AMPL is a language and system for formulating, solving, and helping
understand mathematical programming problems (of minimizing or
maximizing a function subject to constraints).  The AMPL book,
details of which appear in " from ampl", explains AMPL in
much more detail and provides many examples.

See also "index from ampl", "readme from ampl/solvers", and
the AMPL Web site at URL

The material in this directory and its subdirectories, like other
netlib material, is available by E-mail, ftp, and World Wide Web
browser.  For more details, send the 2-word E-mail message "send
readme" to .  If you use the netlib http server and look in the "top level index" or in an
index to which it points, you can get a tar file of a directory and
its subdirectories by clicking "(tar)".  For example, in

if you click "(tar)" in the line "lib: solvers (tar)", you will get
a tar file of the solvers directory and all of its subdirectories.
(The files in these directories are .gz files; the gzip binaries in
directory /netlib/gnu/gzip can uncompress .gz and .Z files.)

Change notifications

	Send the E-mail message
		subscribe ampl
	to to request notification of new and
	changed files in netlib's ampl directory or its subdirectories.

	Send the E-mail message
		unsubscribe ampl
	to recant your notification request.

AWK for AMPL pipe functions

You can get an awk that flushes buffers appropriately for use
in AMPL pipe functions by

	1. Getting awk source, e.g.,

	2. Editing lib.c to insert

		if (inf == stdin)

	   at the beginning of function readrec().

	3. Compiling the resulting source ("make") and
	   installing the resulting "a.out" as awk.