The TUG bibliography archive
Last top-level updates:
Sat Jan 25 09:06:00 2025
[but the bibliography archive files are updated often!]
This is a large archive of
freely distributable bibliographic data in BibTeX
format; see the sections below for more information on its
contents, and how to mirror, and use, the data. As of
25 January 2025, there are more than
2.01 million
BibTeX entries in the combined archives at this site.
If you are unfamiliar with BibTeX, or bibliographic markup
systems, and would like to learn more, visit this
It discusses many of the issues that are important for
bibliographic work, and describes numerous
software tools
that can make such work easier and more productive.
You can jump from here directly to the TUG bibliography
In December 2021, in collaboration with scientists at
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
we released a new archive of bibliographies of
journals on the subject of
fisheries research.
That collection is expected to grow over the next
several months.
The TeX User Group (TUG)
bibliography archive began in the early 1990s (before
the World Wide Web!) as a modest project to record
bibliographic data for the maintainer's large collection
of books and journals. The data are in BibTeX format,
which is the most extensible, portable, and powerful
format for markup of bibliographic information, and has
the great advantage that even people who have never seen a
BibTeX entry can easily understand the meaning of its
various fields.
When the bibtex program is
available, as it is in all standard TeX and LaTeX
distributions since the mid-1980s, entries can be
referenced in a document with
commands, which causes those citation labels to be written
to an auxiliary file when TeX typesets the document. When
BibTeX later reads that file, it searches a user-supplied
list of bibliographic data files for matching entries, and
then formats them into the user-chosen bibliographic
style, of which hundreds are available. The next time
that TeX typesets the document, the selected references
are displayed as a bibliography section at the point where
command appears. When bibliographic entries
cross-reference other entries, it may be necessary to run
TeX and BibTeX a few more times in order to collect all of
the needed cross references. Their log files record
requests for still-missing BibTeX entries.
The great beauty of that approach is that the horrid and
tedious job of formatting reference-list data is handled
completely by a computer program, instead of a
poor human, and provided that the BibTeX entries are
correct, the bibliography will be too. Cross references
embedded in BibTeX entries ensure that related documents,
such as comments, errata, notes, and remarks are
automatically included as well, without the author having
to remember to cite them. The ease of bibliography
production afforded by BibTeX encourages authors to do a
thorough job of citing prior work, rewarding the authors
of those works, and helping the reader to find related
As the collection grew, so did its value, and it
became evident that it was an effort worth sharing
with others, because once a correct BibTeX entry
has been created for a document, no one else has
to do that job again. In addition, as new data become
available, such as Web locations of documents, and
standard document numbers, the BibTeX entries can be
updated, and new citations of those entries then
automatically include the new material, provided that a
bibliography style that knows about the new fields has
been used.
The growth of the World Wide Web allows sharing of data
with others around the globe, and made it worthwhile to
develop software tools to convert bibliographic data from a
wide variety of formats to BibTeX form. That has been
particularly important for automatically recovering
reusable bibliographic data from publisher Web pages for
journal-issue contents, which is likely to be the most
reliable source of such data. Some of those tools are
documented in a journal article,
A Bibliographer's Toolbox,
and the conversion to relational databases is described in
another article,
BibTeX meets relational databases.
The most important tools for BibTeX file creation and
maintenance are described in yet another article,
Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking.
The TUG bibliography archive covers scores of subjects,
and hundreds of journals, with more than one million
BibTeX entries. Having them available in multiple
SQL databases has made it possible to automate the job of
identifying new entries that are candidates for inclusion
in author- or subject-specific bibliographies, as well as
to run numerous sanity checks on the entire corpus of
data. As a result, both the quality and the
quantity of the bibliographic data continue to
Several publishers, including ACM, AIP, AMS, APS, arXiv,
Elsevier (ScienceDirect), EMS, EPS, IEEE, SAO/NASA, SIAM,
Springer, and Wiley, have recognized the value of BibTeX
markup, and can return literature database search results
in BibTeX form. However, most of those results still
require a certain amount of manual editing to provide
missing fields, to add protecting braces around proper
nouns in titles, to supply missing authors, and to correct
botched mathematical markup. Some of those publishers
have even adopted the BibTeX citation-label syntax that
was developed for the TUG bibliography and BibNet Project
archives. None of them yet offers complete journal
coverage in BibTeX form, and often, there are severely low
limits on how many entries can be retrieved in response to
a single search.
Note: In the tables in the rest of this document,
you can replace .html with .bib in any bibliography link to
get the original BibTeX file. With similar changes, you
can get DVI files (.dvi),
LaTeX wrappers (.ltx),
PDF files (.pdf),
compressed PostScript files (.ps.gz or
spelling dictionaries (.sok), and
titleword cross-reference files (.twx).
Journals on the history, philosophy,
and popularization of mathematics and
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the
History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Annals of Science
Annals of the History of Computing
Archimedes: New Studies in the History and
Philosophy of Science and Technology
(book series)
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
[Reports on Science History]
BJHS Themes
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
(also includes Boston Studies in the
Philosophy and History of Science)
British Journal for the History of Science (2010–2019)
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
British Society for the History of Science Monographs
BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Centaurus: an International Journal of the History of Science and its Cultural Aspects
Chymia: Annual Studies in the History of Chemistry
Contemporary Physics
Dædalus: proceedings of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences
Dialectica: International Review of Philosophy of Knowledge
The European Physical Journal H:
Historical Perspectives on Contemporary
Foundations of Chemistry
Foundations of Physics
Foundations of Physics Letters
Foundations of Science
Historia Mathematica
Historia Scientiarum (International
Journal of the History of Science Society
of Japan)
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
History and Technology
History of Geo- and Space Sciences
History of Science
HOPOS: Journal of the International
Society for the History of Philosophy of
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science
Isis (2010–2019)
Journal of Cold War Studies
Journal for General Philosophy of Science /
Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of the History of Biology
Japanese Studies in the History of Science
Journal of Cold War Studies
Minerva: a Review of Science, Learning and Policy
The Natural Philosopher
Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London [The Royal
Society Journal of the History of Science]
NTM Zeitschrift fü Geschichte der Wissenschaften,
Technik und Medizin == NTM Journal of the History of Science,
Technology and Medicine
Osiris (series 1 and 2) [companion to Isis]
Perspectives on Science
Philosophy of Science (2010–2019)
Physics in Perspective (PIP)
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Printing History
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (2000–2049)
Revue d'Histoire des Mathématiques =
Journal for the History of Mathematics
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Rutherford Journal [the New Zealand
Journal for the History and Philosophy of
Science and Technology]
Science & Education (Springer)
Science and Public Policy (2010–2019)
Science in Context
Science Studies
Scientific American (2010–2019)
Smithsonian (2000–2009)
Social Studies of Science
Spontaneous Generations: a Journal for the
History and Philosophy of Science
Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A
Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics [Part B]
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Synthese (2020–2029)
Synthese (2010–2019)
Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie /
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Computer science journals and topics
Acta Informatica
AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal (1984)
AT&T Technical Journal (1985--1989)
AT&T Technical Journal (1990--1996)
Bell Labs Technical Journal (1996--1999)
Bell Labs Technical Journal (2000--2009)
Bell Labs Technical Journal (2010--2019)
Bell System Technical Journal (1920--1929)
Bell System Technical Journal (1930--1939)
Bell System Technical Journal (1940--1949)
Bell System Technical Journal (1950--1959)
Bell System Technical Journal (1960--1969)
Bell System Technical Journal (1970--1979)
Bell System Technical Journal (1980--1989)
Bell System Technical Journal (1990--1999)
Bell System Technical Journal (2000--2009)
Bell System Technical Journal (2010--2019)
Bell System Technical Journal (2020--2029)
Byte magazine (1970--1979)
Byte magazine (1980--1989)
Byte magazine (1990--1994)
Byte magazine (1995--1998)
C Users Journal (1988--1994)
C++ Report
C/C++ Users Journal (1994--1999)
C/C++ Users Journal (2000--2002)
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
Classic Shell Scripting
Common Lisp
Communication Design Quarterly Review
Communications in Computer Algebra
Communications of the ACM (1958--1959)
Communications of the ACM (1960--1969)
Communications of the ACM (1970--1979)
Communications of the ACM (1980--1989)
Communications of the ACM (1990--1999)
Communications of the ACM (2000--2009)
Communications of the ACM (2010--2019)
Communications of the ACM (2020--2029)
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Computer Graphics Forum
Computer Graphics World
Computer Journal (1950--1959)
Computer Journal (1958--1999)
Computer Journal (1960--1969)
Computer Journal (1970--1979)
Computer Journal (1980--1989)
Computer Journal (1990--1999)
Computer Journal (2000--2009)
Computer Journal (2010--2019)
Computer Journal (2020--2029)
Computer Language (magazine)
Computer Languages (journal)
Computer Networks (1977--1984)
Computer Networks (1999)
Computer Networks (2000--2009)
Computer Networks (2010--2019)
Computer Networks (2020--2029)
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
computer science books (and much else)
Computer Systems Science and Engineering
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (1)
Computer Vision and Image Understanding (2)
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. Graphical Models and Image Processing
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. Image Understanding
Computers and Graphics
Computers and Security (1980--1989)
Computers and Security (1990--1999)
Computers and Security (2000--2009)
Computers and Security (2010--2019)
Computers and Security (2020--2029)
Computing and Software for Big Science
Computing Surveys
Computing Systems Journal
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Concurrency: Practice and Experience
Cool Chips Symposia
C# programming language
Data compression
Data Explorer scientific visualization system
Digital Government: Research and Practice
Digital Technical Journal
Dr. Dobb's Journal (1980--1989)
Dr. Dobb's Journal (1990--1999)
Dr. Dobb's Journal (2000--2003)
Embedded Linux Journal
Empirical Software Engineering
Floating-point arithmetic
Formal Aspects of Computing
ForTec Forum
Fortran Forum
Fortran programming language (1956--1980)
Fortran programming language (1981--1989)
Fortran programming language (1990--)
Foundations of Computer Science (volumes)
Foundations of Computer Science (1980--1989)
Foundations of Computer Science (1990--1999)
Foundations of Computer Science (2000--2009)
Foundations of Computer Science (2010--2019)
Fundamenta Informaticae (1990--1999)
Fundamenta Informaticae (2000--2009)
Fundamenta Informaticae (2010--2019)
Fundamenta Informaticae (2020--2029)
Future Generation Computer Systems
Future Internet
Graphical Models (1)
Graphical Models (2)
Graphical Models and Image Processing
Hashing algorithms
Hewlett-Packard Journal
High-Performance Fortran
Hot Chips symposia
Hot Topics in Operating Systems Workshops
IBM Journal of Research and Development
IBM Systems Journal
ICCMSE 2007 conference
Information Processing Letters (1970--1979)
Information Processing Letters (1980--1989)
Information Processing Letters (1990--1999)
Information Processing Letters (2000--2009)
Information Processing Letters (2010--2019)
Information Processing Letters (2020--2029)
INFORMS Journal on Computing
Intel IA-64 architecture
Intel Technology Journal
International Journal of Computer Applications
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications
International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences
International Journal of Computer Processing of Languages
International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages
International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
International Journal of High Speed Computing
International Journal of Image and Graphics
International Journal of Parallel Programming
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications
International Journal of Supercomputer Applications and High-Performance Computing
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
Java Report
JavaWorld magazine
Journal of Algorithms
Journal of Automated Reasoning
Journal of C Language Translation
Journal of Computer Documentation
Journal of Computer Security
Journal of Computer and System Sciences
Journal of Data and Information Quality
Journal of Digital Information
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
Journal of Functional Programming
Journal of Graphics Tools
Journal of Graphics, GPU, and Game Tools
Journal of Grid Computing
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Journal of Open Research Software
Journal of Open Source Software
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Journal of Scientific Computing
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice
Journal of Supercomputing
Journal of Systems and Software (1979--1999)
Journal of Systems and Software (2000--2009)
Journal of Systems and Software (2010--2019)
Journal of Systems and Software (2020--2029)
Journal of the ACM
Journal of Universal Computer Science
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Journal on Educational Resources in Computing
Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
lcc C compiler
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1990)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1991)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1992)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1993)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1994)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1995a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1995b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1996a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1996b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1997a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1997b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1998a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1998b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1999a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1999b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2000)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2001a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2001b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2001c)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2001d)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002c)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002d)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002e)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2003a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2004a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2005a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2006a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2007a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2008a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2009a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2010a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2011)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2011a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012b)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012c)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012d)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012e)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012f)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012g)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012h)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012i)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012j)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012k)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012l)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2013a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2014a)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (volumes)
Letters on Programming Languages and Systems
Linux Journal
Literate programming
Mathematics in Computer Science
Microsoft Systems Journal
NATO Advanced Study Institute Proceedings
Network Security
Nordic Journal of Computing
O'Reilly books
Open Computing magazine
Open Systems Today magazine
Operating Systems Review
ORSA Journal on Computing
PageRank algorithm (Google)
Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices
Parallel Computing
Parallel Processing Letters
Pattern matching
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT)
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI)
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) and MPI (Message Passing Interface)
Queue magazine
Regular-expression matching
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (1)
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (2)
Science & Education (Springer)
SIGAda Ada Letters
SIGAPP Applied Computing Review
SIGARCH Computer Architecture News
SIGCSE Bulletin (1960--1969)
SIGCSE Bulletin (1970--1979)
SIGCSE Bulletin (1980--1989)
SIGCSE Bulletin (1990--1999)
SIGCSE Bulletin (2000--2009)
SIGCSE Bulletin (2010--2019)
SIGCSE Bulletin (2020--2029)
SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics (1972--1999)
SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics (2000--2009)
SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics (2010--2019)
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
SIGPLAN Notices (1960--1969)
SIGPLAN Notices (1970--1979)
SIGPLAN Notices (1980--1989)
SIGPLAN Notices (1990--1999)
SIGPLAN Notices (2000--2009)
SIGPLAN Notices (2010--2019)
SIGSAM Bulletin
Software---Practice and Experience
Software Engineering Notes (1976--1979)
Software Engineering Notes (1980--1989)
Software Engineering Notes (1990--1999)
Software Engineering Notes (2000--2009)
Software Engineering Notes (2010--2019)
Software Engineering Notes (2020--2029)
Software Process: Improvement and Practice
String matching
Supercomputing '1988
Supercomputing '1989
Supercomputing '1990
Supercomputing '1991
Supercomputing '1992
Supercomputing '1993
Supercomputing '1994
Supercomputing '1995
Supercomputing '1996
Supercomputing '1997
Supercomputing '1998
Supercomputing '1999
Supercomputing '2000
Supercomputing '2001
Supercomputing '2002
Supercomputing '2003
Supercomputing '2004
Supercomputing '2005
Supercomputing '2011
Supercomputing '2012
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations
Supercomputing Review
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (1960--1969)
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (1970--1979)
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (1980--1989)
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (1990--1999)
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (2000--2009)
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (2010--2019)
Symposia on the Theory of Computing (volumes)
Theoretical Computer Science (1975--1979)
Theoretical Computer Science (1980--1984)
Theoretical Computer Science (1985--1989)
Theoretical Computer Science (1990--1994)
Theoretical Computer Science (1995--1999)
Theoretical Computer Science (2000--2004)
Theoretical Computer Science (2005--2009)
Theoretical Computer Science (2010--2014)
Theoretical Computer Science (2015--2019)
Unix/World Open Computing
USENIX proceedings (1980--1989)
USENIX proceedings (1990--1999)
USENIX proceedings (2000--2009)
USENIX proceedings (2010--2019)
Virtual machines
Visual instruction sets
X Journal
X Resource
Markup, programming, scripting, and symbolic algebra languages and systems
Axiom & Scratchpad
BMDP statistics software
C-sharp (C#)
Common Lisp
Data Explorer
Fortran (1956--1980)
Fortran (1981--1989)
Fortran (1990--date)
High-Performance Fortran
Higher-Order Symbolic Computation
ISSAC conference proceedings
Java (1995--1999)
Java (2000--2009)
Java (2010--2019)
Java (2020--2029)
Lisp and Symbolic Computation
Maple [Technical] Newsletter
Markup Languages: Theory & Practice
Mathematica Journal
PostScript & Portable Document Format (PDF)
R, S, and S-Plus
Reduce (more)
REXX and NetReXX
SAS (Statistical Analysis System)
SGML, HTML, and XML (1981--1999)
SGML, HTML, and XML (2000--2009)
SGML, HTML, and XML (2010--2019)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
Probability and statistics journals
Advances in Applied Probability
Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences
Advances and Applications in Statistics
American Review of Mathematics and Statistics
American Statistician
American Statistician (1940--1949)
American Statistician (1950--1959)
American Statistician (1960--1969)
American Statistician (1970--1979)
American Statistician (1980--1989)
American Statistician (1990--1999)
American Statistician (2000--2009)
American Statistician (2010--2019)
American Statistician (2020--2029)
Annals of Applied Probability
Annals of Applied Statistics
Annales de l'IHP (B) Probability and Statistics
Annals of Mathematical Statistics
Annals of Probability (1970--1979)
Annals of Probability (1980--1989)
Annals of Probability (1990--1999)
Annals of Probability (2000--2009)
Annals of Probability (2010--2019)
Annals of Statistics (1970--1979)
Annals of Statistics (1980--1989)
Annals of Statistics (1990--1999)
Annals of Statistics (2000--2009)
Annals of Statistics (2010--2019)
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Applied Statistics (1952--1959)
Applied Statistics (1960--1969)
Applied Statistics (1970--1979)
Applied Statistics (1980--1989)
Applied Statistics (1990--1999)
Applied Statistics (2000--2009)
Applied Statistics (2010--2019)
Applied Statistics (2020--2029)
AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
Australian Journal of Statistics
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
Bayesian Analysis
Biometrics (2000--2009)
Biometrics (2010--2019)
Biometrics (2020--2029)
Biometrika (1900--1909)
Biometrika (1910--1919)
Biometrika (1920--1929)
Biometrika (1930--1939)
Biometrika (1940--1949)
Biometrika (1950--1959)
Biometrika (1960--1969)
Biometrika (1970--1979)
Biometrika (1980--1989)
Biometrika (1990--1999)
Biometrika (2000--2009)
Biometrika (2010--2019)
Biometrika (2020--2029)
Bulletin in Applied Statistics (BIAS)
Canadian Journal of Statistics = Revue canadienne de statistique
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics
Communications in Statistics (1970--1979)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (1970--1979)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (1980--1989)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (1990--1999)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (2000--2009)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (2010--2019)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation (2020--2029)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (1970--1979)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (1980--1989)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (1990--1999)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (2000--2009)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (2010--2019)
Computational Statistics
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (1980--1989)
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (1990--1999)
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2000--2009)
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2010--2019)
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2020--2029)
Econometrics and Statistics
Econometrics Journal
Electronic Communications in Probability
Electronic Journal of Probability
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
International Journal of Statistics and Probability
International Statistical Review
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Applied Probability
Journal of Applied Statistics
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Journal of Econometrics (1970--1979)
Journal of Econometrics (1980--1989)
Journal of Econometrics (1990--1999)
Journal of Econometrics (2000--2009)
Journal of Econometrics (2010--2019)
Journal of Econometrics (2020--2029)
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (1970--2019)
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2020--2019)
Journal of Statistical Physics (1960--1969)
Journal of Statistical Physics (1970--1979)
Journal of Statistical Physics (1980--1989)
Journal of Statistical Physics (1990--1999)
Journal of Statistical Physics (2000--2009)
Journal of Statistical Physics (2010--2019)
Journal of Statistical Physics (2020--2029)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (1970--1979)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (1980--1989)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (1990--1999)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2000--2009)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2010--2019)
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2020--2029)
Journal of Statistical Software
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1920--1929)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1930--1939)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1940--1949)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1950--1959)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1960--1969)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1970--1979)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1980--1989)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1990--1999)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2000--2009)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2010--2019)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (2020--2029)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1830--1839)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1840--1849)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1850--1859)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1860--1869)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1870--1879)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1880--1889)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1890--1899)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1900--1909)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1910--1919)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1920--1929)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1930--1939)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1940--1949)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1950--1959)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1960--1969)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1970--1979)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1980--1989)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (1990--1999)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (2000--2009)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (2010--2019)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (1950--1959)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (1960--1969)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (1970--1979)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (1980--1989)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (1990--1999)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (2000--2009)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (2010--2019)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (1950--1959)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (1960--1969)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (1970--1979)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (1980--1989)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (1990--1999)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (2000--2009)
Journal of Theoretical Probability
Journal of Time Series Analysis
Journal of Time Series Econometrics
Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
Probability Surveys
Probability Theory and Related Fields
R, S, and S-Plus
R News and The R Journal
SAS (Statistical Analysis System)
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing
Significance (Oxford, England)
Statistical Methodology
Statistical Papers
Statistical Science
Statistics & Probability Letters (1980--1989)
Statistics & Probability Letters (1990--1999)
Statistics & Probability Letters (2000--2009)
Statistics & Probability Letters (2010--2019)
Statistics & Probability Letters (2020--2029)
Statistics and Computing
Statistics in Medicine (1980--1989)
Statistics in Medicine (1990--1999)
Statistics in Medicine (2000--2009)
Statistics in Medicine (2010--2019)
Statistics in Medicine (2020--2029)
Technometrics (1950--1959)
Technometrics (1960--1969)
Technometrics (1970--1979)
Technometrics (1980--1989)
Technometrics (1990--1999)
Technometrics (2000--2009)
Technometrics (2010--2019)
Technometrics (2020--2029)
Theory of Probability and its Applications
WIREs Computational Statistics
Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete
Markup, programming, scripting, and symbolic algebra languages and systems
Axiom & Scratchpad
BMDP statistics software
C-sharp (C#)
Common Lisp
Data Explorer
Fortran (1956--1980)
Fortran (1981--1989)
Fortran (1990--date)
High-Performance Fortran
Higher-Order Symbolic Computation
ISSAC conference proceedings
Java (1995--1999)
Java (2000--2009)
Java (2010--2019)
Java (2020--2029)
Lisp and Symbolic Computation
Maple [Technical] Newsletter
Markup Languages: Theory & Practice
Mathematica Journal
PostScript & Portable Document Format (PDF)
R, S, and S-Plus
Reduce (more)
REXX and NetReXX
SAS (Statistical Analysis System)
SGML, HTML, and XML (1981--1999)
SGML, HTML, and XML (2000--2009)
SGML, HTML, and XML (2010--2019)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
BibNet Project
contains bibliographies on selected authors in numerical
analysis and quantum theory, and on selected subjects in
those areas. If names like Niels Bohr,
Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg,
Robert Oppenheimer, Wolfgang Pauli,
Erwin Schrödinger, and Edward
Teller are possibly familiar to you, then you may
find their bibliographies useful, because they record not
only all (or nearly all) the known publications of those
authors, but also publications about them and their work.
Quantum theory radically changed the history of the
Twentieth Century, so even if you didn't know about those
scientists before, you certainly use electronic devices,
including computers, GPS systems, the Internet, and mobile
telephones, that could not exist without the understanding
of quantum theory and Relativity that they were key
figures in developing. Nuclear weapons created in the
Manhattan Project in the Second World War
(1939–1945), and the Cold War that followed
it, are also a legacy of quantum theory, but so is nuclear
power, which provides 13% of the world's electrical
supply, and in some countries, more than half the
Two other large BibTeX-format bibliography archives of
note are the
Karlsruhe Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
(7 million entries in early 2021),
and the
Universität Trier DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
(5.5 million entries in early 2021).
The Karlsruhe archive mirrors the Utah archives, possibly
with some rearrangement into subject-specific directories.
Each BibTeX bibliography has the standard file extension
.bib. It is accompanied by a
LaTeX file with extension .ltx
that is used to typeset all of the entries in the BibTeX
file to demonstrate that they are free of TeX-markup
errors, and show how they might appear in a reference list
in one particular bibliography style. Those two files are
the only ones created by humans. The remaining files for
each bibliography are created by software, and are
automatically updated as new versions of the bibliography
are released on the TUG bibliography archive Web site.
Their file extensions are:
.dvi (TeX DeVice-Independent output file),
.html (HyperText Markup Language file),
.pdf (Portable Document Format file),
.ps.gz (PostScript file with gzip compression),
.ps.xz (PostScript file with xz compression),
.sok (spelling exception list), and
.twx (title-word cross reference list).
In a Web browser, the .bib and .html
files should be visually identical, allowing cut-and-paste
operations from either, but the HTML file is enriched with
hypertext links that in many cases lead to online
documents. The BiBTeX file is the critical file, and
is needed if you wish to incorporate multiple references
from a given bibliography file in your document.
You can find top-level indexes of TUG bibliography archive
files in one
giant index
or, if you know, or can guess, the BibTeX filename, in
smaller separate index sections with initial-file-letter
indexes in
If you are willing, and have adequate disk space (about
11GB), we strongly urge you to consider mirroring the
project archive from its home site to your site, either
for local-use only, or made available to the public at
your Web site. Librarians have a good acronym for that
LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff
If you succeed in creating a stable up-to-date mirror
that you believe will be able to exist for a long time,
please send e-mail to the
with a request for it to be added to a list of TUG
bibliography archive mirrors.
One brute-force way to pull the entire archive to your
system is a recursive retrieval with either of two popular
Unix utilities:
% ncftpget -R
% wget --recursive
A better way is to exploit the fact that the master host
FTP server can return entire directory trees in any of
several archive formats:
% wget
% curl -o bib.tar.gz
% ncftpget
% wget
% wget
% wget
You can use those same URLs in most Web browsers, and
then unpack the just-downloaded archive file in a
suitable location. The unpacking normally preserves file
protections and file timestamps.
The preferred way, however, is to use the rsync utility, which uses a clever
algorithm on both sides of the connection to transfer
only the changes between files, dramatically reducing
transfer times when the two archives have similar contents.
# Find out what collections are available to rsync:
% rsync rsync://
CTAN all of (huge)
bib TeX User Group bibliography archive (large)
bibnet BibNet Project bibliography archive
historic archive of past TeX distributions and files
texlive all of (huge)
TUHS The Unix Heritage Society (TUHS) mirror
# Fetch one of them (the -a option preserves important timestamp
# information, and the -z option turns on compression to reduce
# network traffic; add the -v option for verbose output):
% rsync -a -z rsync:// .
# See how long a subsequent update might take
% time rsync -a -z rsync:// .
0.004u 0.013s 0:00.34 2.9% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
rsync can be used to populate
an initial copy of a mirror
The rsync utility should now be standard
in most Unix distributions, but if your machine does not have it,
you can find it at
There is a separate project that wraps the command-line version
in a graphical user interface for common Unix, Mac OS X, and
Microsoft Windows systems:
Prebuilt versions of grsync are
installable from some Unix package distributions. The grsync program remembers your
settings, so once you have used it to configure and run a
mirror update, you can run it manually from time to time
and get updates with a single click.
Once you have a copy of the archive on your system, use a
regularly scheduled cron job to
keep your copy up-to-date. We recommend at least weekly
updates if your copy is for local use only, and nightly
(our time: GMT/UCT - 7 hours) if your copy is a mirror on a
public Web site.
There are public mirrors of the TeX User Group
bibliography archives at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN, USA)
and at
Sandia National Laboratory (Albuquerque, NM, USA).
There are several ways to search the archive files, apart from
Web search engines whose own copies of the data are likely to
be several weeks out of date. If you know which bibliography
has the entry you want, then just visit the file in your favorite
text editor and use its search commands.
The Unix grep command-line
utility family is one common approach to search in
multiple files:
% grep -B 4 '^ *title *= .*Einstein.*Berlin' *.bib
Its limitation is that it is line based, and search strings must
match a single line.
utility provides a much faster way, and it eliminates the
line-boundary constraint because each BibTeX entry is
treated as a single block of text:
% bibsearch
> title & einstein & berlin & 2003
A more powerful way to search is first to convert the
data to SQL (Structured Query Language) with
and then to use the bibsql front
end, or the sqlite3 program
directly, and enter SQL commands for selective searching
and display of specified fields, or even entire BibTeX
# create the SQLite3 database (once only)
% bibtosql --create -database sqlite *.bib | sqlite3 tugbib.db
# search the SQLite3 database
% sqlite3 tugbib.db
-- how many BibTeX entries are in the database?
sqlite> select count(*) from bibtab;
-- which entries are about Einstein's years in Berlin?
sqlite> select filename, label from bibtab
where (title like '%Einstein%Berlin%')
order by filename, year, label;
-- get the most recent entry about Einstein in Berlin
sqlite> select entry from bibtab
where (label = 'vanDongen:2012:MIM');
author = "Jeroen van Dongen",
title = "Mistaken Identity and Mirror Images: {Albert and Carl
Einstein}, {Leiden} and {Berlin}, {Relativity} and
program is public-domain software. It is extremely
portable, and its database files do not depend on the host
operating system or the host CPU's memory byte order; once
created, those files can be copied and used everywhere.
Prebuilt versions are available for common desktop
platforms, and even for some mobile telephones!
Because most BibTeX entries in the archives carry a time
stamp field that records when the entry was created or
modified, you can use that field to find recently added
-- change output format to aligned column
sqlite> .mode columns
-- find the most recent Einstein entries
sqlite> select label, bibtimestamp, substr(title, 1, 40) from bibtab
where (filename = 'einstein.bib')
and (bibtimestamp > '2013.01.01 00:00:00 AAA')
order by bibtimestamp;
Lanouette:1994:AS 2013.01.11 06:50:11 ??? Atomic Spies
Walker:1997:PUD 2013.01.11 09:28:10 MST Prompt and utter des
Buchwald:2001:HEB 2013.01.11 12:08:33 MST Histories of the Ele
Walker:2004:TMI 2013.01.11 12:17:42 ??? Three Mile Island: N
Thackray:1977:BRB 2013.01.12 11:56:22 MST Book Review: booktit
The paper at the bibsql Web site
gives numerous examples of how the data can be mined in
many more ways that are simply infeasible without the
added structure of SQL fields.