function exp (x) c may 1980 edition. w. fullerton c3, los alamos scientific lab. dimension expcs(8), twon16(17) external aint, alog, csevl, inits, r1mach, r9pak c c series for exp on the interval -1.00000d+00 to 1.00000d+00 c with weighted error 4.81e-18 c log weighted error 17.32 c significant figures required 15.95 c decimal places required 17.77 c data exp cs( 1) / .0866569493 31498571e0 / data exp cs( 2) / .0009384948 69299839e0 / data exp cs( 3) / .0000067760 39709981e0 / data exp cs( 4) / .0000000366 93120039e0 / data exp cs( 5) / .0000000001 58959053e0 / data exp cs( 6) / .0000000000 00573859e0 / data exp cs( 7) / .0000000000 00001775e0 / data exp cs( 8) / .0000000000 00000004e0 / c data twon16( 1) / 0.e0 / data twon16( 2) / .44273782427413840e-1 / data twon16( 3) / .90507732665257659e-1 / data twon16( 4) / .13878863475669165e0 / data twon16( 5) / .18920711500272107e0 / data twon16( 6) / .24185781207348405e0 / data twon16( 7) / .29683955465100967e0 / data twon16( 8) / .35425554693689273e0 / data twon16( 9) / .41421356237309505e0 / data twon16(10) / .47682614593949931e0 / data twon16(11) / .54221082540794082e0 / data twon16(12) / .61049033194925431e0 / data twon16(13) / .68179283050742909e0 / data twon16(14) / .75625216037329948e0 / data twon16(15) / .83400808640934246e0 / data twon16(16) / .91520656139714729e0 / data twon16(17) / 1.0e0 / c c aln216 is 16.0/alog(2.) - 23.0 data aln216 / .083120654223414518e0 / data nterms, xmin, xmax /0, 0., 0./ c if ( go to 10 nterms = inits (expcs, 8, 0.1*r1mach(3)) xmin = alog (r1mach(1)) + 0.01 xmax = alog(r1mach(2)) - 0.001 c 10 if ( go to 20 if ( call seteru ( 1 30hexp x so big exp overflows, 30, 2, 2) c xint = aint(x) y = x - xint c y = 23.0*y + x*aln216 n = y f = y - float(n) n = 23.0*xint + float(n) n16 = n/16 if ( n16 = n16 - 1 ndx = n - 16*n16 + 1 c exp = 1.0 + (twon16(ndx) + f*(1.0+twon16(ndx)) * 1 csevl (f, expcs, nterms) ) c exp = r9pak (exp, n16) return c 20 call seteru (33hexp x so small exp underflows, 33, 1, 0) exp = 0.0 return c end