]*ux[i]*((t*t*t-t)*px[i+1]+((1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t)-(1-t))*px[i])); spline_value_y := ROUND(t*float(points[i+1].y)+(1-t)*float(points[i].y) +uy[i]*uy[i]*((t*t*t-t)*py[i+1]+((1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t)-(1-t))*py[i])); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],spline_value_x:1,',',spline_value_y:1,','); END; WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],points[i+1].x:1,',',points[i+1].y:1); IF i <> n-1 THEN WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],',') ELSE WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],';'); END; leave_pen_at (points[n]); END; {End of procedure EVALUATE_SPLINE.} {Start of main body of WRITE_HPGL_COMMAND.} BEGIN CASE command OF 16#0000: BEGIN {END-OF-FILE COMMAND} eof_flag := true; {Signal to close files} END; 16#0020: BEGIN {POLYLINE COMMAND} polyline_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(draw_value); move_pen_to(polyline_ptr^.data[1]); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PD',polyline_ptr^.data[2].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[2].y:1); IF polyline_ptr^.pairs > 2 THEN BEGIN FOR i := 3 to polyline_ptr^.pairs DO BEGIN WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],',',polyline_ptr^.data[i].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[i].y:1); END; END; WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],';'); leave_pen_at (polyline_ptr^.data[polyline_ptr^.pairs]); END; 16#0021: BEGIN {CLOSED POLYLINE COMMAND} polyline_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(draw_value); move_pen_to(polyline_ptr^.data[1]); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PD',polyline_ptr^.data[2].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[2].y:1); IF polyline_ptr^.pairs > 2 THEN BEGIN FOR i := 3 to polyline_ptr^.pairs DO BEGIN WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],',',polyline_ptr^.data[i].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[i].y:1); END; END; WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],',',polyline_ptr^.data[1].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[1].y:1,';'); leave_pen_at (polyline_ptr^.data[1]); END; 16#0022: BEGIN {FILLED POLYLINE COMMAND} polyline_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(fill_value); move_pen_to(polyline_ptr^.data[1]); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PM0;'); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PD',polyline_ptr^.data[2].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[2].y:1); FOR i := 3 to polyline_ptr^.pairs DO BEGIN WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],',',polyline_ptr^.data[i].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[i].y:1); END; WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],',',polyline_ptr^.data[1].x:1, ',',polyline_ptr^.data[1].y:1,';'); WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'PM2;FP;EP;'); leave_pen_at (polyline_ptr^.data[1]); END; 16#0030: BEGIN {RECTANGLE COMMAND} rectangle_ptr := data_ptr; {Note: can't use the HPGL command 'EA' to} pencolor := set_pencolor(draw_value); { just edge a rectangle - the 'LT' command} move_pen_to (rectangle_ptr^.data[1]); { used to set the draw-style doesn't work} WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'PD',rectangle_ptr^.data[2].x:1, { with the 'EA' command!!!} ',',rectangle_ptr^.data[1].y:1,',',rectangle_ptr^.data[2].x:1, ',',rectangle_ptr^.data[2].y:1,',',rectangle_ptr^.data[1].x:1, ',',rectangle_ptr^.data[2].y:1,',',rectangle_ptr^.data[1].x:1, ',',rectangle_ptr^.data[1].y:1,';'); leave_pen_at (rectangle_ptr^.data[1]); END; 16#0031: BEGIN {FILLED RECTANGLE COMMAND} rectangle_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(fill_value); move_pen_to (rectangle_ptr^.data[1]); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'RA',rectangle_ptr^.data[2].x:1, {Note: RA will define and fill the} ',',rectangle_ptr^.data[2].y:1,';'); { rectangle, EP will outline it. No WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'EP;'); { FP is needed to fill the outline.} leave_pen_at (rectangle_ptr^.data[1]); END; 16#0040: BEGIN {CIRCLE COMMAND} circle_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(draw_value); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PU',circle_ptr^.center.x:1, ',',circle_ptr^.center.y:1,';'); WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'CI',circle_ptr^.radius:1,',5;'); END; 16#0041: BEGIN {FILLED CIRCLE COMMAND} circle_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(fill_value); move_pen_to (circle_ptr^.center); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'PM0;'); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'CI',circle_ptr^.radius:1,',5;'); WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'PM2;FP;EP;'); leave_pen_at (circle_ptr^.center); END; 16#0050: BEGIN {CURVE COMMAND} curve_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(draw_value); CASE curve_ptr^.ctype OF 0: BEGIN evaluate_spline (curve_ptr^.data,curve_ptr^.pairs); END; 1: BEGIN find_arc_center(curve_ptr^.data,arc_center); arc_angle := ROUND(atan2((float(curve_ptr^.data[1].x)-float(arc_center.x)), (float(curve_ptr^.data[1].y)-float(arc_center.y))) *180.0/pi) -ROUND(atan2((float(curve_ptr^.data[3].x)-float(arc_center.x)), (float(curve_ptr^.data[3].y)-float(arc_center.y))) *180.0/pi); move_pen_to (curve_ptr^.data[1]); WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'PD;AA',arc_center.x:1,',', arc_center.y:1,',',arc_angle:1,';'); leave_pen_at (curve_ptr^.data[3]); END; END; END; 16#0060: BEGIN {USER-DEFINED PRIMATIVE COMMAND} IF (user_primative_cnt = 0) THEN BEGIN writeln ('GMR user-defined primative command not implemented'); END; user_primative_cnt := user_primative_cnt+1; END; 16#0070: BEGIN {PIXEL TEXT COMMAND} pixel_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(text_value); width := text_size/plot_size.x*100.0*0.55; {Calculate text size in terms of} height := text_size/plot_size.x*(plot_size.x/plot_size.y)*100.0*0.90; { percentage of maximum-x value.} move_pen_to (pixel_ptr^.location); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'SR',width:7:3, ',',height:7:3,';'); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'DR',COS(-(pixel_ptr^.rotation*pi/180.0)):7:5, ',',SIN(-(pixel_ptr^.rotation*pi/180.0)):7:5,';'); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'DT',etx,';'); WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],'LB'); FOR i := 1 TO pixel_ptr^.parameters DO BEGIN WRITE (tempfile[pencolor],pixel_ptr^.data[i]); END; WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],etx); lost_pen_position; {We have lost the current pen position during} { writing of text. Setup a new one.} END; 16#0080: BEGIN {DRAW VALUE COMMAND} draw_value_ptr := data_ptr; draw_value := draw_value_ptr^.value; END; 16#0081: BEGIN {DRAW STYLE COMMAND} pencolor := set_pencolor(draw_value); draw_style_ptr := data_ptr; CASE (draw_style_ptr^.value) OF 0: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT;'); {0 = solid line} 1: BEGIN solid_len := draw_style_ptr^.replication; blank_len := draw_style_ptr^.bit_count; line_len := (solid_len*2)/screen_diagonal*100.0; CASE plotter_type OF HP7475: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT2,',line_len:7:3,';'); HP7550: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT-2,',line_len:7:3,';'); HP7570: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT-2,',line_len:7:3,';'); END; END; 2: BEGIN rep_factor := draw_style_ptr^.replication; pattern_len := draw_style_ptr^.bit_count; line_len := pattern_len/screen_diagonal*100.0; CASE plotter_type OF HP7475: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT',((rep_factor mod 6)+1):1,',',line_len:7:3,';'); HP7550: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT',-((rep_factor mod 6)+1):1,',',line_len:7:3,';'); HP7570: WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'LT',-((rep_factor mod 6)+1):1,',',line_len:7:3,';'); END; END; END; END; 16#0082: BEGIN {DRAW RASTER OP COMMAND} IF (draw_raster_cnt = 0) THEN BEGIN writeln ('GMR draw raster op command not implemented'); END; draw_raster_cnt := draw_raster_cnt+1; END; 16#0083: BEGIN {PLANE MASK COMMAND} IF (plane_mask_cnt = 0) THEN BEGIN writeln ('GMR plane mask command not implemented'); END; plane_mask_cnt := plane_mask_cnt+1; END; 16#0090: BEGIN {FILL VALUE COMMAND} fill_value_ptr := data_ptr; fill_value := fill_value_ptr^.value; END; 16#0091: BEGIN {FILL BACKGROUND VALUE COMMAND} IF (fill_background_cnt = 0) THEN BEGIN writeln ('GMR fill background value command not implemented'); END; fill_background_cnt := fill_background_cnt+1; END; 16#0092: BEGIN {FILL PATTERN COMMAND} fill_pattern_ptr := data_ptr; pencolor := set_pencolor(fill_value); IF fill_pattern_ptr^.scale = 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'FT1;'); END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN (tempfile[pencolor],'FT', (((fill_pattern_ptr^.scale - 1) mod 4)+1):1, ',',ROUND((fill_pattern_ptr^.size.x/1024.0)*plot_size.x):1 ,',',fill_pattern_ptr^.size.y:1,';'); END; END; 16#00A0: BEGIN {TEXT VALUE COMMAND} text_value_ptr := data_ptr; text_value := text_value_ptr^.value; END; 16#00A1: BEGIN {TEXT BACKGROUND VALUE COMMAND} IF (text_background_cnt = 0) THEN BEGIN writeln ('GMR text background value command not implemented'); END; text_background_cnt := text_background_cnt+1; END; 16#00A2: BEGIN {TEXT SIZE COMMAND} text_size_ptr := data_ptr; text_size := text_size_ptr^.size; END; 16#00A3: BEGIN {FONT FAMILY COMMAND} IF (font_family_cnt = 0) THEN BEGIN writeln ('GMR font family command not implemented'); END; font_family_cnt := font_family_cnt+1; END; END; END; {End of Procedure WRITE_HPGL_COMMAND.} PROCEDURE CLOSE_HPGL_FILE; BEGIN {Make certain that the HP plotter is reset.} WRITE (hpfile,'RO0;'); {Reset coordinate rotation} WRITE (hpfile,'IP;'); {Reset P1 and P2 locations} WRITE (hpfile,'SP0;'); {Put pen away} WRITELN (hpfile,'DF;'); {Reset plotter status} CLOSE (hpfile); {Close the output file} END; {End of Procedure CLOSE_HPGL_FILE.} PROCEDURE CONVERT_TO_UPPERCASE ( IN OUT character: char ); BEGIN {Convert a single ascii character to uppercase} IF (character >= 'a') AND (character <= 'z') THEN BEGIN character := CHR(ORD(character)&16#DF); END; END; {End of Procedure CONVERT_TO_UPPERCASE.} BEGIN {Type initial greetings to user.} WRITELN ('This is HPPLOT Version ',version_number:-1,'.'); WRITELN; {Get the names of the input and output files and open the output file for writting the HP-GL plotter commands into it. The input file is an unstructured data object, and must be accessed with the MS_$MAPL system call which opens the file, locks it, and reads a specified number of bytes into memory.} REPEAT WRITE ('Enter name of GMR vector file for input: '); READLN (gmr_file_name); gmr_name_length := 80; check_gmr_file (gmr_file_name,gmr_name_length,status); IF status <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** HPPLOT: Error - unable to open input file: ', gmr_file_name:-1,' ****'); END; UNTIL status = 0; WRITE ('Enter name of HP-GL file for output: '); READLN (hp_file_name); hp_name_length := 80; OPEN (hpfile,hp_file_name,'UNKNOWN',status); REWRITE (hpfile); {Get the type of HP plotter to receive the output.} REPEAT WRITELN ('Enter HP plotter type'); WRITE('(''7475'', ''7550'', or ''7570''): '); READLN (i); UNTIL (i = 7475) OR (i = 7550) OR (i = 7570); CASE i OF 7475: plotter_type := HP7475; 7550: plotter_type := HP7550; 7570: plotter_type := HP7570; END; {Get the size of the plotting area available. Use A or B size paper only for the HP 7475A and HP 7550A plotters. Use C or D size paper only for the HP 7570A plotter. Note that maximum sizes of A and B size paper (in plotter units) are slightly different for the HP 7475A and the HP 7550A plotters.} IF (plotter_type = HP7475) THEN BEGIN number_pens := HP7475_number_pens; plotter_units := HP7475_plotter_units; REPEAT WRITELN ('Enter paper size to use'); WRITE('(''A'' for 8 1/2" by 11" or ''B'' for 11" by 17"): '); READLN (answer); convert_to_uppercase (answer); UNTIL (answer = 'A') OR (answer = 'B'); IF answer = 'A' THEN BEGIN paper_size.min_x := HP7475_A_minimum_x; {min x size using A size paper} paper_size.max_x := HP7475_A_maximum_x; {max x size using A size paper} paper_size.min_y := HP7475_A_minimum_y; {min y size using A size paper} paper_size.max_y := HP7475_A_maximum_y; {max y size using A size paper} END ELSE BEGIN paper_size.min_x := HP7475_B_minimum_x; {min x size using B size paper} paper_size.max_x := HP7475_B_maximum_x; {max x size using B size paper} paper_size.min_y := HP7475_B_minimum_y; {min y size using B size paper} paper_size.max_y := HP7475_B_maximum_y; {max y size using B size paper} END; END ELSE IF (plotter_type = HP7550) THEN BEGIN number_pens := HP7550_number_pens; plotter_units := HP7550_plotter_units; REPEAT WRITELN ('Enter paper size to use'); WRITE('(''A'' for 8 1/2" by 11" or ''B'' for 11" by 17"): '); READLN (answer); convert_to_uppercase (answer); UNTIL (answer = 'A') OR (answer = 'B'); IF answer = 'A' THEN BEGIN paper_size.min_x := HP7550_A_minimum_x; {min x size using A size paper} paper_size.max_x := HP7550_A_maximum_x; {max x size using A size paper} paper_size.min_y := HP7550_A_minimum_y; {min y size using A size paper} paper_size.max_y := HP7550_A_maximum_y; {max y size using A size paper} END ELSE BEGIN paper_size.min_x := HP7550_B_minimum_x; {min x size using B size paper} paper_size.max_x := HP7550_B_maximum_x; {max x size using B size paper} paper_size.min_y := HP7550_B_minimum_y; {min y size using B size paper} paper_size.max_y := HP7550_B_maximum_y; {max y size using B size paper} END; END ELSE IF (plotter_type = HP7570) THEN BEGIN number_pens := HP7570_number_pens; plotter_units := HP7570_plotter_units; REPEAT WRITELN ('Enter paper size to use'); WRITE('(''C'' for 17" by 22" or ''D'' for 22" by 34"): '); READLN (answer); convert_to_uppercase (answer); UNTIL (answer = 'C') OR (answer = 'D'); IF answer = 'C' THEN BEGIN paper_size.min_x := HP7570_C_minimum_x; {min x size using C size paper} paper_size.max_x := HP7570_C_maximum_x; {max x size using C size paper} paper_size.min_y := HP7570_C_minimum_y; {min y size using C size paper} paper_size.max_y := HP7570_C_maximum_y; {max y size using C size paper} END ELSE BEGIN paper_size.min_x := HP7570_D_minimum_x; {min x size using D size paper} paper_size.max_x := HP7570_D_maximum_x; {max x size using D size paper} paper_size.min_y := HP7570_D_minimum_y; {min y size using D size paper} paper_size.max_y := HP7570_D_maximum_y; {max y size using D size paper} END; END; {Read and translate GMR vector files until the user is done.} REPEAT REPEAT WRITE ('Enter plot rotation (0 or 90 degrees): '); READLN (rotate); UNTIL (rotate = 0) OR (rotate = 90); IF rotate = 0 THEN BEGIN paper_size.x := paper_size.max_x-paper_size.min_x; paper_size.y := paper_size.max_y-paper_size.min_y; END ELSE BEGIN paper_size.x := paper_size.max_y-paper_size.min_y; paper_size.y := paper_size.max_x-paper_size.min_x; END; REPEAT plot_ok := TRUE; WRITELN ('Enter desired origin of plot in inches (0.0,0.0)'); WRITE ('is located in lower left corner of the paper: '); READLN (plot_origin.x,plot_origin.y); IF (plot_origin.x >= 0.0) AND (plot_origin.y >= 0.0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('Enter desired size of plot in inches.'); WRITE ('(Maximum size possible is ',((paper_size.x/plotter_units) -plot_origin.x):2:1,' by ',((paper_size.y/plotter_units) -plot_origin.y):2:1,') : '); READLN (plot_area.x,plot_area.y); IF ((plot_area.x+plot_origin.x)*plotter_units > paper_size.x) OR ((plot_area.y+plot_origin.y)*plotter_units > paper_size.y) THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** HPPLOT: Error - Plot will not fit on page ****'); WRITELN ('**** Try new orign and size ****'); plot_ok := FALSE; END; END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN ('**** HPPLOT: Error - Plot origin is not on the page ****'); plot_ok := FALSE; END; UNTIL plot_ok; {See if user wants an outline drawn around the plotting area.} REPEAT WRITE ('Outline the plotting area? (Y or N): '); READLN (answer); convert_to_uppercase (answer); UNTIL (answer = 'Y') OR (answer = 'N'); WRITELN (''); IF answer = 'Y' THEN BEGIN outline_plot := TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN outline_plot := FALSE; END; {Read the GMR file header (first 32 bytes of file).} read_gmr_header (gmr_file_name,gmr_name_length,plot_size); {Initialize the HP plotter.} init_HPGL_file (plot_size,paper_size,plot_area, plot_origin,rotate,outline_plot); {Open temporary files for sorting commands into according to the current pen color. Set the default pen color to 1. Set the pen location to 'LOST'.} FOR i := 1 TO number_pens DO REWRITE (tempfile[i]); draw_value := 1; fill_value := 1; text_value := 1; pencolor := 1; FOR i := 1 TO number_pens DO lostpen[i] := TRUE; {Read GMR commands from the GMR vector file and translate them it HP-GL commands. Continue until a GMR end-of-file command code is found. Check that number of bytes read from vector file does not exceed the number of bytes in the command portion of the file given by the file header.} eof_flag := false; eof_error_flag := false; user_primative_cnt := 0; draw_raster_cnt := 0; plane_mask_cnt := 0; fill_background_cnt := 0; text_background_cnt := 0; font_family_cnt := 0; REPEAT read_GMR_command (gmr_command,data_ptr,eof_error_flag); {read GMR vector command byte} IF (eof_error_flag = false) THEN BEGIN write_HPGL_command (gmr_command,data_ptr); {translate it to HP-GL} END ELSE BEGIN WRITELN ('**** HPPLOT: Error - Attempted to read more GMR command bytes than are ****'); WRITELN ('**** specified in GMR vector command file header. ****'); END; UNTIL (eof_flag = TRUE) OR (eof_error_flag = TRUE); {All done translating the GMR commands. Now append the temporary pen-color files together with the HP plotter initialization already in the output file to create the HP-GL command file sorted by pen color.} FOR i := 1 TO number_pens DO BEGIN RESET (tempfile[i]); IF NOT EOF(tempfile[i]) THEN WRITELN (hpfile,'SP',i:1,';'); WHILE NOT EOF(tempfile[i]) DO BEGIN READLN (tempfile[i],hpcommand); WRITELN (hpfile,hpcommand:-1); END; END; {All done for this vector file. Close the GMR input file and the temporary files. They will be deleted as they are closed.} close_gmr_file (); FOR i := 1 TO number_pens DO CLOSE (tempfile[i]); {Report number of unimplemented GMR commands which had to be thrown away because they deal soley with raster operations or (in the case of the font-family id) they don't provide any useful information to the program.} WRITELN (''); IF (user_primative_cnt <> 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN (user_primative_cnt,' GMR User-Defined-Primative commands were discarded.'); END; IF (draw_raster_cnt <> 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN (draw_raster_cnt,' GMR Draw-Raster-Op commands were discarded.'); END; IF (plane_mask_cnt <> 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN (plane_mask_cnt,' GMR Plane-Mask commands were discarded.'); END; IF (fill_background_cnt <> 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN (fill_background_cnt,' GMR Fill-Background-Value commands were discarded.'); END; IF (text_background_cnt <> 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN (text_background_cnt,' GMR Text-Background-Value commands were discarded.'); END; IF (font_family_cnt <> 0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN (font_family_cnt,' GMR Font-Family commands were discarded.'); END; WRITELN (''); {See if user wants to put another GMR plot on the same page.} REPEAT WRITE ('Add another GMR vector file to the plot? (Y or N): '); READLN (answer); convert_to_uppercase (answer); UNTIL (answer = 'Y') OR (answer = 'N'); IF answer = 'Y' THEN BEGIN REPEAT WRITE ('Enter name of GMR vector file for input: '); READLN (gmr_file_name); gmr_name_length := 80; check_gmr_file (gmr_file_name,gmr_name_length,status); IF status <> 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('**** HPPLOT: Error - unable to open input file: ', gmr_file_name:-1,' ****'); END; UNTIL status = 0; END; {End of read and translate loop. If no more GMR vector files to read and translate, then close the HPGL output file and we're done.} UNTIL answer = 'N'; close_HPGL_file; {***** End of Program HPPLOT.PAS *****} END. SHAR_EOF chmod +x 'hpplot.pas' fi # end of overwriting check # End of shell archive exit 0 Date: Fri, 15 May 87 11:21:05 edt From: David Krowitz Subject: Here is part 2 of revised HPPLOT program #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # hpplot.bld # hpplot.doc # hpplot.hlp # This archive created: Fri May 15 11:13:20 1987 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'hpplot.bld' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'hpplot.bld'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'hpplot.bld' #################################################################################### ### ### ### Command file for Compiling and Binding the HPPLOT Program ### ### ### #################################################################################### von pas hpplot.pas -opt 3 bind -b hpplot hpplot.bin voff SHAR_EOF chmod +x 'hpplot.bld' fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'hpplot.doc' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'hpplot.doc'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'hpplot.doc' ******************************************************************************* ***** ***** ***** HPPLOT.DOC ***** ***** Version 11 ***** ***** ***** ***** Programming Notes for the GMR vector command file to Hewlitt ***** ***** Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) command file translation ***** ***** program. ***** ***** ***** ***** Copyright (c) 1987 ***** ***** David M. Krowitz ***** ***** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ***** ***** Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences ***** ******************************************************************************* Operation of the HPPLOT program ------------------------------- The HPPLOT program reads GMR vector command files produced by the GMR routines GM_$PRINT_FILE and/or GM_$PRINT_FILE_PART and translates the GMR commands contained in the vector file into a file of Hewlitt Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) commands for the HP 7475A, 7550A, or 7570 plotters. The HPGL file can then be plotted by sending it to the plotter's print-server using the PRF -TRANSPARENT command. This provides a handy way of getting color hard-copy from a GMR program. When the GM_$PRINT_FILE or GM_$PRINT_FILE_PART command is called by a GMR program, the user specifies the size of the viewport in which the primary segment of the current GMR metafile is to be displayed. GMR then scales the metafile to fit within 95% of the viewport, resolves any segment instances and attribute blocks, and outputs a single, linear stream of GMR commands to draw the picture described by the metafile. The HPPLOT program then reads this GMR vector command file and produces a file of corresponding HPGL plotter commands. The HPGL command file can then be sent to the HP plotter print-server with the command: PRF -TRANSPARENT -PR eg. PRF -TRANSPARENT -PR HP7550 GMRTEST.HPGL HPPLOT first asks the user for the names of the GMR vector file (for input) and the HPGL command file (for output). The program then asks what type of plotter (HP 7475, HP 7550, or HP 7570) will be receiving the output file. HPPLOT then asks whether 'A' size (8 1/2" by 11") or 'B' size (11" by 17") paper (HP 7475 and HP 7550 plotters) or whether 'C' size (17" by 22") or 'D' size (22" by 34") paper (HP 7570 plotter) is begin used in the plotter and whether the plot axis should be rotated by 90 degrees and it calculates the plotting area available. The program then asks the user to define a box on the available plotting area by asking the origin of the box (in inches) and the size of the box (also in inches). The point (0.0,0.0) is in the lower left hand corner of the page. When 90 degree rotation has been selected, the point (0.0,0.0) is still in the 'lower left hand corner' but the page has been logically rotated so that the origin is at the top left hand corner of the physical page. Note that the plotter has about a 1/4 inch margin around the left, right, and bottom sides of the paper and about a 1/2 inch margin at the top of the paper. This leaves a maximum plotting area of about 10.0 (x) by 7.75 (y) inches when using 'A' size paper with no rotation, but if the user desires the top and bottom margins to be of equal size then the origin of the box in which the plot is to appear must be (0.0,0.25). The unequal physical margin is a result of the way the plotter gripes the paper from the top of the page. Once the box has been defined, HPPLOT will scale the GMR viewport defined by the user in the GM_$PRINT_FILE command so that it fits within the box defining the plotting area without distortion. The origin of the GMR viewport will be placed at the origin of the box defining the plotting area. HPPLOT will optionally outline the plotting area box. Since GMR has already scaled the picture to fit within 95% of the viewport, there will be a 2.5% margin along the left and bottom sides of the box. If the viewport and the plotting area box have the same shape (ie. the same x to y ratio), then there will also be a 2.5% margin along the right and top margins. Otherwise, one of the sides (the one which most constrains the size of the picture) will have a 2.5% margin and the other will have a larger margin to make the viewport fit within the box without distorting its shape. Once the plotting area has been set, HPPLOT reads and translates the GMR commands into HPGL commands. The HPGL commands are sorted according to pen color to minimize the number of pen changes required. All objects drawn with pen 1 are drawn first, followed by all objects drawn with pen 2, etc., even though the GMR picture may not have been created in that order. This sorting by color can save a great deal of time when the picture is actually plotted. When HPPLOT has finished translating and sorting the GMR vector command file, it gives the user the option of adding an another GMR picture to the same page. If the answer is 'yes', then the paper rotation and plotting area for the new GMR vector command file is determined, and the file is translated and sorted by pen color. Note that the plotting area of the new file may overlap the area of the previous file. The only restriction on the plotting area is that is must lie completely within the physical margins of the page. The GMR commands GM_$PRINT_FILE and GM_$PRINT_FILE_PART scale the user's picture to fit within a box using the width and height specified by the user in the GMR procedure call. The HPPLOT program sets the HP7550 plotter's scaling factor so that the origin (0,0) of the GMR vector file maps onto the origin (0.0,0.0) of the box defining the plotting area, and it maps the width and height of the GMR vector file (which are the values specified by the user) onto the upper left corner of the box defining the plotting area making any correction necessary to avoid distorting the plot. Because of this automatic scaling, the actual width and height values specified by the user in the GM_$PRINT_FILE procedure call aren't really important. Only their ratio, which defines the shape of the box in which GMR will draw the picture, and the size and origin of the box defining the plotting area on the page will affect how the plot looks on the paper. There is, however, another factor to consider -- the width and height specified in the GMR procedure call are integer values and all of the coordinates in the GMR vector file are also integer values. When GMR scales the user's plot to fit within the specified box, the round off errors can become quite noticeable. A height and width of (1,1) and a height and width of (1000,1000) will both give the same shape box which the HPPLOT program will scale to fit in the same plotting area on the page, but the picture in the (1,1) box will be much different than the picture in the (1000,1000) box. Any picture element in the (1,1) box which is less than half of the maximum size of the GMR metafile's coordinate system will be rounded off to a size of zero and will not appear at all in the GMR vector file! In general, it is better to use the largest possible width and height values (keeping their ratio constant) in the GMR call to GM_$PRINT_FILE and GM_$PRINT_FILE_PART. Since the HP7550-A plotter has a resolution of about 10,000 by 7,800 for a full 8 1/2" by 11" page, a width value of at least 10,000 and a height value of at least 7,800 will give the sharpest looking plot (for a full page plot - if the plotting area is smaller than the full page, then smaller width and height values will still give the best possible results). There is no problem with specifying GMR width and height values which are larger than the maximum resolution of the HP plotter - the plotter still scales the plot correctly to fit within the box defining the plotting area, and there will be no problem with GMR rounding off the coordinates in the vector file. Translation of GMR Commands into HPGL Commands ---------------------------------------------- The GMR vector command file defined in section 13 of the "Programmer's Guide to DOMAIN Graphics Metafile Resource" manual contains 22 different command types. This section describes how each of these types of GMR commands are translated into HPGL commands. END OF FILE - opcode 16#0000 HPPLOT puts away the current pen and resets the plotter. POLYLINE - opcode 16#0020 The pen whose value corresponds to the current draw-value is moved to the first coordinate pair, and a line is drawn to each of the following coordinate pairs in turn using the current draw-style. CLOSED POLYLINE - opcode 16#0021 Same as the POLYLINE command except that a line is also drawn from the last coordinate pair back to the first coordinate pair. FILLED POLYLINE - opcode 16#0022 A polygon whose vertices are defined by the specified coordinate pairs is drawn using the pen whose value corresponds to the current fill-value, and the polygon is filled with the same pen using the current fill-pattern. The fill-background is ignored. RECTANGLE - opcode 16#0030 A rectangle whose opposite corners are specified by the two coordinate pairs is drawn using the pen whose value corresponds to the current draw-value using the current draw-style. FILLED RECTANGLE - opcode 16#0031 A rectangle whose opposite corners are specified by the two coordinate pairs is drawn using the pen whose value corresponds to the current fill-value, and the rectangle is filled with the same pen using the current fill-pattern. The fill-background is ignored. CIRCLE - opcode 16#0040 A circle with the specified center and radius is drawn with the pen whose value corresponds to the current draw-value using the current draw-style. FILLED CIRCLE - opcode 16#0041 A circle with the specified center and radius is drawn with the pen whose value corresponds to the current fill-value, and the circle is filled with the same pen using the current fill-pattern. The fill background is ignored. CURVE - opcode 16#0050 If a parametric-cubic-spline curve type was given, then a spline is drawn through the specified points using ten line segments per point. The spline algorithm used is a parametric version of the algorithm given by Robert Sedgewick in "Algorithms", pp. 68-72 (Addison-Wesley 1984), with a sign correction in the spline-evaluation formula (p. 72). This gives a spline curve which is less curved than the curve drawn on the screen by GMR, but according to Apollo the GMR spline routine is based on the same reference. If the curve type is 3-point-arc, then a circular arc is drawn starting at the first coordinate pair to the third coordinate pair, passing through the second coordinate pair. The current draw-value is used for the pen value and the current draw-style is used for the line type drawn. USER-DEFINED PRIMATIVE - opcode 16#0060 This command is not implemented (see Known Deficiencies). PIXEL TEXT - opcode 16#0070 The pen whose value corresponds to the current text-value is moved to the specified starting location and the given text is drawn along a line with the specified rotation. The default character set of the HP plotter is used and is scaled to the correct size. (the current text-size is assumed to be the width of the pixel font as a percentage of the bitmap-size, and the plotter's font is scaled to be the same percentage of the plotting area's width. The height of the pixel font is assumed to be twice the width of the font.) The font-family and text-background are ignored. Note that GMR should have translated text using stroke fonts into a sequence of polylines. DRAW VALUE - opcode 16#0080 GMR color values 1 to 8 are mapped to HP plotter pen numbers 1 to 8, GMR color values 9 to 16 are mapped to HP plotter pen number 1 to 8, etc. GMR color 0 is mapped to HP pen number 8. [ie. pen-number is ((colornumber-1) mod 8)+1) rather than just (colornumber mod 8).] Note that the HP 7475 has 6 pens rather than 8 pens like the HP 7550 and the HP 7570. For the HP 7475 pen-number is done mod 6 rather than mod 8. DRAW STYLE - opcode 16#0081 For a GMR draw-style of "same line type" nothing is done; for a draw-style of "solid line" the HP line type is set to the default value (ie. solid line of the current pen color); for a draw-style of "dotted line" the HP line type is set to a value of -2 [ie. an adaptive line with solid and blank sections of equal length] with a pattern replication length which is the same percentage of the diagonal of the plotting area as twice the specified length of the solid portion of the line is to the diagonal of a 1024 by 800 pixel screen; for a draw-style of "patterned line" the HP line type is set to a value of -((replication-factor mod 6)+1) [ie. adaptive line types of -1 to -6] with a pattern replication length of the same percentage of the diagonal of the plotting area as the specified number of bits in the pattern is to the diagonal of a 1024 by 800 pixel screen. DRAW RASTER OP - opcode 16#0082 This command is not implemented (see Known Deficiencies). Raster operations can not be done with a pen plotter. PLANE MASK - opcode 16#0083 This command is not implemented (see Known Deficiencies). Raster operations can not be done with a pen plotter. FILL VALUE - opcode 16#0090 GMR color values 1 to 8 are mapped to HP plotter pen numbers 1 to 8, GMR color values 9 to 16 are mapped to HP plotter pen number 1 to 8, etc. GMR color 0 is mapped to HP pen number 8. [ie. pen-number is ((colornumber-1) mod 8)+1) rather than just (colornumber mod 8).] Note that the HP 7475 has 6 pens rather than 8 pens like the HP 7550 and the HP 7570. For the HP 7475 pen-number is done mod 6 rather than mod 8. FILL BACKGROUND VALUE - opcode 16#0091 This command is not implemented (see Known Deficiencies). Raster operations can not be done with a pen plotter. FILL PATTERN - opcode 16#0092 If the GMR fill pattern scale is 0 [ie. solid fill] then the HP plotter fill type is set to 1 [ie. solid bi-directional filling with lines spaced by the default pen thickness]; otherwise, GMR fill types 1 to 4 are mapped to HP plotter fill types 1 to 4, GMR fill types 4 to 8 are mapped to HP plotter fill types 1 to 4, etc. [ie. HP fill type is (((GMR.fill.type -1) mod 4)+1)], the spacing between the lines is the same percentage of the plotting area as the specified x-size of the GMR fill pattern is to a 1024 pixel wide screen, and the angle of the lines in the HP fill type is the specified y-size of the GMR fill pattern in degrees. TEXT VALUE - opcode 16#00A0 GMR color values 1 to 8 are mapped to HP plotter pen numbers 1 to 8, GMR color values 9 to 16 are mapped to HP plotter pen number 1 to 8, etc. GMR color 0 is mapped to HP pen number 8. [ie. pen-number is ((colornumber-1) mod 8)+1) rather than just (colornumber mod 8).] Note that the HP 7475 has 6 pens rather than 8 pens like the HP 7550 and the HP 7570. For the HP 7475 pen-number is done mod 6 rather than mod 8. TEXT BACKGROUND VALUE - opcode 16#00A1 This command is not implemented (see Known Deficiencies). Raster operations can not be done with a pen plotter. TEXT SIZE - opcode 16#00A2 The text-size width is set to the specified number of pixels. When pixel text is output, the width of the HP plotter characters as a percentage of the width of the plotting area is the same as the width of the text size in pixels is to the width of the plotting area given in the GM_$PRINT_FILE or GM_$PRINT_FILE_PART command. The height of the characters is taken to be twice the width. FONT FAMILY - opcode 16#00A3 This command is not implemented (see Known Deficiencies). This command provides no usefual information on the style of characters used in the GMR display. Known Deficiencies ------------------ The GMR fill-background-value and text-background-value commands are not implemented for the obvious reason that pen plotters can not handle bitmap patterns. The GMR raster-op and plane-mask commands are also not implemented for the same reason. The GMR font-family command is ignored. Due to a design deficiency, the GMR vector file contains no information which allows the font-family id number in the GMR font-family command to be associated with the name of any particular font. All pixel text is output in the default HP font style. The GMR user-defined-primative command is not implemented. Due to a design deficiency, the GMR vector file contains no information on how the parameters to the GMR user-defined-primative command are to be used to draw the object. The size of text characters on the page will not be the same proportion of the plotting area as the pixel text characters were on the screen. This is because the GMR text-size command which is in the GMR vector file is the text-size which the user requested (scaled into the units of the GM_$PRINT_FILE command), not the actual size of the pixel font used by GMR on the screen. When a user selects a text-size, GMR looks in the current font family file and selects one of the fonts in that file. The actual size of the font selected by GMR is not necessarily the same as the size requested by the user. The size selected is what appears on the screen - the size requested is what is stored in the GMR vector file. As a result, text which is centered on the screen will probably not be centered on the plotter's page. As of version SR9.5 of AEGIS, 2-D GMR does not output the correct text rotation angle for pixel text contained in segments which have been instanced and rotated. This is a bug in GMR, not in HPPLOT. Version 3 --------- The bug in the text-size command has been fixed. Previously, the text size was assumed to be the *height* of the characters in screen pixels (ie. 800 pixel high screen). The text-size is actually the *width* of the characters in the units of the GMR vector command file (ie. the width is scaled by the size of the plotting area given in the GM_$PRINT_FILE command). The speed of the program has been increased by about a factor of two due to a more efficient method for reading the GMR vector file and the use of a smaller buffer when the color-sorting of the HPGL commands is done. The error messages for GMR commands which are not implemented are only typed out once for each GMR vector file which is translated. A summary of the commands which could not be translated is typed out when the translation is completed. This avoids long lists of error messages when translating files which use a lot of fill-background and text-background commands. Version 7 --------- Version 7 fixes a number of bugs which were discovered after installing AEGIS version SR9.0. Some of these may be due to changes in the operation of certain GMR functions (ie. I'm not sure, but I thought I had successfully run the test which discovered this error under SR8.1) Other managed to avoid being tested until now. The GMR curve command with the circular-arc option is now drawn correctly. Previously, the curve was not drawn because a "PD" (pen down) command had not been issued before the "AA" (absolute arc) command. The GMR draw-style now works correctly for dotted-lines. It used to give solid lines instead of dashed lines. Using a GMR color value (ie. a draw-value, fill-value, or text-value) of zero no longer causes an "unopened file" error. Color 0 is now correctly mapped to pen number 8. All other GMR color values still correctly map to pen numbers 1 to 8. Version 8 --------- Version 8 corrects a bug in the GMR filled rectangle command. It used to fill the rectangle twice due to a misunderstanding of how the HPGL 'RA' command works. The rectangle is now filled once and then outlined with a solid line. Version 9 --------- Version 9 corrects a bug in the GMR pixel text command. The text angle in the GMR OUT1 format file (the vector file) is in degrees. The Pascal SIN and COS functions take radians. We now correctly convert degrees to radians before calculating the 'rise' and 'run' parameters for the HPGL text angle (DR) command. Version 10 ---------- Version 10 adds support for the 6 pen HP 7475A plotter and the 8 pen HP 7570 Draft Pro plotter (C and D size plotter). HPPLOT now takes one additional input parameter, the plotter type (eg. '7475'). Version 11 ---------- Fixed bug in GMR draw style command for HP 7475A plotter. The HP 7475 has line styles of 0 to 6, not -6 to 6 like the HP 7550A and HP 7580 plotters. Files Needed to Build HPPLOT ---------------------------- The files which are provided for the HPPLOT program are: HPPLOT.DOC - This file. HPPLOT.HELP - A short explanation of how to run the HPPLOT program and the various options the program allows. HPPLOT.PAS - The Pascal sources for the program. HPPLOT.BLD - A shell script file for compiling and binding the HPPLOT program. HPPLOT - A ready to run HPPLOT. Just in case you don't have a Pascal compiler. This is the file which is produced by HPPLOT.BLD. You will also need the following standard Apollo-supplied files: /SYS/INS/BASE.INS.PAS - These are all standard insert files which /SYS/INS/MS.INS.PAS are used by HPPLOT.PAS /SYS/INS/ERROR.INS.PAS /SYS/INS/PGM.INS.PAS Bugs, Questions, and Improvements --------------------------------- If you find a bugs in the program, have questions on how to install or use it, or have a good idea for improving the program please feel free to contact me at the address below. David M. Krowitz MIT dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Room 54-527 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-6180 network mailing address: mit-erl!mit-kermit! mit-erl!mit-kermit! (in order of decreasing preference) SHAR_EOF chmod +x 'hpplot.doc' fi # end of overwriting check if test -f 'hpplot.hlp' then echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'hpplot.hlp'" else cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'hpplot.hlp' Help for the HPPLOT Program - Version 10 ---------------------------------------- The HPPLOT program reads GMR vector command files produced by the GMR routines GM_$PRINT_FILE and GM_$PRINT_FILE_PART and translates the GMR commands in the file into a file of Hewlitt Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) commands which can then be sent to an HP 7475A, HP 7550A, or HP 7570A color pen plotter. The program will prompt you for the following: Input file name - The name of the GMR vector command file to be translated. Note that this is NOT the GMR metafile. Output file name - The name of the HPGL command file to be output. Each plot in the file is sorted by pen color to speed the actual plotting of the file. Plotter type - The type of plotter which will receive the output file. One of '7475', '7550', or '7570'. Paper size - The size of the paper being used in the plotter. Either 8 1/2" by 11" (A size) or 11" by 17" (B size) paper can be used in the HP 7475A and HP 7550A. Either 17" by 22" (C size) or 22" by 32" (D size) paper can be used in the HP 7570A. Plot rotation - The orientation of the plotting axis on the paper. Normally, the x-axis is along the long edge of the paper and the y-axis is long the shorter edge of the paper. A 90 degree rotation will reverse this for plots which are taller than they are wide. Plotting area origin - The origin of the box on the paper in which the plot is to appear. The plot will automatically be scaled to fit within this box without distortion. The point (0.0,0.0) is located in the lower left hand corner of the paper (0 rotation) about 1/4" from both edges of the paper (the physical margin of the paper). Plotting area size - The size of the box on the paper in which the plot is to appear, given in inches. If the plot is a different shape than the box, then the plot will be scaled to fit completely inside the box with the plot's origin mapped onto the box's origin. Outline plotting area - A border may be drawn around the plotting area using pen color 1. Add another plot - Additional GMR vector files may be added to the same output file, allowing multiple plots to be placed onto the same page. When HPPLOT has finished translating the GMR vector command file, a summary of the number of GMR commands which couldn't be translated is typed out before the program asks for an additional GMR vector command file to be added to the same page. Once HPPLOT has completed the translation of all of the GMR vector files, the HPGL file may be sent to the plotter's print-server with the command: PRF -PR -TRANSPARENT The command file: /USERS/USERLIB/PENPLOT may also be used to send the HPGL file to the plotter. Just type: PENPLOT ... to send up to nine different HPGL files to the plotter. If you don't give any file names to PENPLOT it will type a listing of all of the files currently waiting to be plotted. If you want more than one copy of the same page, use the option: -COPIES with either the PRF command or the PENPLOT command. SHAR_EOF chmod +x 'hpplot.hlp' fi # end of overwriting check # End of shell archive exit 0