subroutine splint ( tau, gtau, t, n, k, q, bcoef, iflag ) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor calls bsplvb, banfac/slv c c splint produces the b-spline coeff.s bcoef of the spline of order c k with knots t(i), i=1,..., n + k , which takes on the value c gtau(i) at tau(i), i=1,..., n . c c****** i n p u t ****** c tau.....array of length n , containing data point abscissae. c a s s u m p t i o n . . . tau is strictly increasing c gtau.....corresponding array of length n , containing data point or- c dinates c t.....knot sequence, of length n+k c n.....number of data points and dimension of spline space s(k,t) c k.....order of spline c c****** o u t p u t ****** c q.....array of size (2*k-1)*n , containing the triangular factoriz- c ation of the coefficient matrix of the linear system for the b- c coefficients of the spline interpolant. c the b-coeffs for the interpolant of an additional data set c (tau(i),htau(i)), i=1,...,n with the same data abscissae can c be obtained without going through all the calculations in this c routine, simply by loading htau into bcoef and then execut- c ing the call banslv ( q, 2*k-1, n, k-1, k-1, bcoef ) c bcoef.....the b-coefficients of the interpolant, of length n c integer indicating success (= 1) or failure (= 2) c the linear system to be solved is (theoretically) invertible if c and only if c t(i) .lt. tau(i) .lt. t(i+k), all i. c violation of this condition is certain to lead to iflag = 2 . c c****** m e t h o d ****** c the i-th equation of the linear system a*bcoef = b for the b-co- c effs of the interpolant enforces interpolation at tau(i), i=1,...,n. c hence, b(i) = gtau(i), all i, and a is a band matrix with 2k-1 c bands (if it is invertible). c the matrix a is generated row by row and stored, diagonal by di- c agonal, in the r o w s of the array q , with the main diagonal go- c ing into row k . see comments in the program below. c the banded system is then solved by a call to banfac (which con- c structs the triangular factorization for a and stores it again in c q ), followed by a call to banslv (which then obtains the solution c bcoef by substitution). c banfac does no pivoting, since the total positivity of the matrix c a makes this unnecessary. c integer iflag,k,n, i,ilp1mx,j,jj,km1,kpkm2,left,lenq,np1 real bcoef(n),gtau(n),q(1),t(1),tau(n), taui c dimension q(2*k-1,n), t(n+k) current fortran standard makes it impossible to specify precisely the c dimension of q and t without the introduction of otherwise super- c fluous additional arguments. np1 = n + 1 km1 = k - 1 kpkm2 = 2*km1 left = k c zero out all entries of q lenq = n*(k+km1) do 5 i=1,lenq 5 q(i) = 0. c c *** loop over i to construct the n interpolation equations do 30 i=1,n taui = tau(i) ilp1mx = min0(i+k,np1) c *** find left in the closed interval (i,i+k-1) such that c t(left) .le. tau(i) .lt. t(left+1) c matrix is singular if this is not possible left = max0(left,i) if (taui .lt. t(left)) go to 998 15 if (taui .lt. t(left+1)) go to 16 left = left + 1 if (left .lt. ilp1mx) go to 15 left = left - 1 if (taui .gt. t(left+1)) go to 998 c *** the i-th equation enforces interpolation at taui, hence c a(i,j) = b(j,k,t)(taui), all j. only the k entries with j = c left-k+1,...,left actually might be nonzero. these k numbers c are returned, in bcoef (used for here), by the c following 16 call bsplvb ( t, k, 1, taui, left, bcoef ) c we therefore want bcoef(j) = b(left-k+j)(taui) to go into c a(i,left-k+j), i.e., into q(i-(left+j)+2*k,(left+j)-k) since c a(i+j,j) is to go into q(i+k,j), all i,j, if we consider q c as a two-dim. array , with 2*k-1 rows (see comments in c banfac). in the present program, we treat q as an equivalent c one-dimensional array (because of fortran restrictions on c dimension statements) . we therefore want bcoef(j) to go into c entry c i -(left+j) + 2*k + ((left+j) - k-1)*(2*k-1) c = i-left+1 + (left -k)*(2*k-1) + (2*k-2)*j c of q . jj = i-left+1 + (left-k)*(k+km1) do 30 j=1,k jj = jj+kpkm2 30 q(jj) = bcoef(j) c c ***obtain factorization of a , stored again in q. call banfac ( q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, iflag ) go to (40,999), iflag c *** solve a*bcoef = gtau by backsubstitution 40 do 41 i=1,n 41 bcoef(i) = gtau(i) call banslv ( q, k+km1, n, km1, km1, bcoef ) return 998 iflag = 2 999 print 699 699 format(41h linear system in splint not invertible) return end