subroutine sefftf (n,r,azero,a,b,wsave) c c version 3 june 1979 c real r(1), azero, a(1), b(1), wsave(1), cf, cfm c if (n-2) 101,102,103 101 azero = r(1) return c 102 azero = .5e0*(r(1)+r(2)) a(1) = .5e0*(r(1)-r(2)) return c c to supress repeated initialization, remove the following statement c ( call seffti(n,wsave) ) from both defftf and defftb and insert it c at the beginning of your program following the definition of n. c 103 call seffti (n,wsave) c do 104 i=1,n wsave(i) = r(i) 104 continue c call srfftf (n,wsave,wsave(n+1)) c cf = 2.e0/float(n) cfm = -cf azero = .5e0*cf*wsave(1) ns2 = (n+1)/2 ns2m = ns2-1 do 105 i=1,ns2m a(i) = cf*wsave(2*i) b(i) = cfm*wsave(2*i+1) 105 continue if (mod(n,2) .eq. 0) a(ns2) = .5e0*cf*wsave(n) c return end