/**************************************************************** Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Lucent or any of its entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL LUCENT OR ANY OF ITS ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************/ #include "getstub.h" #ifdef SYMANTEC extern int _8087; #endif static char EmptyString[] = {0}; char *Lic_info_ASL = EmptyString, *Lic_info_add_ASL; static int kw_width(keyword *kw, int n, keyword **pkwe) { const char *s; int L = 1, m; keyword *kwe = kw; if (kw) { for(kwe += n; kw < kwe; kw++) { m = strlen(kw->name); if ((s = kw->desc) && *s == '=') { while(*++s > ' '); m += s - kw->desc; } if (L < m) L = m; } } *pkwe = kwe; return L + 2; } static void tabexpand(int L, const char *name, const char *s) { const char *t; int k, n; for(t = s;; ++t) { if (!*t) { printf("%-*s%s\n", L, name, s); return; } if (*t == '\n') break; } n = t - s; printf("%-*s%.*s\n", L, name, n, s); while(*(s = ++t)) { while(*t == '\t') ++t; if ((n = t - s)) { n *= 8; if (n < L) n = L; for(k = 0; k < n; ++k) putchar(' '); s = t; } else if (*s > ' ') for(k = 0; k < L; ++k) putchar(' '); while(*t != '\n') { if (!*t++) { printf("%s\n", s); return; } } n = t - s; printf("%.*s\n", n, s); } } static void shownames(Option_Info *oi) { const char *s; keyword *v, *ve; int L, L1, L2, anl, te; if (oi) { te = oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_tabexpand; anl = oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_addnewline; L = kw_width(oi->keywds, oi->n_keywds, &ve); for(v = oi->keywds; v < ve; v++) { if ((s = v->desc)) { if (*s == '=') { while(*++s > ' '); L1 = s - v->desc; L2 = L - strlen(v->name); if (*s) s++; printf("%s%-*.*s%s\n", v->name, L2, L1, v->desc, s); } else if (te) tabexpand(L, v->name, s); else printf("%-*s%s\n", L, v->name, s); } else printf("%s\n", v->name); if (anl) putchar('\n'); } } exit(0); } static void ofix(char **o) { /* get rid of "ix" and possibly "u" */ char **o1, *s; for(o1 = o; (s = *o); o += 2) { switch(*s) { case 'i': case 'u': continue; } o1[0] = o[0]; o1[1] = o[1]; o1 += 2; } *o1 = 0; } void usage_noexit_ASL(Option_Info *oi, int rc) { static const char *opts[] = { "-", "end of options", "=", "show name= possibilities", "?", "show usage", #ifdef SYMANTEC "E", "force floating-point emulation (Symantec only)", #endif #ifndef NO_BOUNDSFILE_OPTION "bf","read boundsfile f", #endif "e", "suppress echoing of assignments", "ix","import user-defined functions from x; -i? gives details", #ifndef NO_BOUNDSFILE_OPTION "of", "write .sol file to file f", #endif "s", "write .sol file (without -AMPL)", "u", "just show available user-defined functions", "v", "just show version", 0}; char **o; const char *s, *s1; keyword *kw, *kwe; int i, L, L1, L2; FILE *f = stdout; if (rc) { if (!Stderr) Stderr_init_ASL(); f = Stderr; } kw = kwe = 0; o = 0; s = 0; L = 2; if (oi) { s = oi->sname; o = oi->usage; L = kw_width(kw = oi->options, oi->n_options, &kwe); } fprintf(f, "usage: %s [options] stub [-AMPL] [ ...]\n", s ? s : basename(progname)); if (o) while((s = *o++)) fprintf(f, "%s\n", s); fprintf(f, "\nOptions:\n"); o = (char**)opts; if (!oi || !(oi->flags & ASL_OI_want_funcadd) || !ix_details_ASL[0]) ofix(o); s = *o; for(;;) { if (kw < kwe) i = s ? strcmp(s, kw->name): 1; else if (s) i = -1; else break; if (i < 0) fprintf(f, "\t-%-*s{%s}\n", L, s, o[1]); else { if ((s1 = kw->desc)) if (*s1 == '=') { while(*++s1 > ' '); L1 = s1 - kw->desc; L2 = L - strlen(kw->name); if (*s1) s1++; fprintf(f, "\t-%s%-*.*s{%s}\n", kw->name, L2, L1, kw->desc,s1); } else fprintf(f, "\t-%-*s{%s}\n", L, kw->name, s1); else fprintf(f, "\t-%s\n", kw->name); ++kw; } if (i <= 0) { o += 2; s = *o; } } } void usage_ASL(Option_Info *oi, int rc) { usage_noexit_ASL(oi, rc); exit(rc); } char * get_opt_ASL(Option_Info *oi, char *s) { keyword *kw; char buf[256]; char *b, *be, *s0, *s1; fint N; while(*s <= ' ' && *s) s++; if (!*s) return s; oi->nnl = 0; if (oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_defer_bsname) { printf("%s: ", oi->bsname); oi->option_echo &= ~ASL_OI_defer_bsname; oi->option_echo |= ASL_OI_echo | ASL_OI_echothis; } s0 = s; if ((kw = (keyword *)b_search_ASL(oi->keywds, (int)sizeof(keyword), oi->n_keywds, &s, &oi->eqsign))) { oi->option_echo = (oi->option_echo | ASL_OI_echothis) & ~ASL_OI_badvalue; s1 = (*kw->kf)(oi, kw, s); if (oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_badvalue) { fprintf(Stderr, "Bad value in \"%.*s\"\n", (int)(s1-s0), s0); oi->n_badopts++; while(*++s1 > ' '); } else if ((oi->option_echo & (ASL_OI_echo|ASL_OI_echothis)) == (ASL_OI_echo|ASL_OI_echothis)) printf("%.*s\n", s1-s0, s0); } else if (*s <= '9' && *s >= '0' && oi->feq) { N = strtol(s1 = s, &s1, 10); if (*s1 == '=') s1++; else if (*s1 > ' ') goto bad; while(*s1 <= ' ') if (!*s1++) goto bad; s = s1; while(*++s1 > ' '); if (!(oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_never_echo)) printf("%.*s\n", s1-s0, s0); if ((*oi->feq)(&N, s, (fint)(s1-s))) oi->n_badopts++; } else if (oi->kwf) { b = buf; be = buf + sizeof(buf) - 2; while(*s > ' ' && *s != '=') { if ((*b = *s++) == '_') { if (!(oi->flags & ASL_OI_keep_underscores)) *b = ' '; } if (b < be) b++; } *b++ = ' '; while(*s <= ' ' && *s) s++; if (*s != '=' || b >= be) goto bad; while(*++s <= ' ' && *s); while(*s > ' ') { *b = *s++; if (b < be) b++; } *b = 0; if (!(oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_never_echo)) printf("%.*s\n", s-s0, s0); if ((*oi->kwf)(buf, (fint)(b-buf))) oi->n_badopts++; return s; } else { bad: for(s1 = s0; *s1 > ' ' && *s1 != '='; s1++); printf("Unknown keyword \"%.*s\"\n", s1-s0, s0); if (*s1 == '=') while(*++s1 > ' '); oi->n_badopts++; } return s1; } #define Q(x) #x #define QUOTE(x) Q(x) void show_version_ASL(Option_Info *oi) { const char *s; Const char *ver; int L; extern Const char *Version_Qualifier_ASL; if (!(s = oi->version) && !(s = oi->bsname) && !(s = progname)) s = "???"; /* defend against bozos */ L = strlen(s); while(L > 0 && s[L-1] == '\n') --L; if (!(ver = Version_Qualifier_ASL)) ver = ""; printf("%s%.*s%s", ver, L, s, oi->nnl ? "\n" : ""); if (*sysdetails_ASL) printf(" (%s)", sysdetails_ASL); if (oi->driver_date > 0) printf(", driver(%ld)", oi->driver_date); #ifdef LICCHECKVERSION printf(", liccheck(" QUOTE(LICCHECKVERSION) ")" ); #endif printf(", ASL(%ld)\n", ASLdate_ASL); if (Lic_info_add_ASL) printf("%s\n", Lic_info_add_ASL); if (Lic_info_ASL && *Lic_info_ASL) printf("%s\n", Lic_info_ASL); else putchar('\n'); } char * Ver_val_ASL(Option_Info *oi, keyword *kw, char *v) { char *s; int wantver; if (!v || *v < '0' || *v > '9') goto showver; wantver = (int)strtol(s = v, &v, 10); if (*(unsigned char*)v > ' ') return badval_ASL(oi,kw,s,v); if (wantver) { showver: if (oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_clopt) { /* -v */ show_version_ASL(oi); exit(0); } oi->flags |= ASL_OI_show_version; } else oi->flags &= ~ASL_OI_show_version; return v; } static void ix_usage(VOID) { const char **o = ix_details_ASL, *s; printf("-i options:\n"); while((s = *o++)) printf("\t%s\n", s); exit(0); } char * getstub_ASL(ASL *asl, char ***pargv, Option_Info *oi) { char *s, *s1; keyword *kw, *okw; int i, options; char **argv = *pargv; progname = *argv; if (!Stderr) Stderr_init_ASL(); /* set Stderr if necessary */ if (!asl) badasl_ASL(asl,0,"getstub"); amplflag = 0; options = 1; okw = 0; if (oi) { oi->nnl = 0; oi->asl = asl; okw = oi->options; if ((s = getenv("solver_msg"))) { i = (int)strtol(s, &s1, 10); if (s1 > s && !*s1 && i >= 0 && !(i & 1)) oi->option_echo = ASL_OI_never_echo; } oi->option_echo = (oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_showname_bits) | ((oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_never_echo) ? ASL_OI_never_echo : ASL_OI_clopt | ASL_OI_echo); oi->n_badopts = 0; } while((s = *++argv)) { if (*s == '-' && options) { s1 = s + 1; if (okw && (kw = (keyword*)b_search_ASL(okw, (int)sizeof(keyword), oi->n_options, &s1, &oi->eqsign))) { if (!*s1 && argv[1]) { s = (*kw->kf)(oi, kw, argv[1]); if (s != argv[1]) argv++; continue; } (*kw->kf)(oi, kw, s1); continue; } if (!s1[1]) switch(*s1) { case '=': shownames(oi); case '?': usage_ASL(oi,0); case '-': options = 0; continue; #ifdef SYMANTEC case 'E': _8087 = 0; continue; #endif #ifndef NO_BOUNDSFILE_OPTION case 'b': if ((asl->i.boundsfile = *++argv)) continue; break; case 'o': if ((asl->i.solfile = *++argv)) continue; break; #endif case 'e': if (oi) oi->option_echo &= ~ASL_OI_echo; continue; case 's': if (oi) oi->wantsol = 1; continue; case 'u': if (!oi || !(oi->flags && ASL_OI_want_funcadd)) break; func_add(asl); show_funcs(); exit(0); case 'v': if (oi) Ver_val_ASL(oi,0,0); continue; case 'i': if (ix_details_ASL[0]) { if ((s = argv[1])) { argv++; if (*s == '?' && !s[1]) ix_usage(); i_option_ASL = s; } continue; } } if (*s1 == 'i' && ix_details_ASL[0]) { if (s1[1] == '?' && !s1[2]) ix_usage(); i_option_ASL = s1 + 1; continue; } #ifndef NO_BOUNDSFILE_OPTION if (*s1 == 'b' && s1[1]) { asl->i.boundsfile = s1 + 1; continue; } if (*s1 == 'o' && s1[1]) { asl->i.solfile = s1 + 1; continue; } #endif if (*s1 == '-') { if (!strcmp(++s1, "help")) { if (oi) usage_ASL(oi,0); } else if (!strcmp(s1, "version")) { if (oi) { Ver_val_ASL(oi,0,0); continue; } } } fprintf(Stderr, "%s: bad option %s\n", progname, s); usage_ASL(oi,1); } if (strchr(s,'=')) break; if ((s1 = *++argv) && !strncmp(s1,"-AMPL",5)) { amplflag = 1; argv++; if (s1[5] == 'l') { switch(s1[6]) { case 'n': oi->option_echo = ASL_OI_never_echo; goto no_echo; case 's': oi->option_echo = ASL_OI_defer_bsname; goto no_echo; }} if (oi && oi->bsname && !(oi->option_echo & ASL_OI_never_echo)) need_nl = oi->nnl = printf("%s: ", oi->bsname); } no_echo: i = strlen(s) - 3; if (i > 0 && !strcmp(s+i,".nl")) s[i] = 0; break; } if (oi && oi->n_badopts) /* possiby set by kw->kf */ exit(1); *pargv = argv; return s; } int getopts_ASL(ASL *asl, char **argv, Option_Info *oi) { char *s; if (!Stderr) Stderr_init_ASL(); if (!(oi->asl = asl)) badasl_ASL(asl,0,"getopts"); if (!oi->option_echo) oi->option_echo = ASL_OI_echo; oi->option_echo &= ASL_OI_echo | ASL_OI_never_echo | ASL_OI_defer_bsname; oi->n_badopts = 0; if (oi->opname && (s = getenv(oi->opname))) while(*s) s = get_opt_ASL(oi, s); while((s = *argv++)) do s = get_opt_ASL(oi, s); while(*s); need_nl = oi->nnl; if (oi->flags & ASL_OI_show_version) show_version_ASL(oi); fflush(stdout); return oi->n_badopts; } char * getstops_ASL(ASL *asl, char **argv, Option_Info *oi) { char *s; if (!asl) badasl_ASL(asl,0,"getstops"); if (!(s = getstub_ASL(asl, &argv, oi))) { fprintf(Stderr, "No stub!\n"); usage_ASL(oi,1); } if (getopts_ASL(asl,argv,oi)) exit(1); return s; } void badopt_ASL(Option_Info *oi) { oi->n_badopts++; oi->option_echo &= ~ASL_OI_echothis; oi->need_nl = 0; } char * badval_ASL(Option_Info *oi, keyword *kw, char *value, char *badc) { char *s; int c, w, w1; fflush(stdout); for(s = badc; *s > ' '; s++); w = (int)(strlen(kw->name) + 2 + (badc-value)); w1 = (int)(s - value); fprintf(Stderr, "\n%s%s%.*s\n%*s\nBad character ", kw->name, oi->eqsign, w1, value, w, "*"); c = *(unsigned char *)badc; fprintf(Stderr, c >= ' ' && c < 0x7f ? "'%c'" : "'\\x%x'", c); fprintf(Stderr, " in numeric string \"%.*s\".\n", w1, value); fflush(Stderr); badopt_ASL(oi); return s; } /* 20000703: basename --> basename_ASL in asl.h */