DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DAMIN(X, NX, INCX) C C PURPOSE: C C The function DAMIN computes the absolute minimal value of NX C elements in an array. C The function returns the value zero if NX < 1. C C ARGUMENT LIST: C C X - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (NX x INCX). C X is the one-dimensional array of which the absolute minimal C value of the elements is to be computed. C NX - INTEGER. C NX is the number of elements in X to be examined. C INCX - INTEGER. C INCX is the increment to be taken in the array X, defining C the distance between two consecutive elements. C INCX = 1, if all elements are contiguous in memory. C C CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). C C REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. C C .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER NX, INCX C .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION X(NX*INCX) C .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ABS C .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER I, IX, NINCX DOUBLE PRECISION DX C .. Executable Statements .. C DAMIN = 0.0D0 IF (NX .LT. 1) RETURN C DAMIN = ABS(X(1)) IF (NX .EQ. 1) RETURN C IX = 1 + INCX NINCX = NX*INCX DO 1 I = IX, NINCX, INCX DX = ABS(X(I)) IF (DX .LT. DAMIN) DAMIN = DX 1 CONTINUE RETURN C *** Last line of DAMIN ********************************************** END